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annuity 〔∂nj´u:∂ti〕 연금

consolidated annuities =CONSOLS

deferred annuity 거치 연금

life annuity 종신연금

annuity 연금,연금의 부금

annuity N. income systematically deposited over a long term to receive later.
His commitment to an annuity reduced his paycheck, but increased his savings for an uncertain future.

[百] 연금보험 (年金保險) annuity insurance

[百] TIAA-CREF Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association-College Retirement Equities Fund

[百] 거치연금 (据置年金) deferred annuity

annuity 연금

재판부는 "삼성생명이 보험금지급기준에 사업비 차감 부분을 간단하게라도 설명해 놓고 이 기준 안에서 만기보험금과 생존연금을 지급한다고 써 놨으면 좋았을텐데 하지 않았다"고 했다.
The court said, "It would have been better if Samsung Life Insurance briefly mentioned about the deduction of business expenses in the standard of insurance benefit payment and also stated that the payment of insurance benefit upon maturity and survivor annuity will be based on this standard, but they didn't."

이 가운데 투자 성격이 강한 변액연금을 제외한 일반연금은 2014년 6조6,323억원에서 지난해 1조6,436억원으로 75.2% 줄어 4년 만에 4분의 1 수준으로 급감했다.
Among them, general pensions, excluding variable annuities that have strong investment characteristics, fell sharply by 75.2% from 6.6323 trillion won in 2014 to 1.6436 trillion won last year, plunging to a quarter in four years.

보험사들이 최근 연금보험보다 종신보험과 같은 보장성 보험 판매에 열을 올리고 있는 이유다.
This is why insurers are more eager to sell guarantee insurance such as life insurance than annuity insurance recently.

연금보험 초회보험료는 2014년 7조359억원에서 해마다 줄어 2018년 2조2133억원까지 떨어졌습니다.
The initial premium for annuity insurance fell yearly and from 7.359 trillion won in 2014, it decreased to 2.2133 trillion won in 2018.

annuity 년금

amount of an annuity연금종가
amount of income declared: 신고소득금액
amount of income:소득금액
amount of investment: 출자액
amount of purchase: 매입금액
amount of receipts: 수입금액
amount of the offset: 상쇄액
amount of the proposed adjustment 소득조정금액
amount of the setoff 상계금액
amount of total receipts: 외형금액
amount of trade receivable: 외상매출액
amount of underpayment: 과소납부액

annuity certain: (수령자의 사망여부와 관련없는)기간 확정연금
annuity method of depreciation: 연금법 감가상각
annuity method: 연금법
annuity 년금
annuity: 연금(퇴직하지 않아도 받을 수 있음), 보험연금

defer: 이연하다
deferment of collection: 징수유예
deferment of payment: 연납
deferment: 유예, 거치
deferral of payments: 납부유예
deferral: 이연
deferred account: 이연계정
deferred advertising expense: 이연광고료
deferred and accrued accounts: 경과계정
deferred annuity: 거치연금(일정기간이 지난 후 지급이 개시되는 연금)
deferred assets: 이연자산
deferred charge account: 이연비용 계정
deferred charge before amortization: 상각 전의 이연자산
deferred charges: 이연비용, 이연자산
deferred compensation 이연지급제도
deferred corporate taxes: 이연법인세
deferred credit: 이연대변항목
deferred debit: 이연차변항목
deferred depreciation: 이연상각
deferred development expense: 이연개발비
deferred dividend: 이연 배당금 (선언되어 부채로 기록되어 있으나, 일정기간이 지날 때까지 지
deferred expenses: 이연비용
deferred experimental and research expense: 이연 시험연구비
deferred income from sales on installment plan: 할부 판매 이연이익
deferred income tax liabilities: 이연소득 과세채무
deferred income tax: 이연 법인세(회계상의 이익과 세법상의 이익이 다른 데서 생기는 세금의
deferred income taxes: 압축기장
deferred income, income received in advance: 선수수익
deferred interest: 선수이자
deferred item: 이연항목
deferred liability: 이연부채
deferred maintenance: 이연유지비
deferred method 이연법
deferred payment basis: 연불기준
deferred payment sales: 연불조건판매
deferred payment: 지불연기, 후불연납, 연불(年拂)
deferred payments: 납부연기
deferred premium: 선수보험료
deferred repairs: 이연수선비
deferred revenue: 이연수익, 선수수익
deferred stock(share): 후배주(後配株)
deferred tax 이연법인세
deferred taxes, taxes deferred: 이연세금
deferred: 이연된
deferredincome taxes 이연법인세

life annuity: 종신연금, 평생연금

present value of annuity: 연금현가

retirement (benefit) plan: 퇴직금 제도
retirement accounting: 폐기회계
retirement allowances: 퇴직급여
retirement annuity business: 퇴직연금업무
retirement annuity: 퇴직년금
retirement bonus: 퇴직위로금
retirement cost: 폐기비
retirement from a corporation: 퇴사
retirement income: 퇴직소득
retirement method: 폐기법, 제각법(감가상각을 하지 않고 제각시 그 취득원가를 손비처리)
retirement of bonds: 채권의 멸각
retirement of depreciable assets: 상각자산의 소각
retirement of depreciable property: 상각자산의 폐기
retirement of stock: 주식의 소각
retirement pay: 퇴직금
retirement pension: 퇴직년금
retirement price: 폐기가액
retirement table: 제각표
retirement unit: 제각단위
retirement: (기계, 장치 등을 불용자산으로) 폐기

single payment annuity: 일시불의

survivor benefit: 유족 급부금
survivor life curve: 생존곡선(=mortality curve)
survivor's annuity (or pension): 유족년금

taxation according to legal portion of legacy: 법정 상속분 과세
taxation at the source: 원천과세
taxation by estimate: 추계과세
taxation criteria: 과세기준
taxation equity: 과세형평, 과세공평
taxation method on bequest: 유산세 방식
taxation method on legatee: 유산취득세 방식
taxation of beneficiaries: 수익자 과세
taxation of small business: 소기업 과세
taxation office concerned: 관할세무서
taxation on (an) income basis: 소득할 과세
taxation on aggregate (or combined) income: 종합과세
taxation on carry-out: 출고과세
taxation on enterprise: 기업과세
taxation on nominal taxpayer: 명의자 과세
taxation on per capita basis: 균등할 과세
taxation on retained earnings: 유보소득과세
taxation on retirement annuity: 퇴직년금과세
taxation on shipment: (소비세) 반출과세
taxation period: 과세기간
taxation upon the general-public: 대중과세
taxation upon total income: 종합과세
taxation 과세, 세무

연금, 연금보험 annuity

연금: Annuity

연금의 복리이자요소: Compound Value Interest Factor for an Annuity (CVIFA)

연금의 현가: Present Value of Annuity

연금의 현가이자요소: Present Value Interest Factor for an Annuity (PVIFA)

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