budget deficit
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budget deficit 예산적자
정부는 올해 3조원 안팎의 재정적자를 예상하고 있으며 국회예산정책처는 정부 전망보다 국세가 덜 걷힐 것으로 보면서 올해 4조4,000억원의 적자를 내다봤다.
The government expects a fiscal deficit of around 3 trillion won this year, and the National Assembly Budget Office predicted a deficit of 4.4 trillion won this year as it perceived that less national taxes are expected to be collected than the government's forecast.
상환 시 세금 등의 재원으로 상환해야 하는 적자성 채무 증가는 확장적 재정정책에 따른 것이란 지적 아래 예결위는 "부족재원을 국채로 충당할 계획인 것으로 해석될 수 있다"고 진단했다.
Pointing out that the increase in deficit debt, which has to be repaid with tax and other funds at the time of repayment, is due to the expansionary fiscal policy, the Budget and Accounts Committee said, "It can be interpreted that the government plans to cover the insufficient funds with government bonds."
건보 재정은 지난해 이미 적자로 돌아섰고 올해도 3조2000억원의 적자가 날 전망이다.
The health insurance budget has already been in the red last year and is expected to suffer a deficit of KRW 3.2 trillion this year.
The package is aimed at helping Japan's economy grow this fiscal year for
the first time in three fiscal years, but it has raised fears that it
will merely add to the budget deficit without sparking the consumer and
corporate confidence needed for a real economic recovery.
이번 부양책은 3년만에 처음으로 일본경제가 플러스 성장을 달성하도록 하기
위한 조치다. 하지만 이번 발표로 이 계획이 자칫 기업 및 가계의 지출을
늘리지는 못하고 재정적자만을 확대할 지도 모른다는 우려를 자아냈다.
deficit account: 결손금 계정
deficit amount: 결손금액
deficit at the beginning of period: 전기이월 결손금
deficit balance: 적자
deficit brought forward: 이월결손금(전기)
deficit budget: 적자예산
deficit carried over 이월결손금
deficit carried over: 이월결손금
deficit covering bond: 적자공채
deficit disposition statement: 결손금 처리 계산서
deficit finance: 적자재정
deficit for the current terms: 당기손실금
deficit reconciliation statement: 결손금 처리계산서
deficit statement: 결손금 계산서
deficit: 결손금
1) 화폐 (통화량)
money (the money supply) = anything that is generally accepted in payments for goods and services or in the repayment of debts.
2) 인플레이션
inflation = a condition of a continually rising price level.
3) 물가수준
the aggregate price level = the average price of goods and services in an economy.
4) 물가상승률
the inflation rate = the rate of change of the price level, usually measured a percentage change per year.
5) 화폐이론
monetary theory = the theory that relates changes in the quantity of money to changes in economic activity and the price level.
6) 총생산
aggregate output = total production of goods and services
7) 실업률
the unemployment rate = the percentage of the available labor force unemployed.
8) 경기순환 (주기)
the business cycle = the upward and downward movement of aggregate output produced in the economy.
9) 경기침체
a recession = a period when aggregate output is declining, usually for two consecutive quarters or longer
10) 금리
interest rate = the cost of borrowing or the price paid for the rental of funds.
11) 예산적자 = the budget deficit
= the excess of government expenditures over tax revenues, a deficit that the government must finance by borrowing.
ex) In 1983, budget deficits peaked relative to the size of the economy, but have declined since then.
12) 은행 = bank
= a financial institution that accept deposits and make loans.
major functions of banks
ex) Banks provide a channel for linking those who want to save with those who want to invest.
ex) They play an important role in determining the quantity of money in the economy.
ex) They have been one source of the rap
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