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aggregate 〔´ægrigit〕 집합, 집합의, 집성, 집성의, 총계, 총계의, 집합체
corporation aggregate 집합 법인, 사단 법인
aggregate : total 총계의, 합계의
aggregate 집합적인; 총계의
in terms of; (=by means of, if converted in, from the standpoint of)
~에 의하여, ~으로 환산하면, ~의 견지에서
He expressed his idea in terms of action.
If computed in terms of tonnage, it will aggregate 100 tons.
He sees everything in terms of money.
aggregate 집합하다,모으다 ,모이다 ,집합,합계
aggregate 총계의 (sum; total)
The aggregate wealth of this country is staggering to the imagination.
aggregate ADJ. combining of different parts into one total.
He considered the organization's aggregate interests.
[위키] 총수요 Aggregate demand
[百] 총수요정책 (總需要政策) aggregate demand policy
[百] 총수요함수 (總需要函數) aggregate demand function
[百] 시가총액 (時價總額) aggregate value of listed stock
[百] 집합과 (集合果) aggregate fruit
[百] 경석콘크리트 (輕石─) light weight aggregate concrete
[百] 골재 (骨材) aggregate
[百] 경량골재 (輕量骨材) light weight aggregate
[百] 골재살포기 (骨材撒布機) aggregate spreaders
[百] 한국골재협회 (韓國骨材協會) Korean Aggregates Association
[百d] 시가총액 [ 時價總額, aggregate market value of listed stock ]
aggregate 합계, 전체의
[회계 용어 2]
대차대조표 Balance Sheet
assets 자산
current assets 유동자산
quick assets 당좌자산
cash and bank deposit 현금과 예금
marketable securities 유가증권
trade receivables 매출채권
allowance for bad debts 대손충당금
short-term loans 단기대여금
deferred income tax debits 이연법인세차
inventories 재고자산
merchandise 상품
finished goods 제품
semi-finished goods 반제품
work in-process 재공품
raw materials 원재료
supplies 저장품
non-current assets 고정자산
investments 투자자산
long-term bank deposits 장기성예금
restricted cash and bank deposits 특정현금과 예금
investment securities 투자유가증권
long-term loans 장기대여금
long-term trade receivables 장기성매출채권
present value discount account 현재가치 할인차금
investment properties 투자부동산
guarantee deposit 보증금
tangible assets 유형자산
land 토지
buildings 건물
accumulated depreciation 감가상각누계액
machinery and equipment 기계장치
ships 선박
vehicles and transportation equipment 차량운반구
construction in-progress 건설중인 자산
intangible assets 무형자산
goodwill 영업권
intellectual proprietary rights 공업소유권
mining rights 광업권
fishing rights 어업권
land use rights 차지권
deferred charges 이연자산
organization costs 창업비
pre-operating costs 개업비
new stock issurance costs 신주발행비
debenture issurance costs 사채발행비
research and development costs 연구개발비
liabilities 부채
current liabilities 유동부채
trade payables 매입채무
short-term borrowings 단기 차입금
income taxes payable 미지급 법인세
devidends payable 미지급 배당금
current portion of long-term debts 유동성 장기부채
deferred income tax credits 이연법인세대
long-term liabilities 고정부채
debentures 사채
discount on debentures issued 사채발행차금
long-term borrowings 장기 차입금
long-term trade payable 장기성 매입채무
present value discount account 현재가치 할인차금
liability provisions XX 충당금
stock holders' equity 자본금
common stock 보통주 자본금
preferred stock 우선주 자본금
capital surplus 자본잉여금
capital reserves 자본준비금
paid-in capital in excess of par value 주식발행 초과금
gain on capital reduction 감자차익
assets revaluation reserve 재평가적립금
retained earnings 이익잉여금
legal reserve 이익준비금
reserve for business rationalization 기업합리화 적립금
reserve for financial structure improvement 재무구조개선적립금
reserve for.......... XX 적립금
unappropriated retained earnings carried over to subsequent year 차기이월 이익 잉여금
capital adjustment 자본조정
discounts on stock issurance 주식할인 발행차금
pre-operating dividends 배당건설이자
treasury stock 자기주식
consideration for conversion rights 전환권 대가
consideration for stock warrants 신주인수권 대가
unissued stock dividends 미교부주식 배당금
gain on valuation of investment in equity securities 투자주식평가이익
overseas operations translation credit 해외사업환산대
accrued expenses 미지급비용
accrued income taxes 미지급법인세
accrued dividends 미지급배당금
accrued income 미수수익
acquisition cost 취득가액
advance from customers 선수금
advance payments 선급금
Allowance 대손충당금
capital stock 자본금
conversion right adjustment accounts 전환권 조정계정
convertible bonds 전환사채
doubtful accounts 매출채권
gross amounts 총액
in aggregate 일괄해서
investment assets 투자자산
liquidity 유동성배열법
memorandum accounts 비망계정
netted amounts 순액
prepaid expenses 선급비용
product warranties and guarantees 공사보증충당금
repairs and maintenance 수선,판매보증충당금
severance and retirement benefits 퇴직급여충당금
stock issurance costs 신주발행비
stockholder's equity 자본
structures 구축물
suspense payments 가지급금
suspense receipts 가수금
the face value 액면가액
treasury bonds 자기사채
unearned income 선수수익
withholdings 예수금
What website?
어떤 싸이트?
You've heard of
경제브레인.COM 들어봤어?
Yes, it's a financial news aggregate blog and discussion forum
그래, 경제뉴스 블로그랑 토론게시판이 있고,
that attracts an intelligent level of debate.
덕분에 수준 높은 토론을 하지
And the commenters have a very high opinion of your analyses.
거기 댓글 등록자들이 네 분석에 대해 높게 평가해
So you'd like my permission to--
그러니 내 허락을 받아서
Jump in there and invent heinous and incendiary lies about you,
거기 가서 아주 더럽고 추잡한 거짓말을 지어 낼거야
end the intelligent debate, and start a whole new one
그렇게 수준높은 지적토론은 끝이 날테고
about, say, whether or not you're a whore.
네가 창녀인지 아닌지 토론을 하는거지
aggregate : 집합체, 응집체, 골재
자갈ㆍ왕자갈ㆍ쇄석(碎石)[콘크리트용ㆍ도로포장용ㆍ철도용이나 그 밖의 밸러스트(ballast)용에 일반적으로 사용되는 것으로 한정한다], 싱글(shingle)과 플린트(flint)(열처리한 것인지에 상관없다), 슬래그(slag)ㆍ드로스(dross)나 이와 유사한 산업폐기물의 머캐덤(macadam)(이 호의 앞부분에 열거한 물품들과 혼합한 것인지에 상관없다), 타르 머캐덤(tarred macadam), 제2515호나 제2516호의 암석의 알갱이ㆍ파편ㆍ가루(열처리한 것인지에 상관없다)
Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, of a kind commonly used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling or for railway or other ballast, shingle and flint, whether or not heat-treated; macadam of slag, dross or similar industrial waste, whether or not incorporating the materials cited in the first part of the heading; tarred macadam; granules, chippings and powder, of stones of heading 25.15 or 25.16, whether or not heat-treated.
자갈ㆍ왕자갈ㆍ쇄석(碎石)[콘크리트용ㆍ도로포장용ㆍ철도용이나 그 밖의 밸러스트(ballast)용에 일반적으로 사용되는 것으로 한정한다], 싱글(shingle)과 플린트(flint)(열처리한 것인지에 상관없다)
Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, of a kind commonly used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling or for railway or other ballast, shingle and flint, whether or not heat-treated
쇄석도포기 Aggregate spreaders
아스팔트재분쇄기 Bituminous material distributors
로드루터 Road rooters
노면 히터 플레이너 Road surface heater planers
콘크리트포장절단기 Concrete paving strike offs
도로포장분쇄기 Paving breakers
보도연석기 Curbing machines
그라우팅머신 Grouting machines
트랙포장장비 또는 설치장치 Trackway surfacing outfits or its laying mechanisms
스크러빙머신 Scrubbing machines
비금속 광물 제품 산업 Non metallic mineral products industry services
도자기 또는 토기제조 서비스 Pottery or china or earthenware manufacturing services
유리 또는 유리제품제조 서비스 Glass or glass products manufacturing services
건축용 점토제품 제조 서비스 Structural clay products manufacturing services
시멘트,석회 또는 플라스터 제조 서비스 Cement or lime or plaster manufacturing services
콘크리트,쇄석 또는 석재제품 제조 서비스 Concrete or aggregates or stone products manufacturing services
연마재 제조 서비스 Abrasives manufacturing services
석면제품제조 서비스 Asbestos products manufacturing services
미국의 경우 2017년 기준 펫보험 보험료 규모는 약 1조2000억원, 일본도 시장 규모가 약 5000억원에 달한다.
In the US, the aggregate of pet insurance premium amounts to approximately 1.2 trillion won as of 2017 and even in Japan, its market size is estimated at around 500 billion won.
신혼부부 혼인 합산기간이 7년 이내의 무주택자여야 하며 소득 합계가 전년도 가구당 도시근로자 월평균 소득 70% 이하여야 한다.
They should be houseless newlyweds with less than 7 years of aggregate marriage period and their total income should stand below 70% of the average monthly income per household of urban workers in the previous year.
HP의 시가총액은 290억달러로 제록스의 3배가 넘어 업계에서는 인수 가능성이 높지 않을 것이라는 관측이 지배적이었다.
As HP's aggregate value of the listed stock is $29 billion, which is more than three times that of Xerox, it is widely expected that the acquisition is highly unlikely.
보도에 따르면 금융정보 제공업체인 '퀵 팩트세트'가 올해 1분기 결산을 발표한 전 세계 5500여개 상장사의 현금성 자산을 집계한 결과 3월 말 기준 3조7000억달러로 1년 전보다 15% 늘었다.
According to reports, as a result of Quick Fact Set, a financial information provider, aggregating cash assets of some 5,500 listed companies around the world that announced their first-quarter settlement of accounts this year, it was found out the asset amounted to $3.7 trillion as of the end of March, which is 15% higher than a year before.
한은이 관련 통계를 집계한 2001년 9월 이후 가장 낮다.
It is the lowest since September 2001, when the Bank of Korea aggregated related statistics.
ABL301은 데이터 분석 결과 현재 임상 중이거나 임상 예정인 경쟁사 항체들 대비 뛰어난 응집체 선호도를 보였다고 밝혔다.
As a result of data analysis, ABL301 revealed that it showed a superior affinity for aggregates compared to competitors' antibodies currently in clinical or scheduled clinical trials.
바이오일레븐이 29일 혈액질환 및 암 환자를 위해 사단법인 KBDCA에 고함량 프로바이오틱스 브랜드 '드시모네'를 기증했다고 30일 밝혔다.
Bio-Eleven announced on the 30th that it had donated the high-content probiotic brand "Desimone" to the corporation aggregate KBDCA for patients with blood diseases and cancer on the 29th.
구로구는 많은 대상자들을 빠르게 검사하기 위해 취합검사법을 사용했다.
Guro-gu used an aggregate test method to quickly test many subjects.
중앙방역대책본부는 이날 오전 10시부터 홈페이지 등에서 공개하는 코로나19 국내 발생 현황 통계를 오전 0시를 기준으로 집계해 발표한다.
The Central Disease Control Headquarters will announce the statistics of the domestic outbreak of COVID-19 released on the website from 10 a.m. which will be aggregated on the same day as of 0 a.m.
실제 진료일 기준으로 집계한 올해 1분기 상급종합병원 급여비 증가율은 11.36%로, 지급일 기준보다 크게 낮은 것으로 나타났다.
In the first quarter of that year, aggregated based on actual treatment days, the increase in salary expenses for upper hospitals was 11.36%, which was significantly lower than the payment date.
치매나 루게릭병 환자의 신경세포에는 'TDP-43' 단백질을 포함하는 비정상적인 응집물이 자주 발견된다.
In neurons of patients with dementia or Lou Gehrig's disease, abnormal aggregates containing the protein "TDP-43" are often found.
대구지역 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증 일일 확진자 수가 19일 0시 기준 6241명으로 집계됐다.
The daily number of the confirmed patients of the novel Coronavirus infection disease in Daegu area was aggregated at 6,241 as of midnight on the 19th.
ABL301은 정상적인 단일체가 아닌 파킨슨병의 원인이 되는 응집체에만 선택적으로 결합함으로써 경쟁항체 대비 월등한 효능을 가짐을 시사한다는 것이라는 설명이다.
It is explained that ABL301 is not a normal monolith, but selectively binds only to aggregates that cause Parkinson's disease, suggesting that it has superior efficacy compared to competing antibodies.
의사는 "소화되지 않은 음식 찌꺼기들이 단단하게 뭉쳐져 장폐색을 일으켰다"고 진단했다.
The doctor diagnosed that "the undigested food debris was tightly aggregated causing ileus."
파킨슨병은 비정상적 단백질 응집체가 신경세포에 축적되고 인접 세포로 전이되는 병리현상이 잘 알려져 있으나, 이 응집체가 어떻게 형성되고 분해되는지 상세한 조절기전은 밝혀지지 않았다.
In Parkinson's disease, a pathology in which abnormal protein aggregates accumulate in neurons and metastasize to adjacent cells is well known, but the detailed control mechanism of how these aggregates form and disassemble has not been revealed.
Analysts said Intuit has plenty of competition in its effort to provide
a single, aggregated view of an individual's financial life.
For example, start-ups such as VerticalOne and seek to pull
together all of an individuals' financial accounts, as well as
non-financial accounts such as e-mail and various Internet passwords, on
to a single Web page.
전문가들은 인튜잇이 이같은 금융 관련 통합서비스를 제공하는 과정에서 심한
경쟁에 직면하고 있다고 말했다. 예를 들면 버티칼원(VerticalOne)이나
요드리( 같은 신규업체들은 개인의 금융관련 정보 뿐만 아니라 전
자우편 인터넷 비밀번호 등을 하나의 홈페이지로 통합 운영할 수 있는
서비스를 구상하고 있다.
데이터 집합 data aggregate
집합 기구 aggregate motion mechanism
집합법 aggregate method
aggregate : 집합체
aggregate input rate : 집합체 입력 속도
data aggregate : 자료 집합체
Third-Country Market
When the Department cannot use home market sales as the basis for determining normal value,
one of the alternative methods authorized by the antidumping law is the use of sales to
a third-country market, i.e., export sales of the foreign like product to a country other than the United
States. Generally, in selecting a third-country market to be used as the comparison market, the
Department will choose one of the three third-country markets with the largest aggregate quantity
of sales of the foreign like product. In selecting which country, the Department will consider
product similarity, the similarity of the third-country and U.S. markets, and whether the sales to
the third country are representative. (See also Home Market and Viability and section 773(a)(1)
of the Act and section 351.404 at the regulations.)
제3국시장(Third-Country Market)
상무부는 정상가격 결정의 기초로서 국내시장판매를 사용할 수 없을
때, 반덤핑 법령에 의한 여러 대안적인 방법중의 하나로서 제3국시장판매
즉, 미국외의 다른 나라에 동종물품의 수출판매를 사용한다. 일반적으로
비교시장으로서 사용되는 제3국시장을 선택하는데 있어서, 상무부는 동종
물품의 판매량이 가장 많은 제3국시장 하나를 선택한다. 또 제3국을 선택
하는데 있어서, 상무부는 제품의 유사성, 제3국시장과 미국시장의 유사성
그리고 제3국에 대한 판매가 대표성이 있는지를 고려할 것이다.(법 제773
조(a)(1)와 규칙(19 CFR) 351.404의 내수시장 및 활력성 참조)
2. The exporting country market, i.e., the market in the country from which
the merchandise is exported to the United States, is not viable. That is: (a)
the foreign like product is not sold for consumption in the exporting country;
(b) the aggregate quantity (or value) of the foreign like product sold in the
exporting country is insufficient to permit a proper comparison with the sales
of the subject merchandise to the United States; or (c) the particular market
situation in the exporting country does not permit a proper comparison with
the export price or constructed export price, and
2. 상품을 미국으로 수출하는 국가의 시장 즉, 수출국 시장이 존재하지
않는 경우 즉 (a)해외동종상품이 수출국의 소비를 위하여는 판매
되지 않는 경우 (b)수출국에서 판매된 해외동종물품의 총량(또는
총액)이 미국에서 해당상품의 판매와 적절히 비교하기에 불충분한
경우 (c)수출국의 특별한 시장상황으로 인해 수출가격이나 구성수출
가격의 적절한 비교가 곤란한 경우
순환자원을 이용한 점토소지의 가소성 및 에코인공경량골재 제조에 관한 연구
A Study on plasticity of clay based green bodies and production of ecological light weight aggregate by using recycling resources
인공경량세골재의 성형공정변수와 입도에 따른 발포거동에 관한 연구
A Study on the Bloating Mechanism due to the forming processing variables and particle size of light weight aggregate
建設 産業用 高品質 循環잔骨材의 乾式 生産시스템에 關한 實驗的 硏究
An Experimental Study on the Development of Dry Process Production System of High Quality Recycled Fine Aggregate
[木]Aggregate ray (集 合 方 射 組 織) 집합방사조직
[木]Diffuse-in aggregates parenchyma(接 線 狀柔 組 織) 접선상유조직
aggregate land tax 종합토지세
aggregate 총계의 (sum; total)
The aggregate wealth of this country is staggering to the imagination.
이 나라의 전체적 부는 상상을 초월한 어마어마한 것이다.
잔골재 fine aggregate
굵은골재 coarse aggregate
recycled aggregate 재생골재
일괄해서 in aggregate
aggregated way 통합도로
집합건물의소유및관리에관한법률 : Act on the Ownership and Management of Aggregate Buildings
골재채취법 : Aggregate Picking Act
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aggregate concept: 총괄개념
aggregate corporation: 사단법인
aggregate fund: 종합적립금
aggregate taxation: 종합과세
aggregate: 총계(의), 총액(의)
aggregation of income amounts: 소득금액의 합산
aggregation of income from assets: 자산소득 합산
aggregation: 통산, 합산
Corporation Accounting Controlling Ordinance: 회사 경리통제령
corporation accounting: 회사회계
corporation after merger: 합병후 존속하는 법인
corporation aggregate and sole: 집합법인 및 단독법인
corporation amalgamated: 피합병법인
corporation bonds: 사채
corporation domestic and foreign: 내국법인 및 외국법인
corporation for profit: 영리법인
corporation franchise taxes 법인면허세
corporation income tax return 법인세신고서
corporation income tax: 법인(소득)세
corporation of public utility: 공익법인
corporation profit tax: 법인이득세
Corporation Reorganization Law: 회사정리법
corporation tax audit: 법인세 조사
corporation tax credit: 법인세 공제
corporation tax deferral: 법인세 이연
Corporation Tax Law: 법인세법
corporation tax rate: 법인세율
corporation tax: 법인세
corporation taxes deferred: 이연 법인세
corporation's organization expenses: 설립비용
corporation: 법인
effective aggregate tax rate: 종합실효세율
effective case cost: 실질적 현금원가
effective corporation income tax rate 실효법인세율
effective date 적용시기
effective date: 효력발생일, 시행일자
effective demand: 유효수요(실제 구매력을 가진)
effective for tax years beginning after December 31, 1986: 87년 1월 1일 이후 과세연도에
effective rate of interest: 실효이자율, 실질적 이자율
effective rate 실효세율
effective tariff: 실효세율
effective tax rate 유효세율
effective tax rate: 실효세율(實效稅率)
in the aggregate: 총액으로
taxation according to legal portion of legacy: 법정 상속분 과세
taxation at the source: 원천과세
taxation by estimate: 추계과세
taxation criteria: 과세기준
taxation equity: 과세형평, 과세공평
taxation method on bequest: 유산세 방식
taxation method on legatee: 유산취득세 방식
taxation of beneficiaries: 수익자 과세
taxation of small business: 소기업 과세
taxation office concerned: 관할세무서
taxation on (an) income basis: 소득할 과세
taxation on aggregate (or combined) income: 종합과세
taxation on carry-out: 출고과세
taxation on enterprise: 기업과세
taxation on nominal taxpayer: 명의자 과세
taxation on per capita basis: 균등할 과세
taxation on retained earnings: 유보소득과세
taxation on retirement annuity: 퇴직년금과세
taxation on shipment: (소비세) 반출과세
taxation period: 과세기간
taxation upon the general-public: 대중과세
taxation upon total income: 종합과세
taxation 과세, 세무
시가총액 aggregate value of listed stocks
싯가총액 aggregate value of listed stock
외국인 전체 투자한도: Aggregate Ceiling on Foreign Investment
종합소득세 taxation on aggregate income, global income tax
총공급 aggregate supply
총공급: Aggregate Supply
총수요: Aggregate Demand
총액한도차입금: Aggregate Limitation on Borrowings
총잔액: Aggregate Outstanding
잔골재율: Fine Aggregate Ratio
순환골재: Recycled Aggregate
aggregate level 전체수준
1) 화폐 (통화량)
money (the money supply) = anything that is generally accepted in payments for goods and services or in the repayment of debts.
2) 인플레이션
inflation = a condition of a continually rising price level.
3) 물가수준
the aggregate price level = the average price of goods and services in an economy.
4) 물가상승률
the inflation rate = the rate of change of the price level, usually measured a percentage change per year.
5) 화폐이론
monetary theory = the theory that relates changes in the quantity of money to changes in economic activity and the price level.
6) 총생산
aggregate output = total production of goods and services
7) 실업률
the unemployment rate = the percentage of the available labor force unemployed.
8) 경기순환 (주기)
the business cycle = the upward and downward movement of aggregate output produced in the economy.
9) 경기침체
a recession = a period when aggregate output is declining, usually for two consecutive quarters or longer
10) 금리
interest rate = the cost of borrowing or the price paid for the rental of funds.
11) 예산적자 = the budget deficit
= the excess of government expenditures over tax revenues, a deficit that the government must finance by borrowing.
ex) In 1983, budget deficits peaked relative to the size of the economy, but have declined since then.
12) 은행 = bank
= a financial institution that accept deposits and make loans.
major functions of banks
ex) Banks provide a channel for linking those who want to save with those who want to invest.
ex) They play an important role in determining the quantity of money in the economy.
ex) They have been one source of the rap
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