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예보가 제공하는 예금보험 대상 금융상품에는 은행·저축은행의 예금상품과 금융투자사의 투자자예탁금, 보험사의 책임준비금, 종합금융사의 종합자산관리계좌(CMA) 등이 포함된다.
Financial products subject to deposit insurance provided by the KDIC include deposit products from banks and savings banks, investor deposits from financial investment firms, liability reserves from insurance companies, and comprehensive asset management accounts of general financial firms.
LAT 제도개선으로 줄어든 책임준비금은 '재무건전성준비금'을 신설해 보완키로 하면서 보험사들이 한숨을 돌릴수 있게 됐다.
Responsibility reserves that have been reduced due to the improvement of the LAT system will be supplemented by the establishment of a "financial soundness reserve," allowing insurance companies to take a breath.
responsibility reserve: 책임준비금
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