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current ratio

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[百] 유동비율 (流動比率) current ratio

[百] 경상수지율 (經常收支率) ratio of current income

더구나 수출이 9개월 연속 마이너스를 기록해 올해 경상수지 반기 흑자폭이 7년 만에 최저를 기록한 상황에서 단기외채 비율 오름세는 외환 공급에 부담을 더하는 요소다.
Moreover, the rise in the ratio of short-term foreign debt is a burden on the foreign exchange supply at a time when exports have been in negative territory for 9 consecutive months, marking the current balance as the lowest half-year surplus in 7 years this year.

현행 공정거래법상 지주회사의 복수 자회사가 동일 지분율로 공동 출자해 손자회사를 지배하는 것은 금지되지 않는다.
Under the current Fair Trade Act, multiple subsidiaries of holding companies are not prohibited from controlling their subsidiaries by jointly investing in the same equity ratio.

ETN이 ETF에 비해 괴리율이 높은 이유 중 하나로 증권사들이 빨리 물량을 공급하기 어려운 현행 증권신고서 발행 규정이 지목돼왔다.
One of the reasons why ETN has a higher disparate ratio than ETF is the current regulations on issuing securities reports, which are difficult for securities firms to supply supplies quickly.

또한 법인의 차입금에서 가지급금이 차지하는 비율에 따라 당기 이자비용을 손금으로 인정받지 못해 법인세가 부과될 수 있습니다.
In addition, corporate taxes may be imposed as interest costs for the current term are not recognized as losses depending on the ratio of provisional payments to corporate borrowing.

정부는 지난 16일 발표에서 시가 15억 원을 초과하는 초고가 아파트의 주택담보대출을 아예 금지하고, 9억 원을 초과하는 경우에도 주택담보대출비율(LTV)을 현행 40%에서 20%로 조였다.
In its announcement made on the 16th, the government completely banned mortgage loans for ultra-high-priced apartments with a market value of more than 1.5 billion won and sharply decreased the loan to value ratio (LTV) from the current 40% to 20% even if the value exceeds 900 million won.

국토연구원은 2020∼2024년 3기 신도시 토지보상금이 현행 현금보상 비율대로 풀리면 수도권 주택가격이 4.32% 오른다고 내다봤다.
The Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements predicted that housing prices in the Seoul metropolitan area will rise 4.32% if land compensation for the third new city is lifted to the current cash compensation ratio between 2020 and 2024.

현행 규정상 지주사 체제에서 자회사는 자신이 직접 지배하는 손자회사에만 출자가 가능하지만 출자비율이 같으면 여러 자회사가 하나의 손자회사에 공동 출자도 가능했다.
Under the current regulations, subsidiaries can only invest in their own grandson company under the holding company system, but if the investment ratio is the same, several subsidiaries could jointly invest in one grandson company.

SUBJECT: (insert case name)
CASE NUMBER: (insert case number)
(insert name(s) - provide the locations of each plant and headquarters)
(insert name of law firm)
(insert name(s))
(insert the scope of the investigation)
(insert the volume and value of imports for the most recently completed calendar year,
year-to-date, and the corresponding prior period)
Petition Filed:
Initiation Deadline:
ITC Preliminary Determination:
ITA Preliminary Determination:
ITA Final Determination:
ITC Final Determination:
INDUSTRY SUPPORT: Does the petitioner(s) account for more than 50% of production
of the domestic like product?
Yes (insert %) (petition page reference)
No (insert %)
If No, do those expressing support account for the majority of those expressing an
opinion and at least 25% of domestic production?
No - do not initiate
Describe how industry support was established - specifically, describe the nature of any
polling or other step undertaken to determine the level of domestic industry support.
Was there opposition to the petition?
(identify each party expressing opposition)
Are any of the parties who have expressed opposition to the petition either importers or
domestic producers affiliated with foreign producers?
(explain how the views of these parties were treated in your determination of industry
We have received a copy of the action request from the Director of the Office of
Investigations, International Trade Commission. It indicates that the ITC finds that the
petition contains adequate and accurate information with respect to material injury. (The
relevant injury data can be found on page (insert #) of the petition.)
Does the petition contain evidence of causation? (answer Yes or No) (See page (insert #)
of the petition.) Specifically, does the petition contain information relative to:
___ volume and value of imports (see page (insert #) of the petition)
___ U.S. market share (i.e., the ratio of imports to consumption) (see page (insert #)
of the petition)
___ actual pricing (i.e., evidence of decreased pricing) (see page (insert #) of the
___ relative pricing (i.e., evidence of imports underselling U.S. products) (see page
(insert #) of the petition)
Does the petition contain the following:
the name and address of the petitioner
the names and addresses of all known domestic producers of the domestic like
the volume and value of the domestic like product produced by the petitioner
and each domestic producer identified for the most recently completed 12-month period for which data is available
Was the entire domestic industry identified in the petition?
No (% of producers identified)
Does the petition also contain the following:
a clear and detailed description of the merchandise to be investigated, including
the appropriate Harmonized Tariff Schedule numbers.
the name of each country in which the merchandise originates or from which
the merchandise is exported.
Was the petition filed simultaneously with the Department of Commerce and
the ITC?
an adequate summary of the proprietary data was provided.
a statement regarding release under administrative protective order.
a certification of the facts contained in the petition by an official of the
petitioning firm(s) and its legal representative (if applicable).
import volume and value information for the most recent two-year period.
Export Price/Constructed Export Price
Provide an explanation on how the export price and/or constructed export price was
derived (include in your description the source of the pricing information and any
adjustments necessary to calculate an ex-factory price; reference the pages in the petition
that contain this information; if the information is based on a market research report or
affidavit, explain why you believe that these sources are appropriate).
Does the petition contain the following:
support documentation for the alleged prices or costs and claimed adjustments.
any market research reports including an affidavits referring to sources and
how information was obtained
current and dated price data (no more than one-year old).
price and cost data from contemporaneous time periods.
correct currency rates used for all conversions to U.S. dollars (i.e., Federal
Reserve Bank of New York).
conversion factors for comparisons of differing units of measure.
Normal value
Provide an explanation on how the export price was derived (include in your description
the source of the pricing information and any adjustments necessary to calculate an ex-factory price; reference the pages in the pe
tition that contain this information; if the
information is based on a market research report or affidavit, explain why you believe that
these sources are appropriate).
Does the petition contain the following:
support documentation for the alleged prices or costs and claimed adjustments.
any market research reports including an affidavits referring to sources and
how information was obtained.
current and dated price data (no more than one year old).
price and cost data from contemporaneous time periods.
correct currency rates used for all conversions to U.S. dollars (i.e., Federal
Reserve Bank of New York).
conversion factors for comparisons of differing units of measure.
(insert the range of estimated dumping margins)
(e.g., COP allegation, regional industry, critical circumstances)
Based on sources readily available to the Department, we have examined the accuracy
and adequacy of the evidence provided in the petition, and recommend determining that
the evidence is sufficient to justify the initiation of an antidumping investigation. We
also recommend determining that the petition has been filed by or on behalf of the
domestic industry.
반덤핑조사개시 체크리스트
제목 : (사건명 기입)
사건 번호 : (사건번호 기입)
제소자 :
(이름 기입 - 본사 및 공장의 위치 기입)
고문변호사 :
(법률회사 이름 기입)
(이름 기입)
범위 :
(조사범위 기입)
수입통계 : (최근 1년의 수입량과 수입액 기입)
조사일정 :
조사개시 최종일자
국제무역위원회의 예비판정
국제무역행정처의 예비판정
국제무역행정처의 최종판정
국제무역위원회의 최종판정
업계의 찬성 : 제소자는 국내동종물품 생산의 50% 이상을 점유하는가?
예 ( % 기입) (신청페이지 참고)
아니오 ( % 기입)
만약 아니라면 찬성을 표하는 기업이 의견제시 기업중 다수이고 국내
생산의 최소한 25%를 점유하는가?
예 ( % 기입) (신청페이지 참고)
아니오 - 조사개시 불가
어떻게 업계의 찬성이 이루어졌는지를 기술한다. - 특히 국내산업의
지지수준을 판단하기 위하여 수행된 여론조사나 기타 조치내용을 기술
신청에 반대가 있었는가?
예 ( % 기입) (신청페이지 참고)
(반대를 표시한 각각의 관계인 명시)
신청에 반대한 자중 해외생산자와 연계된 수입업자나 국내생산자가 있는가?

(이들 당사자의 의견이 업계의 찬성여부를 판단할 때에 어떻게 반영되었
는지 설명한다)
피해주장 :
국제무역위원회 조사국장으로부터 조치요청서 사본을 받는데, 이는 국제
무역위원회가 신청서에서 실질적인 피해와 관련하여 적절하고 정확한 자
료가 포함되어 있다는 것을 발견하였다는 것을 표시하는 것이다.
(관련되는 피해자료는 신청서의 해당페이지(페이지 수 기입)에서 볼 수
신청서에 인과관계의 근거가 포함되어 있는가?(예 또는 아니오 대답)
(신청서의 해당페이지 참조), 특히 다음과 관련한 자료를 포함하고 있는가?
수입량 및 수입금액
미국내 시장 점유율 (즉 소비에 대한 수입의 비율)
실제가격 (즉 가격인하의 증거)
상대가격 (미국상품의 판매를 위축시킨 수입의 증거)
신청서의 구비사항
신청서에는 다음사항을 포함하고 있는가 :

current account: 경상수지, 현금계정
current arrangement: 유동성 배열법
current assets: 유동자산, 당좌자산
current balance: 경상계정
current business year: 당(當) 사업년도
current cost: (역사적 가격에 대비한) 현시가
current credit accounts with agencies: 대리점 대변계정
current deposits: 당좌예금
current expenditure: 당기지출
current expenses: 경상비
current fiscal year: 현회계년도
current fund: 유동자금, 운영자금
current income: 현년도 소득
current investment: 단기투자
current journal: 당좌장
current law: 현행법
current liabilities, short-term debts: 단기부채, 유동부채
current liability: 유동부채
current maturity of long-term debt: 장기차입채무중 일년이내에 기한이 도래하는 부분
current maturity: 당기만기부분
current net income: 당기순이익
current net loss: 당기순손실
current operating concept: 당기업적주의
current operating performance income statement: 당기업적주의 손익계산서
current operating performance theory: 당기업적주의
current operating performance: 당기업적주의
current outlay cost: 당기지출원가
current period net income: 당기순이익
current period: 현 기간
current portion of long-term debt: 차입금중 일년이내에 기한이 도래하는 부분
current price: 시가
current ratio: 유동비율
current standard cost: 당좌 기준원가
current taxable year: 당기
current taxes: 당기세액
current term net income: 당기순이익
current term net loss: 당기순손실
current term net profit or loss: 당기순손익
current term net profit: 당기순이익
current term settlement: 당기결산
current term: 당기
current year: 현년도
current-asset cycle: 유동자산 회전기간
current: 현행

net profit after depreciation: 상각 후 순이익
net profit and loss account: 순손익계산
net profit before depreciation: 상각 전 순이익
net profit before tax: 법인세 공제 전 순이익
net profit for the year: 당기 순이익
net profit margin 순이익율
net profit of current period: 당기순이익
net profit on sales: 매출순익
net profit or loss section: 순손익구분
net profit rate to sales: 매출순이익율
net profit ratio: 순이익율
net profit to net worth ratio: 순이익 자기자본비율
net profit to sales ratio: 순이익 매출액비율
net profit: 순이익

quick current ratio: 당좌유동비율

ratio of cash to thirty-day debts: 현금대 30일내 만기 부채비율
ratio of cost sales: 매상원가율
ratio of current assets to total deposits: 유동자산비율
ratio of current liabilities to net worth: 유동부채비율
ratio of direct and indirect tax: 직·간접세 비율
ratio of earnings to dividends: 이익금배당비율, 배당성향
ratio of fixed assets to long term capital: 고정자산 장기자본 비율
ratio of fixed assets to net worth: 고정자산 비율
ratio of fixed liabilities to net worth: 고정부채비율
ratio of fixed liability to long term: 고정부채 장기자본비율
ratio of general expenses to current income: 일반경비율
ratio of gross profit to net sales: 매상 총 이익률
ratio of inventory to net working capital: 재고자산 순 운전자본비율
ratio of merchandise to receivables: 상품재고대 수취계정비율
ratio of net profit to capital: 자본이익율
ratio of net profit to gross revenues: 순이익대비 총이익 비율
ratio of net profit to sales: 매상순익비율
ratio of net worth to deposits: 자기자본비율
ratio of net worth to total debt: 자기자본대비 부채비율
ratio of operating profit to revenue: 영업이익율
ratio of operating to net-sales: 영업이익율
ratio of personnel expenses to deposits: 인건비율
ratio of profit to capital: 자본이익율
ratio of profit to net sales: 순매출이익율
ratio of receivables to inventories: 수취계정 대 재고자산 비율
ratio of replacement: 자산의 갱신율
ratio of returned unsold goods: 반품율
ratio of shareholding: 지분율
ratio of study: 비율연구
ratio of tax amounts to national income: 조세부담율
ratio of taxation against national income: 국민소득에 대한 조세부담율
ratio of total expenses to total revenues: 총 수익률
ratio of total liabilities to net worth: 부채비율
ratio of value added: 부가가치율
ratio to indirect wages: 간접노무비 비율
ratio: 비율

worth to current dept ratio: 자본유동부채비율
worth to debts ratio: 자본 부채비율
worth to fixed debt ratio: 자본 고정부채비율
worth: 가치

경상수지율 ratio of current income to current expense

유동부채비율 current liabilities ratio

유동비율 current ratio

유동비율: Current Ratio

유동비율 流動比率 current ratio
유동자산의 유동부채에 대한 비율.

경상수지율 經常收支率 ratio of current income
경상수익을 경상지출로 나눈 백분율.

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