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[百] 머그워트 Mugwort
mugwort 쑥의일종,산쑥속의식물
저자는 도다리쑥국이 실연을 잊게 하고, 만두는 서리가 피워 낸 꽃이며, 술에는 시간이 담겨 있다고 말한다.
The author says that Dodari mugwort soup soothes heartaches, dumplings are flowers blooming from first, and alcohol holds time within.
쑥청혈차는 쑥, 생강, 계피, 당귀가 들어간 레시피로 피를 맑게 하는 효과를 낸다.
Ssukcheonghyeolcha Tea clears the blood with its a recipe that contains mugwort, ginger, cinnamon, and angelica.
호박죽 Pumpkin soup powder
들깨죽 Perilla soup powder
쌀죽 Rice soup powder
현미죽 Brown rice soup powder
찹쌀죽 Sweet rice soup powder
율무죽 Job's tears soup powder
단팥죽 Red bean soup powder
국수 ** 라면 : noodle
** 메밀냉면 : vermicelli
즉석면(라면) Instant noodles
쑥국수 Mugwort noodles
칡국수 Arrowroot noodles
도토리국수 Acorn noodles
메밀국수 Buckwheat noodles
쌀국수 Rice noodles
감자국수 Potato noodles
메밀냉면 Buckwheat vermicelli
묵 ** 묵류 : curd
메밀묵 Buckwheat curd
도토리묵 Acor(Shanja)
만두류 야채만두 Vegetable dumpling
쇠고기만두 Beef dumpling
돼지고기만두 Pork dumpling
꿩만두 Pheasant dumpling
김치만두 Kimchi dumpling
기타 감식초 Persimmon vinegar
죽염 Salt roasted in bamboo
물엿 Dextrose syrup
삼계탕 Chicken stew with ginseng
엿기름 Malt
누룽지 Nurungji (Roasted cookin grice)
[料理]보리쌈밥 (Bori ssambap [韓音表記] ; Barley and rice wrapped with cabbage leaves)
[料理]김치말이국수 (Kimchimari guksu [韓音表記] ; Noodles with kimchi)
[料理]잔치국수 (Janchi guksu [韓音表記] ; Noodles topped with beef and vegetables)
[料理]쑥국수 (Ssuk guksu [韓音表記] ; Mugwort noodles)
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