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coloration 〔k`∧l∂r´ei∫∂n〕 착색법, 착색, 배색, 채색, (생물의)천연색, (사람.국가등의)특색, 성격
protective coloration 보호색
warning coloration 경계색
[百] 인식색 (認識色) recognition coloration
[百] 적응색 (適應色) adaptive coloration
[百] 체색 (體色) body coloration
[百] 표지색 (標識色) signal coloration
[百] 혼인색 (婚姻色) nuptial coloration
[百] 보호색 (保護色) protective coloration
[百] 경계색 (警戒色) alarming coloration
[百] 동물체색 (動物體色) animal coloration
[百] 위협색 (威脅色) threatening coloration
[百d] 채색 [ 彩色, coloration ]
coloration 착색법
Active self-defense is less common, though some large grazing mammals will vigorously defend their young from predators such as lions.
비록 목초지에 사는 커다란 포유 동물들이 사자와 같은 육식 동물로부터 그들의 새끼를 격렬하게 방어하기는 하지만 적극적인 자기 방어는 흔한 것이 아니다.
Many other defenses, however, rely on adaptive coloration, which has evolved repeatedly among animals.
그러나, 많은 다른 방어 체계들은 동물들 사이에 반복되어 생긴 보호색에 의존하는 것들이다.
[生] Coloration (천연색) (天然色)
[生] Cryptic coloration (은폐색) (隱蔽色)
concealing coloration : 은폐색 (화)
protective coloration : 보호색
pigmentation (착색) 1. the deposition of colouring matter; the coloration or discoloration
of a part by pigment. 2. coloration, especially abnormally increased coloration, by
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