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N.A.B National Association of Broadcasters 전미국 방송협회, New American Bible
[위키] ARD ARD (broadcaster)
[百] 산파기 (散播機) broadcaster
[百] NAB National Association of Broadcasters
broadcaster 방송자
이에 따라 유튜버 등 1인 방송인에 대한 소득 및 과세 규모는 내년 5월 종합소득세 신고 이후 파악이 가능할 것으로 전망이다.
As a result, the amount of income and taxation for one-person broadcasters, including YouTubers, is expected to be identified after the comprehensive income tax return in May next year.
이호승 청와대 경제수석도 이날 한 방송사와의 인터뷰에서 "지난해 2% 성장이 어렵다는 회의론이 있었다는 점을 생각하면 좋은 의미를 만들었다고 평가한다"고 말해 '성장률 선방론'에 힘을 실었다.
In an interview with a broadcaster, Lee Ho-seung, senior presidential secretary for economic affairs, also said, "Considering that there was skepticism that growth of 2% was difficult last year, I think it made a good meaning."
시즌2 출연자 중 올해 나이 38세인 방송인 오창석과 25세인 모델 이채은도 13살 차이가 났으나 커플이 됐다.
Among the cast members in Season 2, Oh Chang-seok, a 38-year-old broadcaster, and Lee Chae-eun, a 25-year-old model, despite the age difference of 13 years, became a couple.
지난 26일 오후 방송된 JTBC 예능프로그램 '냉장고를 부탁해'에는 방송인 오정연이 출연했다.
Broadcaster Oh Jeong-yeon appeared in the JTBC entertainment program "Please Take Care of My Refrigerator" that aired in the afternoon of the 26th.
영국 공영방송 BBC는 22일 "한국에서 LGBT는 장애나 정신질환으로 자주 간주된다"고 지적했다.
The British public broadcaster BBC pointed out on the 22nd that "LGBT is often regarded as a disability or mental illness in Korea."
신정환은 응급실에 입원 중인 사진까지 공개했으나 '뎅기열'은 거짓으로 밝혀져 '괘씸죄'까지 적용돼 한동안 해외에서 체류하고 방송가에 복귀하지 못했다.
Shin Jeong-hwan even revealed a picture of him being hospitalized in the emergency room, but "dengue fever" turned out to be false, so it was even applied to "profanity", so he stayed abroad for a while and could not return to be the broadcaster.
이 가운데 성 소수자들이 아웃팅 우려로 진단 검사를 제때 받지 못한다는 우려가 제기되자 방송인 홍석천 역시 "'아웃팅' 걱정 잘 알지만, 지금은 용기 내야 할 때"라고 독려했다.
Among them, when concerns were raised that LGBTQ people could not receive diagnostic tests in time due to outing concerns, broadcaster Hong Seok-cheon also encouraged "I know well about 'outing' concerns, but now is the time to be courageous."
실제로 집단 면역 전략을 택했던 스웨덴 정부도 사망자가 급증하자 이동 제한과 생활 규제 같은 정책 도입을 검토하고 있다고 독일 국제방송 도이체벨레(DW)가 지난 4일 보도했다.
In fact, the Swedish government, which has chosen a herd immunity strategy, is also considering introducing policies such as restrictions of movement and lifestyle restrictions as the number of deaths rises, German international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) reported on the 4th.
일본의 코로나19 확진자 수가 4일까지 누적 4209명으로 늘었다고 공영방송 NHK가 5일 보도했다.
Public broadcaster NHK reported on the 5th that the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases in Japan increased to 4,209 cumulatively by the 4th.
"내가 1927년생이여. 송해랑 나이가 같다고." 노익장을 자랑하는 방송인 송해씨처럼 나도 왕성하게 일을 하고 있는데, 왜 내 나이를 묻지 않느냐는 걸로 읽혔다.
"I was born in 1927. I'm the same age as Song Hae." He was working vigorously like a healthy broadcaster, Song Hae, and he seemed to be asking why I wasn't curious about his age.
혈액암 완치 판정을 받은 작가 겸 방송인 허지웅이 투병 중 방송인 홍석천을 떠올렸다고 밝혀 눈길을 끌었다.
Heo Ji-woong, a writer and broadcaster who was cured of blood cancer, received attention when revealing that he thought of the broadcaster Hong Seok-cheon while fighting the disease.
현지 방송인 채널4 뉴스가 확보한 내부 이메일에 따르면 의료진은 제왕절개 후 아갸퐁의 증상이 호전되고 있다고 판단했으나 결국 산모는 숨졌다.
According to an internal e-mail secured by local broadcaster Channel 4 News, the medical staff determined that Agyapong's symptoms were improving after a cesarean section, but the mother died in the end.
미국 방송 사업자 협회 National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters, NARTB
방송사업자 broadcaster
DBA(Daytime Broadcasters Association)
ICB(International Christian Broadcasters)
IRB(Intercollegiate Religious Broadcasters)
NAB(National Association of Broadcasters)
NABB(National Association for Better Broadcasters)
NABOB(National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters)
NANBA(North American National Broadcasters Association)
NARB(National Association of Radio Broadcasters)
NARTB(National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters)
NRBA(National Radio Broadcasters Association)
북미방송연맹(North American Broadcasters Association; NABA)
전미방송협회(National Association of Broadcasters; NAB)
주간방송인연합(Daytime Broadcaster Association; DBA)
한국방송협회(Korean Broadcasters Association; KBA)
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