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buckwheat 〔b´∧khw`i:t〕 메밀, 메밀가루
[위키] 메밀 Buckwheat
[百] 냉면 (冷麵) naengmyeon / Chilled Buckwheat Noodle Soup
[百d] 메밀류 [ ─ 類, buckwheat ]
[百d] 버크휫트리 [ buckwheat tree (Cliftonia monophylla) ]
buckwheat 메밀
메밀ㆍ밀리트(millet)ㆍ카나리시드(canary seed)와 그 밖의 곡물
Buckwheat, millet and canary seeds; other cereals.
반면 평양냉면에 주로 쓰이는 메밀은 건강식품으로 큰 인기를 얻고 있다.
On the other hand, buckwheat, which is mainly used in Pyongyang naengmyeon, is gaining great popularity as a health food.
또 메밀은 비타민B 함량이 좋아 대사 과정에 도움을 준다.
In addition, buckwheat has a lot of vitamin B, which helps metabolism.
녹말의 화학적 변화가 평양냉면 면발을 낳았듯, 밀가루의 화학적 변화도 식감을 결정하는 핵심역할을 한다.
Just as the chemical change of starch has resulted in Pyeongyang-style Cold Buckwheat Noodles, the chemical change of flour also plays a key role in determining the texture.
호박죽 Pumpkin soup powder
들깨죽 Perilla soup powder
쌀죽 Rice soup powder
현미죽 Brown rice soup powder
찹쌀죽 Sweet rice soup powder
율무죽 Job's tears soup powder
단팥죽 Red bean soup powder
국수 ** 라면 : noodle
** 메밀냉면 : vermicelli
즉석면(라면) Instant noodles
쑥국수 Mugwort noodles
칡국수 Arrowroot noodles
도토리국수 Acorn noodles
메밀국수 Buckwheat noodles
쌀국수 Rice noodles
감자국수 Potato noodles
메밀냉면 Buckwheat vermicelli
묵 ** 묵류 : curd
메밀묵 Buckwheat curd
도토리묵 Acor(Shanja)
만두류 야채만두 Vegetable dumpling
쇠고기만두 Beef dumpling
돼지고기만두 Pork dumpling
꿩만두 Pheasant dumpling
김치만두 Kimchi dumpling
기타 감식초 Persimmon vinegar
죽염 Salt roasted in bamboo
물엿 Dextrose syrup
삼계탕 Chicken stew with ginseng
엿기름 Malt
누룽지 Nurungji (Roasted cookin grice)
[料理]평양냉면 (Pyeongyang naengmyeon [韓音表記] ; Buckwheat noodles with cold broth)
[料理]함흥냉면 (Hamheung naengmyeon [韓音表記] ; Spicy buckwheat noodles with raw fish)
[料理]비빔냉면 (Bibim naengmyeon [韓音表記] ; Spicy buckwheat noodles with vegetables)
[料理]동치미냉면 Dongchimi naengmyeon [韓音表記] ; Buckweat noodles with pickled white radish liquid)
[料理]꿩만두 (Kkwong mandu [韓音表記] ; Pheasant dumplings)
[料理]메밀편수 (Memil pyeonsu [韓音表記] ; Buckwheat dumpling)
[料理]수제비 (Sujebi [韓音表記] ; Flour dough soup with potatoes)
[料理]메밀국수 (Memilguksu [韓音表記] ; Buckwheat noodles)
[料理]우동 (Udong [韓音表記] ; Udon)
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