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dilate 〔dail´eit〕 넓게 펴다, 팽창시키다, 확장시키다, 부연하다, 상세히 말하다, 부여하다

dilate 넓히다,부연하다 ,넓어지다

dilate 팽창시키다. (V. expand)
In the dark, the pupils of your eyes dilate.

In the dark, the pupils of your eyes dilate.
어둠 속에서 눈동자는 커진다.

No doubt he knows a great deal about ecology,but is there any need for him to dilate at such length on threats to the environment?
물론 생태학에 관해서 아주 많이 알고 있짐나 그렇다고 그가 환경 위협에 관해서 그렇게 자세히 설명할 필요가 있을까?

dilate 펼치다, 팽창시키다

dilated 퍼진,거진

- Are you the surgeon? - Yeah.
- 외과 소속이예요? - 그런데요
- We've got a rape victim. - Better get in there.
강간 피해자예요 빨리 들어가 보세요
25-year-old female found down at the park. Status -- post trauma.
25세 여성, 공원에서 발견됐습니다 외상이 있고
She came in with a gcs of six. B.P. -- 80 over 60.
GCS 6상태로 왔고 혈압은 80에 60 (Glasgow Coma Scale :환자 의식상태 표현 수치)
Exam is significant for blunt head trauma.
머리에 둔탁한 흉기로 맞은 걸로 보이고
Unequal breath sounds, right pupil is dilated, and she's ready for x-ray.
호흡상태는 고르지 않고 오른쪽 동공은 확대된 상태입니다
엑스레이 준비는 마쳤습니다
Ready to roll?

Unidentified John Doe, mid-30s pedestrian, hit by a motorist swerving to avoid a bike.
신원 미상의 30대 중반 행인입니다 자전거를 피하려던 오토바이에 부딪혔죠
G.C.S. 3.
GCS는 3이고요
Pupils fixed and dilated.
동공은 열려진 상태로 고정되어있습니다
Atropine given for a pulse in the 40s.
맥박유지를 위해 아트로핀이 투여되었고
B.P. 183 over 112.
Pulse-ox 98%.
혈압은 112에서 183 산소포화도는 98%입니다
Chest showed widened mediastinum and head C.T. revealed cerebral edema.
흉부에서 확대된 종격이 보이고 두부 CT 결과, 대뇌부종이 나타났습니다
He's gotten 70 of mannitol, dexamethasone 10, and a gram of phenytoin.
만니톨 70g이 이미 투입되었고, 덱사메타손 10g, 페니토인 1g이 투여되었습니다
Get him to the O.R.?
수술실로 데려갈까요?
- Is he gorked? - Looks like.
- 의식 불명인가? - 그렇게 보이는데

cervix (경부) a term denoting the front portion of the collum, or neck (the part
connecting the head and trunk), or a constricted part of an organ (e.g. cervix uteri). c.
of axon, a constricted part of an axon, before the myelin sheath is added. c. columnae
posterioris medullae spinalis NA alternative for c. cornus dorsalis medullae spinalis. c.
cornus dorsalis medullae spinalis (NA), neck of dorsal horn of spinal cord : the
constricted portion of the dorsal horn, or column, of grey matter in the spinal cord
between the base of the horn and the head; called also c. cornus posterioris medullae
spinalis (NA alternative) and neck of posterior horn of spinal cord. c. dentis, (NA), the
slightly constricted region of union of the crown and the root or roots of a tooth; called
also collum dentis, dental neck, and neck of tooth. c. glandis, collum glandis penis.
incompetent c., one that is abnormally prone to dilate in the second trimester of
pregnancy, resulting in premature expulsion of the fetus (middle trimester abortion). c.
mallei, collum mallei. tapiroid c., a uterine cervix with a peculiarly elongated anterior lip.
c. uteri, neck of uterus : the lower and narrow end of the uterus, between the isthmus
and the ostium uteri.

s a three-chambered heart because of tricuspid atresia, the
right ventricle being extremely small or rudimentary and the right atrium greatly dilated.
Blood passes from the right to the left atrium and thence disease due to pulmonary
hypertension secondary to disease of the lung, or its blood vessels, with hypertrophy of
the right ventricle.

cyst dilated vessel (

telangiectatic dilated vessel (모세혈관 확장성 혈관)

I42 심근병증(Cardiomyopathy)
제외 : 임신과 합병된 심근병증(cardiomyopathy complicating pregnancy)(O99.4)
산욕과 합병된 심근병증(cardiomyopathy complicating in the puerperium)(O90.3)
허혈성 심근병증(ischaemic cardiomyopathy) (I25.5)
I42.0 확장성 심근병증(Dilated cardiomyopathy)
I42.1 폐쇄성 비대성 심근병증(Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy)
비대성 대동맥하 협착증(Hypertrophic subaortic stenosis)
I42.2 기타 비대성 심근병증(Other hypertrophic cardiomyopathy)
비폐쇄성 비대성 심근병증(Nonobstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy)
I42.3 심내막심근 (호산구성) 질환(Endomyocardial(eosinophilic) disease)
심내막심근 (열대성) 섬유증(Endomyocardial(tropical) fibrosis)
뢰플러 심내막염(Loffler's endocarditis)
I42.4 심내막 섬유탄성증(Endocardial fibroelastosis)
선천성 심근병증(Congenital cardiomyopathy)
I42.5 기타 제한성 심근병증(Other restrictive cardiomyopathy)
I42.6 알콜성 심근병증(Alcoholic cardiomyopathy)
I42.7 약물 및 기타 외부작인에 의한 심근병증(Cardiomyopathy due to drugs and other external agents)
원인감별을 원한다면 추가로 외인분류번호(XX장)를 사용할 것.
I42.8 기타 심근병증(Other cardiomyopathies)
I42.9 상세불명의 심근병증(Cardiomyopathy, unspecified)
심근병증(Cardiomyopathy) (원발성, primary) (속발성, secondary) NOS

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