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[위키] 뜸 Moxibustion
[百d] 뜸요법 [ ─ 療法, moxibustion ]
만 1살 미만 갓난아이가 부항이나 뜸 치료를 받았다며 보험금을 받은 경우도 524건이나 됐다.
There were 524 cases in which a newborn child under the age of 1 received insurance money, saying that he or she received cupping treatment or moxibustion treatment.
특히 여성을 위해 갑상샘암 검진, 부인과질환 진료, 갱년기여성 힐링상담, 웃음치료, 스트레스·우울증관리, 좌욕기 및 쑥뜸기체험, 건식족욕체험 등 여성질환 예방관리 프로그램도 선보였다.
In particular, for women, women's disease prevention and management programs such as thyroid cancer screening, gynecological disease treatment, menopausal women's healing counseling, laughter treatment, stress and depression management, sitz bath, and moxibustion experience, and dry foot bath experience were also introduced.
-n. 뜸 (요법).
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