branch office
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pull the rug out from under
- spoil someone`s plans, withdraw support
He pulled the rug out from under our plans to open a branch office in New York.
Our branch office manager will see to it.
저희 지사장이 그 문제를 해결해 드릴 겁니다.
Mr. Edwards, our branch office manager will see to it.
에드워드 지사장이 할 겁니다.
[百] 지점 (支店) branch office
[百] 특허청 서울사무소 (特許廳─事務所) Seoul Branch of Korea Intellectual Property Office
[百] 경기북부병무지청 (京畿北部兵務支廳) Head Of North-Gyeonggi Regional Military Manpower Branch Office
신용평가 등급이 낮거나 재무구조가 좋지 않아 기존에 본점 심사역이 판단하던 일부 대출을 영업점장이 판단하게 된다.
Branch managers will judge some loan programs that were previously judged by the head office's reviewers due to low credit rating or poor financial structure.
휴·폐업으로 소득이 줄었거나 재산을 매각한 경우 퇴직·해촉증명서 등 필요한 서류를 준비해 가까운 공단지사에 조정신청을 하면 된다.
If your income has been decreased due to the temporary closure of your business or shutdown, or the disposal of your property, you can apply for adjustment at the nearest branch office of the National Health Insurance Service by preparing necessary documents.
종합상사가 해외지사업무를 모르고 종합상사를 할 수 없는 곳인데 해외법인장을 거치지 않으면 안된다는 의미다.
This means that general trading companies cannot do a general trading business without knowing the business of overseas branches, and, in other words, they have to go through the head of its overseas branch office.
자금이 필요한 사회적경제 기업이나 단체는 우리은행 은평구청 지점에서 사전 상담을 받은 뒤 융자신청서, 사업계획서, 국세 완납 증명서 등의 서류를 은평구 사회적경제과에 접수하면 된다.
Social economy companies or organizations that need funds can receive prior consultation from the Woori Bank's branch at the Eunpyeong-gu Office and submit documents such as loan applications, business plans, and certificates of full national tax payment to the social economy department in Eunpyeong-gu.
방역당국은 확진자 발생에 따라 괴산군보건소 선별진료소는 이날 일시 폐쇄하고 소독을 실시했으며, A씨와 접촉한 보건소와 보건지소 직원 등은 검체 채취 후 자가격리에 들어갔다.
The quarantine authorities temporarily closed down the Goesan County Community Health Center screening clinic and conducted disinfection that day, and employees of the community health center and health branch office who had contact with A began to self-quarantine after collecting samples.
대구은행 관계자는 "동산병원이 국가지정 코로나 확진환자 전용 거점병원으로 지정돼 현재 모든 입원 환자가 퇴원 조치 중"이라며 "해당 병원에 입점한 대구은행 출장소를 폐쇄하기로 결정했다"고 말했다.
An official from the Daegu Bank said, "Dongsan Hospital has been designated as a nationally-designated COVID-19-confirmed patient base hospital, and all inpatients are currently being discharged from the hospital. It was decided to close the Daegu Bank branch office in the hospital."
창원지검 마산지청은 2일 질병관리본부 1339 콜센터에 전화를 해 욕설한 혐의로 대학생 A군을 불구속 기소 했다.
The Masan branch of the Changwon District Prosecutors' Office on the 2nd indicted a college student without detention on charges of swearing at the 1339 call center of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
농협중앙회전남지역본부, NH농협은행전남영업본부, 광주은행전남도청지점, 청해진골드황칠주식회사, 농업회사법인담다, 명성제분, 강진해찬여주영농조합법인, 목포신안군농협조합공동사업법인, 자연나라영농조합법인, 나주시좋은영농조합법인, 고흥석류친환경영농조합법인, 환길산업 등이 참여해 6만 3천개, 1억4천만원 상당의 물품을 기증했다.
National Agricultural Cooperative Federation Jeonnam Regional Headquarters, NH Nonghyup Bank Jeonnam Sales Headquarters, Gwangju Bank Jeonnam-do Provincial Office branch, Cheonghaejin Gold Dendropanax Co., Ltd. Association corporations, Agricultural Corporation Damda, Myungsung flour mill, Gangjin, Haechan and Yeoju Agricultural Association Corporation, Mokpo and Shinan Agricultural Cooperative Federation Jointly Business Corporation, Jayeonnara Agricultural Association Corporation, Naju Good Agricultural Association Corporation, Goheung Pomegranate Eco-friendly Agricultural Association Corporation, and Hwangil Industries participated in donating 63,000 items, worth KRW 140 million.
목포지청 관계자는 "지역사회의 코로나19 예방 및 관리를 위해 최선의 노력을 다하겠다"고 말했다.
"We will do our best to prevent and manage COVID-19 in the local community," said an official at the Mokpo branch office.
강릉지청은 지난 25일 강릉아산병원 하청직원들에 대한 코로나19 안전실태 등을 조사하고 나섰다.
On the 25th, the Gangneung Branch of Chuncheon District Public Prosecutors Office embarked on investigating the state of safety related with COVID-19 for the subcontractors working at Gangneung Asan Hospital.
정미애 팬클럽은 경북대학교 병원 본원과 경북대학교 병원 칠곡점에 이온음료, 컵라면, 샴푸, 바디워시, 다양한 간식거리 등 1000만원 상당의 기부물품을 전달했다.
Jung Mi-ae's fan club delivered donations worth KRW 10 million, including ion drinks, cup noodles, shampoos, body washes, and various snacks to the main office of Kyungpook National University Hospital and its Chilgok branch.
추가 신청방법은 지역가입자와 피부양자의 경우 공단 지사를 방문하거나 고객센터로 신청하면 되고, 직장가입자의 경우 회사가 '사업장 건강 검진대상자 변경신청서'를 작성해 공단 관할 지사에 제출하면 된다.
The additional application method is for the self-employed insured and dependents to visit the branch office of the public corporation or apply to the customer center, while for the employee insured, the company can fill out an application for "change in the workplace physical examination target" and submit it to the branch office of the public corporation.
accounting for branch office: 지점회계
accounting for control: 관리회계
accounting for corporate social responsibility: 기업의 사회책임회계(기업이 사회에 주는 손해측정)
accounting for human assets: 기업등에서 종업원의 가치를 인식, 측정 보고하는 회계
accounting for internal reporting: 내부보고용 회계
accounting for inventories: 재고자산 회계
accounting for management control: 관리회계
accounting for management planning: 경영계획회계
accounting for management: 관리회계
accounting for planning: 경영계획회계
accounting for pollution control: 공해관리회계
accounting for social performance: 사회활동회계(기업이 사회에 주는 손익을 측정)
branch accounting: 지점회계
branch accounts: 지점계정
branch ledger: 지점원장
branch manager: 지점장
branch office: 지점, 지사
branch profits tax: (미국의)지점 이윤세
branch remittance tax: 지점 송금세
branch: 지점
foreign agents accounts: 외국대리점 계정
foreign bill bought a/c: 매입외국어음 계정
foreign bills payable: 미지급외국환
foreign bills receivable: 미수외국환
foreign bills sold: 매도외국환
foreign branch account: 외국지점계정
foreign branch office: 해외지점
foreign branch-our account: 외국지점으로부터 받을 계정
foreign branch-their account: 외국지점에 지급할 계정
검색결과는 21 건이고 총 63 라인의 자료가 출력되었습니다. 맨위로
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