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instructional television (미)(유선방송에 의한)교육용 텔레비전

instructional 〔instr´∧k∫∂n`∂l〕 교육상의

ITV industrial television(영)상업 텔레비전망, industrial television공업용 텔레비젼, instructional telesion교육 텔레비전

Teaching machines are devices that can store instructional
information, present displays, receive responses from
a learner, and act on those responses.
교육기계는 교육적인 정보를 저장하고, 디스플레이를 보여주고, 배우는 이로부터
응답을 받고, 그 응답에 따라 행동하는 장치이다.

didactic 교훈적인, 훈시적인 (ADJ. teaching; instructional; preaching or
The didactic qualities of his poetry overshadow its literary qualities; the
lesson he teaches is more memorable than the lines.

Subject : Copies of Instructional Software
교육용 소프트웨어에 관한 건

[百] 교수미디어 (敎授─) instructional media

[百] 교육방법 (敎育方法) instructional method

[百] 교재센터 (敎材─) instructional materials center

instructional 교수의,교육의

의학실습 액세서리 Aids for medical training
의학교육 또는 실습용 인체해부모형 Anatomical human models for medical education or training
의학교육 또는 실습용 마네킨 Anatomical human mannequins for medical education or training
심폐소생술 실습용품 Cardio pulmonary resuscitation CPR training aids
의학교육 또는 실습 키트 Kits for medical education or training
간호용 또는 의료용 클립보드 Nursing or medical clipboards
이중 귀꽂이 청진기 Dual earpiece stethoscopes
의료진 교육용 훈련 비디오 Training videos for medical staff education
의료 장비 이용 또는 지침 비디오 Operational or instructional videos for medical equipment

교실,교육기관용가구및설비 Classroom and instructional and institutional furniture and fixtures

실용기술지도자료 Life skills resources instructional materials
청취능력향상지도자료 Building listening skills instructional materials
학습능력지도자료 Study skills instructional materials
시험준비지도자료 Test preparation instructional materials

경력교육지도자료 Career education instructional materials
경력교육,계획또는의사결정능력지도자료 Career education or planning or decision making skills instructional materials
기초직능지도자료 Basic job skills instructional materials
구직요령지도자료 Job search skills instructional materials
시간관리요령지도자료 Time management skills instructional materials
면접요령지도자료 Interview skills instructional materials
이력서작성요령지도자료 Resume skills instructional materials
직업윤리또는근무태도훈련지도자료 Work ethics or attitude training instructional materials
팀웍조성지도자료 Team building skills instructional materials
비즈니스에티켓지도자료 Business etiquette instructional materials

소비경제학,자산관리또는독립생활지도자료 Consumer economics and money management and independent living instructional materials
개인재무또는자산관리교육지도자료 Personal finance or money management education instructional materials
쇼핑또는소비요령지도자료 Shopping or consumer skills instructional materials
독립생활지도자료 Independent living instructional materials
소비자신용또는대출지도자료 Understanding consumer credit or loans instructional materials
보험보상범위또는보험보상지도자료 Insurance coverage or insurance comparison instructional materials
주택구입지도자료 Home buying instructional materials
아파트임대지도자료 Apartment rental instructional materials
자동차구입교육교재 Car buying educational aids
브랜드마케팅또는광고지도자료 Brand marketing or advertising instructional materials

관계구축또는가족생활방법지도자료 Relationship building or family life skills instructional materials
자아개념및자긍심개발지도자료 Developing self concept and self esteem instructional materials
폭력방지교육또는예방지도자료 Violence avoidance education or violence prevention instructional materials
분노해소훈련지도자료 Anger resolution training instructional materials
인내요령교육지도자료 Teaching patience skills instructional materials
자제력훈련지도자료 Tolerance training instructional materials
개인안전지도자료 Personal safety instructional materials
개인갈등해결지도자료 Personal conflict resolution instructional materials
십대지도방안실용안내서 Practical teen advice guides
사회성개발지도자료 Developing social skills instructional materials

예의범절또는에티켓지도자료 Manners or etiquette or courtesy instructional aids
문화다양성이해또는대처요령지도자료 Understanding or dealing with cultural diversity instructional materials
보디랭귀지해석요령지도자료 How to read body language instructional materials
복원력개발지도자료 Developing resiliency instructional materials
사회사업이해지도자료 Understanding community service instructional materials
거절요령지도자료 Developing refusal skills instructional materials
책임감또는의사결정요령지도자료 Responsibility or Ddecision making skills instructional materials
십대의법적권리이해지도자료 Understanding teens legal rights instructional materials
학교중퇴의영향지도자료 Repercussions of dropping out of school instructional materials
인종관계비디오 Race relations videos

가정및인테리어디자인지도자료 Home and interior design instructional materials
풍수지도자료 Feng shui instructional materials
집안장식용배색또는페인트칠지도자료 Instructional materials for using color or paint for home decoration
가사계획또는디자인지도자료 Instructional materials for home planning or design
조경디자인지도자료 Landscaping design instructional materials
집안장식또는가구설비지도자료 Instructional materials for home decorating or furnishing

보건교육,영양및식품조리지도자료 Health education and nutrition and food preparation instructional materials
식단지침또는균형식단교육자료 Dietary guidelines or balanced diets educational resources
영양식단계획요령지도자료 Nutritional curriculum menu planning skills instructional materials
영양평가이해지도자료 Understanding nutrition labeling instructional materials
식품구매지도자료 Food shopping instructional materials
건강식선택시연자료 Healthy food choices demonstration units
음식내지방영향이해지도자료 Understanding the effects of dietary fat instructional materials
채식주의이해지도자료 Understanding vegetarianism instructional materials
요리책 Recipe books or cook books
섭식장애교육지도자료 Eating disorders education instructional materials

체중조절또는운동지도자료 Weight control or exercise instructional materials
고형또는액상조리재료측정지도자료 Kitchen measurements of solids or liquids instructional aids
조리용등식또는산술액세서리 Kitchen equivalants or kitchen math instructional aids
주방용품지도자료 Kitchen utensils instructional aids
주방안전또는위생지도자료 Kitchen safety or sanitation instructional materials
식품안전지도자료 Food safety instructional materials
식품학 실습 지도 자료 Food science activities instructional materials
요리기능지도자료 Cooking skills instruction instructional materials
식탁예절또는식사에티켓지도자료 Table manners or eating etiquette instructional materials
테이블세팅지도자료 Table setting instructional materials

요식 서비스훈련지도자료 Food service training instructional materials
약물,담배 또는 알코올중독교육지도자료 Drug or tobacco or alcohol abuse education instructional materials
흡연시뮬레이터 Smoking Simulators
중독이해또는중독방지지도자료 Understanding addiction or addiction avoidance instructional materials
십대우울증지도자료 Teen depression symptoms instructional materials
십대자살방지훈련지도자료 Teen suicide avoidance training instructional materials
스트레스대처지도자료 Coping with stress instructional materials

의류및직물디자인지도자료 Clothing and textile design instructional materials
재봉기능지도자료 Sewing skills instructional materials
재봉작업용품 Sewing project materials
의상제작또는기술이해지도자료 Understanding clothing construction or workmanship instructional materials
의상디자인또는패션지도자료 Clothing design or fashion instructional materials
피부색분석지도자료 Personal color analysis instructional materials
패션사업또는판매원리지도자료 Fashion merchandising or retail fundamentals instructional materials
직물학또는섬유학지도자료 Science of fabrics or fibers instructional materials
의복관리,유지또는세탁지도자료 Clothing care or maintenance or laundering instructional materials
나염디자인기술지도자료 Materials for teaching the art of design color on fabric

직물염료또는페인트지도자료 Fabric dyes or paints instructional materials
퀼트작업지도자료 Quilting projects instructional materials

데이트,성,십대임신,육아요령및아동발달지도자료 Dating and sex and teen pregnancy and parenting skills and child development instructional materials
성교육또는성병지도자료 Sex education or sexually transmitted disease instructional materials
임산부영양또는태아학대지도자료 Prenatal nutrition resources or fetal abuse instructional materials
육아요령지도자료 Parenting skills instructional materials
아동발달지도자료 Child development instructional materials
데이트중강간,데이트요령또는성희롱지도자료 Understanding date rape or dating skills or harassment instructional materials
출산교육지도자료 Childbirth education instructional materials
임신분만전과정지도자료 Pregnancy from conception through birth instructional materials
선천적기형의위험성이해지도자료 Understanding the risks of birth defects instructional materials
임신시뮬레이터 Pregnancy simulators

유아시뮬레이터및액세서리 Infant simulators and accessories
보육훈련지도자료 Infant care training instructional materials
정신적육체적아동학대이해지도자료 Understanding physical or emotional child abuse instructional materials
부모용훈육요령지도자료 Discipline skill education instructional materials for parents
가정안전또는어린이안전지도자료 Home safety or childproofing instructional materials
심폐소생또는기초구명지도자료 Cardio pulmonary resusitation or basic life support instructional materials
소아병이해지도자료 Understanding childhood illnesses instructional materials
활동성주의력결핍장애지도자료 Understanding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder instructional materials
보육인지도자료 Child caregiver instructional materials
아기돌보기지도자료 Babysitting instructional materials

instructional simulation : 교육적인 모의실험

ITFS(Instructional Television Fixed Service)

NITC(National Instructional Television Center)

NITL(National Instructional Television Library)

SITE(Satellite Instructional Television Experiment)

교수방송(instructional television ; ITV)

교육 프로그램(educational broadcasting, instructional programs)

교육영화(instructional film)

과학과 수학의 형식 논리 공통성과 표상 변환을 강조한 수업 방략의 개발과 그 효과 : 8학년 운동 단원을 중심으로
Instructional Strategy Focussing on Commonness of Formal Logic Between Mathematics and Physics and on the Transformation of Representations : Grade 8, Motion

과학과 수학의 형식 논리 공통성과 표상 변환을 강조한 수업 방략의 개발과 그 효과 : 9학년 일과 에너지 단원을 중심으로
Instructional Strategy Focussing on Commonness of Formal Logic Between Mathematics and Physics and on the Transformation of Representations : Grade 9, Work and Energy

수필 교육과 창의적인 글쓰기 연계 방안 연구
(A) study on the instructional method of writing creative essays for students in middle school

수업모형에 따른 내적동기 차이 비교
The Differences of Intrinsic Motivation based on the Instructional Models

계층적 퍼지분석법과 퍼지적분을 이용한 체육교사시간의 활용패턴의 분석 및 평가
An Analysis and evaluation on the instructional time used in high physical education settings using hierarchical Fuzzy process and sugeno Fuzzy integral

교수 질 프로필(IQP)에 의한 중학교 교과서의 일관성 및 적절성 분석
(An) Analysis of the consistency and adequacy on the middle school textbooks by instructional quality profile

교육청 수업평가 기준과 교사들이 지각하는 수업평가 기준 비교 연구
(A) Comparative study of the instructional evaluation standards of education offices and the instructional evaluation standards perceived by teachers

사회적 갈등해결교육 수업모형 개발 및 적용 : 천성산 터널문제를 사례로
Design and Implementation of a Socal Studies Instructional Model for the Development of Conflict Resolution Skills

중학교 기하 증명 지도에서 나타난 교사의 수업 관점 분석
(An) Analysis of instructional perspectives on teaching geometry proofs in middle school

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