precious metal
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[위키] 귀금속 Precious metal
precious metal : 귀금속
귀금속광과 그 정광(精鑛)
Precious metal ores and concentrates.
활성물질로서 귀금속이나 귀금속화합물의 것
With precious metal or precious metal compounds as the active substance
귀금속이나 귀금속을 입힌 금속의 웨이스트(waste)와 스크랩(scrap), 귀금속이나 귀금속 화합물을 포함하고 있는 그 밖의 웨이스트(waste)와 스크랩(scrap)(주로 귀금속의 회수에 사용되는 것으로 한정하며 제8549호의 물품은 제외한다)
Waste and scrap of precious metal or of metals clad with precious metal; other waste and scrap containing precious metal or precious metal compounds, of a kind used principally for the recovery of precious metal other than goods of heading 85.49.
귀금속이나 귀금속 화합물을 포함하고 있는 회(灰)
Ash containing precious metal or precious metal compounds
금의 것(금을 입힌 금속을 포함하며, 그 밖의 귀금속을 함유한 부스러기는 제외한다)
Of gold, including metal clad with gold but excluding sweepings containing other precious metals
백금의 것(백금을 입힌 금속을 포함하며, 그 밖의 귀금속을 함유한 부스러기는 제외한다)
Of platinum, including metal clad with platinum but excluding sweepings containing other precious metals
신변장식용품과 그 부분품(귀금속으로 만들거나 귀금속을 입힌 금속으로 만든 것으로 한정한다)
Articles of jewellery and parts thereof, of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal.
귀금속으로 만든 것(귀금속을 도금하거나 입힌 것인지에 상관없다)
Of precious metal whether or not plated or clad with precious metal :
은으로 만든 것(그 밖의 귀금속을 도금하거나 입힌 것인지에 상관없다)
Of silver, whether or not plated or clad with other precious metal
그 밖의 귀금속으로 만든 것(귀금속을 도금하거나 입힌 것인지에 상관없다)
Of other precious metal, whether or not plated or clad with precious metal
귀금속을 입힌 비금속(卑金屬)으로 만든 것
Of base metal clad with precious metal
금 세공품이나 은 세공품과 이들의 부분품(귀금속으로 만들거나 귀금속을 입힌 금속으로 만든 것으로 한정한다)
Articles of goldsmith's or silversmith's wares and parts thereof, of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal.
귀금속으로 만든 것(귀금속을 도금하거나 입힌 것인지에 상관없다)
Of precious metal whether or not plated or clad with precious metal :
은으로 만든 것(그 밖의 귀금속을 도금하거나 입힌 것인지에 상관없다)
Of silver, whether or not plated or clad with other precious metal
그 밖의 귀금속으로 만든 것(귀금속을 도금하거나 입힌 것인지에 상관없다)
Of other precious metal, whether or not plated or clad with precious metal
귀금속을 입힌 비금속(卑金屬)으로 만든 것
Of base metal clad with precious metal
귀금속이나 귀금속을 입힌 금속의 그 밖의 제품
Other articles of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal.
비금속(卑金屬)으로 만든 것(귀금속을 도금한 것인지에 상관없다)
Of base metal, whether or not plated with precious metal :
귀금속을 도금ㆍ피복ㆍ도포한 것
Plated, rolled or coated with precious metal
위 물품이 조합된 세트(최소한 한 가지는 귀금속으로 도금된 것으로 한정한다)
Sets of assorted articles containing at least one article plated with precious metal
귀금속으로 도금된 것
Plated with precious metal
귀금속으로 도금된 것
Plated with precious metal
귀금속의 회수 목적으로 주로 사용되는 것
Of a kind used principally for the recovery of precious metal :
손목시계ㆍ회중시계와 그 밖의 휴대용 시계(스톱워치를 포함하며, 케이스를 귀금속으로 만든 것이나 귀금속을 입힌 금속으로 만든 것으로 한정한다)
Wrist-watches, pocket-watches and other watches, including stop-watches, with case of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal.
문자판ㆍ밴드 등을 귀금속으로 만든 것이나 귀금속을 입힌 금속으로 만든 것
With dials, bands or similar of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal
문자판ㆍ밴드 등을 귀금속으로 만든 것이나 귀금속을 입힌 금속으로 만든 것
With dials, bands or similar of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal
문자판ㆍ밴드 등을 귀금속으로 만든 것이나 귀금속을 입힌 금속으로 만든 것
With dials, bands or similar of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal
문자판ㆍ밴드 등을 귀금속으로 만든 것이나 귀금속을 입힌 금속으로 만든 것
With dials, bands or similar of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal
문자판ㆍ밴드 등을 귀금속으로 만든 것이나 귀금속을 입힌 금속으로 만든 것
With dials bands or similar of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal.
귀금속으로 만든 것이나 귀금속을 입힌 금속으로 만든 케이스
Cases of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal
귀금속으로 만든 것이나 귀금속을 입힌 금속으로 만든 케이스
Of precious metal or metal clad with precious metal
귀금속으로 만든 것이나 귀금속을 입힌 금속으로 만든 것
Of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal
황동앵글 Brass angles
청동앵글 Bronze angles
아연앵글 Zinc angles
주석앵글 Tin angles
납앵글 Lead angles
플라스틱앵글 Plastic angles
고무앵글 Rubber angles
귀금속앵글 Precious metal angles
황동봉 Brass bars
청동봉 Bronze bars
아연봉 Zinc bars
주석봉 Tin bars
납봉 Lead bars
플라스틱봉 Plastic bars
귀금속봉 Precious metal bars
목재 봉 Wooden bars
고무 봉 Rubber bars
철근 또는 강철봉 Reinforcing bar or rebar
황동빔 Brass beams
청동빔 Bronze beams
아연빔 Zinc beams
주석빔 Tin beams
납빔 Lead beams
플라스틱빔 Plastic beams
고무빔 Rubber beams
콘크리트빔 Concrete beams
귀금속빔 Precious metal beams
헤이다이트 빔 Haydite beam
황동 찬넬 Brass channels
청동 찬넬 Bronze channels
아연 찬넬 Zinc channels
주석 찬넬 Tin channels
납 찬넬 Lead channels
플라스틱 찬넬 Plastic channels
고무 찬넬 Rubber channels
귀금속 찬넬 Precious metal channels
황동코일 Brass coil
청동코일 Bronze coil
아연코일 Zinc coil
주석코일 Tin coil
납코일 Lead coil
플라스틱코일 Plastic coil
귀금속코일 Precious metal coils
관통된강철 Perforated steel
압인강철 Embossed steel
황동판 Brass plate
청동판 Bronze plate
아연판 Zinc plate
주석판 Tin plate
납판 Lead plate
플라스틱판 Plastic plate
고무판 Rubber plate
콘크리트판 Concrete plate
귀금속판 Precious metal plate
귀금속빌레트 Precious metal billets
비철금속 빌레트 Non ferrous metal billets
철금속 빌레트 Ferrous metal billets
비금속빌레트 Non metallic billets
귀금속주괴 Precious metal ingots
철합금 압출주괴 Ferrous alloy extrusion ingots
비철합금 압출주괴 Non ferrous alloy extrusion ingots
비금속주괴 Non metallic ingots
납봉소직심형 Lead honeycomb core
아연봉소직심형 Zinc honeycomb core
티타늄봉소직심형 Titanium honeycomb core
황동봉소직심형 Brass honeycomb core
비철금속 봉소직심형 Non ferrous metal honeycomb core
귀금속봉소직심형 Precious metal honeycomb core
티타늄다이캐스팅 Titanium die castings
베릴륨다이캐스팅 Beryllium die castings
귀금속다이캐스팅 Precious metal die castings
구리다이캐스팅 Copper die castings
납다이캐스팅 Lead die castings
황동다이캐스팅 Brass die castings
청동다이캐스팅 Bronze die castings
구리사형주조주물 Copper sand castings
황동사형주조주물 Brass sand castings
청동사형주조주물 Bronze sand castings
아연사형주조주물 Zinc sand castings
주석사형주조주물 Tin sand castings
납사형주조주물 Lead sand castings
귀금속사형주조주물 Precious metal sand castings
동영구주형주물 Copper permanent mold castings
황동영구주형주물 Brass permanent mold castings
청동영구주형주물 Bronze permanent mold castings
아연영구주형주물 Zinc permanent mold castings
주석영구주형주물 Tin permanent mold castings
납영구주형주물 Lead permanent mold castings
귀금속영구주형주물 Precious metal permanent mold castings
납매몰주물 Lead investment castings
귀금속매몰주물 Precious metal investment castings
티타늄매몰주물 Titanium investment castings
구리원심주조주물 Copper centrifugal castings
황동원심주조주물 Brass centrifugal castings
청동원심주조주물 Bronze centrifugal castings
아연원심주조주물 Zinc centrifugal castings
주석원심주조주물 Tin centrifugal castings
납원심주조주물 Lead centrifugal castings
귀금속원심주조주물 Precious metal centrifugal castings
구리세라믹주형주물 Copper ceramic mold castings
황동세라믹주형주물 Brass ceramic mold castings
청동세라믹주형주물 Bronze ceramic mold castings
아연세라믹주형주물 Zinc ceramic mold castings
주석세라믹주형주물 Tin ceramic mold castings
납세라믹주형주물 Lead ceramic mold castings
귀금속세라믹주형주물 Precious metal ceramic mold castings
동흑연주형주물 Copper graphite mold castings
황동흑연주형주물 Brass graphite mold castings
청동흑연주형주물 Bronze graphite mold castings
아연흑연주형주물 Zinc graphite mold castings
주석흑연주형주물 Tin graphite mold castings
납흑연주형주물 Lead graphite mold castings
귀금속흑연주형주물 Precious metal graphite mold castings
동석고주형주물 Copper plaster mold castings
황동석고주형주물 Brass plaster mold castings
청동석고주형주물 Bronze plaster mold castings
아연석고주형주물 Zinc plaster mold castings
주석석고주형주물 Tin plaster mold castings
납석고주형주물 Lead plaster mold castings
귀금속석고주형주물 Precious metal plaster mold castings
감압주형구리주물 Copper v process castings
감압주형황동주물 Brass v process castings
감압주형청동주물 Bronze v process castings
감압주형아연주물 Zinc v process castings
감압주형주석주물 Tin v process castings
감압주형납주물 Lead v process castings
감압주형귀금속주물 Precious metal v process castings
플라스틱이형압출성형품 Plastic profile extrusions
귀금속이형압출성형품 Precious metal profile extrusions
고무이형압출성형품 Rubber profile extrusions
스테인리스강이형압출성형품 Stainless steel profile extrusions
강이형압출성형품 Steel profile extrusions
주석이형압출성형품 Tin profile extrusions
티타늄이형압출성형품 Titanium profile extrusions
아연이형압출성형품 Zinc profile extrusions
플라스틱충격압출성형품 Plastic impact extrusions
귀금속충격압출성형품 Precious metal impact extrusions
고무충격압출성형품 Rubber impact extrusions
스테인리스강충격압출성형품 Stainless steel impact extrusions
철강충격압출성형품 Steel impact extrusions
주석충격압출성형품 Tin impact extrusions
티타늄충격압출성형품 Titanium impact extrusions
아연충격압출성형품 Zinc impact extrusions
플라스틱냉간압출성형품 Plastic cold extrusions
귀금속냉간압출성형품 Precious metal cold extrusions
고무냉간압출성형품 Rubber cold extrusions
스테인리스강냉간압출성형품 Stainless steel cold extrusions
강냉간압출성형품 Steel cold extrusions
주석냉간압출성형품 Tin cold extrusions
티타늄냉간압출성형품 Titanium cold extrusions
아연냉간압출성형품 Zinc cold extrusions
구리감압주형주물 Copper v process machined castings
황동감압주형주물 Brass v process machined castings
청동감압주형주물 Bronze v process machined castings
아연감압주형주물 Zinc v process machined castings
주석감압주형주물 Tin v process machined castings
납감압주형주물 Lead v process machined castings
기계식감압주형귀금속주물 Precious metal v process machined castings
기계식감압주형복합재주물 Composite v process machined castings
니켈감압주형주물 Nickel alloy v process machined castings
기계식비금속감압주형주물 Non metallic v process machined castings
티타늄가공다이캐스팅 Titanium die machined castings
베릴륨가공다이캐스팅 Beryllium die machined castings
기계식다이캐스팅귀금속주물 Precious metal die machined castings
구리가공다이캐스팅 Copper die machined castings
납가공다이캐스팅 Lead die machined castings
황동가공다이캐스팅 Brass die machined castings
청동가공다이캐스팅 Bronze die machined castings
기계식다이캐스팅복합주물 Composite die machined castings
니켈합금가공다이캐스팅 Nickel alloy die machined castings
기계식다이캐스팅비금속주물 Non metallic die machined castings
구리가공사형주조 Copper sand machined castings
황동가공사형주조 Brass sand machined castings
청동가공사형주조 Bronze sand machined castings
아연가공사형주조 Zinc sand machined castings
주석가공사형주조 Tin sand machined castings
납가공사형주조 Lead sand machined castings
기계식사형주조귀금속주물 Precious metal sand machined castings
기계식사형주조복합재주물 Composite sand machined castings
니켈가공사형주조 Nickel Alloy sand machined castings
기계식사형주조비금속주물 Non metallic sand machined castings
구리가공영구주조 Copper permanent mold machined castings
황동가공영구주조 Brass permanent mold machined castings
청동가공영구주조 Bronze permanent mold machined castings
아연가공영구주조 Zinc permanent mold machined castings
주석가공영구주조 Tin permanent mold machined castings
납가공영구주조 Lead permanent mold machined castings
기계식영구주조귀금속주물 Precious metal permanent mold machined castings
기계식영구주조복합재주물 Composite permanent mold machined castings
니켈합금가공영구주조 Nickel alloy permanent mold machined castings
기계식비금속영구주조주물 Non metallic permanent mold machined castings
리가공석고주형주조 Copper plaster mold machined castings
황동가공석고주형주조 Brass plaster mold machined castings
청동가공석고주형주조 Bronze plaster mold machined castings
아연가공석고주형주조 Zinc plaster mold machined castings
주석가공석고주형주조 Tin plaster mold machined castings
납가공석고주형주조 Lead plaster mold machined castings
기계식석고주형주조귀금속주물 Precious metal plaster mold machined castings
기계식석고주형주조복합재주물 Composite plaster mold machined castings
니켈합금가공석고주형주조 Nickel alloy plaster mold machined castings
기계식석고주형주조비금속주물 Non metallic plaster mold machined castings
납정밀가공주조 Lead investment machined castings
기계식정밀주조귀금속주물 Precious metal investment machined castings
티타늄정밀가공주조 Titanium investment machined castings
기계식정밀주조복합재주물 Composite investment machined castings
니켈합금정밀가공주조 Nickel alloy investment machined castings
기계식정밀주조비금속주물 Non metallic investment machined castings
구리원심가공주조 Copper centrifugal machined castings
황동원심가공주조 Brass centrifugal machined castings
청동원심가공주조 Bronze centrifugal machined castings
아연원심가공주조 Zinc centrifugal machined castings
주석원심가공주조 Tin centrifugal machined castings
납원심가공주조 Lead centrifugal machined castings
기계식원심주조귀금속주물 Precious metal centrifugal machined castings
기계식원심주조복합재주물 Composite centrifugal machined castings
니켈합금원심가공주조 Nickel alloy centrifugal machined castings
기계식원심주조비금속주물 Non metallic centrifugal machined castings
구리세라믹가공주조 Copper ceramic mold machined castings
황동세라믹가공주조 Brass ceramic mold machined castings
청동세라믹가공주조 Bronze ceramic mold machined castings
아연세라믹가공주조 Zinc ceramic mold machined castings
주석세라믹가공주조 Tin ceramic mold machined castings
납세라믹가공주조 Lead ceramic mold machined castings
기계식세라믹몰드주조귀금속주물 Precious metal ceramic mold machined castings
기계식세라믹몰드주조복합재주물 Composite ceramic mold machined castings
니켈합금세라믹가공주조 Nickel alloy ceramic mold machined castings
기계식세라믹몰드주조비금속주물 Non metallic ceramic mold machined castings
구리흑연가공주조 Copper graphite mold machined castings
황동흑연가공주조 Brass graphite mold machined castings
청동흑연가공주조 Bronze graphite mold machined castings
아연흑연가공주조 Zinc graphite mold machined castings
주석흑연가공주조 Tin graphite mold machined castings
납흑연가공주조 Lead graphite mold machined castings
기계식흑연주조귀금속주물 Precious metal graphite mold machined castings
기계식흑연주조복합재주물 Composite graphite mold machined castings
니켈합금흑연가공주조 Nickel alloy metal graphite mold machined castings
기계식흑연주조비금속주물 Non metallic graphite mold machined castings
동자유단조품 Copper open die forgings
황동자유단조품 Brass open die forgings
청동자유단조품 Bronze open die forgings
아연자유단조품 Zinc open die forgings
주석자유단조품 Tin open die forgings
납자유단조품 Lead open die forgings
귀금속자유단조품 Precious metal open die forgings
구리폐쇄단조품 Copper closed die forgings
황동폐쇄단조품 Brass closed die forgings
청동폐쇄단조품 Bronze closed die forgings
아연폐쇄단조품 Zinc closed die forgings
주석폐쇄단조품 Tin closed die forgings
납폐쇄단조품 Lead closed die forgings
귀금속폐쇄단조품 Precious metal closed die forgings
구리형단조품 Copper impression die forgings
황동형단조품 Brass impression die forgings
청동형단조품 Bronze impression die forgings
아연형단조품 Zinc impression die forgings
주석형단조품 Tin impression die forgings
납형단조품 Lead impression die forgings
귀금속형단조품 Precious metal impression die forgings
낙하단조품 Drop forgings
비철합금 낙하단조품 Non ferrous alloy drop forgings
아연낙하단조품 Zinc drop forgings
철합금 낙하단조품 Ferrous alloy drop forgings
주석낙하단조품 Tin drop forgings
납낙하단조품 Lead drop forgings
강낙하단조품 Steel drop forgings
귀금속낙하단조품 Precious metal drop forgings
스테인리스낙하단조품 Stainless steel drop forgings
철낙하단조품 Iron drop forgings
링단조품 Rolled ring forgings
알루미늄롤단조품 Aluminum rolled ring forgings
베릴륨롤단조품 Beryllium rolled ring forgings
황동롤단조품 Brass rolled ring forgings
청동롤단조품 Bronze rolled ring forgings
구리롤단조품 Copper rolled ring forgings
철링단조품 Iron rolled ring forgings
납롤단조품 Lead rolled ring forgings
마그네슘롤단조품 Magnesium rolled ring forgings
귀금속링단조품 Precious metal rolled ring forgings
가공강재 Machined bar stock
알루미늄가공강재 Aluminum machined bar stock
베릴륨가공강재 Beryllium machined bar stock
황동가공강재 Brass machined bar stock
청동가공강재 Bronze machined bar stock
구리가공강재 Copper machined bar stock
철가공강재 Iron machined bar stock
납가공강재 Lead machined bar stock
마그네슘가공강재 Magnesium machined bar stock
귀금속가공강재 Precious metal machined bar stock
가공플레이트스톡 Machined plate stock
알루미늄가공플레이트스톡 Aluminum machined plate stock
베릴륨판기계저장 Beryllium machined plate stock
황동가공플레이트스톡 Brass machined plate stock
청동가공플레이트스톡 Bronze machined plate stock
구리가공플레이트스톡 Copper machined plate stock
철가공플레이트스톡 Iron machined plate stock
납가공플레이트스톡 Lead machined plate stock
마그네슘가공플레이트스톡 Magnesium machined plate stock
귀금속가공플레이트스톡 Precious metal machined plate stock
귀금속튜브 Precious metal tubing
나일론튜브 Nylon tubing
주석판금부품 Tin stamped components
티타늄판금부품 Titanium stamped components
베릴륨판금부품 Beryllium stamped components
귀금속판금부품 Precious metal stamped components
구리판금부품 Copper stamped components
납판금부품 Lead stamped components
황동판금부품 Brass stamped components
청동판금부품 Bronze stamped components
복합재판금부품 Composite stamped components
니켈합금판금부품 Nickel alloy stamped components
천공티타늄부품 Titanium punched components
천공베릴륨부품 Beryllium punched components
천공귀금속부품 Precious metal punched components
천공구리부품 Copper punched components
천공납부품 Lead punched components
천공황동부품 Brass punched components
천공청동부품 Bronze punched components
천공마그네슘부품 Magnesium punched components
천공아연부품 Zinc punched components
천공주석부품 Tin punched components
드로우성형마그네슘부품 Magnesium draw formed components
드로우성형니켈부품 Nickel alloy draw formed components
드로우성형비철합금부품 Non ferrous alloy draw formed components
드로우성형비금속부품 Non metallic draw formed components
드로우성형귀금속부품 Precious metal draw formed components
드로우성형스테인리스강부품 Stainless steel draw formed components
드로우성형철강부품 Steel draw formed components
드로우성형주석부품 Tin draw formed components
드로우성형티타늄부품 Titanium draw formed components
드로우성형아연부품 Zinc draw formed components
유압성형마그네슘부품 Magnesium hydro formed components
유압성형니켈부품 Nickel alloy hydro formed components
유압성형비철합금부품 Non ferrous alloy hydro formed components
유압성형비금속부품 Non metallic hydro formed components
유압성형귀금속부품 Precious metal hydro formed components
유압성형스테인리스강부품 Stainless steel hydro formed components
유압성형철강부품 Steel hydro formed components
유압성형주석부품 Tin hydro formed components
유압성형티타늄부품 Titanium hydro formed components
유압성형아연부품 Zinc hydro formed components
원심회전성형마그네슘부품 Magnesium spin formed components
원심회전성형니켈부품 Nickel alloy spin formed components
원심회전성형비철합금부품 Non ferrous alloy spin formed components
원심회전성형비금속부품 Non metallic spin formed components
원심회전성형귀금속부품 Precious metal spin formed components
원심회전성형스테인리스강부품 Stainless steel spin formed components
원심회전성형철강부품 Steel spin formed components
원심회전성형주석부품 Tin spin formed components
원심회전성형티타늄부품 Titanium spin formed components
원심회전성형아연부품 Zinc spin formed components
롤성형마그네슘부품 Magnesium roll formed components
롤성형니켈부품 Nickel alloy roll formed components
롤성형비철합금부품 Non ferrous alloy roll formed components
롤성형비금속부품 Non metallic roll formed components
롤성형귀금속부품 Precious metal roll formed components
롤성형스테인리스강부품 Stainless steel roll formed components
롤성형철강부품 Steel roll formed components
롤성형주석부품 Tin roll formed components
롤성형티타늄부품 Titanium roll formed components
롤성형아연부품 Zinc roll formed components
인장성형마그네슘부품 Magnesium stretch formed components
인장성형니켈부품 Nickel alloy stretch formed components
인장성형비철합금부품 Non ferrous alloy stretch formed components
인장성형비금속부품 Non metallic stretch formed components
인장성형귀금속부품 Precious metal stretch formed components
인장성형스테인리스강부품 Stainless steel stretch formed components
인장성형철강부품 Steel stretch formed components
인장성형주석부품 Tin stretch formed components
인장성형티타늄부품 Titanium stretch formed components
인장성형아연부품 Zinc stretch formed components
폭발성형마그네슘부품 Magnesium explosive formed components
폭발성형니켈부품 Nickel alloy explosive formed components
폭발성형비철합금부품 Non ferrous alloy explosive formed components
폭발성형비금속부품 Non metallic explosive formed components
폭발성형귀금속부품 Precious metal explosive formed components
폭발성형스테인리스강부품 Stainless steel explosive formed components
폭발성형철강부품 Steel explosive formed components
폭발성형주석부품 Tin explosive formed components
폭발성형티타늄부품 Titanium explosive formed components
폭발성형아연부품 Zinc explosive formed components
플라스틱정수압압출성형품 Plastic machined hydro static extrusions
귀금속정수압압출성형품 Precious metal machined hydro static extrusions
고무정수압압출성형품 Rubber machined hydro static extrusions
스테인레스강정수압압출성형품 Stainless steel machined hydro static extrusions
철강정수압압출성형품 Steel machined hydro static extrusions
주석정수압압출성형품 Tin machined hydro static extrusions
티타늄정수압압출성형품 Titanium machined hydro static extrusions
아연정수압압출성형품 Zinc machined hydro static extrusions
복합재정수압압출성형품 Composite machined hydro static extrusions
니켈합금정수압압출성형품 Nickel alloy machined hydro static extrusions
충격가공플라스틱압출성형품 Plastic machined impact extrusions
충격가공귀금속압출성형품 Precious metal machined impact extrusions
충격가공합성고무압출성형품 Rubber machined impact extrusions
충격가공스테인리스강압출성형품 Stainless steel machined impact extrusions
충격가공강철압출성형품 Steel machined impact extrusions
충격가공주석압출성형품 Tin machined impact extrusions
충격가공티타늄압출성형품 Titanium machined impact extrusions
충격가공아연압출성형품 Zinc machined impact extrusions
충격가공합성물압출성형품 Composite machined impact extrusions
충격가공니켈합금압출성형품 Nickel alloy machined impact extrusions
플라스틱냉간압출성형품 Plastic machined cold extrusions
귀금속냉간압출성형품 Precious metal machined cold extrusions
고무냉간압출성형품 Rubber machined cold extrusions
스테인리스강냉간압출성형품 Stainless steel machined cold extrusions
철강냉간압출성형품 Steel machined cold extrusions
주석냉간압출성형품 Tin machined cold extrusions
티타늄냉간압출성형품 Titanium machined cold extrusions
아연냉간압출성형품 Zinc machined cold extrusions
복합재냉간압출성형품 Composite machined cold extrusions
니켈합금냉간압출성형품 Nickel alloy machined cold extrusions
플라스틱열간압출성형품 Plastic machined hot extrusions
귀금속열간압출성형품 Precious metal machined hot extrusions
고무열간압출성형품 Rubber machined hot extrusions
스테인리스강열간압출성형품 Stainless steel machined hot extrusions
철강열간압출성형품 Steel machined hot extrusions
주석열간압출성형품 Tin machined hot extrusions
티타늄열간압출성형품 Titanium machined hot extrusions
아연열간압출성형품 Zinc machined hot extrusions
복합재열간압출성형품 Composite machined hot extrusions
니켈합금열간압출성형품 Nickel alloy machined hot extrusions
구리가공자유단조품 Copper open die machined forgings
황동가공자유단조품 Brass open die machined forgings
청동가공자유단조품 Bronze open die machined forgings
아연가공자유단조품 Zinc open die machined forgings
주석가공자유단조품 Tin open die machined forgings
납가공자유단조품 Lead open die machined forgings
귀금속자유단조품 Precious metal open die machined forgings
복합재자유단조품 Composite open die machined forgings
니켈합금가공자유단조품 Nickel alloy open die machined forgings
비금속자유단조품 Non metallic open die machined forgings
구리가공폐쇄단조품 Copper closed die machined forgings
황동가공폐쇄단조품 Brass closed die machined forgings
청동가공폐쇄단조품 Bronze closed die machined forgings
아연가공폐쇄단조품 Zinc closed die machined forgings
주석가공폐쇄단조품 Tin closed die machined forgings
납가공폐쇄단조품 Lead closed die machined forgings
단조귀금속비공개품 Precious metal closed die machined forgings
단조합성물비공개품 Composite closed die machined forgings
단조니켈합금가공폐쇄단조품 Nickel alloy closed die machined forgings
단조비금속비공개품 Non metallic closed die machined forgings
구리가공형단조품 Copper impression die machined forgings
황동가공형단조품 Brass impression die machined forgings
청동가공형단조품 Bronze impression die machined forgings
아연가공형단조품 Zinc impression die machined forgings
주석가공형단조품 Tin impression die machined forgings
납가공형단조품 Lead impression die machined forgings
단조귀금속인쇄품 Precious metal impression die machined forgings
단조합성물인쇄품 Composite impression die machined forgings
니켈합금가공형단조품 Nickel alloy impression die machined forgings
단조비금속인쇄품 Non metallic impression die machined forgings
기계식낙하단조가공품 Machined drop forgings
비철합금 기계가공형타단조품 Non ferrous alloy drop machined forgings
아연기계가공형타단조품 Zinc drop machined forgings
철합금 기계가공형타단조품 Ferrous alloy drop machined forgings
주석기계가공형타단조품 Tin drop machined forgings
납기계가공형타단조품 Lead drop machined forgings
철강기계가공형타단조품 Steel drop machined forgings
귀금속기계가공형타단조품 Precious metal drop machined forgings
스테인리스강기계가공형타단조품 Stainless steel drop machined forgings
철기계가공형타단조품 Iron drop machined forgings
기계가공링단조품 Machined rolled ring forgings
알루미늄가공롤단조품 Aluminum rolled ring machined forgings
베릴륨가공롤단조품 Beryllium rolled ring machined forgings
황동가공롤단조품 Brass rolled ring machined forgings
청동가공롤단조품 Bronze rolled ring machined forgings
구리가공롤단조품 Copper rolled ring machined forgings
단조쇠롤링 Iron rolled ring machined forgings
납가공롤단조품 Lead rolled ring machined forgings
마그네슘가공롤단조품 Magnesium rolled ring machined forgings
단조귀금속롤링 Precious metal rolled ring machined forgings
스테인리스강덕트 또는 스테인리스강 덕트배관 Stainless steel ducts or ductwork
귀금속덕트 또는 귀금속덕트배관 Precious metal ducts or ductwork
구리덕트 또는 구리덕트배관 Copper ducts or ductwork
라텍스 덕트 Latex duct or ductwork
나일론 덕트 Nylon duct or ductwork
파트너사를 통해 개인간거래(P2P) 대출과 크라우드 펀딩을 비롯해 주식·귀금속 거래에 이어 암호화폐까지 거래가 가능한 서비스를 구축했다.
Through its partners, it has established a service that allows P2P loans, crowdfunding, stock and precious metal transactions, and even cryptocurrency transactions.
금광, 귀금속 관련 기업 주식에 투자하기 때문에 금값 등락과는 다소 차이가 있다는 점을 유의해야 한다.
It should be noted that it is somewhat different from gold price fluctuations because it invests in gold and precious metal-related corporate stocks.
친환경적 은 귀금속 점토 개발
Delelopment of the Environment-friendly Silver Precious Metal Clay
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