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cross-modal 2감각 통합의, -modality
modality 〔m´oudl´æl∂ti〕 형태, 양식, (판단의)양식, (의무, 재산 처리의)실행 방법n
[百] 양상 (樣相) modality
지난 AACR에선 2차 치료 환자를 대상으로 한 결과였지만, ASCO에선 1차 치료를 목적으로 세포독성항암제와 병용결과로 6개월 객관적반응율(ORR)이 63%, 질병통제율(DCR)은85%로 매우 의미있는 결과를 보였다.
In the last AACR, the result was for patients with secondary treatment, but in ASCO, the 6-month objective response rate (ORR) was 63% and the disease control rate (DCR) was 85% as a result of the combined modality therapy with cytotoxic anticancer drugs for the purpose of primary treatment. It showed very meaningful results.
home care modality (자가 치료 술식)
imaging modality (영상 방식)
modality (기구, 양식)
ultrasound modality (초음파 기구)
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국어 감정용언의 양상 고찰 : 국어교과서를 중심으로
(A) Consideration of modality in korean MotiveDeclinable words
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