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정부 관계자는 "소득을 포착하는 현실적 기준은 사회보장정보시스템과 국세청 과세소득 자료, 건보료 납부액 등이 있다"며 "이중 가장 최근 상황을 대변하고, 소득 기준 줄 세우기가 제대로 되는 것은 건보료 납부액밖에 없다"고 말했다.
A government official said, "The realistic criteria for capturing income include the social security information system, tax income data from the National Tax Service, and the amount of health insurance payments," adding, "The most recent situation represents the situation, and the only thing that is properly lined up by the income is the amount of health insurance payments."

건보료가 부과되는 소득은 '세금이 매겨지는 주택임대소득'으로 임대사업자 등록 여부와 공제율 등에 따라 개인별로 과세소득 액수가 달라진다.
The income charged with health insurance is "taxed housing rental income," and the amount of taxable income varies for each individual depending on whether the rental business is registered and the deduction rate.

alternative minimum taxable income(AMTI) 최저세 과세소득

adjustment account: 수정계정
adjustment at term-end: 기말정리
adjustment data: 수정자료
adjustment entry: 정리기입, 수정분개
adjustment for taxable income: 세무조정, 신고조정
adjustment in setting accounts 결산조정
adjustment in settling accounts: 결산조정
adjustment of accounts: 장부정리
adjustment of business income: 기업이익의 조정
adjustment of capital: 자본수정
adjustment of tax accounting and financial accounting: 세무회계와 기업회계의 조정
adjustment tariff rate system 조정관세제도
adjustment to basis: 취득가액의 조정
adjustment to surplus: 잉여금 수정
adjustment: 수정, 수정사항, 정산
adjustments to taxable income: 과세소득의 조정

alternative contract: 선택계약
alternative cost: 대체원가
alternative depreciation system(ADS) 대체상각법
alternative duties: (관세)선택세
alternative methods: 대안
alternative minimum tax (AMT) 대체(선택)최저한세
alternative minimum taxable income(AMTI) 최저세 과세소득
alternative obligation: 선택채무
alternative relief: 선택적 경감규정
alternative remedy: 선택적구제
alternative solution: 대안

assess (tax, levy, impose): 부과하다
assess one`s income: 소득을 추정하다
assessable income: 과세소득
assessable stock: 추가불입 가능한 주식
assessed amount: 사정액
assessed income: 사정 소득액
assessed tax: 부과된 세금
assessed value: 사정가격, 과세가격
assessing organ: 사정기관

calculation of limitation on entertainments: 접대비 한도액 계산
calculation of taxable income: 과세소득의 계산
calculation period: 계산기간
calculation, computation: 계산

scope of assessment: 과세범위
scope of audit: 감사범위
scope of business: 사업의 범위
scope of donation: 기부금의 범위
scope of examination 조사범위
scope of relatives: 친족의 범위
scope of tax exemption: 비과세의 범위
scope of taxable income: 과세소득의 범위

taxability: 과세해당 여부
taxable capacity: 부담능력, 담세력
taxable commodities: 과세물품
taxable document for stamp tax: 인지세 과세문서
taxable exchange 과세대상 교환거래
taxable gain 과세소득
taxable goods, taxable items: 과세물품
taxable income computation: 과세소득 계산
taxable income 과세표준(과세소득)
taxable income: 과세의 대상되는 소득
taxable items: 과세물품(課稅物品)
taxable object: 과세대상
taxable oil: 과세유류
taxable operations: 과세사업
taxable portion: 과세되는 부분
taxable profit: 과세(대상)이익
taxable property: 과세재산
taxable revenues: 익금(益金)
taxable transactions: 과세거래
taxable unit: 과세단위
taxable value: 과세가격
taxable year: 과세연도
taxable: 과세(課稅)되는

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