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그동안 주택 연면적이 주택 외 부분의 연면적보다 크면, 겸용주택 전부를 주택으로 보고 1가구1주택 비과세 혜택을 줬다.
In the meantime, if the total floor area of the house is larger than the total floor area of the outside part of the house, the entire dual-use house is regarded as a single house and the one household one house tax exemption benefits were given.

건물은 연면적 약 47만㎡에 지하 7층∼지상 12층으로 사업 기간은 5년이 예상된다.
The building has a total floor area of about 470,000 square meters and has seven basement floors to 12 ground floors, expecting a five-year project.

해당 물류센터의 총 면적은 대지 2만3,350㎡, 연면적 1만 4,997㎡으로 북천안IC에 인접해 교통이 편리하다는 장점이 있다.
The total area of the logistics center in question is 23,350 square meters of land and 14,997 square meters of floor space, which has the advantage of convenient transportation as it is adjacent to Bukcheonan IC.

글로스퍼랩스가 인수한 리조트는 연간 100만명 이상이 즐겨 찾는 아침고요수목원에 인접한 리조트로 토지 7743㎡, 연면적 3139㎡ 규모다.
The resort acquired by Glosfer Labs is adjacent to the Garden of Morning Calm, which is frequented by more than 1 million people a year, with a land of 7,743㎡ and a floor area of 3,139㎡.

현재 상가 19동 2개 건물의 연면적과 비교하면 12배가 넘는다.
It is more than 12 times larger than the total floor area of two buildings in 19 shopping districts.

종로타워는 지하 6층, 지상 24층, 연면적 6만여㎡ 규모의 초대형 오피스 건물로 과거 삼성증권, 국세청 사옥 등으로 쓰이다가 2016년 이지스자산운용과 싱가포르계 투자사 알파인베스트먼트가 사들였다.
Jongno Tower is a mega-sized office building with six basement floors, 24 floors above ground and a floor area of around 60,000 square meters. It was used as the headquarters of Samsung Securities and the National Tax Service in the past, but it was purchased by IGIS Asset Management and Singapore-based investment firm Alpha Investment in 2016.

밸류맵이 2015∼2019년 거래된 서울의 업무상업시설을 전수조사한 결과 서울의 연면적 99∼300㎡ 규모 빌딩, 일명 '꼬마빌딩'의 3.3㎡당 가격은 2057만원에서 3980만원으로 올랐다.
According to the Value Map's survey of Seoul's business commercial facilities traded between 2015 and 2019, the price per 3.3 square meters of "Little Buildings" with a floor area of 99 to 300 square meters in Seoul rose from 20.57 million won to 39.8 million won.

국·시비 등 약 26억 원을 들여 광산구 하남동에 연면적 1046㎡ 2층 규모로 마련된 건물 1층에는 치매안심센터, 2층에는 모아모아행복센터가 운영된다.
In the two-story building with a total floor area of 1,046㎡ in Hanam-dong, Gwangsan-gu prepared by spending about KRW 2.6 billion including the national and municipal expenses, the Dementia Relief Center is operated on the first floor, and the Moamoa Happiness Center is on the second floor.

시는 국도비 11억원 등 30억원을 들여 2021년까지 신사우동 부지에 연면적 894㎡, 지상 2층 규모의 건강생활지원센터를 짓는다고 26일 밝혔다.
The city announced on the 26th that they would spend KRW three billion, including KRW 1.1 billion in state funds, to build a two-story health life support center with a floor area of 894㎡ on the site of Sinsa Wu-dong by 2021.

시에 따르면 올해부터 2022년까지 국비 등 80억원을 투입해 연면적 3000㎡ 지하 1층, 지상 3층 규모의 시립요양원을 조성한다.
According to the city, it will invest KRW 8 billion, including state funds, from this year to 2022 to create a municipal nursing home with a floor space of 3,000㎡ of 1 basement floor and 3 stories above ground.

불이 난 병원의 건물은 지하 2층∼지상 5층에 연면적 1만4814㎡ 규모다.
The building of the hospital, which caught fire, has a total floor area of 14,814㎡ on the 2nd basement floor to the 5th floor above the ground.

국비와 도·시비 등 총 7억원이 투입된 권선구 치매안심센터는 연면적 498㎡에 치매 검진·진료공간, 상담실, 가족 카페, 치매 예방·인지 강화 프로그램실 등을 갖췄다.
The Gwonseon-gu Dementia Safety Center, which cost a total of KRW 700 million including governmental, provincial and municipal expenses, has a total floor area of 498㎡, and has a dementia examination and treatment space, a counseling room, a family cafe, and a program room to prevent from dementia and enhance cognition.

검색결과는 12 건이고 총 24 라인의 자료가 출력되었습니다.    맨위로
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