brain drain
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brain drain 두뇌유출
유출: brain drain(두뇌)
[百] 두뇌유출 (頭腦流出) brain drain
[百d] 두뇌유출 [ 頭腦流出, brain drain ]
It's the location of the aneurysm that makes it tricky.
동맥류의 위치가 진료를 힘들게 합니다
Your body temperature will be lowered cool enough to protect from any damage and stop the heart.
몸을 보호하기 위해 체온을 낮출 것이며 심장도 멈출 겁니다
Which stops the blood flow to the brain which reduces the risk of rupture.
뇌로 흘러드는 혈류를 멈춰서 파열의 위험을 줄이죠
I'll have 45 minutes to clip the aneurysm. Before I step in and get the heart starting.
- 동맥류 클리핑은 45분이 걸립니다 - 그때 제가 심장을 원상태로 돌릴 겁니다
You want to freeze my body, drain my blood and stop my heart?
내 몸을 얼리고, 피를 빼고 심장을 멈추겠다는 소리입니까?
And bring you back. In under 45 minutes? Right.
- 그리고 다시 살려 놓죠 - 45분 안에요? / 네
If you go over, is it free? No.
- 45분 넘어가면 무료인가요?? - 아니요
Here's the good news. We caught it early enough.
좋은 소식이 있어요 충분히 일찍 잡아내서
We can take care of it very quickly.
- 빠르게 대처할 수가 있어요
- 어떻게요?
I'm going to install a shunt to drain the fluid.
수액을 빼낼 측로를 만들 거예요
Barring any complications,
you're looking at a full recovery.
모든 합병증도 방지하고 빨리 완쾌할 겁니다
No brain damage? No brain damage.
- 뇌손상은 없는 거죠? - 없습니다
Okay, really... couldn't you have led with that?
그럼 정말이지.. 처음부터 그렇게 말하셨어야죠
Good point.
좋은 지적이네요
◆ brain, mind, head
세 단어 모두 공통적으론 '머리', '정신', '지성' 등의 의미를 공유합니다.
하지만, 각각의 단어가 독립적으로 쓰일 때가 있죠. 가령 'brain'은 해부학적으로 언급할 때,
'mind'는 정신이나 마음을 강조할 때 그리고 'head'는 신체부위 중 머리를 나타낼 때.. 등등
여러 경우가 있습니다.
It was a really tricky mathematical problem that none of us could solve, but then I suddenly had a brain wave.
I really can't get my head round this. It's too complicated for me to understand.
I forgot to phone you last night. I'm sorry. It slipped my mind.
I hadn't eaten all day and the champagne went straight to my head.
I have an open mind about mixed marriages. There's no reason at all why they shouldn't work.
He had set his mind on going to Australia to study and nothing was going to stop him.
There is a real brain drain from England now. All our top scientists, engineers and academics are moving overseas to work.
She managed to keep her head even though everyone else was panicking.
Let's brainstorm this idea to see if we can highlight as many aspects as possible.
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