고등수준 단어목록
- a.m.
- abandon
- abbey
- abbreviate
- abbreviation
- abide
- ability
- abnormal
- aboard
- abode
- abound
- abroad
- absence
- absorb
- abstract
- absurd
- abundance
- abundant
- abuse
- academy
- accent
- acceptable
- access
- accommodate
- accommodation
- accord
- accordingly
- accordion
- accumulate
- accumulation
- accuracy
- accurate
- accuse
- accustom
- accustomed
- ache
- achieve
- achievement
- acid
- acknowledge
- acorn
- acquaint
- acquaintance
- acquainted
- acquire
- acting
- activity
- actor
- actress
- acute
- AD
- adapt
- adaptation
- additional
- adequate
- adhere
- adjective
- adjoin
- adjoining
- adjourn
- adjust
- adjustment
- administration
- admiration
- admirer
- admission
- adore
- adorn
- adult
- advanced
- adverb
- advertise
- advertisement
- advise
- aerial
- aeroplane
- Aesop
- affection
- affectionate
- affirm
- afflict
- afterwards
- aged
- agency
- agent
- agitate
- agitation
- agony
- agreeable
- agreement
- agricultural
- agriculture
- airfield
- airmail
- airship
- alarm clock
- alas
- alcohol
- ale
- alert
- algebra
- alike
- allege
- allied
- allot
- allowance
- ally
- almighty
- alphabetic
- Alps
- altar
- alternative
- altogether
- aluminium
- aluminum
- amateur
- amaze
- amazement
- amazing
- ambassador
- ambition
- ambitious
- amend
- amendment
- amid
- amidst
- ample
- amuse
- amusement
- amusing
- analogy
- analyse
- analysis
- analytic
- analyze
- anatomy
- ancestor
- anchor
- anecdote
- angel
- Anglo-Saxon
- angrily
- ankle
- anniversary
- announcement
- announcer
- annoy
- annual
- antecedent
- antenna
- anthem
- anticipate
- anticipation
- antonym
- anxiety
- anxious
- anyhow
- anyway
- anywhere
- apartment
- Apollo
- apologize
- apology
- apostrophe
- apparatus
- apparent
- apparently
- appendix
- appetite
- applaud
- applause
- application
- appointment
- apposition
- appreciate
- appropriate
- approval
- approve
- apron
- apt
- Arab
- Arabia
- Arabian
- arc
- arch
- architect
- architecture
- arctic
- aren't
- argue
- argument
- arise
- arithmetic
- arithmetical
- arm
- armchair
- armor
- arms
- arouse
- arrangement
- arrival
- arrow
- artificial
- artistic
- ascend
- ascent
- ash
- ashamed
- ashore
- Asian
- aspect
- aspiration
- aspire
- ass
- assemble
- assembly
- assert
- assign
- assist
- assistance
- assistant
- associate
- assurance
- astonish
- astonishment
- astronomer
- astronomy
- athletic
- Atlantic Ocean
- atmosphere
- atom
- atomic
- attach
- attain
- attendance
- attendant
- attic
- attire
- attract
- attraction
- attractive
- attribute
- audience
- auditorium
- Australian
- Austria
- Austrian
- auto
- automatic
- avail
- available
- await
- awaken
- award
- aware
- awe
- awfully
- awkward
- awoke
- ax
- ay
- babe
- baby-sitter
- bachelor
- backbone
- background
- backward
- backwards
- bacon
- bacteria
- bade
- badge
- badly
- baggage
- bait
- baker
- balcony
- bald
- ball
- ballad
- balloon
- bamboo
- banana
- bandage
- bang
- banish
- banker
- banner
- banquet
- barber
- barely
- bargain
- barley
- barn
- barometer
- barrel
- barren
- barrier
- base
- basement
- basic
- basin
- basis
- basketball
- bat
- bathe
- bathing
- bathroom
- batter
- batter
- beak
- beam
- bean
- beard
- beaten
- beautifully
- beaver
- bedroom
- beef
- beefsteak
- beer
- beetle
- beforehand
- beggar
- beginner
- behalf
- behave
- behavior
- beheld
- belief
- beloved
- berry
- bestow
- bet
- betray
- beware
- bewilder
- bill
- bind
- biography
- biology
- biscuit
- bishop
- bite
- bitterly
- blacksmith
- blade
- blank
- blanket
- blast
- blaze
- bleed
- blend
- blessing
- blew
- blindness
- bliss
- blond
- bloody
- bloom
- blossom
- blot
- blotting paper
- blown
- blunt
- blush
- boarder
- boast
- bodily
- bold
- bolt
- bomb
- bond
- bonnet
- bookcase
- bookshop
- bookstore
- boom
- booth
- bore
- bore
- bore4
- borne
- bosom
- boss
- Boston
- botany
- bother
- bough
- bound
- bound
- bound
- bound4
- bow
- bowel
- bowl
- boxing
- boyfriend
- boyhood
- brake
- brass
- bravely
- bravery
- Brazil
- breed
- breeze
- brethren
- bribe
- brick
- bride
- bridegroom
- bridle
- briefly
- brighten
- brightly
- brightness
- brilliant
- brim
- brisk
- briskly
- Britain
- bronze
- broom
- brow
- bruise
- brutal
- brute
- bucket
- bud
- budget
- buffalo
- bulb
- bulk
- bull
- bullet
- bulletin
- bump
- bunch
- bundle
- buoy
- burglar
- burial
- burning
- burnt
- bushel
- bust
- bustle
- butcher
- butterfly
- buzz
- cab
- cabbage
- cable
- cafeteria
- cage
- calamity
- calculate
- calculation
- calf
- California
- caller
- calmly
- camel
- camera
- can
- canal
- canary
- cancel
- cancer
- candidate
- cane
- cannon
- canoe
- canvas
- capable
- capacity
- cape
- captive
- capture
- caravan
- carbon
- career
- carefully
- careless
- cargo
- carnation
- carnival
- carol
- carpenter
- carpet
- carriage
- carrier
- cart
- carve
- cash
- casual
- catalog
- catcher
- caterpillar
- cathedral
- Catholic
- caution
- cautious
- cave
- celebrate
- celebrated
- celebration
- cellar
- cement
- cemetery
- centimeter
- cereal
- ceremony
- certificate
- chairman
- challenge
- champion
- championship
- changeable
- channel
- chap
- chapel
- characteristic
- charity
- charming
- chart
- chase
- chat
- chatter
- cheat
- cheerful
- cheerfully
- chemical
- chemist
- chemistry
- cherish
- cherry blossom
- chess
- chest
- chestnut
- chew
- Chicago
- chick
- chiefly
- chieftain
- childhood
- childish
- chill
- chilly
- chime
- chimney
- chin
- china
- chip
- chirp
- chocolate
- choir
- choke
- chop
- chorus
- chose
- Christ
- Christian name
- chuckle
- cigar
- cigarette
- cinema
- circuit
- circular
- circulate
- circulation
- circus
- civilization
- civilized
- clamor
- clap
- clash
- clasp
- classic
- classical
- classification
- classify
- classmate
- clatter
- clause
- claw
- clay
- cleaner
- cleaning
- clergyman
- cliff
- climate
- climax
- cling
- cloak
- closed
- closet
- clothing
- clover
- clung
- cluster
- clutch
- coach
- coarse
- coffin
- coin
- coldly
- collapse
- collar
- collection
- colon
- colonel
- colonial
- colonist
- colorful
- colt
- Columbus
- column
- comb
- combination
- comedy
- comet
- comma
- commander
- commence
- comment
- commercial
- commissioner
- commit
- common sense
- commonly
- commonplace
- communicate
- communication
- communism
- communist
- compact
- comparison
- compass
- compensation
- compete
- competition
- complain
- complaint
- complement
- completely
- complex
- complicated
- compliment
- comply
- compose
- composition
- compound
- comprehend
- comprehension
- comprehensive
- compromise
- computer
- comrade
- conceal
- conceit
- conceited
- conceive
- concentrate
- conception
- concerning
- concert
- concise
- conclusion
- concord
- concrete
- condemn
- condense
- conductor
- conference
- confess
- confession
- confide
- confident
- confine
- confirm
- conflict
- confound
- confront
- confuse
- confusion
- congratulate
- congratulation
- conjugation
- conjunction
- connection
- connexion
- conquer
- conqueror
- conquest
- conscience
- conscious
- consciousness
- consequence
- consequently
- conservative
- considerably
- consideration
- considering
- console
- conspicuous
- constantly
- constitute
- constitution
- constrain
- construct
- construction
- consult
- consume
- consumer
- consumption
- contact
- container
- contemplate
- contemplation
- contemporary
- contempt
- contend
- content
- continental
- continual
- continually
- continuous
- contrary
- contrast
- contribute
- contribution
- contrive
- convenience
- convenient
- converse
- convert
- convey
- conviction
- convince
- cookie
- cooking
- cooler
- cooperate
- cooperation
- cope
- copper
- cord
- cordial
- cork
- corporation
- corps
- correspond
- correspondence
- correspondent
- corresponding
- corridor
- corrupt
- costly
- costume
- cottage
- couch
- cough
- counsel
- counselor
- counter
- countless
- countryside
- courageous
- courteous
- courtesy
- covering
- coward
- cowboy
- crab
- crack
- cradle
- craft
- crane
- crash
- crawl
- crayon
- crazy
- creation
- creed
- creek
- creep
- crept
- crest
- crew
- cricket
- cricket
- criminal
- cripple
- crisis
- crisp
- critic
- critical
- criticism
- criticize
- crooked
- crossing
- crow
- crowded
- crude
- cruel
- cruelty
- crumble
- crush
- crust
- crystal
- cube
- cubic
- cuckoo
- cultivate
- cultivation
- cultural
- culture
- cunning
- cupboard
- cure
- curiosity
- curl
- currency
- curriculum
- curse
- curve
- cushion
- customary
- cutting
- cycle
- cycling
- cylinder
- dad
- daffodil
- dagger
- dainty
- dairy
- daisy
- dam
- damage
- damp
- dancer
- dancing
- daring
- darling
- data
- daybreak
- daylight
- daytime
- daze
- dazzle
- deadly
- deaf
- dealer
- dealing
- dealt
- dearly
- debate
- decay
- deceit
- deceive
- decent
- decided
- decision
- declaration
- decorate
- decoration
- decrease
- decree
- dedicate
- deepen
- deeply
- deer
- defect
- defence
- defensive
- define
- definitely
- defy
- delegate
- deliberately
- delicate
- delicious
- delightful
- delivery
- democracy
- demonstrate
- demonstration
- dense
- dentist
- department store
- departure
- dependent
- deposit
- depressed
- depression
- deprive
- depth
- derive
- descend
- descendant
- descent
- description
- desert
- deserve
- designate
- designer
- desirable
- desolate
- despair
- desperate
- desperately
- despite
- dessert
- destination
- destine
- destined
- destiny
- destruction
- destructive
- detail
- detect
- detective
- determination
- device
- devise
- devotion
- devour
- dew
- diagram
- dial
- dialogue
- diameter
- dictate
- dictation
- diet
- diet
- differ
- digest
- digestion
- dignity
- dilemma
- diligence
- diligent
- dim
- diminish
- dining
- dining room
- dip
- director
- dirt
- dirty
- disappoint
- disappointment
- disaster
- discern
- discharge
- discount
- discourage
- discuss
- discussion
- disgrace
- disguise
- disgust
- disgusting
- dishonest
- dishonor
- dislike
- dismiss
- dispatch
- displease
- disposal
- dispose
- disposition
- dispute
- dissolve
- distinct
- distinction
- distinctly
- distinguish
- distinguished
- distress
- distribute
- distribution
- disturb
- disturbance
- ditch
- dive
- divine
- diving
- divorce
- dock
- doctrine
- document
- dome
- domestic
- donkey
- doom
- doorway
- dormitory
- dot
- doubtful
- doubtless
- dove
- downstairs
- downtown
- downward
- draft
- dragon
- drain
- drama
- dramatic
- drank
- drawer
- drawing
- drawing room
- dread
- dreadful
- dreary
- drench
- dried
- drift
- drill
- drinking
- drip
- driven
- driver
- droop
- drown
- drug
- drugstore
- drum
- duck
- dull
- duly
- dumb
- dusty
- Dutch
- dwarf
- dwell
- dwelling
- dwelt
- dye
- eager
- eagerly
- eagle
- earnest
- earnestly
- earthly
- earthquake
- eating
- echo
- economic
- economical
- economy
- edition
- educated
- educational
- effective
- efficiency
- efficient
- Egypt
- Egyptian
- elaborate
- elbow
- elder
- eldest
- election
- electrical
- elegant
- elementary
- elevate
- eliminate
- Elizabeth
- eloquence
- eloquent
- elsewhere
- embarrass
- emerge
- emergency
- eminent
- emotion
- emperor
- emphasis
- emphasize
- employee
- employer
- employment
- empress
- empty
- enable
- enchant
- enclose
- encounter
- encourage
- encyclopedia
- endeavor
- ending
- endless
- endow
- endurance
- endure
- energy
- enforce
- engagement
- engineering
- Englishman
- enlarge
- enlighten
- enormous
- enrich
- enterprise
- entertain
- entertainment
- enthusiasm
- enthusiastic
- entitle
- entreat
- entreaty
- entry
- envelop
- envious
- environment
- envy
- episode
- epoch
- equally
- equator
- equip
- equipment
- era
- eraser
- erect
- err
- errand
- error
- escalator
- Eskimo
- especial
- essay
- essence
- essential
- establishment
- estate
- esteem
- estimate
- etc.
- eternal
- etiquette
- European
- eve
- even
- eventually
- ever
- everlasting
- every
- everyday
- evident
- evidently
- evolution
- exact
- exaggerate
- examination
- exceed
- exceedingly
- excel
- exception
- excess
- excessive
- excitement
- exciting
- exclamation
- exclude
- exclusive
- excursion
- execute
- executive
- exert
- exhaust
- exhibit
- exhibition
- existence
- expand
- expansion
- expectation
- expedition
- expenditure
- expensive
- expert
- explanation
- exploration
- explore
- explorer
- explosion
- export
- expose
- exposure
- exquisite
- extension
- extensive
- extent
- external
- extinguish
- extra
- extract
- extraordinary
- extreme
- extremely
- fable
- fabric
- facility
- factor
- faculty
- fade
- failure
- faintly
- fair
- fairy
- fairy tale
- faithful
- faithfully
- famine
- fan
- fan
- fantastic
- farewell
- farthest
- fashionable
- fasten
- fatal
- fatigue
- favorable
- fearful
- fearless
- feast
- fed
- federal
- fee
- feeble
- female
- fencing
- ferry
- fertile
- festival
- fetch
- fever
- fiber
- fiction
- fierce
- fiercely
- fiery
- fighting
- file
- film
- finance
- financial
- fine
- fire engine
- fireman
- fireplace
- firm
- firmly
- fisherman
- fishing
- fist
- fit
- fixed
- flake
- flank
- flap
- flatter
- flattery
- flavor
- fled
- flee
- fleet
- fling
- flock
- flourish
- fluent
- fluid
- flung
- flute
- flutter
- flying
- foam
- focus
- foe
- fog
- follower
- folly
- footstep
- forbear
- forbid
- forbidden
- forecast
- forehead
- foreigner
- foremost
- foresee
- forgive
- forgiven
- fork
- formal
- formation
- formerly
- formula
- forsake
- fort
- fortress
- fortunate
- fortunately
- foster
- fought
- foul
- found
- founder
- fountain
- fountain pen
- fowl
- fraction
- fragment
- fragrant
- frail
- frank
- frankly
- freely
- freeze
- freight
- Frenchman
- frequent
- fret
- Friday
- fright
- frighten
- fro
- frock
- frontier
- frost
- frown
- frozen
- fruitful
- fuel
- fulfill
- fume
- function
- fund
- fundamental
- funeral
- furious
- furnace
- furthermore
- fury
- fuss
- futile
- gale
- gallant
- gallery
- gallop
- gamble
- gang
- gap
- garage
- gardener
- gardening
- garment
- gasoline
- gasp
- gateway
- gathering
- gear
- geese
- gem
- generation
- generous
- genius
- gently
- genuine
- geography
- geometry
- gerund
- gesture
- ghost
- giraffe
- girlfriend
- glare
- gleam
- glide
- glider
- glimpse
- glitter
- globe
- gloom
- gloomy
- glorious
- goal
- goddess
- goldfish
- golf
- good afternoon
- good day
- good evening
- good morning
- good-looking
- good-natured
- goodness
- goods
- goodwill
- goose
- gorgeous
- gossip
- govern
- gown
- graceful
- gracious
- gradual
- graduate
- graduation
- gram
- grammar
- gramophone
- grape
- grasp
- grasshopper
- grateful
- gratify
- gratitude
- grave
- gravel
- gravely
- gravity
- graze
- grease
- Great Britain
- Greece
- greedy
- greeting
- grief
- grieve
- grim
- grin
- grind
- grip
- groan
- grocer
- grocery
- gross
- grove
- growing
- growl
- grown-up
- grumble
- guarantee
- guardian
- guidance
- guidebook
- guilt
- guilty
- guitar
- gulf
- gum
- guy
- gym
- gymnasium
- gymnastic
- gymnastics
- ha
- hail
- hail
- halfway
- Halloween
- halt
- ham
- hammer
- handful
- handicap
- handkerchief
- handwriting
- handy
- happily
- harden
- hardship
- hardware
- hardy
- hare
- harmful
- harmless
- harmonious
- harmony
- harness
- harp
- harsh
- harvest
- haste
- hasten
- hastily
- hasty
- hatch
- hatch
- hateful
- hatred
- haughty
- haul
- haunt
- Hawaii
- Hawaiian
- hawk
- hay
- headache
- headlong
- headquarters
- heal
- healthy
- heap
- heard
- hearing
- hearth
- heartily
- hearty
- heave
- heavenly
- heavily
- hedge
- heed
- heir
- hell
- helm
- helmet
- helper
- helpful
- helpless
- hemisphere
- henceforth
- herald
- herd
- hereafter
- hermit
- heroic
- heroine
- hesitate
- hid
- hidden
- high school
- highway
- hike
- hiking
- hillside
- hind
- hinder
- hint
- hip
- historian
- historic
- historical
- hitchhike
- hitherto
- hive
- hobby
- holder
- Holland
- home run
- homemade
- homeroom
- homesick
- honestly
- honesty
- Honolulu
- honorable
- hood
- hoof
- hook
- hop
- hopeful
- hopeless
- horizon
- horizontal
- horrible
- horror
- horseback
- horseman
- hospitality
- host
- host
- hostel
- hostess
- hostile
- hostility
- hound
- housekeeper
- housewife
- hover
- howl
- hue
- hug
- hum
- humane
- humanity
- humble
- humility
- humor
- humorous
- humour
- hung
- hunger
- hunter
- hunting
- hurl
- hurrah
- hurried
- hush
- hut
- hydrogen
- hymn
- hyphen
- ice cream
- icy
- ideal
- identical
- identify
- idiom
- idol
- ignorance
- ignorant
- ignore
- illegal
- illness
- illuminate
- illumination
- illusion
- illustrate
- illustration
- imaginary
- imitate
- imitation
- immense
- impatience
- impatient
- imperfect
- imperial
- implore
- imply
- import
- impose
- impress
- impression
- impressive
- imprison
- improvement
- impudent
- impulse
- inadequate
- incapable
- incessant
- incident
- inclination
- incline
- income
- inconvenience
- inconvenient
- incorporate
- incorrect
- increase
- incredible
- incur
- indefinite
- independence
- independent
- index
- indifference
- indifferent
- indirect
- indispensable
- indoors
- induce
- indulge
- industrial
- industrious
- inevitable
- infancy
- infant
- infection
- inferior
- infinite
- infinitive
- inflame
- inflation
- inflict
- influence
- influenza
- informal
- ingenious
- ingratitude
- inhabit
- inhabitant
- inherent
- inherit
- inheritance
- initial
- initiative
- injunction
- injury
- injustice
- inland
- inn
- inner
- innocence
- innocent
- innumerable
- inquiry
- insane
- inscription
- insect
- insert
- insignificant
- inspect
- inspection
- inspector
- inspiration
- inspire
- install
- installment
- instantly
- instinct
- institute
- institution
- instruct
- instruction
- instructive
- instructor
- instrument
- insufficient
- insult
- insurance
- insure
- intellect
- intellectual
- intelligence
- intelligent
- intense
- intensity
- intent
- intention
- intercourse
- interested
- interfere
- interjection
- internal
- interpret
- interpretation
- interpreter
- interrogation
- interrogative
- interrupt
- interruption
- interval
- intervene
- interview
- intimate
- intransitive
- introduction
- intrude
- invade
- invader
- invalid
- invariably
- invention
- inventor
- invest
- investigate
- investigation
- investment
- invisible
- invitation
- involve
- inward
- Ireland
- Irish
- irony
- irregular
- irritate
- isle
- isolate
- isolation
- it'd
- item
- it'll
- ivory
- jacket
- jail
- jam
- jam
- janitor
- Japan
- jar
- jaw
- jazz
- jealous
- jealousy
- jelly
- jerk
- jest
- Jesus
- jet
- jet plane
- Jew
- jewel
- joint
- jolly
- journalism
- journalist
- joyful
- jug
- juice
- jungle
- Jupiter
- justification
- keen
- keeper
- keeping
- kettle
- kindle
- kindness
- kindred
- kitten
- knave
- kneel
- knelt
- knit
- knot
- knowing
- label
- laboratory
- laborer
- lace
- ladder
- lag
- lain
- lame
- lament
- lance
- landing
- landlady
- landlord
- landmark
- landscape
- lane
- lantern
- lap
- lapse
- largely
- lark
- lash
- lass
- last
- lasting
- lately
- later
- latest
- latitude
- laughter
- launch
- laundry
- laurel
- lawful
- lawn
- lawyer
- layer
- lazy
- lead
- leadership
- lean
- learned
- learner
- leave
- lecture
- lecturer
- ledge
- legal
- legend
- legislation
- leisure
- lemon
- lengthen
- lens
- lessen
- liable
- liar
- liberal
- library
- license
- lick
- lid
- lifetime
- light
- lighten
- lighten
- lighthouse
- lightly
- lightning
- likeness
- likewise
- limb
- lime
- limitation
- limited
- limp
- Lincoln
- linen
- linger
- link
- liquid
- liquor
- listener
- lit
- literal
- literally
- literary
- literature
- live
- lively
- liver
- lives
- living
- loaf
- loan
- lobby
- location
- locomotive
- lodge
- lodging
- lofty
- logic
- logical
- loiter
- lonely
- lonesome
- long
- longing
- loop
- loosen
- loudly
- loving
- lower
- loyal
- luck
- luckily
- luggage
- lull
- lumber
- luminous
- lump
- luncheon
- lung
- lure
- lurk
- lust
- luster
- lustre
- luxurious
- luxury
- lying
- ma'am
- madam
- madness
- magic
- magician
- magistrate
- magnet
- magnificent
- magnify
- maiden
- mailman
- mainly
- maintain
- majestic
- majesty
- maker
- male
- malice
- mamma
- management
- manager
- manhood
- manifest
- mankind
- manoeuvre
- mansion
- mantle
- manufacturer
- manuscript
- maple
- marble
- margin
- marine
- married
- marsh
- marshal
- marvel
- marvelous
- Mary
- masculine
- mason
- massive
- mast
- masterpiece
- mat
- mate
- mathematical
- mature
- maximum
- mayor
- meadow
- meal
- mean
- meaning
- means
- meant
- meantime
- measurement
- medal
- meddle
- mediaeval
- medical
- medicine
- medieval
- meditate
- meditation
- mediterranean
- medium
- meek
- melancholy
- mellow
- melody
- membership
- memorial
- memorize
- menace
- mend
- mental
- merchandise
- merciful
- mercury
- mercy
- merely
- merit
- merrily
- mess
- messenger
- meter
- metre
- metropolis
- metropolitan
- Mexican
- Mexico
- microphone
- microscope
- midnight
- might
- migrate
- migration
- mild
- miller
- millionire
- mine
- miner
- mineral
- mingle
- miniature
- minimum
- ministry
- minor
- minority
- minus
- minute
- miracle
- mirror
- mirth
- mischief
- miser
- miserable
- misery
- misfortune
- missile
- missing
- mission
- missionary
- Mississippi
- mist
- mistaken
- mister
- mistook
- mistress
- misunderstand
- mixed
- mixture
- moan
- mob
- mock
- mode
- moderate
- modesty
- modifier
- modify
- moist
- moisture
- mold
- momentary
- monarch
- monitor
- monk
- monopoly
- monotonous
- monster
- monthly
- monument
- mood
- moonlight
- moor
- moreover
- mortal
- mosquito
- moss
- mostly
- moth
- motionless
- motive
- motorcar
- motto
- mould
- mound
- mountainous
- mourn
- mournful
- mourning
- mouse
- moving
- mud
- muddy
- multiply
- multitude
- municipal
- muscle
- muse
- mushroom
- musical
- musician
- Muslim
- mustn't
- mute
- mutter
- mutton
- mutual
- mysterious
- mystery
- myth
- naked
- namely
- nap
- Napoleon
- narration
- narrative
- nasty
- nationality
- naught
- naughty
- naval
- navigation
- navy
- neat
- necessarily
- needless
- needn't
- neglect
- negotiation
- Negro
- neighborhood
- neighboring
- nephew
- nerve
- nervous
- network
- neutral
- New England
- New World
- new year
- New York
- New York City
- newly
- nicely
- nickel
- nickname
- niece
- Nile
- nineteenth
- nitrogen
- nobility
- noisy
- nominate
- nomination
- none
- nonsense
- normal
- North America
- northeast
- Norway
- notable
- notify
- notion
- notwithstanding
- noun
- nourish
- novel
- novel
- novelty
- nowadays
- nowhere
- nuclear
- nuisance
- nursery
- nylon
- nymph
- O.K.
- oat
- oath
- obedience
- obedient
- objection
- objective
- obligation
- oblige
- obscure
- observance
- observation
- observer
- obstacle
- obstinate
- obvious
- obviously
- occasional
- occasionally
- occupation
- odd
- offence
- offend
- offense
- offensive
- offspring
- old-fashioned
- olive
- Olympic
- omen
- omit
- one's
- onion
- only
- onward
- open-air
- opening
- openly
- opera
- operate
- operator
- opponent
- opposition
- oppress
- oppression
- orbit
- orchard
- ore
- organize
- orient
- oriental
- origin
- ornament
- orphan
- ounce
- outcome
- outdoor
- outdoors
- outer
- outfit
- outlet
- outline
- outlook
- output
- outrage
- outstanding
- oven
- overcoat
- overcome
- overflow
- overhead
- overlook
- overtake
- overthrow
- overturn
- overwhelm
- overwork
- owe
- owing
- owl
- ox
- oxygen
- oyster
- pacific
- Pacific
- Pacific Ocean
- pad
- paddle
- pail
- painful
- painter
- painting
- pal
- pale
- palm
- pamphlet
- pan
- pane
- panel
- panic
- panorama
- pant
- papa
- parade
- paradise
- paradox
- paragraph
- parallel
- paralyse
- paralyze
- paraphrase
- parasol
- parcel
- pardon
- Paris
- parliament
- parlor
- parrot
- partial
- participate
- participial
- participle
- particle
- partly
- partner
- passionate
- passive
- passport
- past
- participle
- past perfect
- past tense
- paste
- pasture
- pat
- patch
- patent
- pathetic
- patience
- patriot
- patron
- pave
- pavement
- pavilion
- paw
- payment
- pea
- peaceful
- peach
- peacock
- peak
- pear
- peasant
- pebble
- peck
- peculiar
- peel
- peep
- peg
- pen
- pen pal
- penalty
- pence
- penetrate
- peninsula
- pension
- pepper
- per
- perceive
- perch
- perfection
- performance
- perfume
- peril
- perilous
- permanent
- permission
- perpetual
- perplex
- perseverance
- Persian
- persist
- persistent
- personality
- personally
- persuade
- petition
- petty
- phase
- philosopher
- philosophy
- phone
- photo
- phrase
- physical
- physician
- physics
- pianist
- picturesque
- pie
- pier
- pigeon
- pilgrim
- pill
- pillar
- pillow
- pinch
- pineapple
- pink
- pioneer
- pious
- pistol
- pit
- pitch
- pitch
- pitcher
- pitcher
- placard
- plague
- plainly
- planet
- plank
- plantation
- plaster
- platform
- playground
- playmate
- plead
- pleasing
- pledge
- plentiful
- plot
- plough
- plow
- pluck
- plum
- plume
- plump
- plunge
- plural
- plus
- ply
- poetry
- pointed
- poison
- polar
- pole
- policy
- polish
- polite
- politely
- politician
- politics
- poll
- pollution
- pomp
- pony
- pool
- poorly
- popularity
- port
- porter
- portrait
- pose
- positive
- possessive
- possibility
- post
- post
- postage
- postage stamp
- postal
- postcard
- poster
- posterity
- postpone
- pot
- potential
- poverty
- practise
- preach
- precaution
- precede
- precise
- predicate
- predict
- preface
- prefecture
- preference
- prefix
- prejudice
- preliminary
- premier
- preposition
- prescribe
- preside
- pressing
- pressure
- presume
- pretend
- prevail
- prevention
- previous
- prey
- prick
- priest
- primary
- prime
- prime minister
- primitive
- princess
- prior
- privilege
- probability
- probable
- procedure
- proceeding
- procession
- proclaim
- procure
- producer
- productive
- profession
- professional
- profound
- progressive
- prohibit
- prohibition
- project
- prolong
- prominent
- promising
- promote
- promotion
- prompt
- pronoun
- pronounce
- pronunciation
- proof
- propaganda
- propeller
- properly
- prophet
- proposal
- proposition
- prose
- prospect
- prosperity
- prosperous
- protection
- protest
- proverb
- province
- provision
- provoke
- prudent
- psalm
- psychology
- publication
- publicity
- pudding
- puff
- pulse
- pump
- punch
- punch
- punctual
- punish
- punishment
- purchase
- purely
- purge
- purple
- purse
- pursue
- pursuit
- puzzle
- pyramid
- quaint
- qualify
- queer
- quench
- quest
- question mark
- quicken
- quit
- quiver
- quotation
- quotation marks
- quote
- rack
- radiant
- radical
- rag
- rage
- ragged
- raincoat
- raindrop
- rainfall
- rake
- rally
- random
- rang
- rapid
- rapidly
- rapture
- rare
- rarely
- rascal
- rash
- rat
- rational
- rattle
- raw
- razor
- readily
- ready-made
- reality
- realm
- reap
- rear
- reasonable
- rebel
- rebuke
- receipt
- receiver
- reception
- recess
- recite
- reckless
- reckon
- recognition
- recollect
- recollection
- recommend
- recommendation
- recompense
- reconcile
- reconstruct
- reconstruction
- record player
- recorder
- recover
- recovery
- Red Cross
- reduction
- reed
- reel
- refer
- reference
- reflect
- reflection
- reform
- refrain
- refresh
- refusal
- regarding
- register
- regret
- regularly
- reign
- rein
- reject
- rejoice
- relate
- relative
- relative adverb
- relative pronoun
- relax
- release
- relieve
- rely
- remarkable
- remedy
- remembrance
- remind
- remote
- renew
- rent
- repair
- repay
- repent
- repetition
- replace
- repose
- reproach
- reproduce
- republic
- reputation
- requirement
- rescue
- research
- resemble
- reside
- residence
- resident
- resign
- resist
- resistance
- resolution
- resolve
- resort
- resource
- respectable
- respond
- response
- responsibility
- responsible
- restaurant
- restless
- restore
- restrain
- resume
- retain
- retire
- retreat
- revenge
- revenue
- reverse
- review
- revive
- revolt
- reward
- rewrite
- rheumatism
- rhythm
- rib
- ribbon
- riches
- rid
- riddle
- rider
- ridge
- ridicule
- ridiculous
- rifle
- right angle
- rim
- riot
- ripe
- ripple
- risen
- risk
- rival
- roam
- roast
- rob
- robber
- robe
- robin
- rock
- rocky
- rod
- rode
- rogue
- role
- rolling
- romance
- romantic
- rosy
- rot
- rotten
- rouse
- routine
- row
- rub
- rubber
- rubbish
- rudder
- rude
- rug
- rugged
- ruler
- ruling
- rumor
- rung
- runner
- running
- Russia
- Russian
- rust
- rustic
- rustle
- rusty
- sacred
- saddle
- sadly
- sadness
- safely
- sailing
- salad
- salesman
- sally
- salmon
- salute
- sample
- San Francisco
- sandal
- sandwich
- sanitary
- sank
- sap
- sarcastic
- sash
- Satan
- satellite
- satire
- satisfaction
- satisfactory
- satisfied
- sauce
- saucer
- sausage
- savage
- save
- saving
- saw
- saying
- scale
- scale
- scale
- scandal
- scanty
- scar
- scarce
- scare
- scarecrow
- scarf
- scarlet
- scenery
- scent
- schedule
- scheme
- scholar
- schoolhouse
- schoolmaster
- schoolroom
- scientist
- scissors
- scold
- scope
- scorch
- scorn
- Scotch
- Scotland
- scout
- scramble
- scrap
- scrape
- scratch
- scream
- screen
- screw
- script
- scrub
- sculpture
- seal
- seal
- seam
- seaman
- seaport
- seashore
- seaside
- secondary
- secrecy
- secretary
- secretly
- sect
- security
- seesaw
- selection
- selfish
- seller
- semicolon
- seminar
- senator
- senior
- sensation
- sensible
- sensitive
- sentiment
- separation
- sequence
- serene
- sergeant
- seriously
- sermon
- serpent
- session
- settler
- seventeenth
- severe
- severely
- sew
- sexual
- shabby
- shaft
- shaken
- Shakespeare
- shallow
- shark
- shatter
- shave
- she'd
- shed
- sheer
- shelf
- shepherd
- sheriff
- shield
- shift
- shilling
- shipping
- shiver
- shone
- shook
- shooting
- shortage
- shorthand
- shortly
- shortsighted
- shot
- shovel
- shower
- shrewd
- shriek
- shrill
- shrine
- shrink
- shrub
- shudder
- shutter
- shy
- sickness
- sidewalk
- siege
- sift
- sightseeing
- signal
- signature
- significant
- silently
- silly
- similar
- sincere
- sincerely
- singer
- singing
- singular
- sip
- site
- situated
- sixteenth
- sixtieth
- skeleton
- sketch
- skill
- skillful
- skim
- skin diver
- skin diving
- skip
- skylark
- slain
- slang
- slant
- slap
- slate
- slavery
- slay
- sleeping
- sleepy
- sleeve
- sleigh
- slender
- slice
- slide
- slipper
- slogan
- slumber
- sly
- smelt
- smite
- smog
- smoking
- smoothly
- snail
- snake
- snap
- snatch
- sniff
- snowy
- soak
- soap
- soar
- sob
- sober
- so-called
- sock
- soda
- sofa
- soften
- softly
- solar
- sole
- solely
- solemn
- solid
- solitary
- solitude
- solution
- solve
- somehow
- sometime
- somewhat
- soothe
- sore
- sorrowful
- sought
- sound
- soup
- sour
- source
- South America
- southeast
- sovereign
- soviet
- sow
- space station
- space travel
- spaceman
- spaceship
- spade
- Spain
- span
- Spaniard
- spark
- sparkle
- sparrow
- speaker
- speaking
- spear
- specialize
- specially
- species
- specimen
- spectacle
- spectator
- speculation
- sped
- speedy
- spell
- spell
- spelling
- sphere
- sphinx
- spice
- spider
- spill
- spin
- spinning
- spiral
- spire
- spiritual
- spit
- spite
- splash
- splendor
- split
- spoke
- spoken
- sponge
- sponsor
- spoon
- sportsman
- sportsmanship
- sprang
- spray
- springtime
- sprinkle
- sprung
- spun
- spur
- spy
- squeeze
- squire
- squirrel
- St.
- stab
- stability
- stable
- stable
- stadium
- staff
- stagger
- stain
- stake
- stall
- stammer
- standing
- standpoint
- starting point
- startle
- starve
- stately
- statement
- statesman
- statistics
- statue
- stature
- stead
- steadily
- steak
- steamboat
- steamer
- steamship
- steep
- steep
- steer
- stem
- stern
- stern
- stick
- stiff
- stiffen
- stimulate
- sting
- stitch
- stock
- stole
- stolen
- stomach
- stool
- stoop
- storey
- stormy
- story
- stout
- stove
- straighten
- strangely
- strap
- straw
- stray
- streak
- streetcar
- strengthen
- stress
- stricken
- strict
- strictly
- stride
- strife
- striking
- stripe
- strive
- stroke
- struck
- structure
- stubborn
- stuck
- studio
- stumble
- stump
- stupid
- subdue
- subjunctive
- sublime
- submarine
- submit
- subscribe
- substance
- substantial
- substitute
- subtle
- suburb
- successfully
- succession
- successive
- successor
- suck
- sufferer
- suffering
- suffice
- sufficiently
- suffix
- suggestion
- suicide
- suitable
- sulfur
- summary
- summit
- summon
- sunbeam
- sung
- sunk
- sunlight
- sunny
- sunrise
- sunset
- sunshine
- superficial
- superstition
- supplement
- suppress
- supreme
- surpass
- surplus
- surprised
- surprising
- surrender
- surrounding
- survey
- survive
- suspect
- suspend
- suspicion
- suspicious
- sustain
- swallow
- swallow
- swam
- swamp
- swan
- swarm
- sway
- swear
- sweat
- sweater
- sweep
- sweetheart
- sweetly
- sweetness
- swept
- swift
- swiftly
- swimmer
- swimming
- Swiss
- switch
- Switzerland
- swollen
- swung
- syllable
- symbol
- sympathetic
- sympathize
- sympathy
- symphony
- symptom
- synonym
- syntax
- syrup
- systematic
- tablespoon
- tablet
- tackle
- tag
- tailor
- talent
- talkie
- talking
- tame
- tan
- tap
- tap
- tape recorder
- tar
- target
- tariff
- taxation
- teaching
- tear
- tease
- teaspoon
- technical
- technique
- tedious
- telegram
- telegraph
- temper
- temperate
- tempest
- tempt
- temptation
- tenant
- tend
- tendency
- tenderly
- tenderness
- tense
- terminate
- terrace
- terribly
- terrify
- territory
- terror
- testimony
- text
- than
- thankful
- thanksgiving
- thee
- theft
- theme
- thence
- thereafter
- thereby
- thereupon
- therewith
- thermometer
- they'd
- they'll
- thicket
- thief
- thigh
- thinking
- thirst
- thirsty
- thirteenth
- thirtieth
- thistle
- thorn
- thorough
- thoroughly
- thou
- thoughtful
- threat
- threshold
- thrill
- throng
- thrust
- thumb
- thunder
- thy
- thyself
- tide
- tidy
- tight
- tighten
- tightly
- tile
- till4
- timber
- timely
- timid
- tin
- tint
- tip
- tiptoe
- tire
- tire
- tissue
- toast
- tobacco
- toe
- toil
- token
- tomato
- tomb
- ton
- toothache
- top
- topic
- torch
- tore
- torment
- torn
- torrent
- tortoise
- torture
- Tory
- toss
- tough
- tour
- tourist
- towards
- towel
- tract
- trader
- tradition
- tragedy
- tragic
- trainer
- training
- tram
- tramcar
- tramp
- trample
- transfer
- transform
- transit
- transitive
- translate
- translation
- transport
- transportation
- trap
- traveled
- traveler
- traveling
- traverse
- tray
- tread
- treasury
- treatment
- treaty
- tremendous
- trench
- tribute
- tried
- trifle
- trifling
- trim
- triple
- triumph
- trousers
- truly
- trumpet
- trunk
- tube
- tumble
- tune
- twig
- twin
- twist
- tyranny
- ugly
- ultimate
- umbrella
- umpire
- unable
- unaccountable
- uncertain
- uncomfortable
- unconscious
- uncover
- undergo
- underground
- underline
- underneath
- understanding
- undertake
- undertaking
- underwear
- undoubtedly
- uneasy
- unemployment
- unexpected
- unfortunate
- unfortunately
- unique
- unit
- united
- United Kingdom
- United Nations
- unity
- universal
- universe
- unjust
- unkind
- unless
- unlike
- unlucky
- unnatural
- unnecessary
- unpleasant
- unreasonable
- unseen
- unusual
- unwilling
- unworthy
- uphold
- upright
- upset
- upside down
- upstairs
- up-to-date
- upward
- urgent
- usage
- useless
- user
- utensil
- utility
- utilize
- utmost
- utter
- utter
- vacant
- vaccinate
- vacuum
- vague
- valve
- vanish
- vanity
- vapor
- variation
- varied
- vary
- vault
- vehicle
- veil
- vein
- velvet
- vengeance
- Venice
- ventilation
- venture
- veranda
- verb
- verge
- verse
- vertical
- vest
- veteran
- vex
- vexation
- via
- vibrate
- vice
- vicinity
- vicious
- victim
- victor
- victorious
- vigor
- vigorous
- vile
- villager
- villain
- vine
- vinegar
- violate
- violence
- violent
- violently
- violet
- violin
- virgin
- visage
- visible
- vision
- vital
- vitamin
- vivid
- vocabulary
- vocal
- vocation
- void
- volcano
- volleyball
- voluntary
- volunteer
- vow
- vowel
- voyage
- vulgar
- wade
- wail
- waist
- waiter
- waiting
- waken
- Wales
- walking
- wallet
- wanted
- wanting
- ward
- wardrobe
- ware
- warmth
- warning
- warrant
- warrior
- warship
- washing
- wasn't
- waterfall
- wax
- weaken
- weakness
- wealthy
- weapon
- weary
- weave
- web
- we'd
- wedding
- weed
- weekday
- weekend
- weekly
- weep
- welfare
- well
- well-known
- wept
- westward
- westwards
- whale
- wharf
- whereabouts
- whereas
- wherefore
- wherein
- where's
- wherever
- whip
- whirl
- whiskey
- whoever
- wholesome
- wholly
- who's
- wicked
- widow
- width
- wig
- wilderness
- wildly
- willing
- willow
- windmill
- windy
- wink
- wipe
- wireless
- witch
- withdraw
- wither
- wives
- wizard
- woe
- woke
- wolves
- won
- wont
- wooden
- woodland
- woolen
- wore
- working
- workman
- worldly
- worldwide
- worm
- worn
- worthless
- wound
- wound
- wounded
- wove
- woven
- wrap
- wreath
- wreck
- wrestling
- wretched
- wrinkle
- wrist
- Xmas
- yacht
- Yankee
- yard
- yarn
- yawn
- yearly
- yearn
- yell
- yoke
- yonder
- youngster
- youthful
- zeal
- zealous
- zero
- zigzag
- zinc
- zip code
- zone
- zoological
- zoology
Send comments and questions by e-mail to
k o t 3 @kotis.net.
Copyright 1998-2005 Kabsik Park. All rights reserved.