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hospitalize 〔h´aspitlaiz〕 입원시키다

hospitalize 병원에 입원하다

hospitalize 입원시키다.

2. She's been hospitalized.
그 여자는 병원에 입원해 있습니다.

He is on temporary leave from school.
= He is on a home study.
= He is taking a leave of absence from school.
= He is taking a temporary a rest from study.
그 사람은 지금 휴학중입니다.
* He is absent.
그는 결석했어요..
* He is hospitalized.
그는 입원했어요.
* He took an early leave.
그는 조퇴했어요.

① My mother was hospitalized.
(어머님이 입원하셨어요)
**- I know how you feel.
(정말 걱정 되시겠네요)

hospitalize 입원시키다

== 병원관련 회화 ==
3. 치료와 상의
어디 좀 볼까요. 여기에 누우세요.
Let's take a look. Please lie down.
검진해 봅시다.
Let me check you.
주사 한 대 놓겠습니다.
I will give you a shot. an injection
입원해야만 합니다.
You should be hospitalized.
수술을 받으셔야 겠습니다.
You will have to undergo operation.
열을 재보지요.
Let's take your temperature.
혀 밑에 온도계를 넣으시오.
Put the themometer under your tongue.
혈압을 재겠습니다.
Let's take your blood pressure.
맥박을 짚어 보겠습니다.
I'm going to take your pulse.
목을 검사해 보겠습니다.
Let me examine your throat.
가슴 X-ray검사를 해본 적이 있습니까?
Have you ever had a chest X-ray?
알레르기성 체질입니다.
I have allergies.
내 혈액형은 A형입니다.
My blood type is A.
기침 멈추는 약을 처방하겠습니다.
I'm going to prescribe something for the cough.
여기 진정제가 있으니 식후 30 분마다 한봉지 드시고,
하나는 주무시기 전에 드세요.
Here is a tranquilizer. Take a pack thirty minutes after meal,
and one before you go to bed.
얼마만에 몇알씩 복용해야 합니까?
How many times and how many tablets should I take?
무거운 것을 들지 않도록 주의하고 며칠동안 푹 쉬세요.
Be careful not to lift anything heavy, and just relax for a few days.
아스피린을 두 알 복용했는데, 효과가 없어요.
I took two aspirins, but they didn't work.
얼마나 있어야 나을까요?
How long will it take before I recover?
입원해야 합니까?
Do I have to enter the hospital?
적어도 일주일은 입원해야겠어요.
I would like you to be in a hospital for at least one week.
며칠 정도 안정해야 합니까?
How many days do I have to stay in bed?
이틀 정도 쉬어야 하겠습니다.
You should take a rest for a couple of days.
종합병원을 가시는게 낫습니다.
You'd better go to a general hospital.
처방전을 드리죠. 이것을 약국에 가지고 가십시오.
I'll give you a prescription. Take it to the pharmacy.
약사에게 이 처방전을 가져가십시요.
Take this prescription to a druggist.

Give me the bullet.
보고해 봐
17-year-old female hospitalized for excessive bleeding, status post root canal.
과도한 출혈로 입원한 17세 여성 환자고 근관치료를 한 상태입니다
Also had a significant new heart murmur associated with fever.
열과 관련된 주목할 만한 심잡음이 잡혔어요
Now afebrile on antibiotics.
항생제 때문에 지금은 열이 없는 상태입니다

He registered for the New York Marathon, but didn't finish.
뉴욕 마라톤에 신청을 했는데 완주는 안했어요
My fault. I twisted my ankle at the starting line.
내 탓이야, 내가 출발선에서 발목을 삐끗했거든
He carried me to the first aid tent. What else?
날 응급실로 데려갔지. 다른건?
- He was hospitalized with tuberculosis. - Already knew that.
- 폐결핵으로 병원에 입원했었고 - 그것도 알고

대출지원 대상은 신종 코로나바이러스 감염으로 입원·격리된 개인, 중국 수출입 실적이 있는 중소기업 그리고 병의원·여행·숙박·공연 업종 등 관련 피해가 우려되는 소상공인 등이다.
Subject to the loan support are individuals hospitalized and isolated due to the infection of the new coronavirus, small and medium-sized enterprises with export and export records in China, and small business owners who are concerned about related damages such as hospitals, travel, lodging and performance industries.

부산의 누적 환자 144명 가운데 입원 환자는 6명이다.
Of the 144 cumulative patients in Busan, 6 are hospitalized.

코로나19 감염으로 입원 치료중이거나 격리 대상자인 경우는 시험 응시를 제한한다.
If you are hospitalized for COVID-19 infection or are in quarantine, taking the test will be restricted.

이 지역 내 무더기 확진환자들이 입원 및 격리조치되면서 대구시 관내 음압병실은 빠르게 줄었다.
As a number of confirmed patients in this area were hospitalized and quarantined, the number of negative pressure rooms in Daegu-si rapidly decreased.

첫 사망자인 63세 남성은 25년째 정신병동에 입원 중이었다.
The first person to die, a 63-year-old man, has been hospitalized in a psychiatric ward for 25 years.

앞서 뉴욕시에서 15명의 어린이기 희귀병 증상으로 병원에 입원하는 일도 있었다.
Earlier, there was a case in which 15 children were hospitalized with the symptoms of rare childhood diseases in New York City.

하지만 김씨는 5월 27일 삼성서울병원에서 '폐렴 추정' 진단을 받고 입원 차 사흘간 응급실에서 대기하던 중 소위 '슈퍼 전파자'로 불린 '메르스 14번 환자'를 통해 메르스에 감염됐다.
However, Mr. Kim was diagnosed with "Presumed Pneumonia" at Samsung Medical Center on May 27 and was infected with MERS through the so-called "Super Spreader", "MERS 14th Patient" while waiting in the emergency room for being hospitalized for three days.

정부는 입원 대기 환자들을 위한 병상 확보에 속도를 내고 있다.
The government is speeding up its efforts to secure beds for patients waiting to be hospitalized.

지속적으로 혈압이 높은 경우 입원해서 주기적으로 혈압을 측정하고 단백뇨가 있는지 검사한다.
If blood pressure is consistently high, the patient is hospitalized and periodically measures blood pressure and tests for proteinuria.

우리 방역당국은 우선 원인 모를 폐렴 입원환자들에 대해서는 해외방문 이력과 관계 없이 신종 코로나 진단검사를 실시키로 했다.
The Korean quarantine authorities decided to conduct a novel coronavirus infection disease diagnostic test on hospitalized patients with pneumonia of unknown cause, regardless of their overseas visit history.

지난 4일 이태원 주점을 방문한 C씨는 지난 5일 인천 서구의 한 정신요양병원에 입원했다가 8일 검사를 받고 코로나19 확진 판정을 받았다.
C, who visited a bar in Itaewon on the 4th, was hospitalized at a mental care hospital in Seo-gu, Incheon on the 5th, but was tested on the 8th and confirmed to be infected with COVID-19.

불이 나면서 요양병원에 입원 중이던 환자 A씨가 숨지고 19명이 연기 흡입 등으로 다쳐 인근 병원에서 치료를 받고 있다.
Mr. A, a patient who was hospitalized in a nursing hospital, died and 19 others were injured due to smoke inhalation and are being treated at a nearby hospital.

소설가 이외수씨가 뇌출혈로 병원에서 입원 치료를 받고 있는 것으로 전해졌다.
It is reported that a novelist Lee Oi-soo, who is hospitalized for cerebral hemorrhage, is being treated.

두 번째 사망자는 처음 경북 청도 대남병원에 입원해 있다가 코로나19 확진 판정을 받은 뒤 부산대병원으로 이송됐다.
The second deceased person was first hospitalized at Daenam Hospital in Cheongdo, Gyeongsangbuk-do and was transferred to Pusan National University Hospital after being diagnosed with COVID-19.

이들 2명의 확진자는 지난1일 코로나19 양성판정을 받고 입원 치료를 받아왔다.
These two confirmed patients were tested positive for COVID-19 on the 1st and were hospitalized.

코로나19 경증환자가 입원했던 생활치료센터 중에는 의료진이 환자의 스마트폰과 앱을 활용해 증상을 살피며 코로나에 대응했고, 환자들의 만족도가 높았다는 결과도 나왔다.
Among the life treatment centers where COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms were hospitalized, there have been results in which medical staff responded to COVID-19 by examining the symptoms through the patient's smartphone and app, and it was revealed that the patients' were highly satisfied with such responses.

이 남성은 지난달 21일 곽병원 입원 중 검체 검사에서 확진 판정을 받고 대구의료원으로 옮겨졌다.
On the 21st of last month, while hospitalized at Kwak Hospital, the man was confirmed as positive from a specimen test and was transferred to Daegu Medical Center.

이번 5차 적정성 평가는 2017년 7월부터 2018년 6월까지 허혈성 심질환으로 입원한 환자에게 관상동맥우회술을 실시한 상급종합병원 및 종합병원을 대상으로 실시했다.
This fifth adequacy evaluation was conducted for advanced general hospitals and general hospitals that performed coronary artery bypass graft on patients hospitalized for ischemic heart disease from July 2017 to June 2018.

가나가와현은 사망한 여성이 통원과 입원한 3개의 의료기관에서 접촉한 사람 61명을 확인했으며 현재 역학조사를 진행 중이다.
Kanagawa Prefecture has confirmed 61 people contacted by the deceased woman at three medical institutions, where she visited or was hospitalized, and is currently undergoing an epidemiological investigation.

이 여성은 지난해 11월부터 한사랑요양병원에 입원해 있었고, 17일 요양병원 전수조사를 통해 18일 확진 판정을 받았다.
This woman has been hospitalized at the Hansarang Nursing Hospital since November of last year, and was confirmed on the 18th through a full investigation of the nursing hospital on the 17th.

롯데그룹은 "후견인에 따르면 신 명예회장이 이날 오후 4시 영양공급 관련 치료 목적으로 아산병원에 입원할 예정"이라고 밝혔다.
Lotte Group said, "According to the guardian, Honorary Chairman Shin will be hospitalized at Asan Medical Center at 4 p.m. on the same day for nutritional-related treatment."

공단 대구병원은 '국가감염병전담병원'으로 지정돼 현재 대구병원에서 입원 중인 환자를 전원 조치하고 코로나 19에 감염된 환자를 치료하기 위한 준비로 분주한 상황이다.
The Daegu Hospital of the Corporation has been designated as a "National Infectious Disease dedicated Hospital" and is busy preparing to take measures to all patients currently hospitalized at the Daegu hospital and treat patients infected with COVID-19.

뇌질환이 의심돼 서울의 또 다른 대형병원에 입원한 강정연씨는 새벽 2시에 뇌 자기공명영상장치(MRI) 검사를 받아야 했다.
Kang Jung-yeon, who was hospitalized at another large hospital in Seoul for suspected brain diseases, had to undergo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 2 a.m.

신천지 대구교회에 있었던 이들 중 14명이 감염됐고, 접촉사고로 입원했던 대구 범어동의 새로난한방병원 내 접촉자 중에서도 1명이 확진자가 됐다.
Of those who had been at Shincheonji Church of Jesus in Daegu, 14 were infected, and one of the contacts in the new oriental medicine hospital in Beomeodong, Daegu, who had been hospitalized in a contact accident, became a confirmed patient.

안, 이 씨는 김천의료원 격리병리로 옮길 예정이고 권 씨는 경북대병원 음압병실에서 입원 치료 중 확진판정을 받았다.
Ahn and Lee will be moved to an isolation hospital at Gimcheon Medical Center, while Kwon was confirmed while hospitalized in the negative pressure room of Kyungpook National University Hospital.

사망자는 지난 13일 입원해 호흡 곤란 증세를 치료받던 89세 남성으로 고혈압과 당뇨 등 질환을 앓고 있었던 것으로 전해졌다.
It was reported that the deceased, a 89-year-old man who was hospitalized on the 13th with symptoms of shortness of breath, was suffering from diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

상대적으로 중증도가 낮은 환자가 입원하는 E5 음압격리병동의 팀장도 어느새 방호복을 입고 E2 중환자실로 뛰어들어왔다.
The team leader of the E5 negative pressure isolation ward, where patients with relatively low severity are hospitalized, also jumped into the E2 intensive care unit wearing protective clothing.

김강립 보건복지부 차관은 이날 "원인불명 폐렴으로 입원 중인 환자는 병원에서 해외여행력과 무관하게 진단검사할 수 있도록 하겠다"고 했다.
Deputy Minister of Health and Welfare Kim Kang-rip said on the day that "patients who are hospitalized for pneumonia of unknown cause will be able to perform diagnostic tests at the hospital regardless of their overseas travel history."

이곳에 일주일간 입원했던 환자가 16번 확진자로 판명났고, 그의 딸은 18번 확진자가 됐다.
A patient who had been hospitalized there for a week was found to be confirmed patient no 16, and his daughter was confirmed patient no.18.

신격호 롯데그룹 명예회장이 노환에 따른 병세가 위독해 서울 아산병원 중환자실에 입원했다.
Lotte Group honorary chairman Shin Kyuk-ho was hospitalized in the intensive care unit of Asan Medical Center in Seoul due to his old age.

시설 측은 다음 날 오후가 돼서야 D씨를 휠체어에 태운 채 병원에 입원시켰다.
The facility put D in a wheelchair and hospitalized him in the hospital only the next afternoon.

성환자들을 모두 나타내기는 어렵다"고 말했다.
An official of the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service said, "This is the number of patients who have been hospitalized for 10 consecutive years in only one hospital, so it is difficult to represent all of the actual long-term chronic patients."

신 명예회장은 서울 소공동으로 거소를 이전한 후 건강이 악화돼 지난 2일 아산병원에 입원했다.
Honorary Chairperson Shin was hospitalized at Asan Medical Center on the 2nd due to deteriorating health after moving to Sogong-dong, Seoul.

네이멍구 시린궈러에서 온 이들은 지난 3일 이 병원 응급실을 통해 입원했으며, 발열과 호흡 곤란 증세를 호소한 것으로 알려졌다.
These people from Xilingol, Inner Mongolia, were hospitalized through the hospital's emergency room on the 3rd, and reportedly complained of fever and difficulty breathing.

감염병 전담 병원으로 지정해 운영하고 있는 마산의료원에는 이날 현재 경남 확진자 29명과 대구·경북 확진자 7명, 검역소 확진자 3명이 입원해 치료를 받고 있다.
As of the day, 29 confirmed patients in Gyeongsangnam-do, seven confirmed patients in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do, and three confirmed patients at the quarantine station were hospitalized and receiving treatment at Masan Medical Center, which is designated and operated as a hospital for infectious diseases.

매년 정기적으로 건강검진을 받고 두 차례 입원해 각종 검사를 받았지만, 정확한 병명은 찾지 못하고 그저 스트레스가 원인일 수 있다는 설명을 들었다.
He was hospitalized twice every year after receiving regular medical checkups, but he could not find the exact name of the disease and was told that stress could be the cause.

의정부성모병원 최초 확진자인 75세 남성은 지난달 16∼25일 폐렴 증상으로 입원했었고, 이후 원래 생활하던 베스트케어 요양원으로 돌아갔다.
A 75-year-old male, the first confirmed person at Uijeongbu St. Mary's Hospital, was hospitalized with pneumonia symptoms on the 16th to the 25th of last month, and then returned to the Best Care Nursing Home where he was living.

김철민은 현재 폐암 4기 진단을 받고 서울 원자력병원에 입원해 치료를 받고 있다.
Kim Cheol-min is currently diagnosed with lung cancer stage 4 and is hospitalized at Seoul Nuclear Hospital for treatment.

대남병원은 24일 입장문을 내고 "신천지 총회장 형이 지난달 27일부터 닷새 동안 응급실에 입원해 치료를 받다가 숨졌다"고 설명했다.
The Daenam hospital issued a statement on the 24th, explaining that the brother of the president of Shincheonji had been hospitalized in the emergency room for five days from the 27th of last month and died while receiving treatment.

무료 검사 대상이 아닌 사람이 검사를 받길 원하면 당사자로부터 검사비를 받고 검사하되 양성으로 나와 격리 입원될 경우에는 검사비를 전액 환불해 주고 있다.
If a person who is not subject to free test wants to do, he/she pays for testing and get tested but if he/she is positive and is hospitalized in quarantine, the test fee is fully refunded.

전체 확진자 중 50일 이상 입원한 환자는 전체의 4.9%다.
Among all confirmed patients, 4.9% of the patients were hospitalized for more than 50 days.

양주 베스트케어 요양원 확진자와는 의정부성모병원 같은 층에 입원했던 것으로 확인됐다.
It was confirmed that the patient was hospitalized at Uijeongbu St. Mary's Hospital on the same floor with the confirmed patient of Yangju Best Care Nursing Home.

조씨가 병원의 수술 계획이 없었음에도 "허리디스크로 입원해야 한다"고 거짓 진술한 것도 법원은 전혀 참고하지 않았다는 지적이다.
It is pointed out that the court did not refer to Jo's false statement that he had to be hospitalized with a herniated disk even though he had no plans for surgery in the hospital.

서울구치소에 수감 중인 박근혜 전 대통령이 16일 어깨 수술을 받기 위해 서울성모병원에 입원한다.
Former President Park Geun-hye, who is imprisoned in the Seoul Detention Center, will be hospitalized at Seoul St. Mary's Hospital on the 16th for shoulder surgery.

y of a large-scale infection cannot be ruled out as a confirmed patient occurred in a nursing hospital where a severely ill patient vulnerable to infection is hospitalized, and the emergency room medical staff at a university hospital are also infected.

대구지역 첫 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증 확진자로 최장기간 병원에 입원했던 31번 확진자가 퇴원했다.
The 31st confirmed patient, who had been hospitalized for the longest period of time as the first confirmed patient of COVID-19 in Daegu, has been discharged.

의료진 및 입원환자 등 2,891명에 대해 전수검사를 실시한 결과 양성으로 판정된 확진자는 총 29명이며, 이 가운데 도내 확진자는 24명으로 나타났다.
As a result of total enumeration of 2,891 patients, including medical staff and hospitalized patients, a total of 29 confirmed patients were confirmed positive, of which 24 were confirmed in the province.

구 목사의 부인 조은미 사모는 당시 화재로 40%의 화상을 입고 병원에 입원 중이었다.
Pastor Koo's wife, Cho Eun-mi, was hospitalized with 40% burns in the fire at the time.

대구가 운영한 생활치료센터는 60일간 운영됐으며 이 기간 총 3,025명의 경증 환자가 입소해 2,957명이 퇴소하면서 완치율 97%를 보였다.
The life treatment center operated by Daegu was running for 60 days, and during this period, a total of 3,025 mildly ill patients were hospitalized and 2,957 were discharged, showing a cure rate of 97%.

국정농단 사건으로 2년 5개월째 서울구치소에 구속 수감 중이던 박근혜 전 대통령이 16일 부분파열된 어깨 힘줄 수술을 위해 서울성모병원에 입원했다.
Former President Park Geun-hye, who was imprisoned in Seoul detention center for two years and five months due to the monopolization of state affairs incident, was hospitalized at Seoul St. Mary's Hospital on the 16th for a partially ruptured shoulder tendon surgery.

경북도와 보건당국은 이 환자들이 입원해 있던 병원에 입원환자와 직원 등 100여명이 있었던 만큼 이들에 대한 역학조사를 하고 다른 병원으로 옮기는 것을 검토 중인 것으로 전해졌다.
It is reported that Gyeongbuk and health authorities are considering transferring these patients to another hospital after conducting an epidemiological investigation, as there were about 100 people, including inpatients and staff in the hospital, where these patients were hospitalized.

강원도 태백시는 경북 봉화 해성병원에 입원해 있다가 숨진 뒤 태백병원 장례식장으로 옮겨진 사망자와 접촉자 등 5명에 대해 검체 체취 후 감염 여부를 확인하고 있다고 6일 밝혔다.
Taebaek-si, Gangwon-do, announced on the 6th that it is checking five people, including those who died while hospitalized at Haesung Hospital in Bonghwa, Gyeongsangbuk-do and were taken to the funeral hall of Taebaek Hospital, as well as the people contacted with the deceased.

법무부는 오는 16일 수술과 치료를 위해 박 전 대통령을 외부 병원에 입원시키기로 결정했다고 11일 밝혔다.
The Ministry of Justice announced on the 11th that it has decided to hospitalize former President Park in a hospital for surgery and treatment on the 16th.

경찰은 다만 피해 학생이 최근 교통사고를 당해 병원에 입원 중인 점을 감안해 치료를 마친 뒤 국민청원 글과 관련한 사실 관계를 파악하기로 했습니다.
However, the police decided to find out the facts related to the national petition after treatment, considering that the victim was recently hospitalized in a traffic accident.

충북 청주의 한 종합병원에서 불이 나 입원 환자들이 긴급 대피하는 소동이 벌어졌다.
A fire broke out at a general hospital in Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do, causing an emergency evacuation of hospitalized patients.

뒤늦게 대구의료원에서 검체를 채취하고 컴퓨터단층촬영결과 폐렴증상까지 있었지만, 확진자가 아니라는 이유로 입원을 못한 채 집에서 대기하다 의식을 잃었다.
Belatedly, a specimen was collected at the Daegu Medical Center, and she even showed pneumonia symptoms as the result of computed tomography. Still, she lost consciousness while waiting at home without being hospitalized because she was not a confirmed patient.

사망자는 폐암 말기 환자로 이 병원 81병동에 입원해 있던 용인시 상현동 거주 82세 남자 A씨다.
The deceased was a late-stage lung cancer patient, A, an 82-year-old man living in Sanghyeon-dong, Yongin-si, who was hospitalized in ward 81 of this hospital.

요양시설이나 요양병원은 입원하는 사람을 대상으로 코로나19를 검사할 계획이다.
Nursing facilities or nursing hospitals plan to perform the test of COVID-19 on people who are to be hospitalized.

대법원 1부는 경상대병원에 입원했다 사망한 김모씨의 부모가 병원을 상대로 제기한 손해배상 청구소송에서 병원이 1억3470만원을 배상하라는 원심 판결을 확정했다고 11일 밝혔다.
The first division of the Supreme Court announced on the 11th that in a lawsuit for damages filed against the hospital by the parents of Kim, who died after being hospitalized to the Gyeongsang National University Hospital, the hospital has confirmed the court's original ruling to compensate KRW 134.7 million.

시설의 주 이용자가 기저질환이 있는 환자와 노인 등이고 의료기관 내 확진자가 발생할 경우 면역력이 떨어진 장기 입원환자가 추가 감염될 수 있어서다.
If the main users of the facility are patients with underlying diseases and the elderly, and there is a confirmed patient in a medical institution, long-term hospitalized patients with reduced immunity may be infected additionally.

정 본부장은 "지표환자가 입원한 장소인 8층 이외에서도 환자가 발생했고 환자의 병실 간 이동 또는 간병인, 의료종사자의 이동 등을 통해 층간 전파가 이루어졌을 것으로 추정하고 있다"고 설명했다.
Director of headquarters Jeong explained, "In addition to the 8th floor, the place where the indicator patient was hospitalized, patients occurred, and it is estimated that the spread between floors was made through the movement of the patient's hospital rooms, caregivers, and medical workers."

이번 예비비는 방역물자와 장비 확충, 격리 통지를 받은 입원·격리치료자 지원 등에 쓰이게 된다.
The reserve fund will be used to expand quarantine supplies and equipment, and to support hospitalized and quarantined therapists who have received notification of quarantine.

대구·경북 지역에서 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증 환자가 급증하며 1,000명 안팎의 확진자가 입원할 병상이 없어 집에서 애만 태우고 있다.
As the number of patients with novel coronavirus infection disease has soared in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do, there are no sickbeds for about 1,000 confirmed patients to be hospitalized, so they are only worried at home.

아들이 이 지경에 이르렀는데도 루오의 엄마는 아들 대학 입시가 우선이기 때문에 입원을 원치 않는다.
Luo's mother doesn't want him hospitalized because she considers her son's college entrance exam as a priority, even though his son health is in critical condition.

이 남성은 4일 결핵 증세로 수성구보건소를 찾아 확진판정을 받은 후 대구의료원에서 입원 치료를 받았다.
The man was diagnosed with tuberculosis-like symptoms at the Suseong-gu Public Health Center on the 4th and was hospitalized at the Daegu Medical Center.

국내 '코로나19' 29·30번 환자가 발생하면서 지역사회 감염 전파 우려가 커진 가운데 보건당국이 전국 요양병원 종사자와 입원 환자 등을 전수 조사하는 방침을 세웠다.
Amid growing concerns over the spread of infections in the community due to the outbreak of patients No. 29 and 30 of "COVID-19", the health authorities is set up a plan to investigate all employees of nursing hospitals and hospitalized patients across the country.

부산시는 부산대병원에서 입원치료를 받던 부산 50번 확진자가 확진 후 일주일 만에 퇴원했다고 밝혔다.
The Busan City Government said that the 50th confirmed patient in Busan, who was hospitalized at Pusan ​​National University Hospital, was discharged within a week after being confirmed.

신정환은 응급실에 입원 중인 사진까지 공개했으나 '뎅기열'은 거짓으로 밝혀져 '괘씸죄'까지 적용돼 한동안 해외에서 체류하고 방송가에 복귀하지 못했다.
Shin Jeong-hwan even revealed a picture of him being hospitalized in the emergency room, but "dengue fever" turned out to be false, so it was even applied to "profanity", so he stayed abroad for a while and could not return to be the broadcaster.

슈퍼 전파자로 지목되기도 한 그는 2월6일 오후 10시30분쯤 교통사고를 당해 대구 수성구 새로난한방병원에 입원한 뒤 17일 퇴원했다.
He was also designated as a super spreader, and was discharged on the 17th after being in a car accident around 10:30 p.m. on February 6th, and hospitalized at Seronan Oriental Hospital in Suseong-gu, Daegu.

한편 대구 전체 확진자 중에서 358명은 입원 조치했으며 나머지 142명에 대해서는 최대한 이른 시간 안에 이송할 계획이다.
Meanwhile, 358 of Daegu's total confirmed patients were hospitalized and 142 others will be transferred as soon as possible.

대구 중부경찰서는 11일 입원 중인 병원에서 무단 이탈한 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증 확진 판정을 받은 A씨를 붙잡아 재입원 조치했다.
Daegu Jungbu Police Station arrested a man, who had confirmed COVID-19 and left the hospital without permission on the 11th, and took a measure to hospitalize him.

이번 평가는 2017년 7월부터 2018년 6월까지 허혈성심질환으로 입원한 환자에게 관상동맥우회술을 시행한 346개 의료기관을 대상으로 실시됐다.
This evaluation was conducted in 346 medical institutions that performed coronary artery bypass grafts on patients hospitalized for ischemic heart disease from July 2017 to June 2018.

환청과 망상을 포함한 급성기 양성증상이 심해 병원에 입원하면 대부분 성공적으로 치료되어 퇴원이 가능하다.
When they are hospitalized because their acute positive symptoms including hallucinations and delusions are severe, most of them are successfully treated and discharged.

간암을 앓고 있던 확진자는 발열과 가래 증세로 지난달 29일부터 파티마병원에 입원 중 이날 오후 1시 40분쯤 사망했다.
The confirmed patient, who was suffering from liver cancer, died at around 1:40 p.m. that day while being hospitalized at Fatima Hospital from the 29th of last month due to fever and phlegm symptoms.

입원 환자 14명은 감염경로별로 해외 유입 9명과 앞선 환자 접촉자 5명이다.
In terms of the route of infection of 14 hospitalized patients, nine are foreign influx and five are close contacts of a previous patient.

권영진 대구시장은 23일 오전 정례브리핑에서 "남구 하나린 어린이집 담당 4세 원생 어린이가 자가격리 중 환자로 확인돼 현재 입원 치료 중"이라고 밝혔다.
Daegu Mayor Kwon Young-jin said at the regular briefing in the morning of the 23rd, "A 4-year-old child attending Hanarin Daycare Center in Nam-gu has been confirmed to be a patient during self-isolation and is currently hospitalized."

그러나 격리환자 중 감염병 전담병원에 입원 중인 환자는 1507명으로 병상 가동률이 20% 수준이어서 감축·조정하기로 했다.
However, 1,507 patients are hospitalized in hospitals dedicated to infectious diseases among quarantined patients, and the operation rate of their beds is 20%, so they will be reduced and adjusted.

감기로 지난달 31일 입원한 방송인 송해가 2주 만인 13일 퇴원했다.
Song Hae, a TV host who was hospitalized on the 31st of last month due to a cold, was discharged on the 13th after two weeks.

퇴원한 135명은 보건소에서 관리를 진행하고, 재원 중인 72명 환자에 대해서는 은평성모병원 측에서 전원 코로나19 검사를 진행할 계획이다.
135 people who have been discharged will be managed at the public health center, and all 72 patients who are hospitalized will be tested for COVID-19 at Eunpyeong St. Mary's Hospital.

또, 부산의료원에는 56병상이 남아있고, 이번주 병실을 간이 음압병실로 바꾸는 작업이 진행되면 최대 248명까지 입원이 가능하다.
In addition, there are 56 beds left in the Busan Medical Center, and if hospital rooms are changed to temporary negative pressure rooms this week, up to 248 people can be hospitalized.

입원 환자가 3명, 환자 가족이 2명, 이송요원 1명, 간병인 1명이다.
There are three hospitalized patients, two family members, one driver, and one caregiver.

이 환자는 경기 용인시에 거주하는 68세 남성으로 지난 3일 이 병원에 입원해 치료를 받고 있다.
This patient is a 68-year-old male residing in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do, and is being hospitalized on the 3rd for treatment.

이상 징후를 조기에 포착하고 적극 대응한 결과 신속대응팀 발족 이후 중재에 나선 환자 중 60%는 중환자실에 입원할 필요 없이 일반병동에서 치료를 이어갈 수 있었다.
As a result of early detection of abnormal signs and active response, 60% of patients who began intervention after the initiation of the rapid response team were able to continue treatment in general wards without having to be hospitalized in the intensive care unit.

비교적 경증 확진자로 분류된 A씨는 입원 후 약물 치료를 병행했으며 임상증상이 호전돼 두차례 바이러스 검사에서 음성 판정을 받고 격리해제 됐다.
Mr. A, who was classified as a relatively mild confirmed patient, was released from quarantine after two tests of the virus as his clinical symptoms improved after being hospitalized.

A씨는 지난 3일 확진 판정을 받아 입원했으며 고혈압 등 지병을 앓은 것으로 나타났다.
Mr. A was hospitalized after being confirmed on the 3rd, and it was found that he suffered from chronic diseases such as high blood pressure.

김포에 거주하는 30대 부부의 딸인 A양은 전날인 23일 1차 검사에 코로나19 음성 판정을 받았지만 2차 검사에서 양성 판정을 받아 경기 성남시 분당서울대병원으로 이송돼 음압병실에 입원 치료 중이다.
A, the daughter of a couple in their 30s residing in Gimpo, was tested negative on the first COVID-19 test on the 23rd, the previous day, but tested positive on the second test and was transferred to Seoul National University Bundang Hospital in Seongnam, Gyeonggi, where she is hospitalized for treatment in a negative pressure room.

백 이사장은 "외국인 입원해 통역기를 요구해서 통역기를 샀다"는 의사들의 목소리를 전하기도 했다.
Chairperson Baek also delivered the voices of doctors saying, "I bought an interpreter device because there were foreigners hospitalized."

입원 환자는 44명으로, 주로 마산의료원에서 치료를 받고 있다.
Forty-four people have been hospitalized, and they are mainly being treated at Masan Medical Center.

격리병원인 만큼 입원한 환자들 가운데는 안타까운 사연도 쏟아졌다.
As it was an quarantine hospital, there were also unfortunate stories among the hospitalized patients.

대구시는 지난 28일까지 1329병상을 추가 확보해 주말 동안 187명, 301명 등 488명을 추가로 입원시킬 계획이다.
Daegu City plans to secure an additional 1329 beds by the 28th, and additionally hospitalize 488 people, including 187 and 301, during the weekend.

한 달 전 근무 중에 기침을 시작한 그는 이튿날 저녁 검사를 받고 일주일 뒤 병원에 입원했다.
He started coughing while working a month ago, and was examined the following evening and hospitalized a week later.

24일 경기도 김포시 풍무동 한 요양병원에서 화재가 발생, 소방대원들이 입원 환자들을 다른 병원으로 이송하고 있다.
On the 24th, a fire broke out at a nursing hospital in Pungmu-dong, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, and firefighters are transferring hospitalized patients to another hospital.

그에 앞서 입원했던 이명박 전 대통령의 경우 두 번 모두 특실에 머무르긴 했으나 접근 통제 조치는 없었다.
In the case of former President Lee Myung-bak, who was hospitalized prior to him, he stayed in a special room twice but there was no access control measure.

그는 국내 확진자 가운데 가장 오래 입원한 경우다.
He is the longest hospitalized case among domestic confirmed patients.

방송에 따르면 이들은 지난 2월 코로나19에 감염된 뒤 현재까지 60일 넘게 입원 치료를 받고 있다.
According to the broadcast, they have been hospitalized for more than 60 days since they were infected with COVID-19 in February.

A씨가 퇴원하면서 대구의료원에는 코로나19와 관련해 170명이 입원해 치료를 받고 있다.
As A was discharged from the hospital, 170 people were hospitalized and treated in relation to COVID-19 at the Daegu Medical Center.

대구에서 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증 확진 판정을 받고 자가에서 입원대기중인 환자 가운데 500명 이상이 생활치료센터 입소를 거부하고 있는 것으로 드러났다.
It has been revealed that more than 500 patients who have been confirmed COVID-19 in Daegu and are waiting to be hospitalized at home are refusing to enter the residential treatment center.

박 전 대통령 지지자들은 그가 수술을 받고 입원한 병원을 둘러싸며 쾌유를 빌었지만, 이를 지켜보는 환자와 지역주민들은 불안감을 나타내고 있다.
Supporters of former President Park wished for her healing around the hospital where she was hospitalized after surgery, but patients and residents who watched it are expressing anxiety.

전라북도 보건당국은 현재 이곳에 입원한 환자를 오는 28일까지 타 의료기관으로 이송한다는 계획이다.
Health authorities in Jeollabuk-do plan to transfer patients who are currently hospitalized here to other medical institutions by the 28th.

박 장관은 "생활방역 체계로 전환됨에 따라 어르신 감염 예방을 철저히 하면서 향후 재유행에 대비해 신규 입원·입소자에 대한 진단검사 등 예방 및 조기발견 체계를 마련하겠다"고 강조했다.
Minister Park emphasized, "With the transition to a life-threatening system, we will thoroughly prevent infection for the elderly and prepare a system for prevention and early detection such as diagnostic tests for new hospitalized and inmates in preparation for a re-emergence in the future."

대남병원과 연결된 4개 시설에는 직원 298명이 근무 중이며 입원환자가 302명에 달한다.
The four facilities connected to Daenam Hospital have 298 employees working and 302 hospitalized patients.

21일 경기도 포천시의 한 병원에 입원 중이던 70대 환자가 폐렴 의심 증상을 보이다 숨졌다.
On the 21st, a patient in her 70s, who was hospitalized in Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, died after showing suspected pneumonia symptoms.

보건당국은 이 병원에 입원 중인 환자 130여명을 인근 6개 병원으로 옮기고자 2차 진단 검사를 진행 중이다.
The health authorities are conducting secondary diagnostic tests to move 130 hospitalized patients to six nearby hospitals.

김경수 경남지사는 "생활치료센터에 확진자 수용은 현재 확진자들이 입원해 있는 전담병원 등의 의료진과 역학조사관들이 협의를 해 확진자 중증도 분류 등 절차를 거쳐 결정할 방침이다"고 말했다.
Gyeongnam Governor Kim Gyeong-su said, "Consultations with medical staff and epidemiological investigators at the designated hospitals, where the confirmed patients are currently hospitalized, along with several procedures such as classification of the severity of the confirmed patients will determine whether the confirmed patients can be hospitalized to a residential treatment center or not."

시는 대부분의 입원환자의 상태가 양호하며, 10여 명은 완쾌해 이틀 내에 퇴원할 것으로 내다봤다.
The city predicted that most of the hospitalized patients are in good condition, and about 10 patients are completely well and will be discharged within 2 days.

코로나19에 감염돼 병원에 입원 중인 티첸의 사위 필립은 코로나19를 이겨낸 장모가 모든 코로나19 확진환자에게 좋은 자극이 되고 있다고 전했다.
Titchen's son-in-law Philip, who has been hospitalized since being infected with COVID-19, said that the fact that her mother-in-law has beaten the virus is a good stimulus to all patients with COVID-19.

또 "확진 이후 병의 지속 기간을 분석해보면 50% 이상이 30일 이상 입원하고 있다"며 "코로나19에 감염되면 상당히 오랜 기간 병을 앓게 된다고 볼 수 있다"고 전했다.
He also said, "According to an analysis of the duration of the disease after confirmation, more than 50% of the patients have been hospitalized for more than 30 days. It can be said that if you are infected with COVID-19, you will suffer from the disease for quite a long time."

국내 31번째 확진자는 입원 중에 의료진에게 코로나19를 의심받아 선별진료소나 검사가 가능한 다른 병원으로 옮길 것을 권유받았지만 두 차례나 거절했던 것으로 전해졌다.
The 31st confirmed patient in Korea was reportedly advised by medical staff to move to a screening clinic or another hospital where tests are possible after being suspected of COVID-19 while hospitalized, but refused twice.

생활지원금은 입원 또는 격리된 사람 중 보건소에서 발부한 격리 통지서를 받고 격리돼 감염병예방법에 따른 조치를 충실히 이행하고, 유급휴가를 받지 않은 사람에게 지급된다.
Living support funds are paid to those who are hospitalized or quarantined, who receive a quarantine notice issued by a public health center, are quarantined, faithfully implement measures according to the Infectious Disease Prevention Act, and have not received paid leave.

어깨 수술을 위해 병원에 입원했던 박근혜 전 대통령이 다시 구치소로 돌아갔다.
Former President Park Geun-hye, who had been hospitalized for shoulder surgery, returned to the detention center.

입원할 필요는 낮으나 코로나19의 전파를 차단하기 위해 격리가 필요한 환자는 '생활치료센터'에 격리된다.
Patients who do not need to be hospitalized but need quarantine to block the spread of COVID-19 are quarantined at a "life treatment center".

그는 현재 셍캉 종합병원 내 격리 병실에 입원해 있으며 몸 상태는 양호한 것으로 알려졌다.
He is currently hospitalized in a quarantine room in Sengkang General Hospital and is known to be in good condition.

대구·경북 확진자 가운데 176명이 경남도내 국립마산병원, 창원병원, 마산의료원, 양산부산대병원, 창원경상대병원, 진주경상대병원 등에 입원해 치료를 받고 있다.
Among the confirmed patients in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do, 176 are hospitalized in Gyeongnam-do National Masan Hospital, Changwon Hospital, Masan National Tuberculosis Hospital, Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital, Gyeongsang National University Changwon Hospital, and Jinju Gyeongsang National University Hospital for treatment.

대구시는 28일까지 총 1,329병상을 확보하고, 29일 187명, 3월1일 301명 주말 이틀간 488명을 입원시킬 계획이다.
Daegu plans to secure a total of 1,329 beds by the 28th and hospitalize 187 people on the 29th, 301 on March 1, and 488 for two days over the weekend.

할머니는 지병으로 치료받기 위해 입원했다가 코로나19 감염 사실을 모른 채 같은 병실에 입원해 있던 다른 여성에게서 전염됐다.
The grandmother was hospitalized for treatment for a chronic disease, but she was contagious from another woman who was hospitalized in the same room without knowing that she had COVID-19 infection.

또 A 씨가 입원했던 간이식 병동을 임시 폐쇄하고 방역했다.
Also, the liver transplant ward where Mr. A was hospitalized was temporarily closed and quarantined.

입원 치료를 받은 인원이 894명이며 최소한 60명 이상이 사망한 것으로 전해졌다.
It is reported that at least 60 people have reportedly died, with 894 people hospitalized.

일반 병상에 입원했던 환자까지 포함하면 수치는 2만8명으로 늘어난다.
If you include patients who have been hospitalized in general hospital beds, the number will increase to 28,000.

당시 이 요양병원에는 168명의 환자가 입원해 있었으며 건물 외관이 불에 잘타는 드라이피트 구조로 되어 있어 자칫 대형 인명피해로 이어질 수 있는 상황이었다.
At that time, 168 patients were hospitalized at the nursing hospital, and the exterior of the building was a fire-prone dry-fit structure, which could lead to massive casualties.

아울러, 40번째의 환자의 배우자가 새롭게 감염된 것으로 전날 확인돼 현재 서울의료원에 격리 입원 중이다.
In addition, it was confirmed the day before that the spouse of the 40th patient was newly infected, so the spouse is currently hospitalized and quarantined at the Seoul Medical Center.

또 "장기간 입원했다가 퇴원하면 일자리를 구하기가 어려운 것은 물론 그사이 변한 사회에 적응하기도 어렵다"면서 "사회 주변부로 밀려난 환자들이 궁지에 몰려 범죄에 노출될 가능성도 높다"고 말했다.
He also said, "It is not only difficult to find a job after being hospitalized for a long time but also to adapt to the society that has changed in the meantime. There is a high possibility that patients who have been pushed to the periphery of society will be cornered and exposed to crimes."

또 전자담배 사용 후 90일 이내에 발병했으며, 3명을 제외한 나머지 환자 모두 입원 치료를 받던 중 3분의 1이 인공호흡기가 필요할 정도의 호흡곤란에 시달린 것으로 나타났다.
In addition, the disease occurred within 90 days of the use of electronic cigarettes, and one-third of all patients, except for three, suffered from breathing difficulties enough to require a respirator while being hospitalized.

요양병원은 환자의 입원일수만큼 정해진 금액을 받는 일당(日當) 정액수가제로 운영되는데 입원환자는 물론이고 신규 입원환자 검사까지 병원이 떠 안고 있어서다.
The nursing hospital is operated on a flat-rate daily basis, where the patient receives a fixed amount for the number of days he/she is hospitalized, and the hospital holds both inpatient and new inpatient examinations.

수도 도쿄에서조차 확진자용 병상이 부족해 200명 가량의 환자가 입원하지 못하고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.
Even in the capital Tokyo, about 200 patients are reportedly unable to be hospitalized due to a lack of sickbeds for confirmed patients.

이 환자는 경북 청도 대남병원 입원 환자로 20일 상태가 안좋아져 일반 내과병동으로 옮겨져 치료를 받던 중 이날 코로나19 확진 판정을 받았다.
This patient was hospitalized to Daenam Hospital in Cheongdo, Gyeongsangbuk-do, and was transferred to a general internal medicine ward because his condition worsened on the 20th, and was diagnosed with COVID-19 that day.

명지병원은 그동안 14명의 코로나19 환자를 완치·퇴원시켰고 2명이 입원하고 있다.
Myongji Hospital has completely cured and discharged 14 patients of COVID-19 and two are hospitalized.

당시 폐쇄된 영등포병원 내에는 상주하던 의료진 및 환자들이 격리돼 있었으며 총 20개 병실 중 16곳에 42명의 환자가 입원하고 있었다.
In Youngdungpo Hospital, which was closed at the time, resident medical staff and patients were quarantined, and 42 patients were hospitalized in 16 out of a total of 20 hospital rooms.

대구 중부경찰서에 따르면, 11일 오후 5시 15분쯤 동산병원에 입원해 있던 코로나 19 확진자인 이 모씨가 간호사의 감시가 소홀한 틈을 타 병실을 빠져나갔다.
According to the Daegu Jungbu Police Station, Mr. Lee, a confirmed patient of COVID-19, who was hospitalized at Dongsan Hospital, escaped from the hospital while the nurse's surveillance was negligent at around 5:15 p.m. on the 11th.

확진 환자 12명은 현재 국가지정입원치료병상에 입원·격리돼 치료 중이며 상태는 전반적으로 안정적인 것으로 알려졌다.
It is known that twelve confirmed patients are currently being hospitalized and quarantined in a state-designated inpatient treatment bed, and their condition is generally stable.

이 가운데 133명이 퇴원하고 14명이 입원 치료 중이다.
Of these, 133 have been discharged and 14 are hospitalized for treatment.

정은경 본부장은 "입원환자 2명과 직원 1명"이라며 "해당 병원은 당초 대남병원의 집단발생으로 함께 코호트 격리 중이었고 3월 5일 0시 격리해제를 앞두고 시행한 검사에서 3명의 양성이 확인됐다"고 말했다.
Director Jeong Eun-kyeong said, "it is two hospitalized patients and one employee" and "The hospital was initially in the middle of a cohort isolation due to the cluster of cases at the Daenam hospitals, and three people tested positive before being released from quarantine at midnight on March 5".

지난해 10월부터 수성구 김신요양병원에 입원해 있던 이 남성은 9일 요양병원 전수 조사를 통해 10일 확진 판정을 받았다.
The man, who had been hospitalized at Kimshin Nursing Hospital in Suseong-gu since October last year, was confirmed on the 10th through a full investigation of the nursing hospital on the 9th.

지난 4월 현지 병원에 입원한 그녀는 반려묘에게 긁혔던 상처 부위 조직을 완전히 제거하는 수술을 받았다.
After being hospitalized in a local hospital in April, she underwent surgery to completely remove tissue from the injured area that had been scratched by her cat.

경남의 코로나19 확진자가 발생한 이후 처음으로 완치자 수가 입원 환자 수보다 많아졌다.
The number of cured patients has exceeded the number of hospitalized patients, since the case of confirmed COVID-19 for the first time in Gyeongnam.

지난 23일 확진 판정을 받고 대구의료원에 입원 중이던 94세 여성은 이날 오후 4시 30분쯤 사망했다.
A 94-year-old woman, who had been hospitalized in Daegu Medical Center after being confirmed on the 23rd, died at around 4:30 pm that day.

법무부는 형집행정지 요청이 기각된 지 이틀 만에 박 전 대통령의 외부 병원 입원을 허가했다.
The Ministry of Justice allowed former President Park to be hospitalized in the hospital outside the detention center two days after her request for a suspend of execution of sentence was dismissed.

A씨는 완치 판정을 받은 뒤 30일 퇴원해 경산의 다른 요양병원에 입원해 폐렴 치료를 받아왔다.
After being completely cured, A was discharged from the hospital on the 30th, and is now hospitalized in another nursing hospital in Gyeongsan to be treated for pneumonia.

이날 확진 판정을 받은 남성 환자는 지난달 23일부터 본관 8층 81병동에 입원했다가 이달 4일 82병동으로 옮겼다.
The male patient, who was confirmed to be confirmed that day, was hospitalized in ward 81 on the 8th floor of the main building from the 23rd of last month and moved to ward 82 on the 4th of this month.

80대 여성인 이 환자는 지난 8월 18일부터 발열 증상과 의식저하 등으로 입원치료를 받았다.
According to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the patient, who is in her 80s, has been hospitalized since August 18 for fever symptoms and decreased consciousness.

지금까지 코로나19 관련 사망자 6명 중 4명은 대남병원 입원환자들이다.
So far, four of the six COVID-19 related deaths are patients hospitalized in Daenam Hospital.

앞서 중앙방역대책본부는 의학·보건 분야 전문가들에게 자문해 경증 환자에 대해서는 입원시키지 않고 생활치료센터에 머물거나 자가격리한 상태에서 치료받는 방안을 확정했다.
Earlier, the Central Disease Control Headquarters consulted experts in the medical and health fields and confirmed the measure that treats patients with mild symptoms while they are staying residential treatment centers or in self-isolation without hospitalizing them.

이 남성은 신천지 교인으로 지난 20일 대구의료원에 선별진료소를 통해 입원한 뒤 23일 계명대 동산병원에 이송돼 치료를 받아온 것으로 알려졌다.
It has been known that the man was a believer of Shincheonji, and after being hospitalized at the Daegu Medical Center through a screening clinic on the 20th, he was transferred to Keimyung University Dongsan Hospital on the 23rd and has been treated.

A씨는 지난달 20일부터 이달 2일까지 경기 의정부성모병원에서 입원 치료를 받았다.
Mr./Ms. A was hospitalized at the Catholic University of Korea Uijeongbu St. Mary's Hospital in Gyeonggi-do from the 20th of last month to the 2nd of that month.

앞서 와카야마현 유아사초(湯淺町)에 있는 이 병원에선 13일 50대 남성 외과 의사의 감염이, 14일에는 내과 진찰을 받고 일시 입원한 70대 남성 환자의 감염이 각각 확인된 바 있다.
Earlier, at this hospital in Yuasa-cho, Wakayama Prefecture, a male surgeon in his 50s was confirmed on the 13th. A male patient in his 70s was confirmed who was temporarily hospitalized after an internal medical examination on the 14th.

서울성모병원 정맥혈전증 예방클리닉은 정맥혈전증 고위험군을 적극 관리하기 위해 입원 환자를 대상으로 사전에 위험도를 평가하고 위험 정도를 예측하는 전산프로그램을 운영하고 있다.
The Seoul St. Mary's Hospital's venous thrombosis prevention clinic operates a computer program that assesses risks in advance and predicts risks for hospitalized patients in order to actively manage high risk groups for venous thrombosis.

CBS노컷뉴스 취재진이 지난달 31일 A 정형외과를 방문한 결과 1시간 동안 10여명이 넘는 손님들이 방문했고, 입원한 환자들은 환자복을 입고 인근을 서성였다.
According to the results of a CBS Nocut News reporter's visit to A Orthopedic Clinic on the 31st of last month, more than 10 guests visited for an hour, and hospitalized patients wore patient clothes and walked around the neighborhood.

A씨는 자가격리 기간에 무증상 상태였는데, 25일 오후 용산구보건소에서 진단 검사를 받고 26일 아침에 양성 판정을 통보받아 순천향대 서울병원에 입원했다.
A was asymptomatic during the self-isolation period, but received a diagnostic test at the Yongsan-gu public health center on the afternoon of the 25th and was informed of a positive test on the morning of the 26th, and was hospitalized at the Seoul Hospital of Soonchunhyang University.

앞서 그는 지난달 25∼28일 분당제생병원에서 입원 치료를 받은 뒤 퇴원했다가 지난 1일 딸꾹질 증상 등으로 이 병원 응급실에서 진료를 받고 귀가했다.
Previously, he was hospitalized and discharged from Bundang Jesaeng Hospital on the 25th and 28th of last month, but returned home after receiving treatment at the hospital's emergency room on the 1st due to hiccup symptoms.

문제는 "본관에 외상환자를 입원시킬 경우 정부 지원금을 받을 수 없지만, 그래도 어쩔 수 없으니 본관에도 일부 외상환자를 둘 수밖에 없었다"는 것이었다.
The problem is that "if trauma patients are admitted to the main building, it cannot receive government subsidies, but there is no choice but to hospitalize some trauma patients in the main building."

청도대남병원에 입원했다가 코로나19에 감염된 59세 남성 환자와 58세 남성 환자도 사망했다.
A 59-year-old male patient and a 58-year-old male patient, who were infected with COVID-19 while being hospitalized in the Cheongdo Daenam Hospital, also died.

지난 5일 확진판정을 받은 A씨는 6일부터 명지병원에 입원해 있었다.
A, who was confirmed on the 5th, had been hospitalized at Myongji Hospital since the 6th.

A씨는 지난달 28일 이 병원을 찾아 코로나19 검사에서 확진 판정을 받고 입원했다.
A visited this hospital on the 28th of last month and was hospitalized after being confirmed by the COVID-19 test.

그가 있던 병원은 코로나19 환자 170명 정도가 입원해 있었으며 4월 중순까지 환자 60여 명이 코로나19로 숨졌다.
In the hospital he was in, about 170 COVID-19 confirmed cases were hospitalized, and by mid-April more than 60 confirmed cases died from COVID-19.

이에 결국 박 전 대통령은 지난 16일 어깨 수술을 위해 서울성모병원에 입원했다.
In the end, former President Park was hospitalized at Seoul St. Mary's Hospital for shoulder surgery on the 16th.

대구와 인접한 경상북도도 영주와 상주 적십자병원에 대구 확진자들을 입원시키겠다는 방침을 밝혔다.
Gyeongsangbuk-do, adjacent to Daegu, also announced a plan to hospitalize confirmed patients from Daegu in Red Cross Hospitals in Yeongju and Sangju.

대상은 1박 이상 입원 환자로 입원 전 통보 받은 날짜에 응급실 앞에 설치된 선별진료소를 이용해 검사를 받아야 한다.
Subjects are patients who hospitalized for more than 1 night and must be examined by using a screening clinic installed in front of the emergency room on the date of notification prior to admission.

다만 "수술 후 입원 상태였기 때문에 해열진통제 등을 복용해 발열이 안 나타날 수도 있다"고 덧붙였다.
However, he/she added, "Since he/she was hospitalized after surgery, he/she may not develop fever due to taking antipyretic analgesics."

시 관계자는 "폐암을 앓던 A씨가 코로나19 확진 판정을 받으면서 입원해 치료 중이었다"며 "정확한 사망 원인은 더 들여다 봐야 할 것 같다"고 밝혔다.
A city official said, "A, who had suffered from lung cancer, was hospitalized and was being treated after being diagnosed with COVID-19," adding, "We need to look into the exact cause of death."

병상기관인 진주 경상대병원 음압병동에 입원 치료 중이다.
These two are hospitalized and treated in the negative pressure ward of Jinju Gyeongsang National University Hospital, a state-designated hospital for inpatient treatment.

피해 학생은 현재 병원에 입원, 치료를 받는 것으로 알려졌다.
It is known that the student victim is currently hospitalized and treated.

방지환 중앙감염병병원 운영센터장 역시 "모든 환자를 입원시키는 데는 자원에 한계가 있다"며 "경증 환자의 경우 집에서 머물며 약물을 복용하게 하는 방식을 고려해야 한다"고 말했다.
Bang ji-whan, head of the Central Infectious Disease Hospital, said, "There is a limit to the resources to hospitalize all patients. In the case of mild patients, we should consider the way to make them stay at home and take drugs."

그러다 지난 22일 입원한지 65일 만에 음성이 나왔고, 2차 검사에서 최종 음성으로 확인됐다.
Then on the 22nd, 65 days after he was hospitalized, the result was negative, and the second test confirmed that the result is finally negative.

경기도 양주시는 신종 코로나바이러스감염증 확진을 받고 숨진 환자가 입원했던 장흥면 베스트케어요양원의 종사자와 입소자 139명을 전수 검사한 결과 모두 음성으로 나왔다고 1일 밝혔다.
Yangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, announced on the 1st that the results of a full examination of 139 workers and residents of the Best Care Nursing Home in Jangheung-myeon, where a patient who died after being confirmed with a COVID-19, was hospitalized were negative.

신종 코로나바이러스 감염증 확진 판정을 받고 입원 치료 중이던 90대가 숨졌다.
A man in his 90s who was hospitalized and treated for COVID-19 died.

하지만 대구의 경우 확진자 중 1050명만 입원 조치돼 약 66%인 2031명은 집 등에서 입원 대기 중이다.
However, in Daegu, only 1,050 of the confirmed cases have been hospitalized, and 2,031 people, or about 66%, are waiting for hospitalization at home.

또 주로 정신병동 중심으로 발생한 것으로 확인돼 해당 병동에 입원해 있던 환자 92명은 검사결과에 따라 격리병원 등 타 병원으로 이송조치하기로 했다.
In addition, it was confirmed that the outbreak occurred mainly in the psychiatric ward, and 92 patients who had been hospitalized in the ward decided to transfer to other hospitals, such as quarantine hospitals, according to the test results.

폭행 당한 의사는 머리와 얼굴, 손 등을 다쳐 응급처치 후 현재 입원 치료 중이며 심한 정신적 충격을 받은 것으로 알려졌다.
The beaten doctor was injured in the head, face, and hands, and is currently hospitalized for treatment after first aid, and is said to have been severely traumatized.

광주시와 질병관리본부는 5일 16번과 18번 신종 코로나바이러스 확진자가 입원 치료를 받은 광주21세기 병원에 입원해 있는 50여명의 환자에 대해 역학조사를 실시하기로 했다.
On the 5th, Gwangju and the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention decided to conduct an epidemiological investigation on 50 patients admitted to the Gwangju 21st Century Hospital, where the 16th and 18th novel coronavirus confirmed patients were hospitalized.

That day, a 74-year-old man returned home after treatment, but a 77-year-old woman was hospitalized again, and was later infected with "COVID-19" along with medical staff, patients, and guardians in ward 81.

사망자는 청도대남병원 정신병동에 입원 중 확진 판정을 받았다.
The deceased was confirmed while hospitalized in the psychiatric ward of Cheongdo Daenam Hospital.

동일본지역에 있는 구급병원에서는 한 환자의 감염이 입원 며칠 후에 확인되면서 그를 매개로 한 원내 감염이 발생해 한때 응급 외래 환자를 받을 수 없는 지경으로 내몰렸다.
At an emergency hospital in the eastern region of Japan, a patient was confirmed with an infection a few days after being hospitalized, and a cluster of infection was transmitted through him to the point once they were not able to take any emergency outpatients.

앞서 지난 20일 같은 병원에서 입원중이던 환자가 사후 검사에서 양성판정이 나온 후 코로나19와 연관성이 있는 것으로 추정되는 사망자는 이번이 두번째다.
This is the second death that is believed to be related to COVID-19 after a patient who was hospitalized at the same hospital was tested positive in a post-inspection on the 20th.

시는 앞서 16번, 18번째 환자인 모녀가 입원한 병원이 있는 광산구 399개 어린이집과 87개 유치원은 오는 17일까지 문을 닫기로 결정했다.
The city has previously decided to close 399 daycare centers and 87 kindergartens in Gwangsan-gu, which has the hospital where patients 16 and 18 were hospitalized by the 17th.

신종 코로나가 아닌 다른 병으로 이 병원에 입원했다가 감염된 환자도 17명에 달했다.
17 patients infected after being hospitalized with a disease other than COVID-19.

대남병원 사망자는 청도 대남병원에 오랜 기간 입원해 있었고 과거 만성폐질환이 있던 환자로 최근 폐렴이 악화해 사망한 것으로 확인됐다.
The death at Daenam Hospital was a patient who had been hospitalized at Cheongdo Daenam Hospital for a long time and had a chronic lung disease in the past, and it was confirmed that he died due to a recent worsening of pneumonia.

보암모와 삼성생명이 빚고 있는 갈등의 쟁점은 요양병원 입원치료에 대한 '직접적인 암 치료' 인정 및 보험료 지급 여부다.
The issue of the conflict between Boammo and Samsung Life Insurance is whether to recognize "direct cancer treatment" and to pay insurance benefits for hospitalized treatment in nursing hospitals.

이 때문에 환자는 수술 후 1주일간 입원한 후 한 달에 1번 외래에서 2∼4명의 의료진과 함께 다학제 진료를 받게 된다.
For this reason, the patient is hospitalized for one week after surgery, and then receives multidisciplinary treatment with two to four medical staff at the outpatient clinic once a month.

신생아기에는 흔히 폐렴을 일으키고 이 때문에 입원하는 아이들은 생후 6개월 이하가 대부분이다.
Pneumonia is common in the neonatal period, and most children who are hospitalized due to this reason are at the age of less than or equal to six months old.

이번 겨울에 미국에서 독감 합병증으로 입원한 환자도 14만명을 웃돈다.
More than 140,000 patients were hospitalized that winter for flu complications in the United States.

대구 거주 사실을 숨긴 채 서울 백병원에 입원한 환자가 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증 확진 판정을 받자, 정부가 정확한 진술을 하지 않는 환자에게 강력한 조처를 하겠다고 밝혔다.
When a patient hospitalized to Paik Hospital in Seoul, concealing his residency in Daegu, was diagnosed with COVID-19, the government announced that it would take strong measures against patients who did not make an accurate statement.

국가인권위원회가 인지 능력이 떨어지는 입원 환자를 효자손과 바가지 등 생활용품으로 수 차례 폭행한 정신병원 보호사의 행위를 인권침해로 보고 해당 병원에 인권교육과 지도·감독을 권고했다.
The National Human Rights Commission recommended human rights education, guidance, and supervision to the hospital, considering the acts of a psychiatric hospital protector who assaulted hospitalized patients with poor cognitive ability several times with household goods such as backscratcher and large bowl.

문제는 임신부는 중증도에 관계없이 일괄 입원돼야 하는데도 대구시가 A씨를 생활치료센터로 입소시켰다는 점이다.
The problem is that even though pregnant women must be hospitalized regardless of their severity, the Daegu City has put Mrs. A in the life therapy center.

베이징 보건당국은 지난 13일 베이징의 한 중형병원에 입원한 환자 2명에 폐 흑사병 확진 판정을 내렸다.
Health authorities in Beijing confirmed two patients who were hospitalized at a mid-sized hospital in Beijing on the 13th to have been confirmed with pneumonic plague.

이날 대남병원에 입원했던 54세 여성이 확진판정을 받아 부산대병원으로 이송했지만 숨졌다.
A 54-year-old woman hospitalized at Daenam Hospital was confirmed and transferred to Pusan National University Hospital that day, but died.

실제로 현재 대구는 1천17명의 확진자가 발생했지만 이 중 447명만 입원돼 있다.
In fact, there have been 1,017 confirmed patients in Daegu, but only 447 of them are hospitalized.

경기도 성남시 분당제생병원에서 입원 환자와 보호자, 의료진 등 8명이 신종 코로나바이러스감염증 확진 판정을 받은데 이어 환자 보호자 가운데 1명도 코로나19 양성 판정을 받았다.
At Bundang Jesaeng Hospital in Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, eight people, including hospitalized patients, guardians, and medical staff, were confirmed to have a COVID-19, and one of the patient's guardians was also tested positive for COVID-19.

게다가 입원환자 대부분이 고령에 의식이 명료하지 않아 누구와 밀접 접촉했는지 정확하게 진술하지 못하고 있다.
In addition, most of the hospitalized patients are not clearly conscious of their old age, so it is not possible to accurately state who they are in close contact with.

문제는 입원 중이던 병원을 나와 교회와 호텔 뷔페식당 등 사람이 많이 모이는 장소를 다녔다는 점이다.
The problem is that he left the hospital where he was hospitalized and went to places where many people gathered, such as the church, the hotel and the buffet restaurant.

그는 코로나19 증상이 나타난 뒤 보건소 측에 전화했으나 통화하지 못하고, 증상이 악화한 후에도 입원할 병원을 제때 찾지 못한 것으로 드러났다.
It turned out that he called the community health center after the symptoms of COVID-19 appeared, but he could not make a call and he could not find a hospital to be hospitalized in time even after the symptoms worsened.

권영진 대구시장은 "입원 대기 중인 확진환자 중 중증도가 있는 환자들은 5일 303병상을 갖춘 국군대구병원 병실로 입원 조치할 예정"이라고 말했다.
Daegu Mayor Kwon Young-jin said, "Patients with severity among confirmed patients waiting to be hospitalized will be hospitalized in the hospital room of the Armed Forces Daegu Hospital with 303 beds on the 5th."

그전에는 저희 집에 계셨는데, 계신 동안 119를 두 번이나 불러서 입원하셨어요.
Previously he was at my house, and he was hospitalized twice by calling 119 while he was staying.

A씨는 일주일 가까이 입원 치료 중인 가운데, 여러 증상은 대체로 호전됐다고 전했다.
It is told that while A has been hospitalized and has received treatment for nearly a week, most symptoms have generally improved.

이 남성은 지난달 23일부터 본관 8층 81병동에 입원했다가 이달 4일 82병동으로 옮긴 것으로 확인됐다.
It was confirmed that the man was hospitalized in ward 81 on the 8th floor of the main building from the 23rd of last month and moved to hospital ward 82 on the 4th of this month.

그러다 보니까 이제 특정 만약에 질환으로 입원을 하게 되면 하나하나 이렇게 입력하는 게 복잡하니까 병원 경영진 입장에서는 하나의 묶음 처방을 내놓습니다.
So now, if you are hospitalized for a specific disease, it is complicated to input one by one like this, so the hospital executives come up with one bundle prescription.

동아대병원은 지난 2015년 입원한 메르스환자를 부산지역 병원 가운데 최초로 완치·퇴원 조치해 두터운 신뢰를 얻은 바 있다.
Dong-A University Hospital has gained a lot of trust by being the first to cure and discharge MERS patients who were hospitalized in 2015 among hospitals in Busan.

박근혜 전 대통령이 어깨수술을 받고 하루 300만원 상당의 병원 VIP실에 입원 중이다.
Former President Park Geun-hye has been hospitalized in a VIP room worth KRW 3 million per day after undergoing shoulder surgery.

이날 오전 확진 판정을 받은 환자 57명과 미입원 종사자 3명은 병원으로 옮겨질 예정이다.
Fifty-seven patients who were confirmed to be diagnosed earlier that day and three workers who were not hospitalized will be taken to the hospital.

대구시는 입원 대기 환자와 의사간 핫라인 전화 상담을 통해 고위험군을 속히 찾아내 우선 입원시키겠다는 방침을 적용하고 있다.
The Daegu Metropolitan Government is applying its plan to find high-risk groups through hot-line phone consultations between patients waiting for hospitalization and doctors and to hospitalize them first.

보건 당국은 A씨가 격리 입원이 된 지난 2일 A씨에 대해 '코로나19' 2차 검사를 했다.
On the 2nd, when Mr. A was hospitalized in quarantine, the health authorities conducted a secondary test for "COVID-19".

이 중 음성 판정을 받은 저위험군 394명은 퇴원이나 다른 병원으로 이송 했으며, 현재 입원 중인 198명은 1인 1실로 옮겨져 2차 진단 검사를 받는 등 타 병원 이송을 준비하고 있다.
Among them, 394 people in low-risk groups who were tested negative were discharged or transferred to other hospitals, while 198 people currently hospitalized were moved to single rooms for a second round of diagnostic tests, to be prepared for the transfer to another hospital.

경기 군포시 효사랑요양원에서 고양 명지병원으로 옮겨 입원한 지 사흘만이다.
It has been three days since he moved from Hyosarang Nursing Home in Gunpo, Gyeonggi-do to Myeongji Hospital in Goyang, and was hospitalized.

특히 이 여성은 확진 판정받고 입원할 때부터 퇴원할 때까지 특별한 증상이 전혀 없었던 것으로 나타났다.
In particular, this woman was found to have no special symptoms from the time she was diagnosed and hospitalized until she was discharged.

확진자 60명은 부산대병원에 22명, 부산의료원에 24명, 부산백병원에 4명, 해운대백병원에 2명, 고신대복음병원에 2명이 입원했다.
60 confirmed patients were hospitalized, 22 at Pusan National University Hospital, 24 at Busan Medical Center, 4 at Busan Paik Hospital, 2 at Haeundae Paik Hospital and 2 at Kosin University Gospel Hospital.

박근혜 전 대통령이 어깨수술을 받고 회복을 위해 입원 중이다.
Former President Park Geun-hye is hospitalized for recovery after undergoing shoulder surgery.

국내 첫 2차 감염자인 6번 확진자의 접촉자는 25명으로 가족 2명이 확진돼 각각 분당서울대병원과 서울의료원에 입원 중이다.
The first secondary infection in the country, confirmed patient 6th, had 25 contacts, and two family members of them have been confirmed and are hospitalized at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital and Seoul Medical Center, respectively.

이후 국가지정 입원치료병상이 있는 국립중앙의료원에서 입원 치료 중이었다.
Since then, he has been hospitalized at the National Medical Center, where state-designated inpatient treatment beds are located.

이에따라 학회는 당뇨병, 특히 70세 이상 당뇨인들의 경우 의심 증상이 발견되면 우선적으로 검사받고 입원할 기회가 주어져야할 것이라고 말했다.
As a result, the association said diabetes, especially those aged 70 or older, should be given a chance to be examined and hospitalized first if any suspected symptoms are found.

전날 요양병원 입원환자 3명이 코로나19 의심 증세를 보여 병원 내 다른 병실로 격리됐으며 의료진이 4시간마다 발열 여부를 체크하는 등 건강 상태를 예의주시하고 있다.
The previous day, three hospitalized patients showed suspected symptoms of COVID-19 and were quarantined in another ward in the hospital, and medical staff are closely monitoring their health, such as checking for fever every four hours.

최근 이틀동안 4세부터 12세 사이의 어린이 환자 5명이 비슷한 증세로 입원했다.
In the last two days, five children aged 4 to 12 have been hospitalized with similar symptoms.

환자 83명이 입원하고 의료진과 직원 69명이 일하는 21세기병원은 현재 예정된 수술을 모두 취소하고 외래진료를 중단한 상태다.
The 21st Century Hospital, where 83 patients are hospitalized and 69 medical staff and employees work, has canceled all scheduled surgeries and has stopped outpatient treatment.

하지만 정신적으로 육체적으로 탈진상태에서 그녀는 다시 어머니가 의사로 일하고 있는 버지니아 대학 병원에 일주일간 입원했다.
But mentally and physically exhausted, she was again hospitalized for a week at the University of Virginia hospital where her mother was working as a doctor.

코로나19가 초기 감염력이 크고, 이들 병원에 입원 중인 환자는 면역력이 낮아 위험했다.
The transmission power of Covid-19 at early stage is high and patients hospitalized in these hospitals were at risk due to low immunity.

전날 서울백병원에 입원 중이던 78세 여자 환자가 코로나19 확진 판정을 받았다.
A 78-year-old female patient, who was hospitalized at Seoul Paik Hospital the previous day, was diagnosed to be COVID-19 positive.

질병·수술 등으로 병원에 입원할 때 지급되는 입원급여금 역시 2014년 7조2718억원에서 8조8167억원으로 21.25% 늘었다.
Hospitalization benefits that are paid when patients are hospitalized due to illness or surgery also increased by 21.25%, to 8.8167 trillion won from 7.2718 trillion won, in 2014.

서울백병원은 대구에 거주한 사실을 숨기고 입원한 78세 여자 환자 A씨가 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증으로 확진돼 외래 및 응급실 등 병동 일부를 폐쇄했다고 8일 밝혔다.
Seoul Paik Hospital announced on the 8th that a 78-year-old female patient, A, who was hospitalized while hiding her living in Daegu, was confirmed with a novel coronavirus infection and they closed some of the wards, including outpatients and emergency rooms.

체중 증가가 없는 그룹과 5㎏ 이상, 2∼5㎏, 2㎏ 이하 총 4개군으로 나눴으며 위험도는 2일 이상 관상동맥질환으로 입원한 환자로 규정했다.
Patients were divided into groups with no weight gain and four groups with more than 5kg, 2kg and 2kg or less, and the risk level was defined as patients hospitalized for coronary artery disease for more than two days.

지난 3일 우한을 방문했던 한 여성은 흉부 엑스레이 검사 결과 왼쪽 폐에 음영이 있어 입원했지만 호텔에 어린 딸을 놔두고 왔다며 퇴원을 요청해 병원문을 나섰다.
A woman who visited Wuhan on the 3rd left the hospital after a chest X-ray showed that she had been hospitalized for shading in her left lung, saying that she left her young daughter at the hotel.

김씨는 폐렴에 요로결석, 신장염 등 합병증이 발생해 서울의 한 상급종합병원에서 입원치료를 받았지만 병원 측에서 "수술도 끝났고 더 이상 입원할 필요가 없다"며 퇴원을 종용해 집으로 돌아왔다.
Kim had complications such as urinary tract stones and nephritis from pneumonia, so he was hospitalized at a senior hospital in Seoul, but the hospital urged him to discharge, saying, "The surgery is over and there is no need to be hospitalized anymore."

울산시는 지역 확진자 중 울산대학교병원에서 입원 치료 중이던 67세 남성이 31일 오후 3시20분쯤 사망했다고 밝혔다.
Ulsan City said a 67-year-old man who was hospitalized and treated at Ulsan National University Hospital died at around 3:20 p.m. on the 31st.

이 선교사는 "사설병원 응급실에서 수액과 진통제만 처방받아도 수십만원"이라며 "일주일만 입원해도 비용이 1000만원 단위로 훌쩍 뛴다"고 설명했다.
Missionary Lee explained, "Even if you get a prescription for fluids and painkillers in the emergency room of a private hospital, the cost will be several hundred thousand won. It jump to 10 million won if you are hospitalized for just a week."

입소자들은 중앙재난안전대책본부의 코로나19 환자 분류 4단계 중 의학적으로 입원이 요구되지 않는 환자로 16∼20일 정도 머문다.
The residents are patients who are not medically required to be hospitalized among the four stages of classification of COVID-19 patients by the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters, and they stay for about 16 to 20 days.

질본 측은 아동 혼자 입원 격리치료가 어려워 보호자 중 엄마가 개인 보호구를 착용하고 아이를 같이 돌보는 방안을 논의하고 있다고 밝혔다.
The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it is difficult for the child to be hospitalized and isolated and treated alone, so they are discussing ways to allow the mother among the guardians to wear personal protective equipment and take care of the child together.

지난 9일 입원한 86세 남성의 경우 4년 전에 결장암 수술을 받았다.
The 86-year-old man, who was hospitalized on 9th, underwent colon cancer surgery four years ago.

다음날인 15일 오전부터 설사증상이 나타났고, 상태가 호전되지 않자, 이틀 뒤인 17일 경남 거제시 소재 맑은샘병원에 입원하여 진료 받았으며, 21일부터 증상이 호전되어 24일에 퇴원했다.
The next day, he had symptoms of diarrhea in the morning of the 15th, and when his condition did not improve, he was hospitalized and treated at Clear Well hospital in Geoje, Gyeongnam on the 17th, which was two days later, and he was discharged from the hospitalization on the 24th after his symptoms improved from the 21st.

고환암, 고혈압 등의 기저질환이 있던 64세 남성도 지난달 26일 확진 판정을 받고 영남대병원에 입원해 치료를 받다 이날 오전 7시 17분께 사망했다.
A 64-year-old man, who had underlying diseases such as testicular cancer and high blood pressure, was confirmed on the 26th of last month and hospitalized for treatment at Yeungnam University Hospital, but he died at 7:17 a.m. that day.

특히 이태원 클럽 발 확진자로 바이러스 확산에 대한 경계심이 강화되자 요양병원에 가족을 입원시킨 사람들을 중심으로 불만과 한탄스러운 심정이 표출되고 있다.
With heightened vigilance against the spread of the virus due to confirmed cases at clubs in Itaewon. those who have hospitalized their families in nursing homes are expressing complaints and regrets in particular.

김연희 서울의료원 주임 간호사가 5일 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증 환자가 입원 중인 음압격리병동의 상황실 유리판에 물품을 요청하고 있다.
Kim Yeon-hee, a senior nurse at the Seoul Medical Center, is requesting items on the glass plate of the control room in the negative pressure isolation ward where patients with a new coronavirus infection are hospitalized on the 5th.

이날 조이서는 장가의 사외이사를 해임시키고 자신이 그 자리에 앉기 위해 밤낮없이 일했지만, 주주총회 당일 과로로 쓰러져 병원에 입원하였다.
On the same day, Joycer dismissed her father-in-law's outside director and worked day and night to take the position, but she collapsed from overwork and was hospitalized on the day of the shareholders' meeting.

낙상으로 입원하는 분율이 가장 높은 계절은 겨울이며, 다른 계절에 비해 11%p 높게 나타났다.
Winter is the season with the highest percentage of people hospitalized due to falls, and 11 percent higher than other seasons.

수술 후 통증이 거의 없고 회복이 빠르기에 2∼3일 정도만 입원하면 된다.
Since there is little pain after surgery and recovery is quick, you only need to be hospitalized for 2-3 days.

환자들은 감염경로 입증과 치료 등 사후책임을 사실상 혼자서 질 뿐 아니라 입원할 수 있는 병원조차 찾을 수 없어 이중고에 시달리고 있다.
Patients are suffering from a double whammy as they are not only left alone with post-responsibility, such as proving and treating infection routes, but can't even find a hospital where they can be hospitalized.

방역당국으로부터 통지서를 받고 격리된 입원·격리치료자 관련 생활지원비와 유급휴가비론 1,679억원이 추가로 사용될 예정이다.
An additional 167.9 billion won will be used to support living expenses and paid vacation expenses related to hospitalized and quarantine therapists who have been quarantined after receiving notification from quarantine authorities.

형사재판은 통상 피고인이 법정에 출석한 상태에서 진행되지만 이날 재판은 이례적으로 재판부가 피고인이 입원 중인 병원을 찾아 진행했다.
Criminal trials usually take place with the defendant present in court, but the trial was unusually conducted with the court at the hospital where the defendant is hospitalized.

전날 1명이 추가로 퇴원하면서 완치자는 117명으로 늘었고, 입원 환자는 마산의료원에서 치료를 받는 2명뿐이다.
As one more person was discharged from hospital the previous day, the number of completely cured patients increased to 117, and only two patients were hospitalized at Masan Medical Center.

이 환자는 지난 11일 의식이 없어 119를 통해 대구 파티마병원 응급실을 찾았고 같은날 중환자실에 입원하면서 코로나19 진단 검사도 받았다.
The patient was unconscious on the 11th and visited the emergency room of Fatima Hospital in Daegu with the help of 119, and was hospitalized in the intensive care unit on the same day, receiving a COVID-19 diagnostic test.

이날 웨이보에는 흑사병 확진 환자가 입원한 병원의 인근 아동병원이 봉쇄됐다는 게시물이 잇따라 올라오기도 했다.
On the same day, Weibo posted a series of posts saying that a nearby children's hospital in the hospital where a confirmed case of the Black Death was hospitalized, was blocked.

한 달 전쯤 종합병원에서 수술을 받고 3일간 입원을 했다.
About a month ago, he underwent surgery at a general hospital and was hospitalized for three days.

의료계에서는 16번 환자가 병원에 입원했던 만큼 '슈퍼 전파' 사례가 등장할 수 있다는 지적이 나온다.
Critics in the medical community point out that there could be a case of "super spread" as patient No. 16 was hospitalized at a local hospital.

대구시는 입원 대기 중인 확진자들의 건강을 위해 중증으로 악화될 가능성이 있는 환자들을 신속히 입원 치료할 방침이다.
For the health of confirmed patients waiting for hospitalization, Daegu Metropolitan City plans to promptly hospitalize and treat patients who are likely to become severely deteriorated.

급성신경계 증상으로 입원한 환자 중에 20~30%는 사망에까지 이를 수 있어 모기에 물리지 않도록 각별한 주의가 필요하다.
Of the patients hospitalized for acute nervous system symptoms, 20~30% can lead to death, so special care is required to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.

협회 추산에 따르면, 50대 가장이 뇌출혈 발병으로 1개월 입원·3개월 재활을 거쳐야 했을 때 2015년 기준 뇌출혈 1인당 평균 진료비 621만8,000원 가운데 개인부담 20%를 가정하면 치료비로 최소 125만원이 든다.
According to the association's estimates, when a head of a household in his 50s had to be hospitalized for one month and rehabilitated for three months due to an onset of cerebral hemorrhage, it would cost at least 1.25 million won for treatment, assuming 20% of the average medical cost per person for cerebral hemorrhage as of 2015, which is 6,218,000 won.

신문은 전날에도 "최근 몇 주간 뉴욕시 롱아일랜드 코헨 어린이병원에 코로나19 관련 의심 어린이 환자 25명이 입원했으며 이 중 11명이 중환자실에 있다"고 전했다.
The newspaper said the day before, "25 children suspected of COVID-19 have been hospitalized at Cohen Children's Hospital in Long Island, New York, in the last few weeks, and 11 of them are in the intensive care unit."

현재 이들은 자가 격리 중이며, 8일 중으로 대구동산병원에 입원할 예정이다.
Currently, they are in self-isolation and are scheduled to be hospitalized at Daegu Dongsan Hospital sometime on the 8th.

전업주부인 B씨는 지난 24일 충주의료원에 입원해 치료를 받다 코로나19 의심 증세가 나와 검사한 결과 양성으로 확인됐다.
B, a full-time housewife, was hospitalized at Chungju Medical Center on the 24th, but was tested due to suspected Covid-19 symptoms and confirmed positive.

최근 2명의 사망자가 발생했지만, 대부분의 입원환자가 경증증세를 보이고 있는 점을 다행이라고 밝히면서도 신천지대구교회 등 대구·경북을 중심으로 집단 감염이 시작된 것에 대해 강한 우려를 표한 것이다.
Although there have been two deaths recently, they said it is fortunate that most of the hospitalized patients are showing mild symptoms, but expressed strong concern about the start of mass infections in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do, including the Shincheonji Daegu Church.

경기 시흥시에 사는 70대도 완치 후에 다시 확진 판정을 받아 재입원했지만 사망했다.
A man in his 70s living in Siheung, Gyeonggi-do, was also confirmed to be hospitalized again after a complete recovery, but died.

하루 평균 진료비를 65만원으로 잡고 18.4일 가량 입원해 있다고 가정해 산출한 결과다.
The result is calculated assuming that the average medical expenses per day are set at 650,000 won and that they are hospitalized for 18.4 days.

이날 남양주에서도 지난달 13∼20일 이 병원 8층에 입원했던 60대 남성과 그의 부인에게서 로나19 양성 반응이 나왔다.
On the same day, Namyangju also tested positive for Lona 19 from a man in his 60s and his wife who were hospitalized on the eighth floor of the hospital from April 13 to 20.

충남도가 신종 코로나바이러스감염증 관리를 위해 입원·격리된 도민들에게 생활지원비를 지급한다.
South Chungcheong Province will pay living support costs to residents hospitalized and isolated for the management of the new coronavirus infections.

결국 일상 생활이 불가능해질 정도로 악화한 후에야 주변 사람에 의해 입원하는 일이 종종 벌어지곤 한다.
Eventually, it often happens that people around you hospitalized you only after your daily

간단한 약물치료도 필요 없을 정도의 환자가 상당수인데, 이들 환자가 입원 치료를 받고 있어 정작 중증이나 위중한 상태의 환자가 제때 입원해 치료받지 못하는 일이 벌어지고 있다.
There are a large number of patients who do not even need simple drug treatment, and these patients are receiving inpatient treatment, so patients with serious illness or severe conditions cannot be hospitalized and treated on time.

윤태호 중앙사고수습본부 방역총괄반장은 10일 중앙재난안전대책본부 정례 브리핑에서 "입원해 계신 원인불명 폐렴환자 중 진단검사 미실시자 457명을 대상으로 이동 검체 채취팀이 방문해 전수검사를 실시하고 있다"고 밝혔다.
Yoon Tae-ho, head of the overall infectious disease prevention and control in Central Disaster Management Headquarters, said at a regular briefing at the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters on the 10th, "A mobile sample collection team visits and conducts a complete enumeration for 457 patients with unexplained pneumonia among hospitalized pneumonia patients."

중수본은 대남병원에 입원하던 중 확진된 환자 중 상태가 중증이라고 판단되는 17명을 인근 동국대병원, 안동의료원, 부산대병원, 국립중앙의료원 등으로 이송했다.
Among the confirmed patients who were hospitalized at Dae Nam Hospital, the Central Investigation Division transferred 17 patients who were deemed to be in serious condition to nearby Dongguk University Hospital, Andong Medical Center, Pusan National University Hospital and National Medical Center.

이에 따라 31번 환자와 전날 확진된 청도 대남병원 입원환자 2명 사이에 연계된 감염원이 있는지 조사를 진행하고 있다.
Therefore, an investigation is underway to find out whether there is any related infectious agent between the patient no. 31 and two patients hospitalized in Daenam Hospital, Cheongdo who were confirmed the previous day.

중앙교육연수원 입소자 중 41명은 병원에 입원했다가 증상이 가벼운 것으로 재분류됐고, 나머지는 입원 대기 중이던 확진자다.
41 of those admitted to the National Education Training Institute were reclassified as having mild symptoms after being hospitalized, while the rest were confirmed patients who were waiting for arrangement of hospitalization.

대구에서는 달성군 제이미주병원에서 26일 입원환자 1명이 확진된 후 직원 및 환자 355명에 대해 검사를 시행한 결과, 환자 60명, 간병인 1명이 추가로 확진돼 현재까지 62명의 환자가 확인됐다.
In Daegu, after one hospitalized patient was confirmed on the 26th at the Second Miju Hospital in Dalseong-gun, examinations were conducted on 355 men including employees and patients and as a result, 60 patients and one caregiver were additionally confirmed, and 62 patients in total have been confirmed so far.

하지만 20년 전 신장이식을 받아 기저질환이 있었고 74세 고령이었던 A씨는 증상이 심하지 않다는 이유로 이틀간 입원하지 못했다.
However, the 74-year-old man, who had underlying conditions after receiving a kidney transplant 20 years ago, was not hospitalized for two days because his symptoms were not severe.

이날 파업으로 입원 환자 540여명 중 400여명이 퇴원하거나 다른 병원으로 옮겼다.
About 400 out of 540 hospitalized patients were discharged or taken to another hospital due to the strike.

하지만 처음 중국 우한에서 발생한 41명의 폐렴환자 연구결과가 의학학술지 랜싯에 수 일전에 발표됐는데 폐렴으로 입원한 신종 코로나 감염 환자의 사망률은 15%이다.
However, the results of the first 41 pneumonia patients in Wuhan, China, were published a few days ago in the medical journal Lancet, and the death rate of the new coronal infection patients hospitalized with pneumonia is 15 percent.

이번 파업으로 입원 환자 536명 중 첫날 400여명이 퇴원하거나 인근 병원으로 병실을 옮겼고 외래 환자 역시 절반 수준으로 줄었다.
More than 400 of the 536 hospitalized patients were discharged or moved to nearby hospitals on the first day of the strike, while the number of out-patients also halved.

중증 지체장애인 B씨는 독거 장애인이었기에 활동지원사의 활동지원이 없이는 생존이 어려웠으나 메르스의 전파 우려로 활동지원사를 연결받지 못해 결국 스스로 병원 입원을 선택해야 했다.
Mr. B was a severely physically handicapped person, living alone, so it was difficult to survive without the support from the activity supporter. He/she had to choose to be hospitalized by himself/herself because of concerns about the spread of MERS, he/she was not able to have a helper.

현재 227명이 입원해 치료를 받고 있으며 이 가운데 51명은 중증이고, 12명은 위중한 상태다.
Currently, 227 people are hospitalized and receiving treatment, 51 of whom are serious and 12 are in critical condition.

27일 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증 의심환자로 분류돼 강원대 병원에서 입원 치료 중이던 강원 지역 의심환자 2명 모두 확진 검사결과 음성으로 판정됐다.
On the 27th, two suspected patients in Gangwon, who were classified as suspected patients with COVID-19, and were being hospitalized and treated at Kangwon National University Hospital, were both confirmed negative as a result of the confirmation test.

이 밖에 입원·격리치료자 생활지원비, 유급휴가 시 사업주가 받는 유급휴가비 지원에는 800억원이 투입된다.
In addition, 80 billion won will be invested in living support expenses for hospitalized and quarantine patients and paid vacation expenses that employers receive in case of paid leave.

확진 환자 2명은 청도 한 병원에 입원 중인 59세, 57세 남성으로, 최근 한 달 동안 외출한 적이 없는 것으로 알려졌다.
The two confirmed patients are 59-year-old and 57-year-old men hospitalized in a hospital in Cheongdo, and have reportedly not been out in the past month.

코로나19가 확산되는 일을 막기 위해 전날 할머니를 입원시킨 병원은 가족들이 병실에 들어와 보살피지 못하게 만든 것이 문제였다.
The problem was that the hospital, which hospitalized the grandmother the previous day to prevent the spread of COVID-19, prevented her family from entering the hospital room and taking care of her.

통원 치료를 받던 중 건강 상태가 나빠져 다시 입원한 것으로 보인다.
He is believed to have been hospitalized again due to his poor health while receiving hospital treatment.

연구진은 영국 정부가 소극적 대응 정책을 고수할 경우 코로나19로 입원한 환자 가운데 30%가 중환자실로 실려 가고 장기적으로 26만 명이 사망에 이를 수 있다는 예측을 내놨다.
The researchers predicted that if the UK government sticks to its passive response policy, 30% of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 could be taken to the intensive care unit, and in the long run, 260,000 deaths will occur.

아산병원은 31일 오후 1인실에 입원해있던 9세 여아가 양성으로 확인돼 음압병실로 옮겨졌다고 밝혔다.
ASAN Medical Center announced that a 9-year-old girl who had been hospitalized in a single room on the afternoon of the 31st was confirmed positive and moved to a negative pressure room.

지난달 29일에야 어머니는 입원 허락을 받았는데 입원 첫날부터 장비가 부족해 제대로 된 치료를 받을 수가 없었다.
On the 29th of last month, the mother received permission to be hospitalized, but she was unable to receive proper treatment due to a lack of equipment from the first day of her hospitalization.

이날까지 부산에서는 1만3천529명이 검사를 받아 94명이 양성 판정을 받고 입원 치료를 받았다.
So far, 13,529 people have been tested in Busan, 94 have been tested positive and hospitalized.

또 영남대병원에서는 코로나19 증세로 지난달 초부터 입원 치료를 받던 88세 남성이 숨졌다.
Also, at Yeungnam University Hospital, an 88-year-old man who had been hospitalized since the beginning of last month died due to the symptoms of COVID-19.

모든 폐렴 입원 환자에게 코로나19 진단검사를 하고 다른 병원 전원을 금지했다.
All pneumonia hospitalized patients were given COVID-19 diagnostic tests and banned from all other hospitals.

이 남성은 고혈압과 통풍이 있었던 것으로 알려졌으며, 부인이 8일 확진 판정을 받아 포항의료원에서 입원 치료를 받고 있다.
The man is known to have had high blood pressure and gout, and his wife was confirmed on the 8th and is being hospitalized at Pohang Medical Center.

하지만 26일 오전 9시 현재 대구지역 확진자는 전날 9시 현재보다 178명이 늘어난 677명에 달하면서 309명이나 입원하지 못한 채 자택에 머물고 있다.
However, as of 9 a.m. on the 26th, the number of confirmed patients in Daegu area reached 677, an increase of 178 from 9 o'clock the previous day, and 309 people are staying at home without being hospitalized.

이날 청도군 등에 따르면 화양읍에 위치한 대남병원 입원 환자 2명이 신종 코로나 양성 판정을 받았다.
According to the Cheongdo-gun office that day, two hospitalized patients at Daenam Hospital in Hwayang-eup were tested positive for COVID-19.

질병관리본부 중앙방역대책본부 권준욱 부본부장은 8일 "50일까지 입원했던 경우는 31번 환자 외에도 조금 더 있지만, 오늘 이후 31번 환자가 가장 오래 입원한 상황이 되겠다"고 말했다.
Kwon Joon-wook, deputy director of the Central Anti-Disaster Headquarters of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said on the 8th, "There are few more cases that patients were hospitalized for 50 days besides patient No. 31, but patient No. 31, from today, will be the patient who is hospitalized for the longest period."

와카야마(和歌山)현은 이날 현내 사이세이카이아리다(濟生會有田)병원에서 50대 남성 의사와 그의 처인 50대 여성, 병원에 입원 중인 60대 남성 등 3명의 감염이 새롭게 확인됐다고 밝혔다.
Wakayama Prefecture announced that three new infections, including a male doctor in his 50s, a woman in her 50s who is his wife, and a man in his 60s who was hospitalized, were confirmed at Saiseikai Arida Hospital in the prefecture on that day.

충청북도병원회가 6일 코로나19 확진 환자 59명이 입원해 있는 충주의료원에 수술복 230벌을 긴급 지원했다.
The Chungbuk Hospital Association provided 230 surgical suits to Chungju Medical Center on the 6th, where 59 Covid-19 confirmed patients are hospitalized.

한편, 자가격리 또는 입원한 국민들을 대상에게 지급되는 생활지원비와 유급휴가비 접수가 오는 17일부터 시작된다.
Meanwhile, the application for living support and paid vacation expenses for the citizens who are hospitalized or under self-isolation will begin on the 17th.

이날 오후부터 환자 전원이 예정된 동구 신서혁신도시 내 중앙교육연수원은 160실에 불과하다.
The National Education Training Institute in the Sinseo Innovation City in Dong-gu, where all patients are scheduled to be hospitalized from this afternoon, has only 160 rooms.

현재 서울대병원 격리병상에 입원해 치료를 받고 있으며, 발열과 폐렴 증상이 있는 상태다.
He is currently hospitalized in a quarantine ward at Seoul National University Hospital and has symptoms of fever and pneumonia.

사망자와 가장 먼저 확진판정을 받은 50대 환자 2명 모두 정신병동 입원 환자들이었다.
Both the deceased and the first two patients in their 50s who were confirmed to be diagnosed were hospitalized in a mental ward.

코로나19 사망자 84명 중 17명이 입원도 못 하고 자택 등에서 숨진 게 대표적인 사례다.
A typical case is that among 84 COVID-19 deaths, 17 patients were unable to be hospitalized and died at home.

A씨 모녀가 처음 입원한 병원과 주거지가 있는 광주 광산구 399개 어린이집과 87개 유치원도 17일까지 문을 닫는다.
399 daycare centers and 87 kindergartens in Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, where A's mother and daughter were first hospitalized, will also be closed until July 17.

퇴근 직원의 경우 자가격리 조치를 통해, 근무 직원과 입원환자들의 경우 출입통제를 통해 외부와의 접근을 막고 있다.
Access from the outside is prevented through self-isolation measures for employees who leave the office, and access control for working employees and hospitalized patients.

서울시에 따르면 16일 오전 10시 기준으로 확진자 254명 중 52명이 완치 판정을 받아 퇴원했고, 나머지 202명은 입원해 격리치료를 받고 있다.
According to the Seoul Metropolitan Government, 52 out of 254 confirmed cases were discharged from hospitalization as of 10 a.m. on the 16th, while the remaining 202 are hospitalized and getting isolation treatment.

이어 "현재 병원에 입원 중인 환자는 모두 6명으로 안정된 상태"라며 "전날 3명이 완치 판정을 받아 병원에서 퇴원했다"고 전했다.
A total of six hospitalized patients are currently in stable condition, and three were confirmed complete recovery and discharged from the hospital the previous day.

해당 환자는 확진 판정을 받은 뒤 상태가 급격하게 나빠져 중환자실에서 입원 치료를 받았다.
The patient was hospitalized in the intensive care unit because his condition deteriorated rapidly after being confirmed.

해당 업소의 신고를 받은 아이치현 경찰은 병원에 입원 중인 이 남성이 고의로 코로나19를 퍼뜨린 것으로 보고 업무방해 혐의로 입건해 수사 중이라고 교도통신은 전했다.
Police in Aichi Prefecture, which received a report from the shop in question, believe the man hospitalized intentionally spread COVID 19, and are investigating him on charges of obstruction of business, Kyodo said.

이 병원에는 130여명이 입원하고 있었던 만큼 신속한 대응을 통해 그나마 피해가 더욱 커지는 것을 막을 수 있었다.
Since 130 people were hospitalized in this hospital, we were able to prevent further damage through rapid response.

인권위는 이외에도 A복지원이 입소자들을 정신병원에 입원시킬 때 법대로 본인의 의사확인을 거치지 않았다고 봤다.
In addition, the NHRC said that the welfare center did not go through consensus procedure by the law when the patients were hospitalized in mental hospitals.

톈진에서 판정을 받고 퇴원한 환자 2명이 일주일 만에 검사에서 양성 판정을 받고 다시 입원했고, 앞서서는 퇴원 후 2주일 후에 양성 판정을 받은 사례도 있었다.
Two patients from Tianjin who were confirmed and discharged were hospitalized again after being tested positive in a week, and earlier there was a case where one was tested positive two weeks after discharge.

지난 4월 5명을 숨지게 한 '진주 참사'의 범인 안인득 역시, 사건 전에 형이 보호입원을 시도했으나 직계 혈족이나 배우자에 해당되지 않아 실패했다.
Ahn In-deuk, the culprit of the "Jinju tragedy" that killed 5 people in April, also failed in getting hospitalized because his brother, who tried protective hospitalization on him before the incident, was not his immediate blood relative or spouse.

이어 "오늘 아침 관내 병원장 및 의료단체장 연석회의를 통해 병상확보 방안을 마련했다"면서 "오늘 중으로 대구의료원 34명, 대구동산병원 12명, 보훈명원 5명 등 최근 발생한 모든 환자들을 우선 입원치료하기로 했다"고 덧붙였다.
He added, "We prepared a plan to secure beds through a joint meeting of the heads of hospitals and medical organizations in the jurisdiction this morning," adding, "We decided to first hospitalize all patients who have recently occurred, including 34 Daegu Medical Center, 12 Daegu Dongsan Hospital, and 5 veterans."

질본에 따르면 대구·경북 21명 중 대구 신천지교회 연관자가 5명, 31번째 확진자가 입원했던 대구 새로난한방병원 관련자 1명, 청도 대남병원 관련자 13명이다.
According to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, five out of 21 people in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do Province related to the Shincheonji Church in Daegu, one person related to the Saeronan Korean Medicine Hospital in Daegu, where the 31st confirmed case was hospitalized, and 13 people related to the Daenam Hospital in Cheongdo.

대구시는 5일 오후 4시쯤 대구동산병원에 입원 중이던 66세 남성이 숨졌다고 밝혔다.
Daegu City announced that a 66-year-old man, who was hospitalized at Daegu Dongsan Hospital, died at around 4 pm on the 5th.

얼마 후 이들 가운데 천모씨가 쇼크로 쓰러진 뒤 병원에 입원해 두 곳에서 치료를 받으면서 의료진과 환자, 환자 가족들에게 무더기로 전파됐다.
Soon after, Chun, one of them, was hospitalized after falling into shock and received treatment in two places, spreading it to medical staff, patients and their families.

집단감염이 발생한 경산 서요양병원에서 입원 환자 2명과 종사자 1명이 추가됐고, 최근 입국한 미국 유학생과 미국에 취업해 1년 1개월 체류하다 국내에 들어온 1명이 확진됐다.
Two hospitalized patients and one worker were added to the hospital at Seoyang Hospital in Gyeongsan, where the collective infection occurred, and one person who recently entered the country after being employed in the U.S. and staying in the country for a year and a month was confirmed.

국군대구병원에서는 14일까지 입원한 312명의 환자 가운데 267명이 완치돼 퇴원하고 병원에는 44명이 남았다.
At the Armed Forces Daegu Hospital, 267 out of 312 patients hospitalized until the 14th were completely cured and discharged, and 44 remained at the hospital.

역체계가 전환돼야 한다"고 주장한 것도 이 같은 이유에서다.
For this reason, Daegu Mayor Kwon Young-jin claimed, "The quarantine system should be changed so that mild symptom cases can be isolated and treated in a single room, even if serious cases can be hospitalized in a negative pressure room."

원주시는 세브란스기독병원에서 치료를 받던 5번 확진자와 원주의료원에 입원했던 8번 확진자씨가 씨가 완치판정을 받아 20일 퇴원한다고 밝혔다.
Wonju City announced that the 5th patient who was being treated at Severance Christian Hospital and the 8th patient who was hospitalized at Wonju Medical Center will be discharged on the 20th after being completely cured.

확진환자들과 접촉이 없었던 광주21세기병원 입원자 중 20여명은 소방학교 격리를 택했고 나머지 30여명은 자가격리를 택한 것으로 알려졌다.
Of those hospitalized at Gwangju 21st Century Hospital, who had no contact with confirmed patients, about 20 chose to quarantine at the fire fighting school, while the remaining 30 chose self-isolation.

"입원환자 대부분이 전염병에 취약한 노인들이고, 중증 환자의 경우 코로나19에 감염되면 치명적이기 때문에" 이들 보호를 위해 의료진과 병원 관계자 스스로 환자들과 함께 요양원에 몸을 묶은 것이다.
"Since most of the hospitalized patients are elderly people who are vulnerable to infectious diseases, and in the case of severely ill patients, infection with COVID-19 is fatal," to protect them, medical staff and hospital officials themselves isolated themselves to a nursing home with the patients.

진료결과 유증상 환자로 진단되면 선별진료소 옆에 있는 음압격리병상에 입원하게 되는 겁니다.
If they are diagnosed as a symptomatic patient as a result of treatment, they will be hospitalized in a negative pressure isolation bed next to the screening clinic.

이에 따라 이날 한마음창원병원에 입원해 있는 환자 91명과 환자 진료를 위한 의사 및 간호사 등 의료진 100여명이 병원안에 격리된 가운데 병원 전체가 봉쇄됐다.
Accordingly, the entire hospital was blocked while 91 patients hospitalized at Hanmaeum Changwon Hospital and 100 medical staff, including doctors and nurses for patient treatment, were quarantined in the hospital.

뉴욕포스트는 지난 12일 뉴욕소방당국(FDNY)에 따르면 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증 감염 우려 탓에 입원을 거부하는 인원이 급증했다고 밝혔다.
The New York Post said on the 12th that according to the Fire Department of New York (FDNY), the number of people refusing to be hospitalized has increased due to concerns of COVID-19.

입원환자는 1000여명으로 2000여명의 환자가 자가격리 상태로 입원대기 중이다.
About 1,000 patients are hospitalized, and 2,000 patients are waiting for hospitalization under self-isolation.

이 환자는 입국 다음 날인 21일 처음 일선 의료기관에서 중국 우한시 방문 이력이 확인되지 않았고, 25일 의심환자로 신고된 뒤에도 다음 날에야 격리입원된 것으로 나타났다.
The patient's first visit to Wuhan, China, was not confirmed at a medical institution on the 21st, the day after his arrival, and was only hospitalized in isolation the following day after he was reported as a suspected patient on the 25th.

이미 숨진 5명을 포함, 전체 입원환자의 81%가 정부에 의존하는 의료급여 환자고, 숨진 환자들의 평균 입원기간은 7년6개월안팎이었다.
Eighty-one percent of all hospitalized patients, including five who have already died, hold government-dependent medical benefit, and the average length of hospitalization for those who died was about seven years and six months.

이날 재판부는 A씨가 입원한 경기도 한 병원을 직접 방문해 재판을 진행했다.
On the same day, the court visited a hospital in Gyeonggi Province where A was hospitalized and conducted a trial.

치매와 우울증을 앓던 그는 코로나19가 집단 발병한 한사랑요양병원에 지난해 9월부터 입원해 왔다.
Having suffered from dementia and depression, he has been hospitalized since September last year at the Hansarang Nursing Hospital, where COVID 19 occurred en masse.

이날 대구시에 따르면 634명의 환자가 입원하긴 했지만, 입원을 기다리는 환자가 680명이니 전체의 절반 이상이 입원을 하지 못한 셈이다.
According to the Daegu Metropolitan Government on the same day, 634 patients were hospitalized but 680 were still waiting for hospitalization, meaning that over a half of the total confirmed cases have not been admitted a hospital yet.

연령이 높아질수록 손상입원환자가 증가하고, 특히 65세 이상 어르신이 전체의 약 50%로 나타났다.
The higher the age, the higher the number of injured hospitalized patients, especially those aged 65 or older, about 50 percent of the total.

아직도 자가대기 중인 확진자가 892명이나 되면서 응급환자를 위한 음압병동이 항상 아쉬운 상황이다.
Even though there are 892 confirmed patients at homes waiting to be hospitalized, there are not enough negative pressure wards for emergency patients.

입소하는 환자는 경증환자로 중앙재난안전대책본부의 코로나19 환자 분류 4단계 중 의학적으로 입원이 요구되지 않는 환자이고, 또한 이들을 관리하는 정부합동지원단 70여 명도 함께 들어온다.
Patients who enter the center are mild cases, who are not medically required to be hospitalized according to the four stages of the COVID-19 patient classification by the Central Disaster and Safety Relief Center, and about 70 members of the joint government support group who manage them also enter the center.

백병원은 8일 밤 늦게까지 A씨가 입원했던 병동의 다른 환자와 A씨와 동선이 겹치는 모든 직원을 대상으로 검사를 진행 중이다.
Paik Hospital is conducting examinations on other patients in the ward where Mr. A was hospitalized until late on the night of the 8th and all employees whose movement lines overlap with Mr. A.

대구·경북에 가족을 둔 가정의 가장 큰 걱정은 확진 시 입원할 격리병동이 부족하다는 점이다.
The biggest concern for families with families in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do is the lack of quarantine wards to be hospitalized when confirmed.

은 격리 병상이 마련되는 대로 이 30대 환자를 입원시킬 예정으로 알려졌다.
It is known that the disease control authorities will hospitalize this 30-year-old patient as soon as the isolation room is ready.

14번째 확진자는 12번째 확진자의 가족으로 2월 2일 확진되어 분당서울대병원에 입원 중이다.
The 14th confirmed patient is a family member of the 12th confirmed patient and is currently hospitalized at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital on Feb. 2.

초중증 13명, 중증 환자 9명이 입원한 영남대병원은 뒤늦게 음압병동을 운영한 터라 아직 경증 단계로 떨어진 환자는 없다.
Yeungnam University Hospital, which hospitalizes 13 acutely ill patients and 9 severely ill patients, operated the negative pressure ward at a late stage, so there are no patients who have fallen to the mild stage yet.

환경부는 지난 6월 병원에 입원한 비감염성 환자가 사용한 일회용 기저귀의 처리기준을 기존 일반의료폐기물에서 일반폐기물로 변경하는 방안을 입법예고했다.
In June, the Ministry of Environment announced legislation to change the standard for disposal of disposable diapers used by non-infectious patients hospitalized in hospitals from general medical waste to general waste.

기존에 병원에 있다가 증세가 가벼워 입소한 이가 4명, 병상이 없어 자가격리중인 환자 67명 등 71명이 새로 입소했으며 기존에 입소해있던 환자 1명이 복통으로 천안의료원에 입소해 총 입소자 수는 전일보다 70명 늘었다.
Seventy-one new patients, including four who had previously been hospitalized due to mild symptoms and 67 patients who were under self-quarantine due to lack of beds, and one patient was admitted to Cheonan Medical Center due to abdominal pain, and patients admitted to the center increased by 70 from the previous day.

입원치료를 받던 그는 증상이 나아지자 퇴원했고, 지난 6일 실시한 검사에서 최종 음성 반응을 보였다.
He was hospitalized and then discharged when his symptoms improved, and he finally tested negative in a test conducted on the 6th.

이 가운데 1,787명이 병원에 입원 치료를 받고 있으며, 639명이 생활치료센터에 입소했다.
Of these, 1,787 are being hospitalized and 639 are admitted to the residential treatment center.

이에 따라 지난 11일 확진 판정을 받은 임신부 4명이 대구동산병원에 입원, 치료 중이다.
Accordingly, four pregnant women confirmed on the 11th are receiving treatment while being hospitalized at Daegu Dongsan Hospital.

특히 쓰러진 김사부가 입원하지 않겠다고 고집을 피우자 오명심은 두 주먹을 불끈 쥐고 "제발 말 좀 들으세요!! 좀!!"이라며 호통 섞인 고함을 터트렸다.
In particular, when Master Kim insisted that he would not be hospitalized, Oh Myung-sim clenched her fists and said, "Please listen to me! Please!" bursting into a yelling shout.

지난 28일 하루 동안 127명이 영남대병원, 대구가톨릭대병원, 대구보훈병원, 근로복지공단 대구병원 등에 입원됐지만 자가에서 입원 대기 중인 환자가 아직 1304명이나 된다.
On the 28th, 127 people were hospitalized at Yeungnam University Hospital, Daegu Catholic University Hospital, Daegu Veterans Hospital, and the Korea Workers' Compensation and Welfare Service Daegu Hospital, but as many as 1,304 patients are still waiting to be hospitalized in their own homes.

환자가 광주21세기병원에서 입원 치료를 받았던 것도 메르스 사태와 닮았다.
The fact that the patient was hospitalized and treated at Gwangju 21st Century Hospital is similar to the MERS outbreak.

재가 의료급여 시범사업은 병원에 입원해 있는 의료급여수급자가 의료적 필요가 낮아 퇴원할 경우 재가에서 케어 받을 수 있도록 필요한 서비스를 제공하는 사업이다.
The pilot project for medical benefits is a project to provide necessary services so that recipients of medical benefits who are hospitalized can receive medical care at their own expense when discharged from the hospital due to low medical needs.

특히 한사랑요양병원은 병원 종사자 18명·입원환자 57명 등 75명이 '집단감염'된 것으로 조사됐다.
In particular, 75 people, including 18 hospital workers and 57 hospitalized patients, were found to have been "collective infected" at Hansarang Nursing Hospital.

입원중인 알코올 의존 환자의 자아강도에 미치는 집단미술치료 프로그램의 효과
The effect group art therapy program has on the hospitalized alcoholic patients'ego strength

Two flight attendants survived.
두 명의 승무원은 구조되었습니다.
They were hospitalized, one in serious condition, the other in shock.
이들은 병원으로 후송되었고, 한 명은 중태이며 다른 한 명은 쇼크상태입니다.
be hospitalized 병원에 입원하다 (후송되다)
serious condition 중태, in shock 쇼크상태에 있는

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