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it was

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twas 〔twaz〕 =it was

It was raining heavily. (비가 많이 왔어요.)

It was a long day. (그것은 긴 하루였어요.)

It was a mistake. (그것은 실수였어요.)

It was a great experience. (그것은 훌륭한 경험이었어요.)

It was a difficult decision. (그것은 어려운 결정이었어요.)

It was a beautiful sunset. (그것은 아름다운 일몰이었어요.)

I would have bought the dress if it was on sale. (할인 중이었다면 그 드레스를 샀을 거예요.)

I knew it was a bad idea from the start. (나는 처음부터 그게 좋지 않은 생각이라는 걸 알았다.)

I came to the conclusion that it was a waste of time. (나는 그것이 시간 낭비라는 결론에 이르렀어요.)

He worked on his presentation until it was perfect. - 그는 발표 자료가 완벽해질 때까지 작업했어요.

We all agreed that it was the right thing to do. (우리는 모두 그것이 옳은 일이라고 동의했어요.)

It was rainy. I hate rainy days. When it rains, I feel blue.
비가 왔었어요. 저는 비오는 날이 싫어요. 비가 오면 우울해져요.
How's the weather going to be tomorrow?
내일 날씨는 어떠할까요?
According to the weather forecast it will be fine.
일기예보에 의하면 좋을 거래요.

I was just about to give the dog a bath. Can I call you back in about half an hour?
지금 개 목욕시키는 중이었거든. 약 30분 후에 다시 내가 연락해도 될까?
Oh, sure. You've got to bath the dog. Sounds like work.
좋아. 너는 지금 개를 목욕시켜야 하는구나. 그것도 상당한 일거리이겠는걸.
No, it's great. My dog loves the water. Bath time is usually loads of fun.
아니야, 재미있어. 우리 개는 물을 좋아해서. 목욕 시간이 항상 즐겁거든.

by accident; (=by chance, accidentally) 우연히
It was a discovery made by accident.

free from; (=without) ~이 없는
It was a day free from wind.

make one's mark; (=become famous) 유명해지다
It was not long at college before he made his mark.

put together; (=assemble) 결합시키다
After he took the watch apart, he was not able to put it together again.

rain cats and dogs; (=rain heavily) 억수같이 비오다
It was raining cats and dogs when we were about to start.

run over; (=review, read through quickly, knock down and pass over)
검토하다, 훑어보다, (차가 사람을) 치다
I shall run it over very briefly.
Just run over these proofs as I am busy now.
A little boy was run over by a bus.

그 안건은 만장일치로 통과되었습니다.
The proposal was taken unanimously.
It was unanimous.

그것은 마치 운명처럼 느껴져요.
It seems as if it was meant to be.

그것이 제 인생의 전환점이 되었습니다.
It was a turning point in my life.
It changed my life.

예상외의 결과였어요.
It was an unexpected outcome.

우리 팀이 역전승을 거뒀습니다.
We won a losing game.
It was a came-from-behind win.

한 귀로 듣고 한 귀로 흘려 버려요.
Don't take it seriously. I was just joking.
Let it go in one ear and out the other.

I was tripping on it.
그 점에 대해 걱정이 많았거든.

What was in it for you?
당신에게 돌아오는 것이 무엇이었습니까?

너무 큰 기대를 하고 갔다가 실망했어요.
I had high hopes but it was let down.

소문만 요란했어요.
It wasn't as good as it was made out to be.
It was all talk.

난 이제 소기(所期)의 목적을 달성했다.(온 보람이 있었다.)
I'm glad I came.
It was worth coming here.
It was worth the trip.

그것은 산산조각이 났습니다.
It was blasted into splinters.

여권을 분실할 뻔했는데 다행히도 다른 사람이 보관하고 있었다.
I nearly lost my passport, but fortunately someone was looking after it.

정말 어색한 분위기였다.
It was really awkward.

Mr. Kim이 우리를 위해서 많은 배려를 해줬는데 그가 사임했다고 하니 참 아쉽군요.
It is a pity that Mr. Kim has resigned. He was very considerate to us.

우리 팀이 역전승을 거뒀습니다.
We won a losing game.
It was a came-from-behind win.

난 공포영화를 보러 갔는데, 너무 무서워서 거의 눈을 감고 있었다.
I went to the horror movie but it was so frightening that I had to close my eyes through most of it.

내가 프로젝트에 몰두하려니 때마침 취소되었다.
I was just starting to get my teeth into the project when it was canceled.

예상외의 결과였어요.
It was an unexpected outcome.

한 귀로 듣고 한 귀로 흘려 버려요.
Don't take it seriously. I was just joking.
Let it go in one ear and out the other.

It was like pulling teeth.
그건 매우 힘든 일이었어요.
It is a hell of a job.
I can't get any cooperation.

그것은 마치 운명처럼 느껴져요.
It seems as if it was meant to be.

그것이 제 인생의 전환점이 되었습니다.
It was a turning point in my life.
It changed my life.

It was tied.

그녀가 그 말을 했을 때 진지한 표정을 짓느라 힘들었다.
It was hard to keep a straight face when she made that remark.

씨가 좋았다.
It was nice [sunny, fine, clear, perfect, lovely].

비가 갠 뒤의 좋은 날이었다.
It was a fine weather just after the rainfall.

아침식사는 준비되었지만, 먹을 시간이 없었다.
The breakfast was ready, but I had no time to eat it.

늦어서 머리가 적은 채로 학교로 향했다.
I left for school with my hair wet since it was late.

따뜻한 날씨였다.
It was warm.

화창한 봄날이다.
It was a balmy day in spring.
It was the mild days of spring.

상쾌한 날씨였다.
It was fine. It was refreshing.

구름 한 점 없이 맑다.
It was clear without a spot of cloud.

오늘 날씨가 매우 더웠다
It was hot today.

찌는 듯이 더웠다
We have very muggy weather.
It was sweltering,

무지하게 더웠다
It was scorching hot.

It was sticky.
It was a sultry day.

너무 더워서 피곤하고 갈증이 났다.
I felt tired and thirsty, for it was very hot.

너무 더워서 에어콘을 켰다.
It was too hot, so I turned on the air conditioner.

너무 더워서 찬물로 샤워를 하였다.
As it was so hot, I took a cold shower.

구름이 끼었다
It was cloudy.

그냥 지나가는 소나기였다.
It was a only passing shower.

안개가 끼었다
It was foggy [misty, hazy].

맑은 가을 날씨였다.
It was a fine [clear] autumn weather.

바람이 불었다
It was windy.

시원한 날씨였다
It was cool.

It was chilly.
I felt a chill.

날씨가 맑은 후 흐려졌다
It was clear but cloudy later.

오늘은 겨울 날씨 같았다
It was winter weather today.

오늘은 꽤 추웠다.
It was quite cold today.
It was severely (awfully) cold today.

얼어 붙는 듯한 날씨였다
It was freezing.

살을 에는 듯한 추위였다
It was biting(piercing) cold.

밖은 살을 에는 듯이 추웠다.
It was bitterly cold outdoors.

추워서 히터를 켰다.
It was so cold that I turned on the heater.

눈이 내렸다
It snowed.
It was snowy.
We had a snowfall.

힘든 하루였다.
It was a terrible [awful] day.

흥겨운 하루를 보냈다.
It was an exciting day.

오늘은 일진이 좋은 날이었다.
It was my way today.

정말 끔찍한 하루였다.
It was a terrible day.

비가 올 것 같아서 우산을 가지고 왔다.
It looked like it was going to rain, so I brought an umbrella with me.

그렇게 비가 심하게 올 거라고는 생각하지 않았다.
I didn't expected such a heavy rain.
I didn't think it was supposed to rain that much.

비가 퍼부었다.
It poured.
It rained hard.
It rained heavily.
There was a downpour.
It rained cats and dogs.

정말로 쏟아 붓는 비였다.
There was a real downpour.
It was absolutely pouring down.

바람이 거세게 몰아치는 날이어서, 우산이 소용이 없었다.
Since it was a very blustery day, the umbrella was useless.

그냥 잠깐 내리는 소나기였다.
It was only a little shower.

방안에 담배 연기가 자욱해서 기침이 멈추질 않았다.
It was so smoky in the room that I couldn't stop coughing.

빨래를 짜기가 힘들었다.
It was hard for me to wring out the clothes.

그것은 유행이 지난 옷이었다.
It was out of style.
It was out of fashion.
It was out of date.
It was out of vogue.
It was outdated.
It was ancient.
It was old-fashioned.

학교를 조퇴했다.
I left school early.
I left the class before it was dismissed.
I went away before school was over.

어려웠다 [쉬웠다].
It was difficult [easy].

그 문제는 너무 어려워서 풀 수가 없었다.
The question was so difficult that I coouldn't solve it.

숙제 끝마치기가 어려웠다.
It was hard to finish my homework.

오늘은 눈이 와서 친구들을 만나러 나갔다.
Today it was snowy, so I went out to meet my friends.

뜻 밖의 만남이었다
It was a nice surprise.

나는 그가 잘못이라고 생각하였다.
I thought it was his fault.
I thought he was at fault.
I thought he was wrong.

그가 거짓말을 한 것이 분명하다.
It was evident that he told a lie.

그것은 발 뺌을 위한 변명일 뿐이었다.
It was just an excuse for explaining it away.

헤어질 시간이 되었다.
It was time to say goodbye.

그렇게 심한 것은 아니었다.
It was not so serious.

나는 그것이 너무 걱정이 되어 병까지 났다.
I was so worried about it that I became ill.

수술이 간단한 것이라고 했지만, 겁이 났다.
They said it would be a simple operation, but I was scared.

목발을 짚고 돌아 다니기가 어려웠다.
It was difficult for me to walk around on crutches.

치명적인 부상은 아니었다.
It was not a fatal injury.

비 때문에그 경기가 취소되었다.
The game was canceled because of rain.
The game was called off because it rained.

장외 홈런이었다.
It was a hit of three beggar.

9회 말 투 아웃이었다.
It was the second half of the nineth inning with two down.

막상막하의 경기였다.
It was a close game.

그 책이 너무 재미있어서, 하루 종일 읽었다.
The book was so interesting that I read it all day long.

그 책은 읽을 가치가 있는 책이었다.
It was worth while to read the book.

소리 내기가 어려웠다.
It was difficult for me to make a sound.

정말 멋진 파티였다.
It was a really wonderful party.

별 중요한 것은 아니었지만 나의 마음이 담긴 것이었다.
It was not much, but it was from the heart.

떠나야 할 시간이었다.
It was time to be off.

멋진 파티였다.
It was a fantastic party.

굉장한 파티였다.
It was quite a party.

오늘은 내가 저녁을 준비해야 할 차례였다.
It was my turn to cook dinner tonight.

너무 짰다.
It was too salty.

너무 시었다.
It was too sour.

내가 예상했더것보다 더 좋았다.
It was better than I expected.

그 영화는 굉장히 스릴있는 영화였다.
The movie was very thrilling.
It was a real cliff-hanger.

정말로 무서운 영화였다.
It was a really scary[frightening] movie.

그 영화는 너무 무서워서 머리가 쭈뼛 설 정도였다.
The movie was so frightening that it made my hair stand on ends.

그것은 날개 돋친 듯 팔리고 있었다.
It was selling like hot cakes.

그것은 프랑스에서 수입된 것이었다.
It was imported from France.

내가 기대했던 것만큼 좋지 않았다.
It was not so good as I expected.

그것은 내게 좀 작았다 [컸다].
It was a little small [big] for me.

나에게 잘 맞지 않았다.
It was not suitable for me.

큰 맘먹고 샀다.
It was a big purchase.

밥 짓기가 생각보다 어려웠다.
It was more difficult to boil rice than I expected.

정말 재미있는 캠핑이었다.
It was a really interesting camp.

너무 흥미롭고 유익한 캠프였다.
It was a very exciting and helpful camp for me.

교통 체증 때문이라고 생각했다.
I thought it was because of the heavy traffic.

레스토랑에 사람이 너무 많아 앉을 자리가 없었다.
It got very crowded and there was no place to sit.

그것은 한국식 양념을 한 퓨젼 스테이크였다.
It was a fusion steak with Korean seasoning.

맛있어 보였다.
It was appetizing.
It looked delicious.

날씨가 좋아서 다행이었다.
It was fortunate that the weather was fine.

소풍 가기에 너무나 좋은 날씨였다.
It was an ideal weather for a picnic.

비가 와서 소풍이 연기되었다.
The picnic was put off because it was rainy.
The picnic was postponed on account of the rain.

비가 와도 소풍을 갔다.
Even if it was rainy, we went on a picnic.

산에 오르기는 힘들었지만, 정상에 도착하니 기분이 좋았다.
It was hard to climb the mountain, but I felt good when we got to the top.

정말 즐거운 소풍이었다.
It was a really happy picnic.

산을 등반하는 일은 어려웠지만 즐거웠다.
It was hard to climb up the mountains, but we enjoyed it.

꿈같은 여행이었다.
It was a dream of a trip.

정말 즐거운 여행이었다.
It was a really happy trip.

정말 믿을 수 없는 소식이었다.
It was a really incredible news.
It was a really fantastic news.
It was a really fabulous news.
The news was too good to be true.

오랜만에 친구를 다시 만나니 무척이나 기뻤다.
It was really a sweet pleasure to meet my friend again after such a long time.

그것 슬픈 광경이었다.
It was a sad sight.

그것은 참으로 괴로운 일이었다.
It was a really hard work.

그건 모두 내 잘못이었다.: It was all my fault.

그가 나에게 화를 내는 것도 당연한 일이었다.
He had good reason to get anry with me.
He might well get angry with me.
It was natural that he should get angry with me.

그 일은 화 낼 가치조차 없었다.
It was not worth getting angry about.

계란으로 바위치기였다.
It was like banging my head against a brick wall.

그 소식은 정말 놀라운 뉴스였다.
It was a really surprising news.
It was a really hot news.

그것은 놀라운 일이었다.
It was a surprise.

믿을 수 없었다.
It was unbelievable [incredible].

큰 일 날 뻔 했다.
It was a close call.

매우 어려운 상황이었다.
It was a very difficult situation.

그 건 그리 심각한 일이 아니었다.
It wasn't such a serious thing.
It was nothing serious.

It was a bolt from the blue.
그것은 청천벽력 이었다.

It was a flash in the pan.
그것은 용두사미였다.

put it out: extinguish it(끄다)
He was able to put out the fire.

어제는 겨울치고는 이상스럽게 따뜻했다.
It was unusually warm for winter yesterday.

그가 목적지인 마을에 이르기 전에 날이 아주 어두워지고 말았다.
It had grown quite dark before he could get to the village he was bound for.

나는 그 소리를 듣고 놀랐다.
I was surprised to hear it.

결과는 그다지 좋지 안았나 보다.
It would seem that the result was not very favorable.

그에게 진실을 말하면 나쁘다고 당신은 생각했습니까?
Did you think it was wrong to tell him the truth?

그는 매우 어진 사람이었으므로 그것을 모를 까닭이 없었습니다.
He was too wise not to know it.

만나서 반가웠어요
It was great to see you.

저녁만 먹을 예정이었는데
It was only supposed to be dinner.

그거 오늘밤이었는데, 안갔어.
It was tonight. I'm not going.

마치 어젯밤 일 처럼 기억해
I remember as if it was last night.

It is old cow's notion that she never was a calf.
개구리 올챙이적 모른다.

at one's wits'(wit's) end (=not knowing what to say or do) : 어찌할 바를 몰라
I was at my wits' end what to do about it.
(나는 그것에 관해 무엇을 해야할 지 어찌할 바를 몰랐다.)

at the mercy of (=wholly in the power of) : ∼에 좌우되어
The vessel was rolling to and fro at the mercy of the waves.
(그 배는 파도에 좌우되어 이리저리 흔들리고 있었다.)
attend on (=wait on, serve) : 시중들다
They thought it a great honour to attend on the queen.
(그들은 여왕의 시중 드는 일을 큰 영광으로 생각했다.)

in vain (=without the desired result) : 헛되이
It was in vain that we protested. (우리가 항의했지만 헛일이었다.)

little short of (=almost) : 거의
It was little short of a miracle. (그것은 거의 기적이었다.)

make heads or tail of (=understand) : 이해하다
The message was so badly written that I could not make head or tail of it.
(그 서신은 너무 서툴러서 내가 그것을 이해할 수 없었다.)

It was a bolt from the blue.
아닌 밤중에 홍두깨였다.

What was your name? It doesn't come to me.
성함이 무어라고 하셨죠?
잘 생각이 안나는데.

Sit on it.
잘 생각해봐. 비슷한 표현으로
sleep on it.은 하룻밤 자면서 생각해봐.

그것은 일생에 한번 있을까 말까한
It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

A bank draft for the amount was sent to you today. You should
be receiving it shortly.
그 금액에 해당하는 은행어음을 오늘 보냈습니다. 곧 받으실 수
있을 겁니다.

I understand the $100 deposit was cabled today. You should
have received it well before you get this letter.
예약금 100달러는 오늘 전신환으로 보냈습니다. 이편지가 도착
하기전에 이미 받으셨을 겁니다.

The $100 deposit was sent out today. You should be receiving
it shortly.
예약금 100달러를 오늘 송금하였습니다. 곧 받으실 수 있을 겁니다.

We frankly admit that delivery was delayed,but it was really
beyond our control since it was caused by a fire in our works.
We have reported your claim to our insurance company.
인도가 늦어진 것은 솔직히 인정합니다. 그것은 당사 공장의
화재때문에 일어난 것이었으므로 전적으로 불가항력이었습니다.
귀사의 클레임을 보험회사에 보고하였습니다.

In crosschecking our records, it was found that the 10%
discount we usually receive was not applied to the amount
billed abd paid against your invoice No.A-100 of May 5.
폐사의 기록을 조사해본 바 5월 5일자 귀사 발행한 청구서
No.A-100에 대하여 지불한 금액에 대해 저희가 통상 받아온 10%
할인이 적용되지 않았음을 발견했습니다.

In checking the contents against your enclosed invoice,
it was founf that several item were missing.
동봉하신 귀사의 송장과 내용을 대조해본 결과 몇가지 품목이

이런 여자하고 결혼하다니 운이 없었지(매일 바가지를 긁어대는 부인한테 시달리는 남자가 친구와 술을 마시면서).
It was just my luck to marry a woman like her.

운이 좋았어(재수가 좋았어)!
I was lucky.
I was in luck.
It was a sheer fluke.

자랑하는건 아니지만 그걸 타고 난거 같애.
I'm not boasting but I think I was born with it.

너무 큰기대를 하고 갔더니 실망이더군요.
I had high hopes but it was let down.

꿈 같은 여행이었다.
It was a dream come true.

가슴이 찡했다.
It was so touching. It almost made me cry.

그건 너무 어려워(내 수준 이상이야)
It was way over my head.
Something is way to advanced for me.

그 영화 형편없었어. 시간낭비야.
It was a real bomb. It was a total waste of time.

그 영화 아주 지루했었어..
That was very boring. I found it very dull.

아직 초저녁 이었다.
It was still a young night.

이건 선착순 입니다.
It was the first come first served basis.

It was a unanimous decision.
그것은 만장일치로 결정되었읍니다.

It was a real kick in the teeth.
그건 정말 뜻밖의 혹평이었어요.

It was too much for me.
제게는 너무 벅찼어요.

He claimed he was innocent but he couldn't prove it.
그는 자기가 무죄라고 주장했지만 그것을 증명할 수가 없었어요.

It was my pleasure.
제가 오히려 고맙죠.

It was a slip of the tongue.
내가 말을 잘못했읍니다.

It was my fault.
제 잘못이었어요.

"Oh, it was my fault. I'm to blame."
"아, 제 잘못이었어요. 제가 비난받아 마땅합니다."

It was a lovely party.
멋진 파티였어요.

It was an astonishing achievement. 그것은 놀라운 업적이었다.

She didn't mention Mr. Smith by name, but it was clear she was alluding to him. 그녀가 이름을 들어 스미스 씨를 지칭한 것은 아니었지만 그를 암시하고 있었음이 분명했다.

It was really astonishing. 정말 놀라운 일이다.

It was brave of her to go into the burning building. 그녀가 불타는 건물 안으로 들어간 것은 용감했다.

It was difficult to move, not because of its weight but because of its bulk. 그것은 움직이기 힘들었는데 그 이유는 그 무게 때문이 아니라 그 부피 때문이었다.

It was by pure accident that we found the money. 우리가 그 돈을 찾은 것은 순전히 우연이었다.

It was a cloudy day. 흐린 날이었다.

It was contemptible of him to behave like that. 그가 어떻게 행동하다니 비열했다.

He was very definite about it. 그는 그것에 대해 대단히 확신하고 있었다.

It was an easy[difficult] delivery. 순산 [난산]이었다.

The report was so descriptive; it was as if I were there. 그 보고서는 하도 묘사가 뛰어나서 마치 내가 거기에 있는 것 같았다.

It was his destiny to die in a foreign country. 이국에서 죽는 것이 그의 운명이었다.

Our views diverged so greatly that it was impossible to agree. 우리들의 견해는 너무 크게 달라서 합의를 보는 것이 불가능했다.

It was the most educational experience I have ever had. 그것은 내가 겪어 본 가장 교육적인 경험이었다.

It was more than I could endure. 그것은 내가 참을 수 있는 한계 이상이었다.

The plan was good, but it was badly executed. 그 계획은 좋았는데 실행이 제대로 되지 않았다.

His back was badly burnt because he exposed it to the sun for too long. 그가 너무 오랫동안 햇빛에 등을 노출시켜서 그것이 심하게 탔다.

It was fortunate that the bus was a little late. 버스가 조금 늦은 것이 다행이었다.

It was an idiotic question. 그건 정말 어리석은 질문이었다.

It was from her initiative that the present organization grew. 현재의 그 조직이 성장한 것은 그녀가 처음 시작한 데서부터였다.

It was a major medical discovery. 그것은 중요한 의학적 발견이었다.

Was it a real person you saw or a ghost? 네가 본 것이 진짜 사람이었냐 아니면 유령이었냐?

It was unusually respectable bookshop. 그것은 보기 드물게 훌륭한 서점이었다.

It was snowing when I woke up. 내가 잠이 깼을 대는 눈이 내리고 있었다.

He was quite straightforward about it. 그는 그것에 대해서 상당히 솔직했다.

The metal looked like gold, but in fact it was worthless [valuelss]. 그 금속은 금같아 보였지만, 사실은 아무런 가치도 없는 것이었다.

[電話] 누구인지도 몰라도 내가 전화를 받으니 그냥 끊었는걸
Whoever it was just hung up on me.

* 사과할 때
I'm very (or so) sorry.
정말 죄송합니다.
Sorry, are you all right?
미안해요, 괜찮으세요?
Forgive me for being late.
늦어서 죄송합니다.
I'm sorry. I'm late.
죄송해요, 늦었군요.
I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
기다리게 해서 죄송해요.
I'm sorry to have troubled you.
당신을 괴롭혀 드려 미안합니다.
I'm afraid we may have bothered you last night.
어젯밤에 우리가 당신을 성가시게 해 드린 것 같군요.
Sorry. We made a lot of noise last night.
죄송해요. 어젯밤에 우리가 너무 시끄럽게 해 드렸지요.
We're very sorry for being unable to inform you of a sudden change in the time of the meeting.
회의 시간이 갑작스럽게 변경된 것을 알려드리지 못해 죄송합니다.
It was our fault.
그것은 저희들의 실수였습니다.
It was very careless of mine.
저의 부주의였습니다.
We apologize to you for our mistake.
저희의 실수를 사과드립니다.
I have to apologize to you, in the first place.
무엇보다도 먼저, 당신에게 사과드립니다.
I didn't mean that. If I offended you, I apologize.
전혀 그런 의도가 아니었어요. 만약 당신을 괴롭혀드렸다면, 사과드립니다.
Please excuse my appearance.
이렇게 나타난 것을 용서하십시요.

* 시간을 낭비하다
I'm taken too long.
너무 오래 시간이 걸렸습니다.
I've taken up a lot of time.
시간이 너무 많이 걸렸어요.
It was a time-comsuming discussion for nothing.
무익하게 시간만 낭비한 토의였습니다.

* 손님을 맞이하다
It was so nice of you to come.
잘 오셨습니다.
Please come in.
어서 들어오십시오.
Won't you come in?
어서 들어오십시오.
Hello! Come on in.
안녕! 어서 들어와.
Hi! Come right in.
안녕! 어서 들어와.
This way, please.
이쪽으로 오세요.
Did you have any trouble getting here?
여기에 오시는 데 고생하지 않으셨습니까?
Did you have any trouble finding us?
여기에 오시는 데 고생하지 않으셨습니까?
I'm very happy that you drop in to see me.
당신이 저를 보러 들러 주셔서 정말 기쁩니다.

* 작별을 고하다
I'm afraid I must be going.
죄송하지만 작별을 해야 하겠습니다.
I'm afraid I have to leave to leave now.
죄송하지만 작별을 해야 하겠습니다.
I'm afraid I must be on my way.
죄송하지만 작별을 해야 하겠습니다.
I'm afraid it's time to say good-bye.
죄송하지만 작별을 해야 하겠습니다.
Sorry but we're going to have to be leaving.
미안합니다. 이제 떠나야겠습니다.
Look, I really ought to be going.
가야 할까 봅니다.
Guess, I should get going.
가야 할까 봅니다.
Well, I must go.
가야 할까 봅니다.
I have to be going.
가야 할까 봅니다.
I'd better be going.
가보는 게 좋겠습니다.
It was nice meeting you.
만나서 즐거웠습니다.
I enjoyed meeting you.
만나서 즐거웠습니다.
Glad to have met you, Mr. Baker.
미스터 베이커, 만나서 반가웠습니다.
Please come and see us.
우리 집에 들러 주세요.

* 몇 번째 집...
It's next door to City Hall.
그것은 시청 옆에 위치하고 있습니다.
(*) next door to: --의 이웃에, --에 몹시 가까운 --That was next door to a riot. (그것은 폭동에 가까운 것이었다.)
It's the third house (or building) from the corner.
모퉁이에서 세번째 집 (건물)입니다.
It's two door from the corner.
모퉁이로부터 두 집 건너에 있습니다.

* 통화 요금을 묻다
How much does it cost for five minutes to New York?
뉴욕으로 5분 동안 전화하는 데 얼마입니까?
How much was the call?
통화료는 얼마입니까?
Could you tell me, the time and charge?
걸린 시간과 요금을 가르쳐 주십시오.
Can I get 5p discount after 11p.m.?
11시 이후엔 5p의 할인을 받을 수 있나요?
Is it cheaper on Sunday?
일요일엔 요금이 싼가요?
Let me know the charge later, please.
통화 후, 요금을 알려 주세요.

* 인사를 나누다.
How do you do?
처음 뵙겠습니다.
I'm very glad to meet you.
만나서 반갑습니다.
It's nice to meet you, Mr. Lee.
만사서 반갑습니다. 미스터 리.
Please have a seat.
I'm pleased to meet you again.
다시 만나게 되어 기쁩니다.
How are you getting along these days?
요즈음 어떻게 지내십니까?
Thank you for coming to our company.
저희 회사에 와 주셔서 감사합니다.
I got into (or arrived in) Paris by air last night.
어젯밤 비행기로 파리에 도착했습니다.
How was your flight?
비행기 여행은 어땠습니까?
So you must be tired after your long flight.
장시간의 비행으로 피곤하시겠습니다.
Thanks for your warm welcome.
따뜻하게 맞아 주셔서 감사합니다.
It was nice of you to come and meet me.
찾아와 주시니 감사합니다.

* 책임을 인정하다.
I admit that the damage to the goods was caused by our inadequate packing process.
우리의 포장 과정이 잘못되어 물품에 손상이 있었음을 인정합니다.
At any rate, it is our fault that we failed to make the shipment as we promised you in the contract.
하여튼, 계약서에 귀사와 약정한 대로 출하하지 못한 것은 우리 회사의 잘못입니다.
It is absolutely our fault that we delivered you the parts of a different model.
다른 모델의 부품을 귀사에 송달한 것은 전적으로 우리의 잘못입니다.
I have only myself to blame for the accident.
그 사고는 제 불찰입니다.
It os our fault that we shipped to you a wrong item.
다른 제품을 귀사에 출하시킨 것은 우리의 잘못입니다.

* 해명하다.
Our personnel was negligent in conducting pre-shipment checks, thus inviting the trouble.
우리 직원들이 출하 전에 제품 검사에 태만했기 때문에 이러한 문제를 초래했습니다.
The main reason for our failure in the shipment was a delay in changes in the production line at the manufacturer.
출하에 실패한 주된 이유는 제조업자 측에서 생산 라인을 변경하는 일이 지체되었기 때문입니다.
Despite our repeated request for speeding up the changes, the manufacturer was unable to comply with it.
여러 번 변경을 서두를 것을 요청했음에도 불구하고, 제조업자들이 따라 주지 못했습니다.
I'm sorry. But the problem has been taken care of. The next shipment will be right on time.
죄송합니다. 그러나 그 문제는 처리됐습니다. 다음 출하는 예정대로 이행하겠습니다.
We've got everything straightened out now.
이제 모든 것을 해결했습니다.
(*) straighten out: 해결되다
I've ordered our shipping department to make an overall review on both packing and shipping procedures.
포장과 출하 과정에 대한 전면적인 재검사를 실시할 것을 수송부에 지시했습니다.

It was nice meeting you.
만나서 반가왔습니다.

It was great! ( 좋았어요! )

When was it delivered? ( 언제 배달됐지요? )

It was a total non-event.
( “소문난 잔치에 먹을 것 없다.” 라는 말이 있듯 행사 등이 소문만 요란하고 실속없이 썰렁한 경우 “소문만 요란하더군.” )
=> It was a failure.
=> It failed to meet expectations.

Was it exciting? ( 재미있었니? )

We must've just missed each other. ( 서로 길이 엇갈린 모양이군요. )
= It was unfortunate we couldn't meet.

It was a real shock. ( 그것은 실로 충격적이었습니다. )
= It was surprising.

It was careless of me. ( 제 실수였습니다. )

It was delicious. ( 맛있었습니다. )

It was more than I could eat. ( 제가 먹을 수 있는 것보다 많았습니다. )

It was raining and the game was called off. ( 비가 와서 그 게임은 취소되었다. )

Even more than the food, it was great to have the chance to bring ourselves up to date on what we both are into lately.
식사도 좋았지만, 서로의 근황을 알 기회를 가져 더욱 기뻤습니다.

It was only possible to make a reservation from Seoul to Singapore. Your name has been placed on the waiting list for the flight from Singapore to Bombay. The airlines, flight numbers and checking-in times are as follows:
Seoul발 Singapore행으로의 예약만이 가능했습니다. 귀하의 이름이 Singapore발 Bombay행 비행기의 대기자 명단에 올려져 있습니다. 항공사, 비행기 번호, 입항 시간은 다음과 같습니다.

Thank you for your letter. It was very interesting to hear about the new developments at Family, Ltd.
편지 주셔서 감사 드립니다. Family, Ltd.에서의 새로운 발전에 대해 듣게 되어 흥미로 왔습니다.

The work produced by Mr. Brown was below the standards expected, and we found it necessary to release him.
Brown씨가 수행한 업무는 기대되는 수준 이하의 것이었고, 당사는 그를 해고할 필요성을 깨달았습니다.

A bank draft for the amount was sent to you today. You should be receiving it shortly.
그 금액에 해당하는 은행어음을 오늘 보냈습니다. 곧 받으실 수 있을 것입니다.

I understand the $300 deposit was cabled today. You should have received it well before you get this letter.
예약금 300달러는 오늘 전신환으로 보냈습니다. 이 편지가 도착하기 전에 이미 받으셨을 것입니다.

It is quite clear that the damage was due to rough handling.
손상은 너무 심하게 취급하였기 때문이라고 생각합니다.

It was a pity that I missed you when you visited my office last week. I would have liked to have heard all your news.
귀하가 지난 주 제 사무실을 방문했을 때 제가 자리에 없어서 유감스러웠습니다. 귀하의 소식을 모두 들었다면 좋았을 텐데요.

It was a pity that I missed you when you visited my office.
귀하가 제 사무실을 방문했을 때 뵙지 못해 유감스러웠습니다.

It was a pity that we did not have more time to talk at [on] ...
...에서[에] 더 오래 이야기할 수 없어서 안타까웠습니다.

It was a pleasure to have dinner with you last Wednesday. I think we had a very useful discussion.
지난 수요일 귀하와 함께 저녁식사를 하게 되어서 즐거웠습니다. 매우 유용한 토의였다고 생각합니다.

It was a pleasure to hear from you again.
또 다시 귀하로부터 연락을 받게 되어 기뻤습니다.

It was a pleasure to meet you at [on] ...
귀하를 ...에서[에] 만나게 되어 즐거웠습니다.

It was a pleasure to see you at [on] ...
귀하를 ...에서[에] 뵙게 되어 즐거웠습니다.

It was good to hear from you again.
귀하로부터 다시 연락을 받게 되어 기뻤습니다.

It was good to meet you at [on] ...
귀하를 ...에서[에] 만나게 되어 기뻤습니다.

It was good to see you at [on] ...
귀하를 ...에서[에] 뵙게 되어 기뻤습니다.

It was good to talk to you on the telephone today.
오늘 귀하와 전화 통화를 하게 되어 기뻤습니다.

It was most kind of you to give me the benefit of your experience.
귀하의 경험으로 저희에게 도움을 주셔서 대단히 감사합니다.

It was with great pleasure that we heard of your appointment as Chairman. Please accept our heartiest congratulations.
회장으로 취임하셨다는 소식을 듣고서 대단히 기뻤습니다. 우리의 깊은 축하를 받아주십시오.

We are sorry it was necessary to return our invoice number 1218 for collection.
collection때문에 송장 1218번을 반송하게 되어 유감입니다.

구매하신 상품은 1월 8일에 발송되었습니다.
불편을 드리게 되어 죄송합니다만
조금만 더 기다려주시기 바랍니다.
The item you purchased was shipped on Jan. 8.
We are sorry for inconvenience you experience.
Please wait a little longer for it to arrive.

When Columbus discovered the New World he was not surprised to find
it inhabited; he thought he had landed in India or Japan.
콜럼부스가 신세계(아메리카 대륙)을 발견했을 때 그는 그곳에 사람이 살고
있는 것을 보고 놀라지 않았다. 그는 자기가 인도나 일본에 도착한 것으로

It was Shirley S. Chisholm who was the first Black woman
to run for the office of President of the United States in 1972.
1972년 미국 대통령직에 출마한 최초의 흑인여성은 바로 Shirley S.
Chisholm 였다.

It was dancer Isadora Duncan who rebelled against the rigid, formal
training of classical ballet and created an individualistic form of
고전 발레의 딱딱하고 격식을 차린 교육에 반대하며 개인적인 형태의 표현법을
창조한 사람은 바로, 댄서인 Isadora Duncan 이었다.

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first President to understand fully the
great force of radio and the opportunity it provided for taking government
policies directly to the people.
Franklin D. Roosevelt 는 두 가지를 완전히 이해한 첫 번째 대통령이었다 :
그 두가지는 <라디오의 대단한 위력> 과 <정부시책을 국민들에게 전달하기
위해서 라디오가 제공한 기회>였다.

It was in 1699 that the capital of the Virginia colony
was moved from Jamestown to Williamsburg.
버지니아 식민지의 수도가 Jamestown 으로부터 Williamsburg 로
옮겨진 것은 바로 1699 년이었다.

Archaeologists know that drawing was practiced 35,000 years
ago, but it is still unclear for precisely what purpose.
고고학자들은 그림이 35,000년 전에 실시되었다는 것을 안다, 그러나 정확히 무슨
목적을 위해서였는지는 아직도 불확실하다.

It was Nat Turner who led a revolt against slavery in Virginia in 1831.
1831년에 버지니아주에서 노예제도에 반대하는 반란을 주도한 것은 Nat Turner

During the 1940's science and engineering had an impact on the way
music reached its audience and even influenced the way in which it
was composed.
1940년대에 과학과 공학은, 음악이 관중에게 도달하는 방식에 영향을
끼쳤으며, 그것(음악)이 작곡되는 방법에조차도 영향을 주었다.

Because it was so closely related to communication, drawing
was probably the earliest art form to develop.
그것은 의사소통과 아주 가깝게 관련이 있기 때문에, 그림은 아마도 (세상에서)
생겨난 가장 최초의 미술형태이었을 것이다.

It was shortly after microscopes were introduced at the beginning of the
century that microorganisms were actually sighted.
미세유기체들이 실제로 관찰된 것은 17세기 초에 현미경이 소개된 직후였다.

Delaware is known as "the First State" because on December
7, 1787, it was the first state to approve the United States Constitution.
Delaware 주는 "the First State"라고 알려져 있다. 왜냐하면, 1787년 12월 7일에
그것은 미국헌법을 인준한 첫 번째 주였기 때문이다.

It was during Colonial period that the great majority of Connecticut's
settlers came from England.
대다수 Connecticut의 정착자들이 영국으로부터 온 것은 식민지기간 동안이었다.

Red clover, the state flower of Vermont, was the leading leguminous hay crop
of the northeastern region of the United States until it was surpassed by
Vermont의 주(州)꽃인 빨간 클로버는, 알팔파에 의해서 능가될 때까지 (알팔파가
그것보다 우수하다고 인정될 때까지) 미국 동북부 지방의 주요 콩과의 건초

It was near the end of prehistoric times that the first wheeled vehicles
처음 바퀴 달린 차량이 등장했을 때는 거의 선사시대 말기였다.

Although The Star-Spangled Banner was written by Francis Scott Key during the
War of 1812, it was not adopted as the national anthem until 1931.
The Star-Spangled Banner가 Francis Scott Key에 의해 1812년 전쟁 중에 쓰여지긴
했지만, 그것은 1931년이 되어서야 비로소 (미국)국가로 채택되었다.

bear+prep. :: Burdens bear heavily on him.
bear to do, ~ing :: I can't bear hearing about it again.
bear+O+prep. :: A voice was borne upon the wind.
bear+O+O :: She bore him a son.
bear+O+to be :: She can't bear them to be happy.

decide on+~ing :: He decided on going there.
decide to do :: He decided to go there.
decide prep. :: They decided in my favor.
decide+O+to do :: What decided you to go?
decide on+O+to do :: We decided on him to lead the expedition.
decide+that, wh. :: He decided that he would go broad.
It is decided to do :: It is decided to postpone the departure.
It is decided that :: It was decided that the boy (should) be sent to Seoul.

happen+O+prep. :: Something must have happened to him.
happen to do :: I happened to see John in the street.
It happens that :: It happened that I was not in Seoul at the time.

show+O+prep. :: He showed the letter to all her friends.
show+O+O :: Will you show me my room?
show+O+to be :: We have shown the story to be false.
show+wh., that :: I'll show you that I'm right.
show+O+wh., that :: He showed me that it was true.

tell+O+prep. :: He told the secret to the very first man he met.
tell+O+O :: I'm just telling you the fact.
tell+wh. :: I cannot tell who it is.
tell+O+wh., that :: I told you that the man was a fool.

think+O+prep. :: He thought it beneath him to do such a thing.
think+O+to do :: I think it to correspond to fact.
think+O+(to be) :: I thought her to be pretty.
think of+A as B :: She thought of golf as a waste of time.
think+wh. to do :: He was thinking what to do next.
think+(that) :: I think I will start today.

Put it in black and white.: 서면으로 쓰게(very clear and easy to understand)
ex) I couldn't believe it, but there it was in black and white, as clear as it could be. The letter said that I had won a trip to Europe.

(1) 모델은 물리적 상황을 실제에 근사하게 재현한 것이다. 모델은 단순하고 이해할 수 있는 여러 규칙들을 사용하여 관측된 행동을 설명하려고 시도하는 것이다. 이러한 규칙들은 주어진 물리적 상황을 포함하는 실험의 결과를 예측하는데 사용될 수 있다. 쓸모 있는 모델은 주어진 상황과 관계되는 모든 관점들을 설명한다. (1997년 제4회 과학기술 번역3급 문제)
Model is a reappearance of physical conditions being close to an actual state. Modeling is to try to explain the reaction observed by using various rules which are simple and understandable. These rules can be used to anticipate an experimental results including a given physical situations. Profitable model explains all viewpoints concerned with a given situation.
(2) 텔레비전이 발달한 오늘날, 가만히 앉아서 외국의 동향이나 아름다운 풍물을 볼 수 있게 된 것은 얼마나 고마운 일인가.
1) 텔레비전이 발달한 오늘날: today thank to the development of television; today when television is so much advanced
2) 가만히 앉아서 ~을 볼 수 있다: we can stay at home and watch ~
3) 외국의 동향: the trend of the world
→ 「가만히 앉아서 ~하다」, 「~은 얼마나 고마운 일인가」의 표현으로 다음의 예문이 참고가 될 것이다.
- 우리들은 가만히 앉아서 남산을 바라볼 수 있다.
We can stay home and see Mt. Namsan.
- 그 기차를 타지 않아서 정말로 다행이었다.
What a blessing it was (that) you weren't traveling on that train!
- 부모란 고마운 존재이다.
How much we owe to our parents!
ANS 1) What a blessing it is that today, thanks to the development of television, we can stay at home watching the activities of people and beauties of nature in foreign countries.
ANS 2) Today television has so much advanced, so we can stay home and learn the trends of the world as well as enjoy the beautiful nature of foreign lands.

(2) 그 전도 유망한 학자가 연구 도중에 병이 들었다고 하는 것은 아무리 생각해도 불운한 일이다.
1) 그 전도유망한 학자: the promising scholar; the scholar of great promise
2) 연구하던 도중에: before he could complete his studies
3) 불운한 일: a misfortune; unfortunate
→「아무리 생각해도 ~다」는 「실로 ~다」, 「정말로 ~다」와 같은 식으로 처리해서 다음의 동종의 표현을 참고로 해서 영작하도록 한다.
- 우리와 동행할 수 없다는 것은 정말로 유감스러운 일입니다.
I am extremely sorry that you could not go with us.
- 네가 실패한 것은 아무리 생각해도 유감스럽다.
It is a thousand pities that you should have failed.
- 그 사람이 그런 경우를 만났다니, 정말로 안된 일이다.
Oh! What a pity it was that he had to go through such a bitter experience.
- 네가 그 기차를 놓치고 못 탄 것은 정말로 불운한 일이었다.
How very unfortunate you were to be late for the train.
ANS 1) It was really a misfortune to the promising scholar that he fell ill before he could complete his studies.
ANS 2) How unfortunate that hopeful scholar was to fall ill before completing his studies!

(3) 미국에서 돌아오는 길에 하와이에 들리는 것은 처음의 예정에는 없었습니다만, 그 곳에 1주일간 머무르면서 견문을 넓힐 수가 있었습니다.
1) 하와이에 들리다: stop (over) at the Hawaiian Islands
2) ~의 돌아오는 길에: on one's way (back) from ~
3) 처음의 예정에는 없었다: was not my first plan [or schedule]; did not arrange
→ 「견문을 넓히다」는 「널리 이것저것을 보거나 듣거나 하다」, 「경험을 쌓다」로 표현한다면 다음과 같은 영문이 가능할 것이다.
- 당시, 많은 젊은 한국인들은 견문을 넓히기 위해서 미국으로 건너갔다.
Many young Koreans went to America to see and hear a lot then.
- 우리들은 견문을 넓히기 위해서 힘써 외국을 방문하도록 노력해야 한다.
We must try as often as possible to visit foreign countries to get further information about (our) life.
- 내 아저씨는 견문이 넓기 때문에 나는 존경한다.
My uncle is well-informed, so I respect him.
- 젊었을 때에 견문을 크게 넓히도록 하시오.
You should see more of life while you are young.
ANS 1) It was not my first plan to stop over at the Hawaiian Islands on my way home from America, but while I stayed there (for) a week, I could see and hear a lot.
ANS 2) At first I did not intend to stay at the Hawaiian Islands on my way back from America. But staying there for a week added to my experience [or stock of information].

(1) 노하우라는 영어 단어는 세익스피어 같은 대문호도 몰랐던 말이다. 당연한 것이 지금 세계의 유행어가 된 그 말은 미국인들이 만든 말이기 때문이다. 그러니까 「왜」를 「어떻게」로 바꾼 것이 바로 오늘날이 미국을 있게 한 열쇠였다. 나폴레옹은 「왜」전쟁을 하느냐 하는 물음 앞에서는 한낱 바보에 지나지 않았지만 「어떻게」싸워야 이기는가의 문제에 있어서는 만고의 천재였다. 그는 대포를 결합하고 해체하는 나사못의 홈들을 표준화함으로써 전쟁에서 대승을 했다. ('97 제4회 3급 인문사회 선택문제)
Such a great writer as Shakespeare was not aware of the usage of the word "know-how". It is quite natural since it has been coined by the Americans even if the word is now in vogue all over the world. Therefore the key of making America what it is now can be found in the trend of changing "why to do" into "how to do". Napoleon was that a fool to the question "why do you wage a war?" But he was an imperishable genius able to win so many by making standardization of the grooves of the screws which had been used in jointing and disjointing the cannons.

(2) 그가 이전의 그에서 벗어나서 오늘의 그가 될 수 있었던 것은 온전히 그의 꾸준한 노력 덕분이었다.
1) 벗어나다: get away from; get out of
2) 꾸준한 노력: untiring [or ceaseless; persisting] effort
3) ~의 덕분이다: owe ~ to; owe it to ~ that; It is due to {or through] ~ that …
→ 「오늘의 ~」는 「이전의 (옛날의) ~」와 같은 종류의 표현이며 평소에 관심을 기울여서 주의하면 간단히 표현할 수 있다.
- 오늘의 나는 오로지 부모님 덕분입니다.
I owe what I am today to my parent. =I owe my parents what I am today.
- 오늘의 그는 옛날의 그와는 다르다. He is not what he was.
- 근면 덕분에 오늘의 톰이 있는 것입니다. Diligence made Tom what he is today.
=Tom has made himself what he is today by diligence.
ANS 1) It is through [or by] his untiring effort that he has succeeded in becoming what he is now, getting out of what he was.
ANS 2) He owes it entirely to his persisting effort that he was able to emerge from what he had been and become what he is today.

(1) 물질적 풍요와 혜택을 위한 정상적인 자원보존적 생산을 보장하기 위해서는 지식의 기하학적 급증, 그에 대한 효과적인 탐색, 보존, 분포확장 그리고 정착을 보장하는 원칙적으로 새로운 테크놀러지를 개발하는 것이 필수적이다. 과거의 모든 정보 생산에 있었던 변화들은 겨우 정보의 고착, 인쇄화, 그리고 분포확대에만 적응 능력이 있었다. 이것은 문자화, 서적 인쇄 그리고 전화 ,전신, 라디오 그리고 텔레비전 등등의 창조를 이룩했다. 이 모든 테크놀러지는 창조, 재작업 그리고 지식에 대한 의미 변형의 과정 자체에 참여하지 못했다.
To guarantee normal resource-preserving production for material affluence and benefits, it is essential to develop a fundamentally new technology to bring about a geometrical growth of knowledge, an effective search for it, and its preservation distribution, expansion and settlement. The changes in all the past production of information, typography and distribution and expansion. This has achieved the transformation of information into documents and book-printing and created he telephone, telegraph, radio and television. However, all this technology was unable to participate in creation, reorganization and the process of transforming the meaning of knowledge.

(3) 우리들 한사람 한사람의 인생은 진정 둘도 없이 소중한 인생이다. 이것을 다시금 확인하고 그 인생을 깊이 감동하여 인식하는 것이 중요하다고 생각한다.
1) 깊이 감동해서: with reverence; with a deep sense of gratitude
2) 인식하다: accept; face
→ 「둘도 없는」은 말 그대로는 irreplaceable이지만, most precious; more valuable than any thing else처럼 번역하는 것이 좋을 것이다. 「다시금 확인하고」도 「새로이 인식하다」로 해서 appreciate [or recognize] ~ again으로 한다.
- 소중한 생명을 함부로 여기지 말아라.
Don't slight your precious life. You should not put your very existence in danger.
- 민호는 그들의 둘도 없는 아들이었다.
Minho was their dearest child.
- 그는 우리 대학의 교수진에 매우 소중한 존재이다.
He is a treasure to the teaching staff of our university.
- 무엇이 행복인가 하는 것을 다시금 생각하지 않을 수 없다.
I cannot help reconsidering what happiness is.
ANS 1) For each one of us, life is more precious than anything else. So
I think it is very important that we should appreciate this again and accept our life with reverence.
ANS 2) The life of each one of us is extremely precious. Therefore, in my opinion t is very important for us to re-appreciate this and face our life with a deep sense of gratitude.

(4) 무엇이 일어날 것인가 알고 있었다면 그들은 자기들의 계획을 바꾸었을 것이다.
1) If를 사용하지 않고 도치시킴으로써 가정을 표현할 수가 있다. 즉 뒤집는 것이다. Had they known ~ 으로 한다. 이것은 문어적 표현이라고 본다.
2) If they knew … they would change … 로 하면 「만일 그들이 알고 있으면 ~ 그들이 바꿀텐데」로 되어 「현재 사실의 반대」가 된다.
3) If they had realized what was shortly going to happen, they would have changed their plans.
→ 「이제 막 ~하려고 한다」 be about to -부정사 (=be just going to -부정사/ be shortly going to -부정사)
If it had not been for ~ =Had it not been for
If it were not for ~ =were it not for
ANS) Had they known what was about to happen, they would have changed their plans.

(1) 거북선이라고 부르게 된 것은 그 배가 큰 거북처럼 보였기 때문이다. 배에는 용의 머리가 있었고 거북의 외각처럼 두꺼운 철판으로 덮였고 그 위에는 날카로운 쇠꼬챙이들이 박혀있었다. 용머리 밑에는 커다란 구멍이 있었다. 그 구멍에서 대포알을 쏘았는데 그 동안 용의 입에서는 연기가 뿜어져 나왔다.
→ 「거북선이라고 부르게 된 것은 그 배가 큰 거북처럼 보였기 때문이다.」는 「거북선은 커다란 거북처럼 보였기 때문에 거북선이라고 부르게 되었다」로 풀면, because를 쉽게 활용할 수 있다. Kobukson was so called because…
→ 「베에는 용의 머리가 있었고」는 「거북선은 용의 머리를 가졌으며」로 풀어서 영어로 옮기면 더 영어다운 표현이 된다.
→ 거북의 외각처럼 두꺼운 철판: thick iron plate like a turtle shell
→ 「 그 위에는 날카로운 쇠꼬챙이들이 박혀있었다」는 with sharp spikes on it
(ANS) Kobukson was so called because it looked like a giant turtle. It had a dragon head, and was covered with thick iron plates like a turtle shell with sharp spikes on it. Below the dragon head was a large opening. A cannon was fired from it while smoke poured out of the dragon's mouth.

(5) 성헬렌스산이 폭발한 것은 대략 10년전 즉 1980년 5월 8일의 일이었다.
→ 「1980년 5월 8일에」는 on the eighth of May 1980/ on May 8th, 1980라고 하면 된다.
→ On eighth of May는 잘못. Of를 사용하면 the가 필요. 또 on the eighth (in May)로 하지 말 것.
→ 「 (화산이) 폭발하다」 erupt/ 「 폭탄이 폭발했다」라면 A bomb exploded (또는 went off).
(ANS) It was almost a decade ago, on May 8th, 1980, that Mount St. Helens erupted.

(6) 우리들은 아슬아슬하게 마지막 기차에 맞출 수 있었다.
→ 「아슬아슬한 순간에」는 by a narrow margin/ by the skin of one's teeth/ (only) just in time 등으로 나타낸다.
→ Had a narrow escape는 안 된다. 이것은 무엇인가에서 벗어났을 때 사용한다.
→ 기타의 「아슬아슬한」의 표현 [예1] 그들은 아슬아슬하게 피했다. They
had a narrow escape. [예2] 이기기는 이겼는데 아슬아슬한 승부였다.
We won, but it was a very close game.
(ANS) We were only just in time for the last train.

(2) 소냐 톨스토이는 젊었을 때는 매력 있는 여성이었던 것 같다. 그녀는 몸매가 우아했고 눈이 아름다웠고 윤이 흐르는 검은 머리카락을 지니고 있었다. 생기가 넘쳤고 명랑했으며 목소리가 아름다웠다. 톨스토이는 오래 전부터 일기를 써왔는데 그 일기에 자기의 희망, 생각, 그의 간절한 기도와 자기비난뿐만 아니라 죄책감을 느꼈던 성적인 잘못, 기타를 기록했었다. 그들이 약혼을 청했을 때 장래의 아내에게 아무것도 숨기지 않으려는 생각에서 그는 그녀에게 자기의 일기를 읽어보라고 넘겨주었다. 소냐는 크게 충격을 받았다. 그러나 눈물 속에서 밤을 지새자 일기를 돌려주고 모든 것을 용서했다. 그녀는 과연 용서는 했지만, 그렇다고 잊은 것은 아니었다.
→ 「…이었던 같다」는 seem+have+p.p의 형식이 알맞다.
→ 그녀는 몸매가 우아했고…: She had a graceful figure.
→ 윤이 흐르는 검은 머리카락: dark lustrous hair
→ 생기가 넘치고 명랑하다: She had vitality and high spirits.
→ 「일기를 써왔는데 그 일기에…」의 구문은 관계대명사를 이용한다.: Tolstoy had long kept a diary, in which…
→ 죄책감을 느꼈던 성적인 잘못, 기타를 …: the faults, sexual and otherwise, of which he was guilty
→ 장래의 아내에게 아무 것도 숨기지 않으려는 생각에서…: in his desire to conceal nothing from his future wife
→ 눈물 속에서 밤을 지새자…: after a sleepless night passed in tears
(ANS) Sonya Tolstoy as a young woman seems to have been attractive. She had a graceful figure, fine eyes and dark lustrous hair. She had vitality, high spirits and a beautiful voice. Tolstoy had long kept a diary, in which he recorded not only his hopes and thoughts, his prayers and self-reproachings, but also the faults, sexual and otherwise, of which he was guilty. On their engagement, in his desire to conceal nothing from his future wife, he gave her his diary to read. She was deeply shocked, but after a sleepless night passed in tears, returned it and forgave. She forgave; she did not forget.

(1) 성서의 첫 부분을 읽어보면 이 세상이 신에 의하여 창조되었다는 이야기가 나온다. 다아윈 이전의 서구인들은 대부분 이 세상과 이 세상에 사는 모든 동물들이 성서에 쓰여 있는 것과 똑같이 일주일만에 창조되었다고 믿고 있었다. 용기 있는 사람이 아니고는 이와 같은 오래된 생각에 이의를 제기한다는 것은 어려운 일이다.
→ 「성서의 첫 부분을 읽어보면…가 나온다」는 The first part of the Bible을 주어로 tells를 동사로 a story of how~를 목적어로 삼으면 자연스런 영어문장을 꾸밀 수 있다.
→ 다아윈 이전의 서구인들은 대부분: Before the time of Darwin, most people in the Western world
→ 성서에 쓰여 있는 것과 똑같이: exactly as was written in the Bible
→ 이와 같은 오래된 생각에 이의를 제기하다: question such ancient ideas
→ 「용기 있는 사람이 아니고는…에 이의를 제기하는 것은 어려운 일이다 」는 다음과 같은 구문으로 영어다운 표현이 가능하다. ex) It requires a daring thinks to …
(ANS) The first part of the Bible tells a story of how the world was created by God. Before the time of Darwin most people in the Western world believed that the world and all its creatures had been created in a period of one week, exactly as written in the Bible. It required a daring thinker to question such ancient ideas.

저녁을 먹자고 했다. 사실은 내가 저녁을 먹자고 해야 인사가 될 판이어서, 나는 그가 하자는 대로 했다.
→ 일반버스: (본문에서는) a local bus
→ 때가 되었으니: since it was supper-time,…
→ 「하자고 했다」는 suggested가 알맞다. suggest가 이끄는 종속절의 술어동사는 원형을 쓰도록 한다.
→ 내가 저녁을 먹자고 해야 인사가 될 판이어서…: I was well aware that it was I who should have suggested having dinner together,…
→ 나는 그가 하자는 대로 했다: I readily accepted his idea.
(ANS) We arrived at Chonju a little after six o'clock. Yong-ok and I had to take a local bus from there and travel one more hour. I wanted to go to the bus station right away but Tol-nam suggested that since it was supper-time we all go into the town and eat something. I was well aware that it was I who should have suggested having dinner together, so I readily accepted his idea.

(6) 그와 알게 된지 아직 두서너 달 밖에 안 되지만, 지금은 마치 오랜 친구처럼 생각된다. 이해심도 있고 기분 좋은 친구이다.
→ 알게 되다: come to know; become acquainted with; make one's acquaintance
→ …한지 ~밖에 안 된다: It is~since…; have passed since…
→ 정부가 수립된 지 42년 된다. ex) It is forty-two years since the government was established. Forty-two years have passed since the government was set up.
→ 이해심이 있는: considerate; very kind
(ANS) It is only a few months since I became acquainted with him, but it seems to me now as if he were an old friend. He is very kind and a jolly companion.

(1) 그는 무거운 머리를 털어 버리려는 듯 길게 기지개를 켠 후, 벌떡 일어나 창가로 갔다. 그 창가의 전망을 일요일 아침의 느슨한 기분으로 음미하는 것은 그의 오래된 은밀한 도락이었다. 그러나 커튼을 걷던 그는 묘하게 당황한 기분으로 손길을 멈추지 않을 수 없었다. 그를 맞은 것은 언제나처럼 낯익은 북악이 아니고 쇠창살이 쭈뼛쭈뼛 솟아오른 새 담이었기 때문이었다.
→ 무거운 머리를 털어 버리려는 듯 기지개를 켜다: stretch oneself as if he were going to shake his headache off
→ 일요일 아침의 느슨한 기분으로: in a leisurely way fit for a Sunday morning
→ 「은밀한 도락」은 「남이 모르는 즐거움」으로 풀어본다면 a secret delight가 알맞다.
→ 「커튼을 걷던 그는 묘하게 당황한 기분으로 손길을 멈추지 않을 수 없었다」는 「그가 커튼을 반절쯤 열었을 때 묘한 당황감이 엄습해서 그의 손을 멈추게 했다」로 풀어본다. He had pulled open the curtain halfway when undescribable bewilderment overtook him, making the movement of his hand come to a halt.
→ 커튼을 걷다: pull open the curtain
→ 묘한 당황감: undescribable bewilderment
→ 「그를 맞은 것은」은「그의 눈에 들어온 것은」으로 푼다. 즉 what came into view
→ 낯익은 북악: the familiar view of Mt. Puk-ak
→ 쇠창살이 쭈뼛쭈뼛 솟아 오른 새 담장: a wall, new and strange, with many iron stakes atop it
(ANS) He stretched himself up as if he were going to shake his headache off, got up and went to the window. It always gave him a secret delight to enjoy the view through the window in a leisurely way fit for a Sunday morning. He had pulled open the curtain halfway when undescribable bewilderment overtook him, making the movement of his hand come to a halt. What came into view was not the familiar view of Mt. Puk-ak but a wall, new and strange, with many stakes atop of it.

(6) 근처의 슈퍼에서 특별 세일이 있어서 가 보았지만, 마음 내키는 것들은 이미 다 팔리고 없었다.
→ 근처의 슈퍼: a(또는 the) neighborhood supermarket; a nearby supermarket.
→ 특별 세일이 있다: 여기서 특별 세일은 a sale 또는 a special sale로.
(ANS 1) I went to the supermarket in my neighborhood, where there was a (special) sale, but it was too late and the things I really wanted to buy had already been sold out.
(ANS 2) I went to the neighborhood supermarket because they were having a sale. However, the best items on sale had been sold out.

(5) 날씨가 좋아서 비 올 염려는 없다고 여겨 집에서 나왔는데, 하늘이 갑자기 흐려지더니 역까지 가기 전에 큰 빗방울이 떨어지기 시작했다. 요즈음은 날씨가 어찌나 변덕이 심한지?
→ 날씨가 좋아서 비 올 염려는 없다고 여기고: thinking (or believing) that there was no danger of rain as it was a fine day. 또는 believing that it was so fine a day that there was no danger of rain.
(ANS) I left home thinking there was no danger of rain as it was a fine day. But the sky became overcast all of a sudden, and large drops of rain began to fall before I reached the station. How changeable the weather is these days!

(8) 그가 3년 동안이나 살아온 아저씨 집을 나와서 나와 함께 학교 부근에서 하숙을 한 것은 불과 한 달쯤 전의 일이다.
→ 그가 3년 동안이나 살아온 아저씨 집에서 그 다음에 오는 시제가 과거인 점으로 보아 3년은 그 이전의 3년이므로, 역시 과거완료형의 시제가 필요합니다.
→ ~한 것은 한 달쯤 전의 일이었다: it was…that~라는 강조구문을 이용할 것.
→ 하숙을 하다: take up one's lodgings
(ANS) It was only about a month ago that he left his uncle's where he had lived for three years and took up his lodgings near the school.

(2) 날씨가 좋아서 비 올 염려는 없다고 생각하고 집을 나섰는데, 하늘이 갑자기 흐려지더니 역까지 가기도 전에 굵은 빗방울이 떨어지기 시작했다. 요즈음 날씨는 어찌나 변덕이 심한 지.......
→ 날씨가 좋아서 비 올 염려는 없다고 생각하고: thinking (or believing) that there was no danger of rain as it was a fine day 또는 believing that it was so fine a day that there were no dangers of rain.
→ 하늘이 흐려지다: the sky becomes cloudy (또는 overcast) → 굵은 빗방울: big drops of rain → 날씨가 변덕이 심하다: the weather is changeable (또는 uncertain; unsettled)

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