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phased array 〔feizd∂r´ei〕 정상열의, 위상 단열 레이더의

phased withdrawal 단계적 철수

TIFDL Time Phased Force Deployment List 시차별 병력배치명단

multi-phased coup 다단계 쿠테타

phased 단계적인

This is true in all phases of life, in all areas of development, whether it be learning to play the piano or communicate effectively with a working associate.
이같은 사실은 인생의 모든 국면(局面), 즉 모든 발달과정에 적용된다.
예컨대 우리가 피아노 치는 것을 배우든 직장 동료들과 효과적으로 커뮤니케이션하는 것을 배우든 이것은 그대로 적용된다.

[百] 핵상교번 (核相交番) alternation of nuclear phases

[百] 핵상 (核相) nuclear phases

We'll need your contact information,
여러분들의 연락처가 필요해요
so we can send you materials to share with your friends.
여러분이 친지들과 나눌 자료를 전달해야 해서요
Now, let's talk about the way the money's gonna get phased in.
이제 자금 집행 순서에 대해 이야기를 나누겠습니다
It's gonna happen in six stages. Stage one...
6단계로 진행될 겁니다

이는 미·중 무역협상의 단계적 합의 가능성이 부각되면서 투자자들이 미국 주식시장의 불확실성이 감소하고 위험 선호도가 증가할 것으로 기대하고 있기 때문인 것으로 분석된다.
Analysts say this is because investors expect uncertainties in the U.S. stock market to decrease and risk preferences to increase as the possibility of a phased agreement between the U.S. and China is highlighted.

결국 2016년 IFRS17의 핵심 내용이 확정되면서 보험업계는 지난 3∼4년간 회계 충격을 줄이기 위한 단계적 준비 작업에 착수했다.
As the core contents of IFRS17 were finalized in 2016, the insurance industry has started phased preparations to reduce accounting shocks over the past three to four years.

이재갑 고용노동부 장관도 지난 6일 전 국민 고용보험의 단계적 도입을 이야기하며 "정부가 현 단계에서 역량을 집중해 추진하는 것은 특고 종사자와 예술인을 고용보험에 가입시키는 방안"이라고 밝힌 바 있다.
Lee Jae-kap, Minister of Employment and Labor, also mentioned the phased introduction of the nationwide employment insurance and said on the 6th, "At this point, what the government is working on is a plan to let special workers and artists subscribe to the employment insurance."

'시장금리의 단계적 자유화' 완성으로 초단기금리의 공개 조작을 통한 경기 조절이 가능해졌기 때문이다.
This is because the completion of "phased liberalization of market interest rates" has made it possible to adjust the economy through public manipulation of ultra-short-term interest rates.

고용보험 적용 대상을 확대하는 데 필요한 재원을 어떻게 마련해 나갈 수 있는지에 대한 논의가 단계적인 확대 방안과 함께 나와야 한다.
Discussions on how to raise the funds needed to expand the scope of employment insurance coverage should come along with phased expansion measures.

메드팩토는 지난해 9월과 10월 식품의약품안전처로부터 벡토서팁을 면역항암제 '키트루다', '임핀지'와 각각 병용투여하는 제1b·2a상 임상시험 2건을 승인 받아 진행 중이다.
MedPacto received approval from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in September and October of last year for two phases 1b and 2a clinical trials in which Vactosertib was administered in combination with the immune anticancer drugs "Keytruda" and "Imfinzi," respectively.

셀트리온은 자가면역 바이오시밀러 램시마의 피하주사 제제인 '램시마SC(CT-P13 SC)'가 1, 2상을 면제받고 임상 3상 환자모집에 돌입했다고 7월 31일 밝혔다.
Celltrion announced on July 31 that Remsima SC (CT-P13 SC), a subcutaneous injection formulation of the autoimmune biosimilar Remsima, was exempt from phases 1 and 2 and started recruiting patients for phase 3 clinical trials.

어제까지 3차례에 걸쳐 조사 대상 9336명에 대한 전수조사가 완료되었습니다.
The complete enumeration of 9,336 people surveyed was completed through 3 phases until yesterday.

인천시는 작년 7월부터 장애등급제가 단계적으로 폐지됨에 따라 등급 대신 생애주기와 장애 유형을 고려한 맞춤형 서비스를 제공하기 위해 장애인 통계를 작성했다.
As the disability rating system has been phased out since July last year, the Incheon Metropolitan Government has compiled statistics on the disabled to provide customized services that take into account life cycles and disability types instead of grades.

감염병 확산 정도에 따라 경기도의료원의 단계별 전면 폐쇄 등을 통해 격리병상을 단계적으로 확대해 최대 88병상을 확보할 예정이다.
Depending on the extent of the spread of the infectious disease, the quarantine beds will be expanded in stages to secure a maximum of 88 beds through phased closure of the Gyeonggi Provincial Medical Center.

Buyers also should be aware that the so-called millennium trigger - an
optional software upgrade in 2000 - will be needed to play legally
purchased new music after the recording industry phases in digital
watermarks and other security measures. This upgrade will render devices
unable to play new bootlegs.
소비자들이 한가지 더 염두에 두어야 할 것은 이른바 '밀리니엄
트리거(Millennium Trigger)'로 불리는 소프트웨어다. 현재 시중제품의
옵션사항으로 2000년에 업그레이드(성능 향상)이 가능하지만 이 업그레이드 소
프트웨어가 있어야만 음악-음반업체들이 디지털에 대한 법률과 기술기준에
맞춰 내놓은 새로운 음악들을 틀을 수 있게 된다는 점이다. 이 업그레이드
버젼은 물론 불법복제된 '해적판 음악'들은 틀을 수가 없도록 되어있다.

위상 배열 안테나 phased array antenna

위성 개발 단계 development phases of satellites

phased conversion : 위상 변환

mitosis (유사분열, 세포 분열상) a method of indirect division of a cell, consisting of a
complex of various processes, by means of which the two daughter nuclei normally
receive identical complements of the number of chromosomes characteristic of the
somatic cells of the species. Mitosis, the process by which the body grows and replaces
cells, is divided into four phases. 1. Prophase : formation of paired chromosomes;
disappearance of nuclear membrane; appearance of the achromatic spindle; formation of
polar bodies. 2. Metaphase : arrangement of chromosomes in the equatorial plane of the
central spindle to form the monaster. Chromosomes separate into exactly similar halves.
3. Anaphase : the two groups of daughter chromosomes separate and move along the
fibres of the central spindle, each toward one of the asters, forming the diaster. 4.
Telophase : the daughter chromosomes resolve themselves into a reticulum and the
daughter nuclei are formed; the cytoplasm divides, forming two complete daughter cells.
NOTE : the term mitosis is used interchangeably with cell division, but strictly speaking
it refers to nuclear division, whereas cytokinesis refers to division of the cytoplasm. In
some cells, as in many fungi and the fertilized eggs of many insects, nuclear division
occurs within the cell unaccompanied by division of the cytoplasm and formation of
daughter cells.

two phases of treatment (2단계 치료법)

[航]phased array radar 위상배열레이다

[航]phased satellite system 위상위성방식

릿지형 테이퍼드 슬롯 위상배열 안테나의 설계 및 복사특성 분석
Design and Radiation Characterization of Ridged Tapered Slot Phased Array Antenna

초등학교 미술과 평면 표현에서 단계적 색채 지도 방안 : 고학년을 중심으로
(A) Phased plan for teaching elementary students on how to use colors in painting and plane expression

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