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national association

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ENSA 〔´ens∂〕 Entertainment National Service Association)(영)위문 봉사회(군대를 위문하는)

N.A.B National Association of Broadcasters 전미국 방송협회, New American Bible

N.A.S.D National Amalgamated Stevedores and Dockers, National Association of Security Dealers

NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

NAA National Aeronautic Association 전미 비행가 협회, neutronactivation analysis

Nalgo, N.A.L.G.O (National and Local Government Officer's Association)(영국의) 국가 지방 공무원 조합

NBA National Basketball Association 미국 농구협회, National Boxing Association미국 권투 협회

NCAA National colleiate athletic Association 미국대학체육협회

NEA, N.E.A. National Education Association, Newspaper Enterprise Association

NRA, N.R.A. National Recovery Administration, National Recovery Administration, National Rifle Association

NSA, N.S.A. National Security Agency 국가 안보국, National Standards Association, National Students Association, National Shipping Authority, National Skating Association

NBA(=national basketball association) 전미 프로 농구 협회

Until the 1910 formation of the National Hockey Association
in eastern Canada, professional and amateur teams were
allowed to play together.
1910년의 동부캐나다의 전국 하키 연맹의 설립 때까지, 프로와 아마추어 팀들이
함께 경기를 하도록 허락되었다.

Nasdaq 나스닥
The National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system.
나스닥(NASDAQ)은 지난 71년 미국에 설립된 세계최초의 전산증권거
래시장이다. 따라서 증권거래소등 구체적 장소없이 컴퓨터 스크린을
통해 모든 거래가 이뤄진다.
SEC(증권관리위원회)에 등록된 자율규제기관인 NASD(증권업협회)에
의해 운영되고 있으며 거래대금기준 뉴욕증권거래소(NYSE)에 이어 세계 제
2의 증권시장에 랭크되고 있다.

Diplomatic personnel are not eligible for this policy.
Athena Insurance is a member of the National Association of Insurance
Please do not hesitate to contact us for group, life, fire or specialized
insurance policies of any kind whatsoever.
외교관들은 이 보험 상품에 가입하실 수 없습니다.
에이시나 보험사는 전국 보험사 연합회 회원입니다.
어떤 종류의 단체, 생명, 화재, 특화 보험 상품이든지 문의 사항이 있으시면
주저하지 마시고 전화해 주십시오.

[위키] 전미 농구 협회 National Basketball Association

[위키] 전미 여자 농구 협회 Women's National Basketball Association

[위키] 아프리카 국가 올림픽 위원회 연합 Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa

[위키] 전미 총기 협회 National Rifle Association

[위키] 전미 흑인 지위 향상 협회 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

[위키] 전미 대학 체육 협회 National Collegiate Athletic Association

[百] 국가올림픽연합회 (國家─聯合會) Association of National Olympic Committees

[百] 전국직능단체총연합회 (全國職能團體總聯合會) National Occupation Association

[百] 한국연극협회 (韓國演劇協會) National Theater Association of Korea Inc.

[百] 복음주의협회 (福音主義協會) National Association of Evangelicals

[百] 민족통일중앙협의회 (民族統一中央協議會) The Central Association for National Unification of Korea

[百] NEA National Education Association

[百] NAB National Association of Broadcasters

[百] 대한어머니회 (大韓─會) Korean National Mothers’Association

[百] NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

[百] 전미총기협회 (全美銃器協會) National Rifle Association

[百] 대한결핵협회 (大韓結核協會) The Korean National Tuberculosis Association

[百] 대한궁도협회 (大韓弓道協會) Korea National Archery Association

[百] NBA National Basketball Association

[百] WNBA Women's National Basketball Association

[百d] 전미교육협회 [ 全美敎育協會, National Education Association, NEA ]

[百d] 전미유색인지위향상협회 [ 全美有色人地位向上協會, National Association for the Advancement of Col..., NAACP ]

[百d] 영국국립사격협회 [ 英國國立射擊協會, National Rifle Association, NRA ]

[百d] 미국 프로 농구협회 [ 美國 ―― 籠球協會, National Basketball Association, NBA,내셔널 농구협회 ]

[百d] 나스닥 [ National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations, NASDAQ ]

It's the only major bill he's sponsored in six years.
6년 만에 처음으로 미는 중대한 법안이야
I know, but they already have national coverage. What's the angle?
알지만 이미 전국적으로 보도되잖아요, 주제가 뭐죠?
If it doesn't pass,
I think he'll lose support from the Shipbuilders' Association.
통과되지 않으면 조선 노동자 협회의 지지를 잃을 거야

- Coming back to you, Will. - Don't doubt for a minute
- 네 차례야, 윌 - 의심을 멈추지 마십시요
that if they thought they could get away with it,
만약 할 수만 있다고 생각된다면
- they would ban guns and ban ammunition. - Stand by, 177.
- 언제라도 총기를 제한할 것입니다 - 177, 준비
That was former governor Sarah Palin
방금 화면은 전주지사 사라페일린씨가
speaking to the National Rifle Association last year.
작년 전국 총기협회에서 발표한 내용입니다

이로써 국민연금은 횡령·배임·사익편취 등으로 기업 가치가 추락했는데도 개선 의지가 없는 투자기업을 상대로 주주 제안을 통해 이사 해임과 정관 변경 등을 요구할 수 있게 됐다.
As a result, the National Pension Service will be able to demand the dismissal of directors and the change in the articles of the association through the shareholder proposals to the investment companies that have no will to improve themselves even though their corporate value has fallen due to embezzlement, breach of trust and defrauding on their own interests.

대한건설협회는 지난 19일 세계 경제와 국내 경제에 타격이 우려됨에 따라 건설 투자를 확대하고 관련 규제를 철폐해줄 것을 청와대, 국회, 정부 등에 건의했다고 밝혔다.
The Construction Association of Korea said on the 19th that it has asked Cheong Wa Dae, the National Assembly, and the government to expand construction investment and remove related regulations under the concern of the damage to the global economy and the domestic economy.

독립추진위는 문재인 대통령의 대선 공약인 "기재부가 최대 주주인 서울신문의 독립성을 보장할 방안을 마련한다"를 실현하기 위해 지난해 7월 출범했고 본사와 우리사주조합, 전국언론노조 및 지부, 기재부, 한국기자협회, 한국언론학회 등이 참가하고 있다.
The Independent Promotion Committee was launched in July last year to realize President Moon Jae-in's presidential pledge, "To ensure the independence of the Seoul Newspaper, where the Ministry of Economy and Finance is the largest shareholder," and the headquarters, employee's stock ownership association, the National Union of Media workers and branch, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Journalists Association of Korea, and The Korean Society for Journalism & Communication Studies, etc.

KS-PBI는 한국표준협회와 서울대학교 경영연구소가 공동 개발한 브랜드 가치 평가 모델이다.
KS-PBI is a brand value evaluation model jointly developed by the Korea Standards Association and the Seoul National University Business Institute.

이번 5호 블라인드 펀드에는 국민연금과 행정공제회 사학연금 등을 포함해 국내외 50여곳의 기관투자자가 출자했다.
The No. 5 blind fund was invested by more than 50 institutional investors at home and abroad, including the National Pension Service and the private school pension of the Public Officials Benefit Association.

P2P금융 관련 법안들이 국회 정무위원회 법안심사소위원회를 통과하며 P2P 법제화가 7부 능선을 넘은 가운데 P2P금융 업계가 금융당국으로부터 두 개로 쪼개진 협회를 합치라는 과제를 부여받았다.
As bills related to P2P finance passed the Legislative Subcommittee on the Deliberation of Bills of the National Assembly's National Policy Committee, the P2P legislation crossed the 7th ridge out of ten, and the P2P finance industry was given a task of combining the association, which was divided into two by financial authorities.

이날 행사에선 김경훈 선주협회 사무국 부장이 우수선화주 인증제도 법제화를 이끌어낸 공로로 문희상 국회의장 명의 공로장을 받았다.
At the event, Kim Kyung-hoon, the head of the secretary of Korea Shipowners' Association, received a letter of merit in the name of the Chairman of the National Assembly Moon Hee-sang for leading the legislation of the excellent shipper certification system.

앞으로 농협, 신협, 수협, 새마을금고 조합원이나 탈퇴 조합원이 출자금과 배당금을 모바일로 찾을 수 있게 된다.
In the future, members of the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, Credit Union, Fisheries Cooperative Association, Korean Federation of Community Credit Cooperatives, or withdrawal members will be able to find their investments and dividends on mobile.

국내에서는 기획경제부, 산업자원부, 한국 수자원 공사, 한국개발연구원, 한국 환경산업 기술 연구원, 한국무역협회, 한국수출입은행, 농협 투자증권 등의 고위급 임원들이 함께했다.
In Korea, high-level executives from the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, the Korea Water Resources Corporation, the Korea Development Institute, the Korea Environment Industry Technology Institute, the Korea International Trade Association, the Export-Import Bank of Korea and the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation's investment securities were present.

이 펀드는 전남대기술지주와 광주지역대학연합기술지주가 공동 업무집행조합원으로 총괄 운영을 맡기로 했다.
The fund will be run comprehensively by Chonnam National University Technology Holdings and Gwangju Regional University Technology Holdings as the joint operating members of the association.

천안 갤러리아 센터시티를 매입한 블라인드펀드 2호는 2018년 교직원공제회·농협중앙회·경찰공제회 등이 출자한 총 2,100억원 규모의 펀드다.
Blind Fund No. 2, which purchased Cheonan Galleria Center City, is a fund with a total of KRW 210 billion invested by the Teachers' Credit Union, the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, and the Police Mutual Aid Association in 2018.

권 회장이 사퇴하면 그동안 금투협이 국회와의 관계를 다지며 추진하고 있던 자본시장 활성화 방안 처리에 힘이 빠질 수도 있는 상황이다.
If Chairman Kwon resigns, the Financial Investment Association may lose strength in dealing with measures to revitalize the capital market, which it has been pushing for by strengthening its relations with the National Assembly.

국가기후환경회의와 질병관리본부·대한의학회는 최근 미세먼지와 국민건강 콘퍼런스를 통해 '10가지 미세먼지 국민행동'을 발표했다.
The National Climate Environment Conference, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Korean Medical Association recently announced "10 Fine Dust National Actions" through the fine dust and national health conference.

아울러 관악구는 전국원룸협회와 협업해 원룸 범죄예방 진단 및 시설 개선 등을 지속적으로 추진해나갈 계획이다.
In addition, Gwanak-gu plans to cooperate with the National One Room Association to continuously promote the diagnosis of crime prevention in studio apartments and the improvement of facilities.

지난 20일 서울 여의도 국회에서 열린 '바람직한 간호인력 역할 정립과 상생방안 정책토론회'에서 손호준 보건복지부 의료자원정책과장은 "간무협 법정단체화는 의료현장의 전문인력으로서 책임을 명확히 하고 간호조무사의 인권보호, 권익증진을 위해 필요하다"고 말했다.
At the "Debate on Establishing the Role of Preferred Nursing Personnel and Co-prosperity Policy" held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the 20th, Son Ho-Joon, head of the Medical Resource Policy Division of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, said, "The legal organization of the Korea Licensed Practical Nurses Association is necessary for clarifying responsibilities as professionals in the medical field and for the protection of human rights and the promotion of rights and interests of practical nurses."

대한암협회와 국립암센터가 지난 4∼5월 암 생존자 중 치료와 일을 병행하고 있거나 사회복귀 의사가 있는 855명을 대상으로 실시한 설문조사 결과다.
This is the result of a survey conducted by the Korea Cancer Association and the National Cancer Center from April to May of 855 cancer survivors who are working and receiving treatment at the same time or who are willing to return to society.

예방 백신은 없지만 치료제로 완치가 가능한 C형간염을 국가건강검진에 포함시켜야 한다는 대한간학회 등 전문학회의 요구가 수년째 이어지자 시범사업으로 국가검진의 유효성과 비용 효과성을 따져 보겠다는 게 보건당국의 설명이다.
Health authorities explain that they will examine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the national examination as a pilot project after years of calls by the Korean Association of Liver Medicine and other academic societies to include hepatitis C, which does not have a vaccine; it can be completely cured as a treatment.

또 이 연구가 지난 7월 국책과제에 선정되면서 18억의 연구비를 수주했고, 학회에서 수여 하는 젊은 비뇨의학자 연구지원 사업에 선정되기도 했다.
In addition, this research was selected as a national project in July and won KRW 1.8 billion in research funding, and was also selected as a research support project for young urologists awarded by the association.

대한결핵협회를 통해 마을회관과 경로당, 무더위 쉼터에서 이동식 흉부 엑스레이 촬영과 실시간 원격 판독을 실시하고, 결핵 소견이 발견될 경우 당일 확진검사를 무료로 지원한다.
Through the Korean National Tuberculosis Association, mobile chest X-rays and real-time remote readings are performed at village halls, senior citizens, and hot shelters, and if tuberculosis findings are found, confirmation tests are provided free of charge on the same day.

목포기독병원은 최근 보건복지부와 대한병원협회에서 주관으로 코로나19 걱정 없는 국민안심병원으로 지정받아 감염병 예방에 선제 대응을 하고 있다.
Mokpo Christian Hospital was recently designated as a COVID-19 National Safe Hospital under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Korea Hospital Association, and is taking preemptive action against infectious diseases.

의사협회의 반대, "원격의료는 의료 영리화로 가는 수순"이라는 일부 시민단체의 선동, 그리고 이들의 눈치를 살피는 정부와 국회의 소극적인 태도 때문이다.
That is because of the opposition of the medical association, the incitement of some civic groups that "telemedicine is the step toward medical commercialization", and the passive attitude of the government and the National Assembly to read their countenances.

농협중앙회전남지역본부, NH농협은행전남영업본부, 광주은행전남도청지점, 청해진골드황칠주식회사, 농업회사법인담다, 명성제분, 강진해찬여주영농조합법인, 목포신안군농협조합공동사업법인, 자연나라영농조합법인, 나주시좋은영농조합법인, 고흥석류친환경영농조합법인, 환길산업 등이 참여해 6만 3천개, 1억4천만원 상당의 물품을 기증했다.
National Agricultural Cooperative Federation Jeonnam Regional Headquarters, NH Nonghyup Bank Jeonnam Sales Headquarters, Gwangju Bank Jeonnam-do Provincial Office branch, Cheonghaejin Gold Dendropanax Co., Ltd. Association corporations, Agricultural Corporation Damda, Myungsung flour mill, Gangjin, Haechan and Yeoju Agricultural Association Corporation, Mokpo and Shinan Agricultural Cooperative Federation Jointly Business Corporation, Jayeonnara Agricultural Association Corporation, Naju Good Agricultural Association Corporation, Goheung Pomegranate Eco-friendly Agricultural Association Corporation, and Hwangil Industries participated in donating 63,000 items, worth KRW 140 million.

의협은 1일 '대국민 담화문'을 발표하고 중국의 우한, 항저우, 광저우, 정저우, 창사, 난징 등 6개 지역을 거론하며 "국내뿐 아니라 외국 항공사의 운항을 제한·중단하고 검역을 강화할 것을 권고한다"고 밝혔다.
On the 1st, the Korean Medical Association announced the "National Discourse" and pointed out six regions in China, including Wuhan, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Zhengzhou, Changsha, and Nanjing, and said, "We recommend that the government restrict and suspend operations of domestic as well as foreign airlines and strengthen quarantine."

분당서울대병원은 차세대 병원정보시스템 베스트케어 2.0(BESTCare 2.0)이 2010년 미국 의료정보시스템관리학회(HIMSS) EMRAM 7단계 최초 인증 후 2016년 재인증을 획득한데 이어 3연속으로 인증을 성공적으로 획득했다고 14일 밝혔다.
Bundang Seoul National University Hospital announced on the 14th that the next-generation hospital information system Best Care 2.0 (BESTCare 2.0) successfully obtained re-certification in 2016 after obtaining the first certification in the 7th stage of EMRAM by the U.S. Medical Information System Management Association (HIMSS) in 2010 and then successfully obtained certification for three consecutive years.

김연수 서울대병원장이 23일 교육부 인가를 받아 출범한 사단법인 국립대학병원협회장에 취임했다.
Kim Yeon-soo, president of Seoul National University Hospital, took office as head of the National University Hospital Association, a division launched with the approval of the Ministry of Education on Sunday.

사회정의를 바라는 전국교수모임과 전국학부모단체연합 등은 이날 성명을 내고 "유치원과 초중고교의 개학을 3월 23일로 연기했으나 현재 코로나19의 확산 상황으로 볼 때 3주간의 기존 연기로는 자녀들을 지켜낼 수 없다"고 주장했다.
The National Association of Professors and the National Federation of Parent Organizations, who wish for social justice, issued a statement on the day and said, "The opening of kindergartens and elementary, middle and high schools was postponed to March 23, but considering the spread of COVID-19, we cannot protect our children with three weeks of existing acting."

국가트라우마센터·대한신경정신의학회 등에서 환자와 보호자, 의료진을 위한 심리지원 지침서를 배포하였는데 잠깐 살펴보면 다음과 같다.
The National Trauma Center and the Korean Neuropsychiatric Association have distributed guidelines for psychological support for patients, carers and medical staff, and a quick look at them is as follows.

의협은 이날 확보한 방역물품을 분당서울대병원, 영남대의료원, 시립보라매병원, 서울대병원, 경북의사회, 국립암센터, 추병원, 국립부곡병원, 동국대경주병원, 대구가톨릭대병원, 경북대병원, 대전을지대병원, 충남대병원, 고신대복음병원, 서울대보건대학원, 고려대안암병원 등에 보냈다.
The medical association sent the supplies it secured to Bundang Seoul National University Hospital, Yeungnam University Medical Center, City Boramae Hospital, Seoul National University Hospital, Gyeongbuk Medical Center, National Cancer Center, Chu Hospital, National Bugok Hospital, Dongguk University Gyeongju Hospital, Daegu Catholic University Hospital, Kyungpook National University Hospital, Daejeon University Hospital, Chungnam National University Hospital, Goshin University Gospel Hospital, and Korea University Anam Hospital.

국립보건연구원과 대한간호협회는 11월 26일(월) 여성건강 연구협력을 위한 양해각서(MOU)를 체결하였다고 밝혔다.
The National Institute of Health and the Korea Nurses Association announced that they signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for research cooperation on women's health on November 26th (Monday.)

간무협의 법정단체 인정을 놓고 의료법 개정안이 국회에 계류 중인 가운데 간무협은 10월 23일 간호조무사 1만명이 참여하는 연가투쟁을 벌일 계획이다.
While amendments to medical law are pending at the National Assembly regarding to recognizing the Korean Licensed Practical Nurses Association as a legal organization, 10,000 nursing assistants are planning to hold a rebel during their annual leave on October 23.

질병관리본부 국립보건연구원은 한국의료법학회, 미래의료인문사회과학회와 공동으로 12월 4일(월) 오후 2시 서울역 대우재단빌딩에서 「제1차 국민 참여 보건연구자원 개발사업 포럼」을 개최한다.
The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency's National Institute of Health will hold the 1st Public Participation Health Research Resource Development Forum at the Daewoo Foundation building in Seoul Station at 2 p.m. on December 4 (Monday) in cooperation with the Korean Medical Law Association and the Future Medical Humanities and Social Sciences Association.

국립보건연구원과 대한간호협회는 여성건강연구를 위한 범국가적 연구 기반·기술 인프라를 구축하고, 여성건강 증진에 필요한 연구개발을 촉진하기 위하여 다음과 같이 학술·연구교류에 관한 협정을 체결한다.
The National Institute of Health and the Korea Nurses Association conclude an agreement on academic and research exchange as follows to establish a nationwide research base and technology infrastructure for women's health research and to promote research and development necessary for women's health promotion.

전국재해구호협회에 50억원을 기탁하고 직원 연수원을 코로나19 환자 생활치료시설로 제공했다.
It donated 5 billion won to the National Disaster Relief Association and provided a training center for employees as a living treatment facility for COVID-19.

이번 지침은 보건요원 지침, 일반국민 지침, 의료기관 지침, 실험실 진단 지침, 해외여행자 관리지침 등으로 구성되어 있으며, 16개 시·도, 13개 국립검역소, 대한의사협회 및 대한병원협회 등으로 배포되었다.
The guidelines consist of guidelines for health personnel, guidelines for the general public, guidelines for medical institutions, guidelines for laboratory diagnosis and management of overseas travelers, and were distributed to 16 cities and provinces, 13 national quarantine stations, the Korean Medical Association and the Korean Hospital Association.

이들 병원을 이용하려는 국민들은 보건복지부 또는 대한병원협회 홈페이지 등을 참고하여, 근처의 「국민안심병원」을 알아보고 이용할 것을 당부하였다.
Citizens who want to visit these hospitals are advised to refer to the website of the Ministry of Health and Welfare or the Korean Hospital Association to find out and visit the nearby National Safe Hospital.

대한간호협회는 전국 17개 시·도 간호사회와 10개 산하단체로 구성된 단체로 국민건강 및 사회복지 증진과 국제 교류를 통한 국가 간호사업 및 의료사업 발전에 기여해 오고 있다.
The Korean Nurses Association is a group consisting of 17 city and provincial nurse associations in Korea and 10 affiliated organizations and has been contributing to the development of the national nurse industry and medical business through the promotion of national health and social welfare and international exchanges.

City Councilman Richard McIver, who is black, said he was pulled from his
car by police on his way to a WTO reception and had his arms put behind
his back before being ordered to leave the area. He said that occurred
even after he had identified himself and given officers his gold-crested
council business card.
흑인인 리차드 맥이버 시의원은 WTO 환영회장으로 가는 도중 경찰이 자기를
끌어내 떠나라고 말하기도 전에 팔을 뒤로 묶었다고 말했다. 그는 심지어
자기가 누구인 지 밝히고 금빛 시의원 명함을 제시했는데도 이같은 일을
당했다고 말했다.
The local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People demanded an investigation of police conduct.
전국 유색인종연합회의 시애틀 지회는 이같은 경찰의 행위에 대한 철저한 조
사를 요구했다.
Stamper should resign, said Nicastro, who does not join the council until
니카스트로 시의원은 스탬퍼 경찰서장의 사임을 주장하며 오는 1월까지
시의회에 참석하지 않기로 했다.

미국 방송 사업자 협회 National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters, NARTB

National Computer Graphics Association : 미국 컴퓨터 그래픽 협회

National Computer Security Association : 미국 컴퓨터 보안 협회

ANA(Association of National Advertisers, Inc.)

NAB(National Association of Broadcasters)

NABB(National Association for Better Broadcasters)

NABET(National Association of Broadcast Employees andTechnicians)

NABOB(National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters)

NABTFP(National Association of Black Television and FilmProducers)

NAITPD(National Association of Independent Television Producersand Distr

NAMW(National Association of Media Women)

NANBA(North American National Broadcasters Association)

NAPTS(National Association of Public Television Stations)

NARB(National Association of Radio Broadcasters)

NARTB(National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters)

NARUC(National Association of Regulatory UtilitiesCommissioners)

NATO(National Association of Theatre Owners)

NATOA(National Association of Telecommunications Officers)

NATPE(National Association of Television Program Executives)

NBEA(National Broadcast Editorial Association)

NCTA(National Cable Television Association)

NRBA(National Radio Broadcasters Association)

일본민간방송연맹(The National Association of CommercialBroadcasting in J

전미방송협회(National Association of Broadcasters; NAB)

정하는 바에 의하여 영장제도, 언론·출판· 집회·결사의 자유, 정부나 법원의 권한에 관하여 특별한 조치를 할 수 있다.
(3) Under extraordinary martial law, special measures may be taken with respect to the necessity for warrants, freedom of speech, the press, assembly and association, or the powers of the Executive and the Judiciary under the conditions as prescribed by Act.
④계엄을 선포한 때에는 대통령은 지체없이 국회에 통고하여야 한다.
(4) When the President has proclaimed martial law, he/she shall notify it to the National Assembly without delay.
⑤국회가 재적의원 과반수의 찬성으로 계엄의 해제를 요구한 때에는 대통령은 이를 해제하여야 한다.
(5) When the National Assembly requests the lifting of martial law with the concurrence of a majority of the total members of the National Assembly, the President shall comply.

National Association of Insurance Companies

National Rifle Association 미국 총기 협회

NAPM 미국 구매관리협회 National Association of Purchasing Management

NASDAQ: National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation

National Association of Accountants: 미국 전국 회계사 협회

National Association of Cost Accountants: 미국 전국 원가회계사 협회

National Tax Association: 전미 세무협회

[협동조합] cooperative
* 정의: 회원 공동의 목적을 위해 사업을 하는 개인이나 회사들의 단체.
A cooperative is an association of individuals or firms whose purpose is to perform some business function for all its members. Members benefit from the activities of the cooperative because it can perform its function more effectively than any member could by acting alone.
1) 회비 = membership fee
The cooperative's members pay membership fees, which cover its operating costs. Members also pay for services provided by the cooperative as they use them
2) 구매조합 = buying cooperative
Buying cooperatives purchase goods in bulk (대량으로) and distribute them to members, the unit cost (단위비용) is lower than it would be if each member bought the goods in a much smaller quantity.
3) 신용협동조합 = credit union
Cooperatives such as credit unions are owned by their members, and they may or may not be incorporated. (법인화하다). When they are, the corporation is usually not for profit. (비영리의).
4) 농업협동조합 = agricultural cooperative
Although cooperatives are found in all segments of our economy, they are most prevalent in agriculture. Farmers use cooperatives to purchase supplies, to buy services such as trucking and storage, and to market their products.
5) 농협협동조합중앙회 = The National Agricultural Cooperatives Federation

NFPA National Fire Protection Association(전미(全美) 방화(防火) 협회).

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