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multiplication table 구구표(12*12까지 있음)
Q: 수학용어...................?
A: ① 방정식 - equation
1차 방정식 - simple equation
2차 방정식 - quadratic equation
3차 방정식 - cubic equation
② 덧셈 - addition
③ 뺄셈 - subtraction
④ 곱셈 - multiplication
⑤ 나눗셈 - division
⑥ 2제곱 - square
- to the second power
5² - five squared
- five to the second power
⑦ 3제곱 - cube
- to the third power
2³ - two cubed
- two to the third power
[위키] 곱셈 Multiplication
[위키] 행렬 곱셈 Matrix multiplication
[百] 소당분립 (小黨分立) multiplication of parties
[百] 오병이어 교회 Church of the Multiplication
[百] 곱셈 multiplication
[百] 곱셈공식 formulas of multiplication
[百] 곱셈정리 multiplication theorem
multiplication 증가,증식
effective multiplication factor 유효 곱인자
gas multiplication 기체증배
multiplication table 곱셈표
gas multiplication factor : 기체 증배인자
multiplication table : 곱셈표
수학교재 Math kits
덧셈교재 Addition math kits
나눗셈교재 Division math kits
분수속셈교재 Fraction math kits
중학 수학 교재 Middle school math kits
유아용 산수 교재 Early childhood math kits
도량속셈교재 Measurement math kits
곱셈 교재 Multiplication math kits
초등 산수 교재 Elementary math kits
뺄셈 교재 Subtraction math kits
분수플래시카드 Fraction flash cards
그레이터댄또는레스댄플래시카드 Greater than or less than flash cards
곱셈플래시카드 Multiplication flash cards
뺄셈플래시카드 Subtraction flash cards
알파벳플래시카드 Alphabet flash cards
단어공부플래시카드 Word building flash cards
파닉스플래시카드 Phonics flash cards
쓰기공부플래시카드 Handwriting or writing flash cards
숫자플래시카드 Number flash cards
화폐플래시카드 Money flash cards
기초수학계산자료및용품 Basic math operations and numeration resources and materials
덧셈실습또는자료서적 Addition activity or resource books
기초계산모형 Basic operations models
기초계산참고편람 Basic operations reference guides
나눗셈실습또는자료서적 Division activity or resource books
곱셈실습또는자료서적 Multiplication activity or resource books
뺄셈실습또는자료서적 Subtraction activity or resource books
탁상용숫자테이프 Number desk tapes
각종차트또는보드 Hundreds charts or boards
각종숫자타일 Hundreds number tiles
multiplication law of probability 확률의 곱셈법칙
multiplication principle 곱의 원리
multiplication table 곱셈표
multiplication theorem 곱셈정리
multiplication 승법, 곱셈
nested multiplication 축소승법
scalar multiplication 스칼라곱
국내 증시가 반등을 시작한 뒤에도 개인투자자들은 '곱버스' '매국베팅' 등으로 부르면서 인버스 투자에 열을 올리고 있다.
Even after the domestic stock market began to rebound, individual investors are keen to invest in Inverse, calling it "multiplication bus" and "traitor betting."
이번 이벤트는 '글로벌 X 포트폴리오 = Wrap'이라는 의미로 총 2개의 이벤트가 진행되며, 첫번째 곱하기 이벤트는 해당 랩 신규 고객 선착순 1만명에게 가르시아 장우산 또는 선스틱을 제공한다.
A total of two events will be held, under the meaning of "Global X Portfolio = Wrap," and the first multiplication event will provide Garsia umbrellas or sun-sticks to 10,000 new Wrap customers on a first-come, first-served basis.
디지털 회선 다중화 장치 Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment, DCME
오류 중복 error multiplication
오류 중복 계수 error multiplication factor
Boolean multiplication : 부울곱
multiplication time : 곱셈 시간
hyperplasia (비후, 증식, 과형성) 정상 세포 수가 정상적인 배열 상태로 증가하는 조직이나
구조물의 과발육. the abnormal multiplication or increase in the number of normal cells
in normal arrangement in a tissue. Cf. hypertrophy.
infection (감염) 재생되고 복제되는 병적 미생물이 조직에 침범한 것으로서 국소적인 세포
외상, 독소의 분비, 또는 숙주에서 항원-항체 반응에 의해 질환의 원인이 된다. 1. invasion
and multiplication of microorganisms in body tissues, which may be clinically unapparent
or result in local cellular injury due to competitive metabolism, toxins, intracellular
replication, or antigen-antibody response. The infection may remain localized, subclinical,
and temporary if the body's defensive mechanisms are effective. A local infection may
persist and spread by extension to become an acute, subacute, or chronic clinical
infection or disease state. A local infection may also become systemic when the
microorganisms gain access to the lymphatic or vascular system. 2. an infectious
proliferation : the reproduction or multiplication of similar forms, especially of cells and
morbid cysts.
stasis : a word termination indicating the maintenance of (or maintaining) a constant
level; preventing increase or multiplication.
tumor (종양) 종창, 염증의 한 징후. neoplasm을 보시오. 1. swelling, one of the cardinal
signs of inflammations; morbid enlargement. 2. a new growth of tissue in which the
multiplication of cells is uncontrolled and progressive; called also neoplasm.
B. Calculation (계산)
1. real number 실수
2. rational number 유리수
3. natural number 자연수
4. integer 정수
5. even number 짝수
6. odd number 홀수
7. addition 덧셈
8. subtraction 뺄셈
9. multiplication 곱셈
10. division 나눗셈
11. 소수(素數) prime number
구구단 multiplication table 서양에선 구구단 못 외는 성인도 많다고..
곱하다(곱하기): Multiply (Multiplication)
검색결과는 40 건이고 총 111 라인의 자료가 출력되었습니다. 맨위로
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(내용 중 검색하고 싶은 단어가 있으면 그 단어를 더블클릭하세요.)