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achromatic 〔`ækr∂m´ætik〕 색이 없는, 색을 없앤
[百] 색지움렌즈 (色─) achromatic lens
[百] 색지움프리즘 (色─) achromatic prism
[百] 무채색 (無彩色) achromatic color
achromatic 무색의
achromatic 색지움<의>
achromatic condition 색지움 조건
achromatic correction 색지움 보정
achromatic eye-piece 색지움 눈쪽렌즈,색지움 접안렌즈
achromatic lens 색지움 렌즈
achromatic prism 색지움 프리즘
무채색 achromatic color
mitosis (유사분열, 세포 분열상) a method of indirect division of a cell, consisting of a
complex of various processes, by means of which the two daughter nuclei normally
receive identical complements of the number of chromosomes characteristic of the
somatic cells of the species. Mitosis, the process by which the body grows and replaces
cells, is divided into four phases. 1. Prophase : formation of paired chromosomes;
disappearance of nuclear membrane; appearance of the achromatic spindle; formation of
polar bodies. 2. Metaphase : arrangement of chromosomes in the equatorial plane of the
central spindle to form the monaster. Chromosomes separate into exactly similar halves.
3. Anaphase : the two groups of daughter chromosomes separate and move along the
fibres of the central spindle, each toward one of the asters, forming the diaster. 4.
Telophase : the daughter chromosomes resolve themselves into a reticulum and the
daughter nuclei are formed; the cytoplasm divides, forming two complete daughter cells.
NOTE : the term mitosis is used interchangeably with cell division, but strictly speaking
it refers to nuclear division, whereas cytokinesis refers to division of the cytoplasm. In
some cells, as in many fungi and the fertilized eggs of many insects, nuclear division
occurs within the cell unaccompanied by division of the cytoplasm and formation of
daughter cells.
아크로매틱 렌즈(achromatic lens)
흑백신호(achromatic signal)
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