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polysaccharide 〔p´alis´æk∂r´aid〕 다당류

[위키] 다당류 Polysaccharide

[百] 다당류 (多糖類) polysaccharide

[百d] 다당류 [ 多糖類, polysaccharide ]

polysaccharide 다당류

[生] Polysaccharides (다당류) (多糖類)

헴철폴리펩티드 Heme iron polypeptide
철폴리사카라이드 Iron polysaccharide
철피로포스페이트 Ferric pyrophosphate
카코딜산철 Ferrous cacodylate
카보닐철 Carbonyl iron
헤민 또는 헤마틴 Hemin or hematin
철 자당 Iron sucrose

다만 기존에 13가 단백접합백신(PCV13)을 접종한 경우에는 23가 다당질 백신을 추가 접종하면 면역력 증대에 효과적이니 접종하는 것이 좋다.
However, if you have previously been vaccinated with a 13-valent protein conjugated vaccine (PCV13), additional vaccination of the 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine is effective in increasing immunity, so inoculation is recommended.

"최근 발간된 「예방접종대상 감염병의 역학과 관리」지침에서도 65세 이상 연령은 23가 다당질 백신 1회 접종을 권고하고, 면역저하 기저질환 등이 있는 고위험군에 한해 13가 우선접종 등을 추가로 권고하고 있다"고 강조했다.
He emphasized that "in the recently published guidelines for Epidemiology and Management of Infectious Diseases Subject to Vaccination, one dose of the 23-polyvalent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine is recommended for those 65 years of age or older, and the 13-polyvalent vaccine is recommended to be vaccinated preferentially for high-risk groups with the reduced immune system and underlying diseases."

23가 다당질 백신은 65세 이상의 모든 성인에게 1회 접종이 권장되며, 폐렴구균 감염 위험이 높은 2세 이상 소아청소년 및 19~64세 성인에서도 동 백신 접종이 권장됩니다.
A 23-year-old polysaccharide vaccine is recommended once for all adults aged 65 or older, and is also recommended for children aged 2 or older and adults aged 19 to 64 who are at high risk of pneumonia.

진생베리에 존재하는 다당체를 분리한 후 성분 분석을 한 결과 바이러스를 잡아먹는 대식세포가 활성화되면서 면역반응이 강화되는 것을 밝혀낸 것이다.
After separating the polysaccharides present in the Ginseng Berry, analysis of the components revealed that the immune response was strengthened as macrophages that eat viruses are activated.

dental plaque : a soft, thin film of food debris, mucin, and dead epithelial cells deposited
on the teeth, providing the medium for the growth of various bacteria. The main
inorganic components are calcium and phosphorus with small amounts of magnesium,
potassium, and sodium; the organic matrix consists of polysaccharides, proteins,
carbohydrates, lipids, and other components. Plaque plays an important etiologic role in
the development of dental caries and periodontal and gingival diseases and provides the
base for the development of materia alba; calcified plaque forms dental calculus.

protein polysaccharide (단백다당류)

감식초 및 복분자주에서 분리한 다당의 화학적 특성 및 면역활성
Chemical characteristics and immuno-stimulating activity of polysaccharides isolated from Korean persimmon vinegar and Korean raspberry wine

Polysaccharide,(1->5)-α-D-ribofuranan의 phosphate 반응에 대한 촉매효과에 관한 연구
A Study on the Catalytic Activities of Polysaccharide,(1->5)-α-D-ribofuranan, for the Phosphate Reactions

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