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The company is striving to reach its goals. (그 회사는 목표를 달성하기 위해 노력하고 있어요.)

Gordon Allport believed that a person is not a mechanical
product of environmental forces, but a unique force striving to
develop his or her own potential.
Gordon Allport 라는 사람은, <한 인간은 환경적인 힘의 기계적인 산물이
아니고, 자신의 잠재력을 개발하려고 노력하는 독창적인 세력(힘)이다>
라고 믿었다.

It is true that Lincoln had very little schooling but today anyone who lacks a good education will be greatly retarded in striving for success.
Lincoln이 학교교육을 별로 받지 못했다는 것은 사실이지만 오늘날은 좋은 교육을 받지 못한 사람은 성공하려는 노력에서 크게 방해를 받을 것이다.

Among the main biological changes in happiness is an increased activity in a brain center that inhibits negative feelings and fosters an increase in available energy, and a quieting of those that generate worrisome thought.
행복할 때에 볼 수 있는 주요한 생리적 변화로는, 부정적 감정을 억제하고 사용 가능한 에너지 양의 증가를 촉진시키는 두뇌 중심부의 활동이 활발해진다는 것과, 불안감을 일으키는 활동을 잠재우는 것이다.
But there is no particular shift in physiology save a quiescence, which makes the body recover more quickly from the biological arousal of upsetting emotions.
그러나 평정 상태가 되는 것 이외의 생리 기능상의 두드러진 변화는 나타나지 않는다.
이것은 신체가 혼란스러운 감정이라는 생리적 흥분 상태에서 재빨리 회복하도록 해 준다.
This configuration offers the body a general rest, as well as readiness and enthusiasm for whatever task is at hand and for striving toward a great variety of goals.
이러한 상태에 처했을 때의 신체는 전반적인 안정성을 보이며 무슨 일이든 다양한 목표를 향한 준비와 의욕으로 가득 차게 된다.

Two basic and interrelated aims of Western civilization are to preserve
human life and to provide economic security. There is a concurrent striving for
health and for wealth.
서구문명의 두가지 근본적이며 상호관련되어있는 목표는 인간의 생명을
보존하는 것과 경제적인 안정을 제공하는 것이다. 서구문명은 건강과 부를
동시에 추구한다.

affectation N. the striving for an artificial personal quality.
His affectation of charm was ridiculous to many who knew him well.

striving 무척노력하다

In the 1940's and 1950's, biochemists strived to learn why each of the
vitamins was essential for health. They discovered that key enzymes in
metabolism depend on one or another of the vitamins as coenzymes to
perform the chemistry that provides cells with energy for growth and
function. Now, these enzymes hunters occupied center stage.
1940 연대와 1950년대에 생화학자들은, 왜 그 비타민들 각각이 건강에
필수적인가를 알아내려고 노력했다. 그들은, 신진대사에서 주효소들이,
세포에게 성장과 기능을 위한 에너지를 제공하는 그 화학작용을 수행하기
위한 보조효소로서 어떤 한가지 또는 다른 한가지의 비타민에 의존한다는
것을 밝혀내었다. 이제 이 효소 탐구가들이 중심 무대를 차지하였다.

특히 최근 3년간 계약의 공정성과 법 위반 예방, 상생협력 지원 등이 평가되는 공정거래협약 이행평가 부문에서 지속적으로 점수가 상승하며 올해 역대 최고점을 기록하는 등 대-중소기업간 상생협력 문화 확산에 힘쓰고 있다.
In particular, it has been striving to spread the culture of win-win cooperation between large, medium, and small companies, with the record-high points by continuously raising the points in the sector for implementing fair trade agreement, which evaluates the fairness of contracts, prevention of violations of the law and support for win-win cooperation over the past 3 years.

지난해 2월부터 조합 이사장으로 1만여 조합원이 안정적 경영활동을 할 수 있도록 힘쓰고 있다.
Since February last year, he has been striving to carry out stable management activities of more than 10,000 union members as the chairman of the union.

상장사협은 이 같은 내용이 담긴 '상장기업 경영활동 매진과 이익창출을 위한 10대 과제'를 발표하고 정부에 건의했다고 27일 밝혔다.
The Korea Listed Companies Association announced on the 27th that it presented "the top 10 tasks for listed companies' striving for management activities and generating profits" and suggested them to the government.

은평구는 구민에게 코로나19 관련 정보를 신속하게 전달하기 위해 노력하고 있으며, 파악된 정보는 관련부서와 공유, 공개하고 있다.
Eunpyeong-gu is striving to promptly deliver COVID-19 related information to the residents, and the identified information is shared and disclosed with the relevant departments.

따라서 의과학계에서는 잠자고 있는 줄기세포를 깨우는 '줄기세포 활성인자'를 찾는데 연구를 매진하고 있다.
Therefore, the medical science community is striving to find a "stem cell activator" that wakes up sleeping stem cells.

한편 코로나19 전담병원인 성남시의료원은 확진자 치료 병상 확보를 위해 매진하고 있다.
Meanwhile, Seongnam City Medical Center, a hospital dedicated to COVID-19, is striving to secure a bed for treatment of confirmed patients.

게임빌과 컴투스는 코로나19 방역에 힘쓰고 있는 의료진과 관계자들을 위한 후원금 2억원을 기부했다고 3일 밝혔다.
Gamevil and Com2us announced on the 3rd that they have contributed KRW 200 million in donation for medical staff and officials who are striving to combat COVID-19.

또 메르스 발생 및 유행에 대비한 초동대응 능력을 향상하고 24시간 비상방역체계를 가동하며 대응에 철저를 기하는 동시에, 지역사회에 대한 메르스 홍보 및 교육으로 감염병 확산 방지에 힘썼다.
In addition, it has improved the ability to respond to MERS outbreaks and epidemics in the first place, operated a 24-hour emergency quarantine system, and thoroughly responded, while also striving to prevent the spread of infectious diseases by promoting and training MERS to local communities.

에미프 디렉터들은 무엇보다 회원들이 '연결'될 수 있는 다양한 기회를 마련하는 데 힘쓰고 있다.
Above all, Emif directors are striving to provide various opportunities for members to "connect" with each other.

코로나19 극복을 위해 힘쓰고 있는 제주대학교 병원 의료진에게 한 어린이가 응원 편지·과일과 함께 마스크를 전달해 훈훈함을 주고 있다.
A child delivers a mask along with a cheering letter and fruits to medical staff at Jeju National University Hospital, who is striving to overcome Covid-19, giving warmth.

각 기관은 재난 대응 시 국가 공동대응체계가 효과적으로 구현될 수 있도록 적극 노력한다.
Each agency actively strives to ensure that a joint national response system is effectively implemented in disaster response.

ome - came - come
cost - cost - cost
creep - crept - crept
cut - cut - cut
deal - dealt - dealt
dig - dug - dug
dive (scuba diving) - dived - dived
dive (jump head-first) - dove - dived
do - did - done
draw - drew - drawn
dream - dreamt/dreamed - dreamt/dreamed
drink - drank - drunk
drive - drove - driven
dwell - dwelt/dwelled - dwelt/dwelled
eat - ate - eaten
fall - fell - fallen
feed - fed - fed
feel - felt - felt
fight - fought - fought
find - found - found
fit (to be right size) - fit - fit
fit (to tailor, change size) - fit/fitted - fit/fitted
flee - fled - fled
fling - flung - flung
fly - flew - flown
forbid - forbade - forbidden
forecast - forecast - forecast
forego (also forgo) - forewent - foregone
foresee - foresaw - foreseen
foretell - foretold - foretold
forget - forgot - forgotten
forgive - forgave - forgiven
forsake - forsook - forsaken
freeze - froze - frozen
get - got - gotten/got
give - gave - given
go - went - gone
grind - ground - ground
grow - grew - grown
hang - hung - hung
have - had - had
hear - heard - heard
hide - hid - hidden
hit - hit - hit
hold - held - held
hurt - hurt - hurt
input - input - input
inset - inset - inset
interbreed - interbred - interbred
interweave - interwove - interwoven
keep - kept - kept
kneel - knelt/kneeled - knelt/kneeled
knit - knit/knitted - knit/knitted
know - knew - known
lay - laid - laid
lead - led - led
lean - leaned/leant - leaned/leant
leap - leapt/leaped - leapt/leaped
learn - learned/learnt - learned/learnt
leave - left - left
lend - lent - lent
let - let - let
lie - lay - lain
light - lit/lighted - lit/lighted
lose - lost - lost
make - made - made
mean - meant - meant
meet - met - met
mishear - misheard - misheard
mislay - mislaid - mislaid
mislead - misled - misled
misread - misread - misread
misspell - misspelled/misspelt - misspelled/misspelt
mistake - mistook - mistaken
misunderstand - misunderstood - misunderstood
mow - mowed - mowed/mown
outbid - outbid - outbid
outdo - outdid - outdone
outgrow - outgrew - outgrown
outrun - outran - outrun
outsell - outsold - outsold
overcast - overcast - overcast
overcome - overcame - overcome
overdo - overdid - overdone
overdraw - overdrew - overdrawn
overeat - overate - overeaten
overhang - overhung - overhung
overhear - overheard - overheard
overlay - overlaid - overlaid
overlie - overlay - overlain
overpay - overpaid - overpaid
override - overrode - overridden
overrun - overran - overrun
oversee - oversaw - overseen
oversell - oversold - oversold
overshoot - overshot - overshot
oversleep - overslept - overslept
overtake - overtook - overtaken
overthrow - overthrew - overthrown
partake - partook - partaken
pay - paid - paid
plead - pled/pleaded - pled/pleaded
pre-set - pre-set - pre-set
proofread - proofread - proofread
prove - proved - proven/proved
put - put - put
quit - quit/quitted - quit/ quitted
read - read (sounds like "red") - read (sounds like "red")
rebind - rebound - rebound
rebuild - rebuilt - rebuilt
recast - recast - recast
redo - redid - redone
re-lay (for example tiles) - re-laid - re-laid
remake - remade - remade
repay - repaid - repaid
rerun - reran - rerun
resell - resold - resold
reset - reset - reset
rethink - rethought - rethought
rewind - rewound - rewound
rewrite - rewrote - rewritten
rid - rid - rid
ride - rode - ridden
ring - rang - rung
rise - rose - risen
run - ran - run
say - said - said
see - saw - seen
seek - sought - sought
sell - sold - sold
send - sent - sent
set - set - set
sew - sewed - sewn/sewed
shake - shook - shaken
shear - sheared - shorn/sheared
shed - shed - shed
shine - shined/shone - shined/shone
shit - shit/shat - shit/shat
shoot - shot - shot
show - showed - shown/showed
shrink - shrank/shrunk - shrunk
shut - shut - shut
sing - sang - sung
sit - sat - sat
slay - slew - slain
sleep - slept - slept
slide - slid - slid
sling - slung - slung
slit - slit - slit
smell - smelled/smelt - smelled/smelt
speak - spoke - spoken
speed - sped/speeded - sped/speeded
spell - spelled/spelt - spelled/spelt
spend - spent - spent
spin - spun - spun
spit - spit/spat - spit/spat
split - split - split
spoil - spoiled/spoilt - spoiled/spoilt
spoon-feed - spoon-fed - spoon-fed
spread - spread - spread
spring - sprang/sprung - sprung
stand - stood - stood
steal - stole - stolen
stick - stuck - stuck
sting - stung - stung
stink - stank/stunk - stunk
strew - strewed - strewn/strewed
stride - strode - stridden
strive - strove - striven
strike (delete) - struck - stricken
strike (hit) - struck - struck/stricken
string - strung - strung
strive - strove/strived - striven/strived
swear - swore - sworn
sweep - swept - swept
swell - swelled - swollen,swelled
swim - swam - swum
swing - swung - swung
take - took - taken
teach - taught - taught
tear - tore - torn
tell - told - told
think - thought - thought
throw - threw - thrown
thrust - thrust - thrust
tread - trod - trodden, trod
unbind - unbound - unbound
underlie - underlay - underlain
understand - understood - understood
undertake - undertook - undertaken
underwrite - underwrote - underwritten
undo - undid - undone
unwind - unwound - unwound
uphold - upheld - upheld
upset - upset - upset
wake - woke/waked - woken/waked
wear - wore - worn
weave - wove - woven
wed - wed/wedded - wed/wedded
weep - wept - wept
wet - wet/wetted - wet/wetted
win - won - won
wind - wound - wound
withdraw - withdrew - withdrawn
wring - wrung - wrung
write - wrote - written

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