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[위키] MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
[위키] MPEG-4 MPEG-4
[百] MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
[百] MP3 MPEG Audio Layer-3
MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3)
MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) : 동영상 전문가 그룹(엠펙)
엠펙 Moving Picture Experts Group, MPEG
엠펙++ Moving Picture Experts Group++, MPEG++
엠펙-1 Moving Picture Experts Group 1, MPEG-1
엠펙-1 오디오 Moving Picture Experts Group-1 Audio, MPEG-1 Audio
엠펙-1 오디오 계층-Ⅰ Moving Picture Experts Group-1 Audio Layer-I, MPEG-1 Audio Layer-I, MP1
엠펙-1 오디오 계층-Ⅱ Moving Picture Experts Group-1 Audio Layer-Ⅱ, MPEG-1 Audio Layer-Ⅱ, MP2
엠펙-2 Moving Picture Experts Group 2, MPEG-2
엠펙-21 Moving Picture Experts Group 21, MPEG-21
엠펙-2 오디오 Moving Picture Experts Group-2 Audio, MPEG-2 Audio
엠펙-2 오디오 AAC Moving Picture Experts Group-2 Audio Advanced Audio Coding, MPEG-2 Audio AAC
엠펙-2 오디오 BC Moving Picture Experts Group-2 Audio Backward Compatible, MPEG-2 Audio BC
엠펙-2 오디오 LSF Moving Picture Experts Group-2 Audio Low Sampling Frequencies, MPEG-2 Audio LSF
엠펙-4 Moving Picture Experts Group 4, MPEG-4
엠펙-4 고급 비디오 부호화 Moving Picture Experts Group-4 Advanced Video Coding, MPEG-4 AVC
엠펙-4 구문 기술 언어 MPEG-4 Syntactic Description Language, MSDL
엠펙-4 오디오 Moving Picture Experts Group-4 Audio, MPEG-4 Audio, M4a
엠펙-7 Moving Picture Experts Group 7, MPEG-7
엠펙-A Moving Picture Experts Group Application format, MPEG-A
엠펙-V Moving Picture Experts Group-Virtual Worlds, MPEG-V
엠펙디 Moving Picture Experts Group-D, MPEG-D
엠펙 미디어 전송 MPEG Media Transport, MMT
엠펙 비디오 Moving Picture Experts Group-Video, MPEG-Video
엠펙 서라운드 MPEG Surround
엠펙 시스템 Moving Picture Experts Group-System, MPEG-System
엠펙 에이치 Moving Picture Experts Group H, MPEG-H
엠펙 오디오 Moving Picture Experts Group-Audio, MPEG-Audio
엠펙 익스텐시블 미들웨어 MPEG eXtensible Middleware, MXM
엠펙 전송 스트림 MPEG Transport Stream, TS, MPEG-TS
엠피3 MPEG-1 Layer 3, MP3
확장성 엠펙-4 텍스추얼 Extensible MPEG-4 Textual Format, XMT
MPEG-H 3차원 오디오 MPEG-H 3D Audio
Open PC-MPEG Consortium : 오픈 PC-엠펙 컨소시엄
What is MPEG ?
MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group) is a group of people that meet
under ISO (the International Standards Organization) to generate
standards for digital video (sequences of images in time) and audio
compression. In particular, they define a compressed bit stream, which
implicitly defines a decompressor. However, the compression algorithms
are up to the individual manufacturers, and that is where proprietary
advantage is obtained within the scope of a publicly available
international standard. MPEG meets roughly four times a year for
roughly a week each time. In between meetings, a great deal of work is
done by the members, so it doesn't all happen at the meetings. The
work is organized and planned at the meetings. MPEG itself is a
nickname. The official name is: ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29 WG11.
ISO: International Organization for Standardization
IEC: International Electro-technical Commission
JTC1: Joint Technical Committee 1
SC29: Sub-committe
This is a collection of informations that try to answer to the frequently asked questions about the MPEG compression standard.
It is organized as an hypertext in HTML format to be easily extensible and upgradable. If you are just looking for MPEG related public domain software you might want to browse the MPEG FTP Archive.
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MP4 (MPEG-4 Part 14)
MPEG-4 Part 14, formally, ISO/IEC 14496-14:2003, is a multimedia container
format standard specified as a part of MPEG-4. It is most-commonly used to
store digital audio and digital video streams, especially those defined
by MPEG, but also can be used to store other data such as subtitles and
still images. Like most modern container formats, MPEG-4 Part 14 allows
streaming over the Internet. The official filename extension for MPEG-4
Part 14 files is .mp4, thus the container format is often referred to
simply as MP4.
엠펙-4 파트 14(공식적으로는 ISO/IEC 14496-14:2003)는 엠펙-4에서 규정하고
멀티미디어 컨테이너 포맷 표준이다.
디지털 오디오 및 디지털 비디오 스트림(특히 엠펙으로 정의된 스트림)을
저장하는데 가장 많이 쓰이는 표준이지만 자막이나 스틸이미지 같은
다른 데이타를 저장하는데도 쓰일 수 있는 표준이다.
대부분의 현대적인 컨테이너포맷과 마찬가지로 엠펙-4 파트 14는 인터넷상의
스트리밍을 지원한다.
엠펙-4 파트14 파일들의 공식적인 파일 확장자명은 .mp4이고
따라서 이 컨테이너 포맷을 간단하게 MP4라고 말하는 경우가 흔하다.
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