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decree nisi 〔dikr´i:n´aisai〕 이혼의 가판결

decree 〔dikr´i:〕 법령, 포고, 명영, 판결, 명하다, 포고하다, 정하다

garrison decree 위수령

Presidential decree 대통령령

decree 법령(法令), 령

enforcement decree 시행령

decree (법령으로) 포고하다; (운명이) 정하다.

decree 법령, 포고, 명령, 판결, 선고

abrogate 폐지하다 (abolish)
He intended to abrogate the decree issued by his predecessor.

decollete (having a low-cut neckline.)
Fashion decrees that eveing gowns be decollete this season; bare shoulders are
again the vogue.

ordinance 법령 (decree)
Passing a red light is a violation of a city ordinance.

He intended to abrogate the decree issued by his predecessor.
그는 전임자가 내린 포고령을 철폐하려고 했다.

A parent decreed one Christmas that she was no longer going to remind her children of their thank-you-note duties.
어느 크리스마스에 어머니는 아이들에게 감사편지를 보낼 의무를 상기시켜주지 않을 것이라고 말했다.
As a result, their grandmother never received acknowledgments of the generous checks she had given.
그 결과로, 할머니는 자기가 보내준 그 많은 수표에 대한 감사편지를 한 장도 받지 못했다.
The next year things were different, however.
그러나 다음 해에는 달랐다.
"The children came over in person to thank me," the grandparent told a friend triumphantly.
"손자들이 나에게 감사를 표하기 위하여 직접 왔다네." 할머니가 의기양양하게 말했다.
"How wonderful!" the friend exclaimed.
"이야, 대단하구먼." 친구가 놀라서 말했다.
"What do you think caused the change in behavior?"
"무엇 때문에 그런 행동의 변화가 생겼다고 생각하나?"
"Oh, that's easy," the grandmother replied.
"아, 그건 쉬운 일이지." 그 할머니가 대답했다.
"This year I didn't sign the checks."
"올해에는 내가 수표에 서명을 하지 않았다네."

[百] 론칼리아법령 Decrees of Roncaglia

[百d] 중간판결 [ 中間判決, interlocutory decree ]

[百d] 위수령 [ 衛戍令, garrison decree ]

[百d] 카를스바트 선언문 [ ─ 宣言文, Carlsbad Decrees ]

[百d] 방토즈 법령 [ ―― 法令, Ventôse Decrees ]

[百d] 카노푸스 법령 [ ─ 法令, Decree of Canopus, 타니스 문서 ]

decree 법령, 포고, 명령(하다)

바로 백년 전에 우리가 서 있는 이 상징적 그림자의 주인공인 한 위대한 미국인은 노예해방 선포문에 서명을 했었습니다.
This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice.
이 중대한 포고령은 파괴적인 불의의 불길 속에서 신음하던 수백만의 흑인 노예들에게 위대한 희망의 불빛을 던져 주었습니다.
It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of captivity.
그것은 영어의 긴긴 밤을 끝맺는 새벽을 알리는 반가운 소식이었습니다.

니혼게이자이는 "결과를 공표할 것인지 여부는 밝혀지지 않았지만 경영진이 관련된 문제인 만큼 법령 및 사내규정에 대한 적합성과 경위, 처분의 타탕성 등에 대해 외부에 설명해야할 것"이라고 전했다.
The Nihon Keizai said, "It is not clear whether or not the results will be announced, but as it is a matter of management, we will have to explain to the outside the suitability and circumstances of the decree and in-house regulations, and the feasibility of the disposition."

거래소 관계자는 "시총 상한제를 적용하려고 한 것은 규제 준수의 목적이 컸는데 법령 개정으로 상한제 적용의 필요성도 완화됐다"고 설명했다.
"The purpose of applying the cap on market capitalization was to comply with regulations, but the revision of the decree also eased the need to apply the cap," said an official at the exchange.

이번 자본시장법 시행령 개정안 역시 공정경제라는 미명 아래 우리 자본시장을 투기자본의 먹잇감으로 만드는 부작용을 낳을 가능성이 높다.
The revision to the Enforcement Decree of the Capital Markets Act is also likely to have side effects that make the Korean capital market a prey for speculative capital under the guise of a fair economy.

조특법 시행령 개정안은 건물주가 임대료 인하 후 올해 연말 안에 애초 임대차계약보다 보증금·임대료를 올릴 경우 세액공제 혜택을 주지 않도록 했다.
The amendment to the Enforcement Decree of the Special Act on Construction of Buildings will not provide tax deductions if the landlord raises the deposit and rent more than the original lease contract within the end of this year after the rent reduction.

그런데 지난해 2월 13일부터 바뀐 소득세법 시행령이 적용되면서 2년 이상 보유한 가정어린이집은 비과세 혜택을 받게 됐습니다.
However, as the Enforcement Decree of the Income Tax Act, which has been changed since February 13 last year, has been applied, home daycare centers that have owned for more than two years will receive tax exemptions.

금융위는 이러한 내용을 포함한 전자금융거래법 시행령이 28일 국무회의를 통과했다고 밝혔다.
The Financial Services Commission said the Enforcement Decree of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act, including these contents, passed a Cabinet meeting on the 28th.

현재로선 지주회사 체제에서 손자회사에 대한 공동 출자가 인정되지 않지만 공정거래법 시행령의 관련 규정은 여러 자회사가 하나의 손자회사에 출자 비율을 같이 해서 공동으로 출자하면 가능하게 돼 있다.
Currently, joint investment in grandson is not recognized under the holding company system, but related regulations of the Enforcement Decree of the Fair Trade Act are made possible if several subsidiaries jointly invest in one grandson company with the same investment ratio.

이후 2017년 4월 자본시장법 시행령이 개정됐고, 같은 해 11월 한국투자증권이 첫 발행어음 사업 인가를 받아냈다.
Since then, the Enforcement Decree of the Capital Market Act was revised in April 2017, and Korea Investment & Securities Co. obtained its first approval for the issuance of bills in November of the same year.

시행령 개정안에서 경영권에 영향을 줄 목적이 없는 행위로 보려는 위법행위 유지청구권, 이사 해임청구권, 신주발행 유지청구권은 그 자체로 회사의 경영권과 자본금에 직접 영향을 준다.
In the amendment to the Enforcement Decree, the right to the injunction of illegal activities, the right to claim the dismissal of directors, and the right to maintain the issuance of new shares which they see as an act with no purpose to affect managerial rights directly affect the company's management rights and capital.

이는 노후대비 '자산형성 지원을 위한 사적연금 활성화 방안'의 후속조치로 주택연금 가입연령을 정하고 있는 공사법 시행령이 개정된 데 따른 것이다.
This is due to the revision of the Enforcement Decree of the Construction Act, which sets the joining age of housing pension as a follow-up to the "Plan to Revitalize Private Pensions to Support Asset Formation" in preparation for old age.

금융위원회는 28일 이 같은 내용의 '전자금융거래법 시행령'이 국무회의를 통과했다고 밝혔다.
The Financial Services Commission said on the 28th that this "Enforcement Decree of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act" passed the Cabinet meeting.

금융위원회는 이런 내용을 담은 주택금융공사법 시행령 개정안이 24일 국무회의를 통과했다고 밝혔다.
The Financial Services Commission announced that the revision to the Enforcement Decree of the Housing Finance Corporation Act passed the Cabinet meeting on the 24th.

금융위원회가 신용협동조합의 여신확대를 골자로 한 신협법 시행령을 개정하기로 했다.
The Financial Services Commission has decided to revise the Enforcement Decree of the Credit Union Act, which aims to expand the loan of the Credit Union.

금융위는 5일 이같은 내용이 담긴 '자본시장법 시행령 개정안'을 6일 입법 예고한다고 밝혔다.
Financial Services Commission said on the 5th that it will announce the "Revised Bill of The Enforcement Decree of the Capital Market Act" on the 6th.

이는 지난해 10월 폐기물관리법 시행령 및 시행규칙 개정으로 의료기관에서 배출하는 기저귀 중 감염균이나 혈액이 섞여 있는 환자의 것을 제외하고는 생활폐기물로 배출할 수 있게 됐기 때문이다.
This is because, with the revision of the Enforcement Decree and Enforcement Regulation of the Waste Management Act in October last year, diapers discharged from medical institutions can be discharged as household waste except for those of patients with infected bacteria or blood.

교육부는 11월 21일부터 40일간 '학교폭력예방 및 대책에 관한 법률 시행령' 등 4개 법령 개정안에 대해 입법예고를 실시한다고 밝혔다.
The Ministry of Education announced that it will conduct a legislative notice for four amendments to the law, including the "Enforcement Decree of the School Violence Prevention and Countermeasures Act" for 40 days starting from November 21st.

그 사건 직후 하나님께서는 이스라엘 자손을 위해 법도와 율례를 정하시고 그들을 시험하셨다.
Immediately after that incident, God made laws and decrees for the descendants of Israel and tested them.

보건복지부는 이런 내용의 국민건강보험법 시행령 일부 개정안이 9일 국무회의 의결을 거쳐 16일부터 시행된다고 밝혔다.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that partial amendment of the enforcement decree of the National Health Insurance Act will take effect from the 16th after a resolution at the State Council on the 9th.

폐암 검진은 최근 개정된 암관리법 시행령과 암검진실시기준에 따라 만 54∼74세 남녀 중 30갑년 이상의 흡연력을 보유한 자에 대해 2년 주기로 실시된다.
Lung cancer screening is conducted every two years for men and women aged 54 to 74 who have a smoking history of 30 years or more, according to the Enforcement Decree of the Cancer Control Act and Cancer Screening Practice Standards.

위원회와 분과위원회의 구성 및 운영 등에 필요한 사항은 대통령령으로 정한다.
Matters necessary for the composition, operation, etc. of the Committee and subcommittees shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.

따르면 질병 등으로 계속 복무하는 게 부적합하다고 인정된 사회복무요원의 소집을 해제할 수 있도록 규정돼 있다.
According to the Enforcement Decree of the Military Service Act, social service personnel who are deemed unfit to continue their service due to illness can be called off.

또 약국의 명칭, 소재지, 영업면적 등 변경사항을 등록하지 않은 약사, 약국 개설자 등에게 최대 100만원 이하의 과태료가 부과되도록 한 '약사법 시행령 일부 개정령안'도 의결됐다.
In addition, a 'partial amendment of the pharmacy law enforcement decree' was also voted to impose a fine of up to 1 million won or less to pharmacists and pharmacy openers who did not register changes such as the name, location and business area of the pharmacy.

출입국관리법 시행령의 '책임 없는 사유'를 '상대방에게 전적으로 책임이 인정된 경우'로 좁게 해석한 것이다.
This is a narrow interpretation of the "reasons for not being responsible" in the Enforcement Decree of the Immigration Control Act as "when the other party is fully responsible".

특별자치도지사·시장·군수·구청장은 제1항에 따른 정기예방접종업무를 대통령령이 정하는 바에 따라 관할구역 안에 있는 의료기관에 위탁할 수 있다.
The Governor of the Special Self-Governing Province, the Mayor, the Head of the Gun, or the Head of the Gu may entrust regular vaccination services under paragraph (1) to a medical institution within his/her jurisdiction, as prescribed by the Presidential Decree.

보건복지가족부장관은 제2항의 결정을 할 때에는 미리 위원회의 의견을 듣고 보상신청이 있는 날부터 120일 이내에 하여야 하며, 이에 대한 결정은 대통령령이 정하는 바에 따른다.
When the Minister of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs makes a decision under paragraph (2), he/she shall hear the opinions of the Committee in advance and make the decision within 120 days from the date on which the application for compensation is filed, and the decision thereof shall be governed by the Presidential Decree.

All information submitted by parties in an AD or CVD proceeding is treated as publicly
available information unless it is accompanied by a request for business proprietary
treatment. The types of information which are normally regarded as public information
are set forth in paragraph (b) of section 351.105. This paragraph describes public
information as
1) factual information of a type that has been published or otherwise made
available to the public by the person submitting it such as in advertisements, product
brochures or marketing displays,
2) factual information that is not designated as business
proprietary by the person submitting it,
3) factual information which, although designated
as business proprietary by the person submitting it, is in a form which cannot be
associated with or otherwise used to identify activities of a particular person, or which the
Secretary determines is not properly designated as business proprietary,
4) publicly available laws, regulations, decrees, orders, and other official documents of a country,
including English translations, and
5) written argument relating to the proceeding that is
not designated as business proprietary.
반덤핑이나 상계관세 절차에서 이해관계인에게 제출된 모든 정보는 영업
상 비밀로 취급하여 줄 것을 요청하지 않는 한 공개정보로 간주된다.
공개정보로 취급되는 정보의 유형은 제351.105항의(b)에 설명되어 있는 바,
1) 공표되었거나 또는 제출자에 의해 광고나 제품소개책자, 판매전시 등에서
와 같이 일반에게 활용 가능한 상태에 놓여진 사실에 입각한 정보
2) 제출자가 영업비밀로 지정하지 않은 사실에 입각한 정보
3) 사실에 입각한 정보로서 제출자가 영업비밀로 지정하였어도, 특정인의
활동과 관련되지 않거나 또는 특정인의 활동을 확인하기 위해 사용될 수
없는 정보와 장관이 영업비밀로 지정하는 것이 타당하지 않다고 판단한
4) 공개적으로 이용 가능한 법률, 규칙, 판결, 명령이나 영어번역분을 포함한
기타 공적인 국가 문서
5) 영업 비밀로 지정되지 않은 진행절차와 관련된 토의문건 등을 말한다.

정신지체아동의 문제행동 감소를 위한 집단게임놀이치료
The group Play Therapy Decreing for Behavior Problem of Children Mental Retardation

<淑香傳>의 使命으로서 天命과 그 구현에 관한 연구
A Study on The Embodiment And Heaven's Decree As The Mission of

제75조 대통령은 법률에서 구체적으로 범위를 정하여 위임받은 사항과 법률을 집행하기 위하여 필요한 사항에 관하여 대통령령을 발할 수 있다.
Article 75
The President may issue presidential decrees concerning matters delegated to him/her by Act with the scope specifically defined and also matters necessary to enforce Acts.

제89조 다음 사항은 국무회의의 심의를 거쳐야 한다.
Article 89
The following matters shall be referred to the State Council for deliberation:
1. 국정의 기본계획과 정부의 일반정책
1. Basic plans for state affairs, and general policies of the Executive;
2. 선전·강화 기타 중요한 대외정책
2. Declaration of war, conclusion of peace and other important matters pertaining to foreign policy;
3. 헌법개정안·국민투표안·조약안·법률안 및 대통령령안
3. Draft amendments to the Constitution, proposals for national referenda, proposed treaties, legislative bills, and proposed presidential decrees;
4. 예산안·결산·국유재산처분의 기본계획·국가의 부담이 될 계약 기타 재정에 관한 중요사항
4. Budgets, settlement of accounts, basic plans for disposal of state properties, contracts incurring financial burden on the State, and other important financial matters;
5. 대통령의 긴급명령·긴급재정경제처분 및 명령 또는 계엄과 그 해제
5. Emergency orders and emergency financial and economic actions or orders by the President, and declaration and termination of martial law;
6. 군사에 관한 중요사항
6. Important military affairs;
7. 국회의 임시회 집회의 요구
7. Requests for convening an extraordinary session of the National Assembly;
8. 영전수여
8. Awarding of honors;
9. 사면·감형과 복권
9. Granting of amnesty, commutation and restoration of rights;
10. 행정각부간의 권한의 획정
10. Demarcation of jurisdiction among the Ministries of the Executive;
11. 정부안의 권한의 위임 또는 배정에 관한 기본계획
11. Basic plans concerning delegation or allocation of powers within the Executive;
12. 국정처리상황의 평가·분석
12. Evaluation and analysis of the administration of state affairs;
13. 행정각부의 중요한 정책의 수립과 조정
13. Formulation and coordination of important policies of each Executive Ministry;
14. 정당해산의 제소
14. Action for the dissolution of a political party;
15. 정부에 제출 또는 회부된 정부의 정책에 관계되는 청원의 심사
15. Examination of petitions pertaining to executive policies submitted or referred to the Executive;
16. 검찰총장·합동참모의장·각군참모총장·국 립대학교총장·대사 기타 법률이 정한 공무원과 국영기업체관리자의 임명
16. Appointment of the Prosecutor General, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Chief of Staff of each armed service, the presidents of national universities, ambassadors, and such other public officials and managers of important state-run enterprises as designated by Act; and
17. 기타 대통령·국무총리 또는 국무위원이 제출한 사항
17. Other matters presented by the President, the Prime Minister or a member of the State Council.

제95조 국무총리 또는 행정각부의 장은 소관사무에 관하여 법률이나 대통령령의 위임 또는 직권으로 총리령 또는 부령을 발할 수 있다.
Article 95
The Prime Minister or the head of each Ministry of the Executive may, under the powers delegated by Act or Presidential Decree, or ex officio, issue ordinances of the Prime Minister or the Ministry of the Executive concerning matters that are within their jurisdiction.

제107조 ①법률이 헌법에 위반되는 여부가 재판의 전제가 된 경우에는 법원은 헌법재판소에 제청하여 그 심판에 의하여 재판한다.
Article 107
(1) When the constitutionality of a law is at issue in a trial, the court shall request a decision of the Constitutional Court, and shall judge according to the decision thereof.
②명령·규칙 또는 처분이 헌법이나 법률에 위반되는 여부가 재판의 전제가 된 경우에는 대법원은 이를 최종적으로 심사할 권한을 가진다.
(2) The Supreme Court shall have the power to make a final review of the constitutionality or legality of administrative decrees, regulations or actions, when their constitutionality or legality is at issue in a trial.
③재판의 전심절차로서 행정심판을 할 수 있다. 행정심판의 절차는 법률로 정하되, 사법절차가 준용되어야 한다.
(3) Administrative appeals may be conducted as a procedure prior to a judicial trial. The procedure of administrative appeals shall be determined by Act and shall be in conformity with the principles of judicial procedures.

제7장 선거관리
제114조 ①선거와 국민투표의 공정한 관리 및 정당에 관한 사무를 처리하기 위하여 선거관리위원회를 둔다.
Article 114
(1) The Election Commissions shall be established for the purpose of fair management of elections and national referenda, and dealing with administrative affairs concerning political parties.
②중앙선거관리위원회는 대통령이 임명하는 3인, 국회에서 선출하는 3인과 대법원장이 지명하는 3인의 위원으로 구성한다. 위원장은 위원중에서 호선한다.
(2) The National Election Commission shall be composed of three members appointed by the President, three members selected by the National Assembly, and three members designated by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The Chairman of the Commission shall be elected from among the members.
③위원의 임기는 6년으로 한다.
(3) The term of office of the members of the Commission shall be six years.
④위원은 정당에 가입하거나 정치에 관여할 수 없다.
(4) The members of the Commission shall not join political parties, nor shall they participate in political activities.
⑤위원은 탄핵 또는 금고이상의 형의 선고에 의하지 아니하고는 파면되지 아니한다.
(5) No member of the Commission shall be expelled from office except by impeachment or a sentence of imprisonment without prison labor or heavier punishment.
⑥중앙선거관리위원회는 법령의 범위안에서 선거관리·국민투표관리 또는 정당사무에 관한 규칙을 제정할 수 있으며, 법률에 저촉되지 아니하는 범위안에서 내부규율에 관한 규칙을 제정할 수 있다.
(6) The National Election Commission may issue, within the limit of Acts and decrees, regulations relating to the management of elections, national referenda, and administrative affairs concerning political parties and may also establish regulations relating to internal discipline that are compatible with Act.
⑦각급 선거관리위원회의 조직·직무범위 기타 필요한 사항은 법률로 정한다.
(7) The organization, function and other necessary matters of the Election Commissions at each level shall be determined by Act.

제5조 이 헌법시행 당시의 법령과 조약은 이 헌법에 위배되지 아니하는 한 그 효력을 지속한다.
Article 5
Acts, decrees, ordinances and treaties in force at the time this Constitution enters into force, shall remain valid unless they are contrary to this Constitution.

consent decree
a judicial decree expressing voluntary agreement between parties to a dispute

I made a decree tens of times, hundreds of times, that our political system, our political ideology is against the ideology and the practices of the Taliban and al-Qaida group.
우리의 정치 체제, 우리의 정치 이데올로기는 탈레반이나 알카에다 그룹의 이데올로기 및 관행과 다르다는 얘기를 제 입으로 수십 번, 수백 번 밝힌 바 있습니다.
make a decree 선언하다, tens of times 수십 번, hundreds of times 수 백번, political system 정치ㄶ도, 정치체제, political ideology 정치 이데올로기, be against ~와 상반된다

영해및접속수역법 : Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone Act
영해및접속수역법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone Act
배타적경제수역법 : Exclusive Economic Zone Act

법령등공포에관한법률 : Act on the Promulgation of Acts and Decrees, etc.

남북교류협력에관한법률 : Inter-Korea Exchange and Cooperation Act
남북교류협력에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Inter-Korea Exchange and Cooperation Act
남북협력기금법 : Inter-Korea Cooperation Fund Act
남북협력기금법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Inter-Korea Cooperation Fund Act

공공기관의개인정보보호에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information Maintained by Public Agencies

행정대집행법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Administrative Vicarious Execution Act

행정심판법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Administrative Appeals Act

공직자윤리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Public Service Ethics Act

여권법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Passport Act

부동산실권리자명의등기에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Registration of Real Estate under Actual Titleholder’s Name

국적법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Nationality Act

출입국관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Immigration Control Act

변호사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Attorney-at-Law Act

공증인법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Notary Public Act

국가를당사자로하는소송에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Litigation to Which the State is a Party

법률구조법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Legal Aid Act

범죄피해자구조법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Crime Victims Aid Act

경찰관집무집행법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Performance of Duties by Police Officers

집회및시위에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Assembly and Demonstration Act

총포·도검·화약류등단속법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Control of Firearms, Swords, Explosives, etc. Act

도로교통법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Road Traffic Act

사행행위등규제및처벌특례법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Regulation and Punishment of Speculative Acts, etc.

풍속영업의규제에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Regulation of Amusement Businesses Affecting Public Morals

수난구호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Rescue and Aid at Sea and in the River Act

사격및사격장단속법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Control of Shooting and Shooting Range Act

경비업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Security Industry Act

청원경찰법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Police Assigned for Special Guard Act

건설기계저당법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Construction Machinery Mortgage Act

주택임대차보호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Housing Lease Protection Act

신탁법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Trust Act

국가배상법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the State Compensation Act

보건범죄단속에관한특별조치법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Special Measures for the Control of Public Health Crimes

부정수표단속법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Illegal Check Control Act

특정범죄가중처벌등에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes

특정경제범죄가중처벌등에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Economic Crimes

마약류불법거래방지에관한특례법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Prevention of Illegal Trafficking in Narcotics, etc.

경범죄처벌법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Punishment of Minor Offenses Act

성폭력범죄의처벌및피해자보호등에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Punishment of Sexual Crimes and Protection of Victims Thereof

형의실표등에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Lapse of Criminal Sentences

행형법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Criminal Administration Act

소년원법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Juvenile Reformatory Act

형사보상법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Criminal Compensation Act

지방자치법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Local Autonomy Act

지방재정법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Local Finance Act

지방세법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Local Tax Act

지방교부세법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Local Subsidy Act

지방양여금법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Local Grant Act

주민등록법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Resident Registration Act

지적법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Cadastral Act

지방공기업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Local Public Enterprises Act

기부금품모집규제법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Regulation of Donations Collection

옥외광고물등관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Outdoor Advertisements, etc. Control Act

유선및도선사업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Excursion Ship and Ferry Business Act

소방법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Fire Services Act

재난관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Disaster Management Act

군수품관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Management of Military Supplies

국방·군사시설사업에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on National Defense and Military Installations Projects

군사기밀보호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Military Secret Protection Act

군사시설보호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Protection of Military Installations Act

군용항공기지법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Military Air Bases Act

해군기지법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Naval Bases Act

군용전기통신법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Military Telecommunications Act

방위산업에관한특별조치법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Special Measures for Defense Industry

계엄법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Martial Law

비상대비자원관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Emergency Resources Management Act

병역법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Military Service Act

향토예비군설치법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Establishment of Homeland Reserve Forces Act

초·중등교육법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act

고등교육법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Higher Education Act

학교시설사업촉진법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the School Facilities Projects Promotion Act

과학진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Sciences Promotion Act

과학교육진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Science Education Promotion Act

산업교육진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Industrial Education Promotion Act

직업교육훈련촉진법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Vocational Education and Training Promotion Act

특수교육진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Promotion of Education for the Handicapped

유아교육진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Early Childhood Education Promtion Act

학교보건법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the School Health Act

학교급식법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the School Meals Act

평생교육법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Lifelong Education Act

학원의설립·운영및과외교습에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Establishment, Operation of Private Teaching Institutes and Extracurricular Lessons

문화예술진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Culture and Arts Promotion Act

영상진흥기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on the Video Industry Promotion

영화진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Promotion of the Motion Pictures Industry Act

음반·비디오물및게임물에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Sound Records, Video Products and Game software Act

문화재보호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Protection of Cultural Properties Act

외국간행물수입배포에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Import and Distribution of Foreign Publications Act

출판사및인쇄소의등록에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Registration of Publishing Companies and Printing Offices Act

저작권법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Copyright Act

방송법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Broadcasting Act

예산회계법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Budget and Accounts Act

예산회계에관한특례법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Special Cases concerning Budget and Accounts

기업예산회계법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Enterprise Budget and Accounts Act

보조금의예산및관리에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Budgeting and Management of Subsidies

재정융자특별회계법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Special Accounts for Treasury Loans

조달사업에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Government Procurement Act

국가를당사자로하는계약에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Contracts to Which the State is a Party

국유재산법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the State Properties Act

국가채권관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the State Credit Management Act

정부투자기관관리기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on the Management of Government-Invested Institutions

국민투자기금법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the National Investment Fund Act

대외경제협력기금법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Foreign Economic Cooperation Fund Act

물가안정에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Price Stabilization Act

독점규제및공정거래에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act

하도급거래공정화에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act

소비자보호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Consumer Protection Act

약관의규제에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Regulation of Standardized Contracts Act

사회간접자본시설에대한민간투자법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Promotion of Private Capital into Social Overhead Capital Investment Act

공인회계사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Certified Public Accountant Act

담배사업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Tobacco Business Act

국세기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on National Taxes

국세징수법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the National Tax Collection Act

조세특례제한법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Tax Reduction and Exemption Act

세무사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Certified Tax Accountant Act

자산재평가법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Assets Revaluation Act

국제조세조정에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Adjustment of International Taxes Act

소득세법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Income Tax Act

법인세법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Corporate Tax Act

관세법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Customs Act

수출용원재료에대한관세등환급에관한특례법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Refundment of Customs Duties, etc. Levied on Raw Materials for Export

은행법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Banking Act

금융실명거래및비밀보장에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Presidential Financial and Economic

신용정보의이용및보호에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Use and Protection of Credit Information Act

예금자보호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Depositor Protection Act

한국산업은행법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Korea Development Bank Act

한국수출입은행법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Export-Import Bank of Korea Act

중소기업은행법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Industrial Bank of Korea Act

종합금융회사에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Merchant Banks Act

금융산업의구조개선에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Structural Improvement of the Financial Industry

보험업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Insurance Business Act

외국환거래법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Foreign Exchange Control Act

증권거래법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Securities and Exchange Act

선물거래법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Futures Trading Act

신기술사업금융지원에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Financial Assistance to New Technology Businesses Act

신용보증기금법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Credit Guarantee Fund Act

과학기술기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Science and Technology

기술개발촉진법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Technology Development Promotion Act

원자력법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Atomic Energy Act

엔지니어링기술진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Engineering Technology Promotion Act

기술사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Professional Engineers Act

생명공학육성법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Biotechnology Support Act

비료관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Fertilizer Control Act

농약관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Agrochemicals Control Act

농산물품질괸리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Agricultural Products Agricultural Products Quality Control Act

인삼산업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Ginseng Industry Act

가축전염병예방법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Prevention of Livestock Epidemics

중소기업기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Small and Medium Enterprises

중소기업진흥및제품구매촉진에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises and Encouragement of Purchase of Their Products Act

중소기업의구조개선및경영안정지원을위한특별조치법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Special Measures for Supporting the Structural Improvement and Managerial Stabilization of Small and Medium Enterprises

소기업및소상공인지원을위한특별조치법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Special Measures for Support of Small Enterprises and Small Commercial and Industrial Businessmen

기업활동규제완화에따른특별조치법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Special Measures for the Deregulation of Corporate Activities

유통산업발전법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Distribution Industry Development Act

할부거래에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Installment Transactions Act

방문판매등에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Door to Door Sales, etc. Act

대외무역법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Foreign Trade Act

무역업무자동화촉진에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Promotion of Office Automation for Trade

대한무역투자진흥공사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Korea Trade and Investment Promotion

자유무역지정의지정등에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Desrgnation, etc. of Free Trade Zone

수출보험법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Export Insurance Act

산업기술기반조성에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Establishment of Industrial Technology Foundation

반도체집적회로의배치설계에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Layout-Designs of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits

산업표준화법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Industrial Standardization Act

품질경영및공산품안전관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Quality Management and Safety Control of Industrial Products Act

승강기제조및관리에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Manufacture and Management of Elevators Act

특허법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Patent Act

실용신안법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Utility Model Act

의장법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Design Act

상표법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Trademark Act

부정경쟁방지및영업비밀보호에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Unfair Competition Preventionand Trade Secret Protection Act

변리사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Patent Attorney Act

광업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Mining Industry Act

해외자원개발사업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Overseas Resources Development Business Act

국토건설종합계획법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Comprehensive Plans for Construction in the National Territory

국토이용관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Utilization and Management of the National Territory

산업입지및개발에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Industrial Sites and Development Act

수도권정비계획법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Seoul Metropolitan Area Readjustment Planning Act

자연공원법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Natural Parks Act

온천법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Hot Spring Act

외국인토지법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act Foreigner's Land Acquisition Act

부동산중개업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Real Estate Brokerage Act

도로법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Road Act

하천법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the River Act

지하수법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Groundwater Act

도시계획법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Urban Planning Act

령 : Enforcement Decree of the Housing Construction Promotion Act

임대주택법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Rental Housing Act

건축법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Building Act

건설산업기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on the Construction Industry

전기통신기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Telecommunications

전기통신사업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Telecommunications Business Act

정보화촉진기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Informationalization Promotion

소프트웨어산업진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Software Industry Promotion Act

컴퓨터프로그램보호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Computer Programs Protection Act

공중위생관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Public Health Control Act

정신보건법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Mental Health Act

식품위생법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Food Sanitation Act

검역법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Quarantine Act

의료법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Medical Service Act

약사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act

마약류관리에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Control of Narcotics, etc.

국민연금법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the National Pension Act

국민건강보험법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the National Health Insurance Act

환경정책기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Environmental Policy

환경·교통·재해등에관한영향평가법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Assessment of lmpacts of Works on Environment, Traffic, Disasters, etc.

환경기술개발및지원에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Development of and Support for Environmental Technology Act

자연환경보전법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Natural Environment Conservation Act

수질환경보전법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Water Quality Conservation Act

수도법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act

먹는물관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Management of Drinking Water Act

대기환경보전법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act

소음·진동규제법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Noise and Vibration Control Act

토양환경보전법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Soil Environment Conservation Act

유해화학물질관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Toxic Chemicals Control Act

폐기물관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Wastes Control Act

폐기물의국가간이동및그처리에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal

오수·분뇨및축산페수의처리에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Disposal of Sewage, Excreta and Livestock Wastewater

자원의절약과재활용촉진에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Promotion of Saving and Recycling of Resources

근로기준법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Labor Standards Act

최저임금법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Minimum Wages Act

남녀고용평등법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Sexual Equality Employment Act

산업안전보건법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Industrial Safety and Health Act

산업재해보상보험법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act

노동조합및노동관계조정법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act

근로자의참여및협력증진에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Promotion of Workers’Participation and Cooperation

노동위원회법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Labor Relations Commission Act

고용정책기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Employment Policy

직업안정법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Employment Security Act

고용보험법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Employment Insurance Act

청소년기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Juveniles

경륜·경정법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Bicycle and Motorboat Racing Act

관광진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Tourism Promotion Act

자동차관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Automobile Management Act

항공법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Aviation Act

선원법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Seafarers Act

해양오염방지법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Prevention of Marine Pollution Act

해양개발기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Marine Development

해양과학조사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Marine Scientific Research Act

어업자원보호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Fishery Resources Protection Act

수산물품질검사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Quality Control of Fishery Products Act

배타적경제수역에서의외국인어업등에대한주권적권리의행사에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Exercise of Sovereign Rights on Foreigners’ Fishing, etc. within the Exclusive Economic Zone

decree of completion of the bankruptcy proceeding: 파산종결 규정
decree of distribution: 배분판결
decree of insolvency: 지불불능판결
decree: 판결

divorce decree: 이혼판결
divorce: 이혼

enforcement date: 시행일
enforcement decree, presidential decree: 시행령
enforcement law: 시행법
enforcement letter: 감사청약서 (감사인이 작성하여 고객회사에 보냄, 고객회사가 서명하면 계
enforcement order: 시행령
enforcement ordinance: 시행규칙
enforcement procedure: 집행절차
enforcement regulations: 시행령
enforcement right: 집행권
enforcement: 집행

Presidential Decree: 대통령령

wife de facto: 사실혼 관계의 부인(wife whose marriage is voidable by decree)

긴급명령: Emergency Presidential Decree

대통령령: Presidential Decree

시행령: Enforcement Decree

외국인투자및 외자도입에 관한 법률 (시행령): the Foreign Investment and Foreign Capital Inducement Act (& Its Enforcement Decree)

a Cabinet order[decree]

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