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replicate 〔r´eplik`eit〕 부본(사본)을 뜨다, 모사(복제)하다, (잎 등을)뒤로 접다, 접어젖히다, 한 음계(octave)높은(낮은)반복음, 반복된, (잎등이)뒤로 젖혀진, 뒤로 접힌
self-replicating 〔s´elfr´epl∂k`eitiŋ〕 자기 재생(증식)하는
replicate --의 사본을 뜨다, 복재하다
replicate ~을 모사하다, 복제하다.
replicate 모사(복사)하다
[百] 자기증식 데이터베이스 self-replicating database
[百d] 자기증식 데이터베이스 [ 自己增殖 ─, self-replicating database ]
replicate 부분을뜨다,모사하다
광학돔 Optical domes
특수돔 Specialty domes
다이아몬드돔 Diamond turned domes
금속돔 Metallic domes
유리돔 Molded glass domes
폴리탄산에스테르돔 Molded polycarbonate domes
리프리케이티드돔 Replicated domes
셰이프트돔 Shaped domes
프랜져블돔 Frangible domes
replicated sampling 반복추출
복제 데이터베이스 replicated database
완전 중복 데이터 fully replicated data
replicate : 복사하다
replicated database : 중복 데이터베이스
conjugation (접합, 공핵, 결합, 포합, 공동, 복합) 1. the act of joining together or the state
of being conjugated. 2. a sexual process seen in bacteria, ciliate protozoa, and certain
fungi in which nuclear material is exchanged during the temporary fusion of two cells
(conjugants). In bacterial genetics a form of sexual reproduction in which a donor
bacterium (male) contributes some, or all, of its DNA (in the form of a replicated set)
to a recipient (female) which then incorporates differing genetic information into its own
chromosome by recombination and passes the recombined set on to its progeny by
replication. In ciliate protozoa, two conjugants of separate mating types exchange
micronuclear material and then separate, each now being a fertilized cell. In certain
fungi, the process involves fusion of two gametes, resulting in union of their nuclei and
formation of a zygote. 3. in chemistry, the joining together of two compounds to
produce another compound, such as the combination of a toxic product with some
substance in the body to form a detoxified product, which is then eliminated.
replicator : 모사가, 복사가
replicate : 모사하다, 복사하다.
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