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Bronze Age 청동기 시대
bronze 〔branz〕 청동, 청동의, 청동색의, 청동색으로 만들다, 갈색으로 만들다
bronzing 〔br´anziŋ〕 (나뭇잎 등의)갈색화, 퇴색, 변색, 흐림, 청동 장식
iron age 철기시대, (그신)흑철시대(golden, age, silver age, bronze age에 계속되는 가장 타락했던 시대)
phosphor bronze 인청동
bronze statue 동상
Bronze Age 청동기 시대
colossus 거상,거대한 물건 (gigantic statue)
The lengendary Colossus of Rhodes, a bronze statue of the sun god that
dominated the horbor of the Greek seaport, was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
patina (골동품 등의)고색 창연한 빛; 풍모 (green crust on old brozen works; tone
slowly taken by varnished painting)
Judging by the patina on this bronze statue, we can conclude that this is the
work of a medieval artist.
청동흑조 (bronzed cowbird : Molothrus aeneus)
[위키] 청동기 시대 Bronze Age
[위키] 청동 Bronze
[위키] 동메달 Bronze medal
[百] 도버 박물관과 청동기시대 배 갤러리 Dover Museum & Bronze Age Boat Gallery
[百] 인청동 (燐靑銅) phosphor bronze
[百] 청동 (靑銅) bronze
[百] 거울청동 mirror bronze
[百] 알루미늄청동 aluminium bronze
[百] 고망가니즈알루미늄청동 (高─靑銅) high manganese aluminum bronze
[百] 망가니즈청동 manganese bronze
[百] 동상 (銅像) bronze statue
[百] 브론즈 Bronze
[百] 청동기시대 (靑銅器時代) Bronze Age
[百] 루리스탄청동기 Luristan Bronze
[百] 사말라덴마키 청동기시대 매장지 Bronze Age Burial Site of Sammallahdenmaki
[百d] 동인도 청동상 [ 東印度靑銅像, Eastern Indian bronze ]
[百d] 서인도청동상 [ 西印度靑銅像, Western Indian bronze ]
[百d] 동고 [ 銅鼓, bronze drum ]
[百d] 청동 [ 靑銅, bronze, 브론즈 ]
[百d] 청동도금 [ 靑銅鍍金, bronzing ]
[百d] 알루미늄 청동 [ ─ 靑銅, aluminium bronze ]
[百d] 루리스탄 청동기 [ ―― 靑銅器, Luristan Bronze, 로레스탄 청동기 ]
[百d] 남인도 청동상 [ 南印度靑銅像, South Indian bronze ]
bronze 청동
bronzing 갈샐화,퇴색
The technique of direct carving was a break with the nineteenth-century
tradition in which the making of a clay model was considered the
creative act and the work was then turned over to studio assistants to
be cast in plaster or bronze or carved in marble. Neoclassical sculptors
seldom held a mallet or chisel in their own hands, readily conceding
that the assistants they employed were far better than they were at
carving the finished marble.
direct carving 의 기법은 19 세기 전통으로부터의 탈피인데, 그 19 세기
전통에서는 진흙모형을 만드는 것이 창작적인 미술로 간주되었고 그 다음에
그 작품은 작업실의 조수들에게 넘겨져서 석고나 청동에 주조되든가 대리석에
새겨졌다. 신고전주의 조각가들은 그들 자신의 손에 거의 망치나 정을 들지
않았으며, 그들이 고용한 조수들이 최종대리석작품을 조각하는데 있어서
자신들보다 훨씬 낫다는 것을 기꺼이 인정했다.
The early history of the human race is most clearly and readily studied by
observing the stages of human technological progress. That is why it was a
longstanding convention to divide early history into broad periods according to
the hard materials-stone, copper, bronze, and iron, in that order-from which
cutting tools and weapons were made. Then, as knowledge of the past increased,
the broad periods were further subdivided. The Stone age was divided into the
Old (Paleolithic) period and the New (Neolithic) period when it was noticed that
the technique of sharpening flint and other stones changed from flaking to
인류의 초기역사는 인간의 기술상의 진보단계를 관찰함으로써 가장 분명하게 그리고
쉽게 연구된다. 바로 이런 이유로 오랫동안 관습적으로 초기역사를 자르는 도구와
무기를 만든 단단한 재료-돌, 구리, 청동, 그리고 철, 이런 순으로-에 따라서
광범위한 시기로 구분했다. 그러다가, 과거에 대한 지식이 증가하자 광범위한 시기가
더욱 세분되었다. 석기시대가 구석기시대와 신석기시대로 구분된 것은 불을 만드는
데에 사용하던 돌과 기타 돌을 날카롭게 만드는 기술이 깨뜨리는 것에서부터 가느
것으로 바뀐 사실이 밝혀졌을 때였다.
구리-주석의 합금(청동)
Copper-tin base alloys (bronze)
구리-주석 합금으로 만든 것(청동)
Of copper-tin base alloys (bronze)
구리-주석 합금으로 만든 것(청동)
Of copper-tin base alloys (bronze)
구리-주석 합금으로 만든 것(청동)
Of copper-tin base alloys (bronze) :
구리-주석 합금으로 만든 것(청동)
Of copper-tin base alloys (bronze)
터닝 Turnings
니켈 터닝 Nickel turnings
청동 터닝 Bronze turnings
동피복강선 Copper steel wire
청동선 Bronze wire
나선 Bare wire
비절연피복선 Covered but not insulated wire
절연전선또는피복선 Insulated or covered wire
연결선 Inter connect wire
캡탄와이어 Kaptan wire
폴리마이드선 Polymide wire
연장코드 Extension cord
와이어 어셈블리 Wire assembly
훅업와이어 Hook up wires
청동케이블 Bronze cable
나케이블 Bare cable
비절연피복케이블 Covered but not insulated cable
절연케이블 Insulated or covered cable
건축용케이블 Building cable
파워케이블 Power cable for direct burial
전화 케이블 Telecommunications cable
삼중동축케이블 Triaxial cable
크로스링크폴리케네케이블 Crosslinked polykaene cable
플로로폴리머케이블 Floropolymer cable
황동앵글 Brass angles
청동앵글 Bronze angles
아연앵글 Zinc angles
주석앵글 Tin angles
납앵글 Lead angles
플라스틱앵글 Plastic angles
고무앵글 Rubber angles
귀금속앵글 Precious metal angles
황동봉 Brass bars
청동봉 Bronze bars
아연봉 Zinc bars
주석봉 Tin bars
납봉 Lead bars
플라스틱봉 Plastic bars
귀금속봉 Precious metal bars
목재 봉 Wooden bars
고무 봉 Rubber bars
철근 또는 강철봉 Reinforcing bar or rebar
황동빔 Brass beams
청동빔 Bronze beams
아연빔 Zinc beams
주석빔 Tin beams
납빔 Lead beams
플라스틱빔 Plastic beams
고무빔 Rubber beams
콘크리트빔 Concrete beams
귀금속빔 Precious metal beams
헤이다이트 빔 Haydite beam
황동 찬넬 Brass channels
청동 찬넬 Bronze channels
아연 찬넬 Zinc channels
주석 찬넬 Tin channels
납 찬넬 Lead channels
플라스틱 찬넬 Plastic channels
고무 찬넬 Rubber channels
귀금속 찬넬 Precious metal channels
황동코일 Brass coil
청동코일 Bronze coil
아연코일 Zinc coil
주석코일 Tin coil
납코일 Lead coil
플라스틱코일 Plastic coil
귀금속코일 Precious metal coils
관통된강철 Perforated steel
압인강철 Embossed steel
황동박 Brass foil
청동박 Bronze foil
아연박 Zinc foil
주석박 Tin foil
납박 Lead foil
플라스틱박 Plastic foil
황동판 Brass plate
청동판 Bronze plate
아연판 Zinc plate
주석판 Tin plate
납판 Lead plate
플라스틱판 Plastic plate
고무판 Rubber plate
콘크리트판 Concrete plate
귀금속판 Precious metal plate
황동프로파일 Brass profiles
청동프로파일 Bronze profiles
아연프로파일 Zinc profiles
주석프로파일 Tin profiles
연프로파일 Lead profiles
플라스틱프로파일 Plastic profiles
고무프로파일 Rubber profiles
황동막대 Brass rods
청동막대 Bronze rods
아연막대 Zinc rods
주석막대 Tin rods
납막대 Lead rods
플라스틱막대 Plastic rods
고무막대 Rubber rods
니켈 막대 Nickel rod
황동박판 Brass sheet
청동박판 Bronze sheet
아연박판 Zinc sheet
주석박판 Tin sheet
납박판 Lead sheet
플라스틱박판 Plastic sheet
고무박판 Rubber sheet
장갑강철박판 Armor sheet
베릴륨박판 Beryllium alloy sheet
합금박판 Composite metal sheet
황동세편 Brass strip
청동세편 Bronze strip
아연세편 Zinc strip
주석세편 Tin strip
납세편 Lead strip
플라스틱세편 Plastic strip
고무세편 Rubber strip
빌레트 Billets
알루미늄빌레트 Aluminum billet
황동빌레트 Brass billet
청동빌레트 Bronze billets
동빌레트 Copper billets
납빌레트 Lead billets
아연빌레트 Zinc billets
강빌레트 Steel billets
티타늄빌레트 Titanium billets
마그네슘빌레트 Magnesium billets
주괴 Ingots
알루미늄주괴 Aluminum ingots
황동주괴 Brass ingots
납주괴 Lead ingots
아연주괴 Zinc ingots
강괴 Steel ingots
마그네슘주괴 Magnesium ingots
청동주괴 Bronze ingots
동주괴 Copper ingots
티타늄주괴 Titanium ingots
코아 Honeycomb core
알루미늄봉소직심형 Aluminum honeycomb core
마그네슘봉소직심형 Magnesium honeycomb core
발포봉소직심형 Foam honeycomb core
플라스틱봉소직심형 Plastic honeycomb core
목재봉소직심형 Wooden honeycomb core
철금속 봉소직심형 Ferrous metal honeycomb core
청동봉소직심형 Bronze honeycomb core
구리봉소직심형 Copper honeycomb core
철강봉소직심형 Steel honeycomb core
티타늄다이캐스팅 Titanium die castings
베릴륨다이캐스팅 Beryllium die castings
귀금속다이캐스팅 Precious metal die castings
구리다이캐스팅 Copper die castings
납다이캐스팅 Lead die castings
황동다이캐스팅 Brass die castings
청동다이캐스팅 Bronze die castings
구리사형주조주물 Copper sand castings
황동사형주조주물 Brass sand castings
청동사형주조주물 Bronze sand castings
아연사형주조주물 Zinc sand castings
주석사형주조주물 Tin sand castings
납사형주조주물 Lead sand castings
귀금속사형주조주물 Precious metal sand castings
동영구주형주물 Copper permanent mold castings
황동영구주형주물 Brass permanent mold castings
청동영구주형주물 Bronze permanent mold castings
아연영구주형주물 Zinc permanent mold castings
주석영구주형주물 Tin permanent mold castings
납영구주형주물 Lead permanent mold castings
귀금속영구주형주물 Precious metal permanent mold castings
구리셸주형주물 Copper shell mold castings
황동셸주형주물 Brass shell mold castings
청동셸주형주물 Bronze shell mold castings
아연셸주형주물 Zinc shell mold castings
주석셸주형주물 Tin shell mold castings
납셸주형주물 Lead shell mold castings
귀금속셸주형주물 Precious shell mold castings
구리원심주조주물 Copper centrifugal castings
황동원심주조주물 Brass centrifugal castings
청동원심주조주물 Bronze centrifugal castings
아연원심주조주물 Zinc centrifugal castings
주석원심주조주물 Tin centrifugal castings
납원심주조주물 Lead centrifugal castings
귀금속원심주조주물 Precious metal centrifugal castings
구리세라믹주형주물 Copper ceramic mold castings
황동세라믹주형주물 Brass ceramic mold castings
청동세라믹주형주물 Bronze ceramic mold castings
아연세라믹주형주물 Zinc ceramic mold castings
주석세라믹주형주물 Tin ceramic mold castings
납세라믹주형주물 Lead ceramic mold castings
귀금속세라믹주형주물 Precious metal ceramic mold castings
동흑연주형주물 Copper graphite mold castings
황동흑연주형주물 Brass graphite mold castings
청동흑연주형주물 Bronze graphite mold castings
아연흑연주형주물 Zinc graphite mold castings
주석흑연주형주물 Tin graphite mold castings
납흑연주형주물 Lead graphite mold castings
귀금속흑연주형주물 Precious metal graphite mold castings
동석고주형주물 Copper plaster mold castings
황동석고주형주물 Brass plaster mold castings
청동석고주형주물 Bronze plaster mold castings
아연석고주형주물 Zinc plaster mold castings
주석석고주형주물 Tin plaster mold castings
납석고주형주물 Lead plaster mold castings
귀금속석고주형주물 Precious metal plaster mold castings
감압주형구리주물 Copper v process castings
감압주형황동주물 Brass v process castings
감압주형청동주물 Bronze v process castings
감압주형아연주물 Zinc v process castings
감압주형주석주물 Tin v process castings
감압주형납주물 Lead v process castings
감압주형귀금속주물 Precious metal v process castings
이형압출성형품 Profile extrusions
알루미늄이형압출성형품 Aluminum profile extrusions
베릴륨이형압출성형품 Beryllium profile extrusions
황동이형압출성형품 Brass profile extrusions
청동이형압출성형품 Bronze profile extrusions
구리이형압출성형품 Copper profile extrusions
철합금 이형압출성형품 Ferrous alloy profile extrusions
납이형압출성형품 Lead profile extrusions
마그네슘이형압출성형품 Magnesium profile extrusions
비철합금 이형압출성형품 Non ferrous alloy profile extrusions
충격압출성형품 Impact extrusions
알루미늄충격압출성형품 Aluminum impact extrusions
베릴륨충격압출성형품 Beryllium impact extrusions
황동충격압출성형품 Brass impact extrusions
청동충격압출성형품 Bronze impact extrusions
구리충격압출성형품 Copper impact extrusions
철합금 충격압출성형품 Ferrous alloy impact extrusions
납충격압출성형품 Lead impact extrusions
마그네슘충격압출성형품 Magnesium impact extrusions
비철합금 충격압출성형품 Non ferrous alloy impact extrusions
냉간압출성형품 Cold extrusions
알루미늄냉간압출성형품 Aluminum cold extrusions
베릴륨냉간압출성형품 Beryllium cold extrusions
황동냉간압출성형품 Brass cold extrusions
청동냉간압출성형품 Bronze cold extrusions
구리냉간압출성형품 Copper cold extrusions
철합금 냉간압출성형품 Ferrous alloy cold extrusions
납냉간압출성형품 Lead cold extrusions
마그네슘냉간압출성형품 Magnesium cold extrusions
비철합금 냉간압출성형품 Non ferrous alloy cold extrusions
구리감압주형주물 Copper v process machined castings
황동감압주형주물 Brass v process machined castings
청동감압주형주물 Bronze v process machined castings
아연감압주형주물 Zinc v process machined castings
주석감압주형주물 Tin v process machined castings
납감압주형주물 Lead v process machined castings
기계식감압주형귀금속주물 Precious metal v process machined castings
기계식감압주형복합재주물 Composite v process machined castings
니켈감압주형주물 Nickel alloy v process machined castings
기계식비금속감압주형주물 Non metallic v process machined castings
티타늄가공다이캐스팅 Titanium die machined castings
베릴륨가공다이캐스팅 Beryllium die machined castings
기계식다이캐스팅귀금속주물 Precious metal die machined castings
구리가공다이캐스팅 Copper die machined castings
납가공다이캐스팅 Lead die machined castings
황동가공다이캐스팅 Brass die machined castings
청동가공다이캐스팅 Bronze die machined castings
기계식다이캐스팅복합주물 Composite die machined castings
니켈합금가공다이캐스팅 Nickel alloy die machined castings
기계식다이캐스팅비금속주물 Non metallic die machined castings
구리가공사형주조 Copper sand machined castings
황동가공사형주조 Brass sand machined castings
청동가공사형주조 Bronze sand machined castings
아연가공사형주조 Zinc sand machined castings
주석가공사형주조 Tin sand machined castings
납가공사형주조 Lead sand machined castings
기계식사형주조귀금속주물 Precious metal sand machined castings
기계식사형주조복합재주물 Composite sand machined castings
니켈가공사형주조 Nickel Alloy sand machined castings
기계식사형주조비금속주물 Non metallic sand machined castings
구리가공영구주조 Copper permanent mold machined castings
황동가공영구주조 Brass permanent mold machined castings
청동가공영구주조 Bronze permanent mold machined castings
아연가공영구주조 Zinc permanent mold machined castings
주석가공영구주조 Tin permanent mold machined castings
납가공영구주조 Lead permanent mold machined castings
기계식영구주조귀금속주물 Precious metal permanent mold machined castings
기계식영구주조복합재주물 Composite permanent mold machined castings
니켈합금가공영구주조 Nickel alloy permanent mold machined castings
기계식비금속영구주조주물 Non metallic permanent mold machined castings
리가공석고주형주조 Copper plaster mold machined castings
황동가공석고주형주조 Brass plaster mold machined castings
청동가공석고주형주조 Bronze plaster mold machined castings
아연가공석고주형주조 Zinc plaster mold machined castings
주석가공석고주형주조 Tin plaster mold machined castings
납가공석고주형주조 Lead plaster mold machined castings
기계식석고주형주조귀금속주물 Precious metal plaster mold machined castings
기계식석고주형주조복합재주물 Composite plaster mold machined castings
니켈합금가공석고주형주조 Nickel alloy plaster mold machined castings
기계식석고주형주조비금속주물 Non metallic plaster mold machined castings
구리셸몰드가공주조 Copper shell mold machined castings
황동셸몰드가공주조 Brass shell mold machined castings
청동셸몰드가공주조 Bronze shell mold machined castings
아연셸몰드가공주조 Zinc shell mold machined castings
주석기계껍질주조 Tin shell mold machined castings
납셸몰드가공주조 Lead shell mold machined castings
기계식셸몰드주조귀금속주물 Precious shell mold machined castings
기계식셸몰드주조복합재주물 Composite shell mold machined castings
니켈합금셸몰드가공주조 Nickel alloy shell mold machined castings
기계식셸몰드주조비금속주물 Non metallic shell mold machined castings
구리원심가공주조 Copper centrifugal machined castings
황동원심가공주조 Brass centrifugal machined castings
청동원심가공주조 Bronze centrifugal machined castings
아연원심가공주조 Zinc centrifugal machined castings
주석원심가공주조 Tin centrifugal machined castings
납원심가공주조 Lead centrifugal machined castings
기계식원심주조귀금속주물 Precious metal centrifugal machined castings
기계식원심주조복합재주물 Composite centrifugal machined castings
니켈합금원심가공주조 Nickel alloy centrifugal machined castings
기계식원심주조비금속주물 Non metallic centrifugal machined castings
구리세라믹가공주조 Copper ceramic mold machined castings
황동세라믹가공주조 Brass ceramic mold machined castings
청동세라믹가공주조 Bronze ceramic mold machined castings
아연세라믹가공주조 Zinc ceramic mold machined castings
주석세라믹가공주조 Tin ceramic mold machined castings
납세라믹가공주조 Lead ceramic mold machined castings
기계식세라믹몰드주조귀금속주물 Precious metal ceramic mold machined castings
기계식세라믹몰드주조복합재주물 Composite ceramic mold machined castings
니켈합금세라믹가공주조 Nickel alloy ceramic mold machined castings
기계식세라믹몰드주조비금속주물 Non metallic ceramic mold machined castings
구리흑연가공주조 Copper graphite mold machined castings
황동흑연가공주조 Brass graphite mold machined castings
청동흑연가공주조 Bronze graphite mold machined castings
아연흑연가공주조 Zinc graphite mold machined castings
주석흑연가공주조 Tin graphite mold machined castings
납흑연가공주조 Lead graphite mold machined castings
기계식흑연주조귀금속주물 Precious metal graphite mold machined castings
기계식흑연주조복합재주물 Composite graphite mold machined castings
니켈합금흑연가공주조 Nickel alloy metal graphite mold machined castings
기계식흑연주조비금속주물 Non metallic graphite mold machined castings
동자유단조품 Copper open die forgings
황동자유단조품 Brass open die forgings
청동자유단조품 Bronze open die forgings
아연자유단조품 Zinc open die forgings
주석자유단조품 Tin open die forgings
납자유단조품 Lead open die forgings
귀금속자유단조품 Precious metal open die forgings
구리폐쇄단조품 Copper closed die forgings
황동폐쇄단조품 Brass closed die forgings
청동폐쇄단조품 Bronze closed die forgings
아연폐쇄단조품 Zinc closed die forgings
주석폐쇄단조품 Tin closed die forgings
납폐쇄단조품 Lead closed die forgings
귀금속폐쇄단조품 Precious metal closed die forgings
구리형단조품 Copper impression die forgings
황동형단조품 Brass impression die forgings
청동형단조품 Bronze impression die forgings
아연형단조품 Zinc impression die forgings
주석형단조품 Tin impression die forgings
납형단조품 Lead impression die forgings
귀금속형단조품 Precious metal impression die forgings
알루미늄낙하단조품 Aluminum drop forgings
마그네슘낙하단조품 Magnesium drop forgings
티타늄낙하단조품 Titanium drop forgings
베릴륨낙하단조품 Beryllium drop forgings
동낙하단조품 Copper drop forgings
황동낙하단조품 Brass drop forgings
청동낙하단조품 Bronze drop forgings
냉간형타단조품 Cold steel drop forgings
형타단조강편 Semi finished drop forgings
링단조품 Rolled ring forgings
알루미늄롤단조품 Aluminum rolled ring forgings
베릴륨롤단조품 Beryllium rolled ring forgings
황동롤단조품 Brass rolled ring forgings
청동롤단조품 Bronze rolled ring forgings
구리롤단조품 Copper rolled ring forgings
철링단조품 Iron rolled ring forgings
납롤단조품 Lead rolled ring forgings
마그네슘롤단조품 Magnesium rolled ring forgings
귀금속링단조품 Precious metal rolled ring forgings
가공강재 Machined bar stock
알루미늄가공강재 Aluminum machined bar stock
베릴륨가공강재 Beryllium machined bar stock
황동가공강재 Brass machined bar stock
청동가공강재 Bronze machined bar stock
구리가공강재 Copper machined bar stock
철가공강재 Iron machined bar stock
납가공강재 Lead machined bar stock
마그네슘가공강재 Magnesium machined bar stock
귀금속가공강재 Precious metal machined bar stock
가공플레이트스톡 Machined plate stock
알루미늄가공플레이트스톡 Aluminum machined plate stock
베릴륨판기계저장 Beryllium machined plate stock
황동가공플레이트스톡 Brass machined plate stock
청동가공플레이트스톡 Bronze machined plate stock
구리가공플레이트스톡 Copper machined plate stock
철가공플레이트스톡 Iron machined plate stock
납가공플레이트스톡 Lead machined plate stock
마그네슘가공플레이트스톡 Magnesium machined plate stock
귀금속가공플레이트스톡 Precious metal machined plate stock
튜브 Tube and tubing
철합금 튜브 Ferrous alloy tubing
동튜브 Copper tubing
티타늄튜브 Titanium tubing
마그네슘튜브 Magnesium tubing
주석튜브 Tin tubing
황동튜브 Brass tubing
연관 Lead tubing
청동튜브 Bronze tubing
아연튜브 Zinc tubing
주석판금부품 Tin stamped components
티타늄판금부품 Titanium stamped components
베릴륨판금부품 Beryllium stamped components
귀금속판금부품 Precious metal stamped components
구리판금부품 Copper stamped components
납판금부품 Lead stamped components
황동판금부품 Brass stamped components
청동판금부품 Bronze stamped components
복합재판금부품 Composite stamped components
니켈합금판금부품 Nickel alloy stamped components
천공티타늄부품 Titanium punched components
천공베릴륨부품 Beryllium punched components
천공귀금속부품 Precious metal punched components
천공구리부품 Copper punched components
천공납부품 Lead punched components
천공황동부품 Brass punched components
천공청동부품 Bronze punched components
천공마그네슘부품 Magnesium punched components
천공아연부품 Zinc punched components
천공주석부품 Tin punched components
인발성형부품 Draw formed components
드로우성형알루미늄부품 Aluminum draw formed components
드로우성형베릴륨부품 Beryllium draw formed components
드로우성형황동부품 Brass draw formed components
드로우성형청동부품 Bronze draw formed components
드로우성형복합재부품 Composite draw formed components
드로우성형구리부품 Copper draw formed components
드로우성형철합금부품 Ferrous alloy draw formed components
드로우성형철부품 Iron draw formed components
드로우성형납부품 Lead draw formed components
액압성형부품 Hydro formed components
유압성형알루미늄부품 Aluminum hydro formed components
유압성형베릴륨부품 Beryllium hydro formed components
유압성형황동부품 Brass hydro formed components
유압성형청동부품 Bronze hydro formed components
유압성형복합재부품 Composite hydro formed components
유압성형구리부품 Copper hydro formed components
유압성형철합금부품 Ferrous alloy hydro formed components
유압성형철부품 Iron hydro formed components
유압성형납부품 Lead hydro formed components
수직축회전성형부품 Spin formed components
원심회전성형알루미늄부품 Aluminum spin formed components
원심회전성형베릴륨부품 Beryllium spin formed components
원심회전성형황동부품 Brass spin formed components
원심회전성형청동부품 Bronze spin formed components
원심회전성형복합재부품 Composite spin formed components
원심회전성형구리부품 Copper spin formed components
원심회전성형철합금부품 Ferrous alloy spin formed components
원심회전성형철부품 Iron spin formed components
원심회전성형납부품 Lead spin formed components
롤성형부품 Roll formed components
롤성형알루미늄부품 Aluminum roll formed components
롤성형베릴륨부품 Beryllium roll formed components
롤성형황동부품 Brass roll formed components
롤성형청동부품 Bronze roll formed components
롤성형복합재부품 Composite roll formed components
롤성형구리부품 Copper roll formed components
롤성형철합금부품 Ferrous alloy roll formed components
롤성형철부품 Iron roll formed components
롤성형납부품 Lead roll formed components
인장성형부품 Stretch formed components
인장성형알루미늄부품 Aluminum stretch formed components
인장성형베릴륨부품 Beryllium stretch formed components
인장성형황동부품 Brass stretch formed components
인장성형청동부품 Bronze stretch formed components
인장성형복합재부품 Composite stretch formed components
인장성형구리부품 Copper stretch formed components
인장성형철합금부품 Ferrous alloy stretch formed components
인장성형철부품 Iron stretch formed components
인장성형납부품 Lead stretch formed components
폭발성형부품 Explosive formed components
폭발성형알루미늄부품 Aluminum explosive formed components
폭발성형베릴륨부품 Beryllium explosive formed components
폭발성형황동부품 Brass explosive formed components
폭발성형청동부품 Bronze explosive formed components
폭발성형복합재부품 Composite explosive formed components
폭발성형구리부품 Copper explosive formed components
폭발성형철합금부품 Ferrous alloy explosive formed components
폭발성형철부품 Iron explosive formed components
폭발성형납부품 Lead explosive formed components
기계식정수압압출성형품 Machined hydro static extrusions
알루미늄정수압압출성형품 Aluminum machined hydro static extrusions
베릴륨정수압압출성형품 Beryllium machined hydro static extrusions
황동정수압압출성형품 Brass machined hydro static extrusions
청동정수압압출성형품 Bronze machined hydro static extrusions
구리정수압압출성형품 Copper machined hydro static extrusions
철합금 정수압압출성형품 Ferrous alloy machined hydro static extrusions
납정수압압출성형품 Lead machined hydro static extrusions
마그네슘정수압압출성형품 Magnesium machined hydro static extrusions
비철합금 정수압압출성형품 Non ferrous alloy machined hydro static extrusions
기계식충격압출성형품 Machined impact extrusions
충격가공알루미늄압출성형품 Aluminum machined impact extrusions
충격가공베릴륨압출성형품 Beryllium machined impact extrusions
충격가공황동압출성형품 Brass machined impact extrusions
충격가공청동압출성형품 Bronze machined impact extrusions
충격가공구리압출성형품 Copper machined impact extrusions
충격가공철합금압출성형품 Ferrous alloy machined impact extrusions
충격가공납압출성형품 Lead machined impact extrusions
충격가공마그네슘압출성형품 Magnesium machined impact extrusions
충격가공비철합금압출성형품 Non ferrous alloy machined impact extrusions
기계식냉간압출성형품 Machined cold extrusions
알루미늄냉간압출성형품 Aluminum machined cold extrusions
베릴륨냉간압출성형품 Beryllium machined cold extrusions
황동냉간압출성형품 Brass machined cold extrusions
청동냉간압출성형품 Bronze machined cold extrusions
구리냉간압출성형품 Copper machined cold extrusions
철합금 냉간압출성형품 Ferrous alloy machined cold extrusions
납냉간압출성형품 Lead machined cold extrusions
마그네슘냉간압출성형품 Magnesium machined cold extrusions
비철합금 냉간압출성형품 Non ferrous alloy machined cold extrusions
기계식열간압출성형품 Machined hot extrusions
알루미늄열간압출성형품 Aluminum machined hot extrusions
베릴륨열간압출성형품 Beryllium machined hot extrusions
황동열간압출성형품 Brass machined hot extrusions
청동열간압출성형품 Bronze machined hot extrusions
구리열간압출성형품 Copper machined hot extrusions
철합금 열간압출성형품 Ferrous alloy machined hot extrusions
납열간압출성형품 Lead machined hot extrusions
마그네슘열간압출성형품 Magnesium machined hot extrusions
비철합금 열간압출성형품 Non ferrous alloy machined hot extrusions
구리가공자유단조품 Copper open die machined forgings
황동가공자유단조품 Brass open die machined forgings
청동가공자유단조품 Bronze open die machined forgings
아연가공자유단조품 Zinc open die machined forgings
주석가공자유단조품 Tin open die machined forgings
납가공자유단조품 Lead open die machined forgings
귀금속자유단조품 Precious metal open die machined forgings
복합재자유단조품 Composite open die machined forgings
니켈합금가공자유단조품 Nickel alloy open die machined forgings
비금속자유단조품 Non metallic open die machined forgings
구리가공폐쇄단조품 Copper closed die machined forgings
황동가공폐쇄단조품 Brass closed die machined forgings
청동가공폐쇄단조품 Bronze closed die machined forgings
아연가공폐쇄단조품 Zinc closed die machined forgings
주석가공폐쇄단조품 Tin closed die machined forgings
납가공폐쇄단조품 Lead closed die machined forgings
단조귀금속비공개품 Precious metal closed die machined forgings
단조합성물비공개품 Composite closed die machined forgings
단조니켈합금가공폐쇄단조품 Nickel alloy closed die machined forgings
단조비금속비공개품 Non metallic closed die machined forgings
구리가공형단조품 Copper impression die machined forgings
황동가공형단조품 Brass impression die machined forgings
청동가공형단조품 Bronze impression die machined forgings
아연가공형단조품 Zinc impression die machined forgings
주석가공형단조품 Tin impression die machined forgings
납가공형단조품 Lead impression die machined forgings
단조귀금속인쇄품 Precious metal impression die machined forgings
단조합성물인쇄품 Composite impression die machined forgings
니켈합금가공형단조품 Nickel alloy impression die machined forgings
단조비금속인쇄품 Non metallic impression die machined forgings
알루미늄기계가공형타단조품 Aluminum drop machined forgings
마그네슘기계가공형타단조품 Magnesium drop machined forgings
티타늄기계가공형타단조품 Titanium drop machined forgings
베릴륨기계가공형타단조품 Beryllium drop machined forgings
구리기계가공형타단조품 Copper drop machined forgings
황동기계가공형타단조품 Brass drop machined forgings
청동기계가공형타단조품 Bronze drop machined forgings
복합재기계가공형타단조품 Composite drop machined forgings
니켈합금기계가공형타단조품 Nickel alloy drop machined forgings
비금속기계가공형타단조품 Non metallic drop machined forgings
기계가공링단조품 Machined rolled ring forgings
알루미늄가공롤단조품 Aluminum rolled ring machined forgings
베릴륨가공롤단조품 Beryllium rolled ring machined forgings
황동가공롤단조품 Brass rolled ring machined forgings
청동가공롤단조품 Bronze rolled ring machined forgings
구리가공롤단조품 Copper rolled ring machined forgings
단조쇠롤링 Iron rolled ring machined forgings
납가공롤단조품 Lead rolled ring machined forgings
마그네슘가공롤단조품 Magnesium rolled ring machined forgings
단조귀금속롤링 Precious metal rolled ring machined forgings
덕트 Ducts
후렉시블덕트 Flexible ducts
경질덕트 Rigid ducts
마그네슘 덕트 또는 마그네슘 덕트배관 Magnesium ducts or ductwork
철합금 덕트 또는 철합금 덕트배관 Ferrous alloy ducts or ductwork
티타늄덕트 또는 티타늄덕트배관 Titanium ducts or ductwork
주석덕트 또는 주석덕트배관 Tin ducts or ductwork
황동덕트 또는 황동덕트배관 Brass ducts or ductwork
납덕트 또는 납덕트배관 Lead ducts or ductwork
청동덕트 또는 청동덕트배관 Bronze ducts or ductwork
파이프 Pipe
탄소강관 Carbon steel pipe
덕타일주철관 Ductile iron pipe
고니켈 합금관 High nickel alloy pipe
고항복강철관 High yield steel pipe
철합금관 Ferrous alloy pipe
알루미늄관 Aluminum pipe
황동관 Brass pipe
청동관 Bronze pipe
콘크리트관 Concrete pipe
제본 Bookbinding
재봉제본 Thread stitch bookbinding
용수철제본,나선제본 Spiral binding
접착제본 Glued binding
빗살형 또는 클램프형 제본 Comb or clamp type binding
제본복구또는수선 Binding restoration or repair
브론징,글라이딩,에징 또는 데클링 Bronzing or gilding or edging or deckling
벨로바인딩 서비스 Velo binding services
케이스제작 서비스 Case making services
bronze diabetes (청동 당뇨병)
湖南地方 靑銅器時代의 住居址硏究
A study of the Bronze Age dwelling sites in Honam province
17세기 후반∼18세기 對日關係 硏究 : 倭館을 통한 銅 輸入을 中心으로
(A) study on the Korea-Japan relationship from late 17th century to 18th century : focusing on the bronze import through Waegwan
청동기시대의 제의유적에 대한 연구 : -바위유적을 중심으로-
Studies on Ritual-Sites of The Bronze age ; Focusing on the stones
P83 태아 및 신생아에 특이한 기타 피부의 병태(Other conditions of integument specific to fetus and
제외:피부의 선천성 기형(congenital malformations of skin and integument)(Q80-Q84)
유아지방관(cradle cap)(L21.0)
기저귀[냅킨] 피부염(diaper [napkin] dermatitis)(L22)
용혈성 질환으로 인한 태아수종(hydrops fetalis due to haemolytic disease)(P56.-)
신생아 피부 감염(neonatal skin infection)(P39.4)
포도구균성 화상입은 피부 증후군(staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome)(L00)
P83.0 신생아 피부경화증(Sclerema neonatorum)
P83.1 신생아 중독성 홍반(Neonatal erythema toxicum)
P83.2 용혈성 질환으로 인하지 않은 태아 수종(Hydrops fetalis not due to haemolytic disease)
태아 수종(Hydrops fetalis) NOS
P83.3 태아 및 신생아에 특이한 기타 및 상세불명의 부종(Other and unspecified oedema specific to fetus
and newborn)
P83.4 신생아의 유방 노장(Breast engorgement of newborn)
신생아의 비감염성 유방염(Noninfective mastitis of newborn)
P83.5 선천성 음낭수종(Congenital hydrocele)
P83.8 기타 명시된 태아 및 신생아에 특이한 피부 병태(Other specified conditions of integument specific
to fetus and newborn)
구리 아기 증후군(Bronze baby syndrome)
신생아 피부경화증(Neonatal scleroderma)
신생아 두드러기(Urticaria neonatorum)
P83.9 상세불명의 태아 및 신생아에 특이한 피부 병태(Condition of integument specific to fetus and
newborn, unspecified)
gilt-bronze 청동을 입힌
white phosphorus 백린. 연막탄의 원료로 쓰이기 때문에 그 자체로 연막탄을 가리키는 말로도 쓰임.(White phosphorus is used as a deoxidizing agent in the preparation of steel and phosphor bronze. It is also used in rat poisons and to make smoke screens (by burning) for warfare.)
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