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vocational disease 직업병
vocational education 직업 교육
vocational guidance 직업 지도(보도)
vocational 직업(상)의, 직업 보도의
vocational training 직업훈련, 직업교육
She studied welding at a vocational school, but when she applied for a job with
an aluminium company, she was greeted with the predictable "Are you serious?"
look. She talked her way into a job, for which she had to commute 110 miles a day.
그녀는 직업학교에서 용접을 공부했으나, 알루미늄 회사에 일자리를
얻으려고 지원했을적에 예상대로 "당신 그게 정말이요?"하는 눈초리로 사람들은
그녀를 맞이했다. 그녀는 설득을 통해서 일자리를 하나 얻었는데, 그 직장
때문에 그녀는 하루에 110마일을 통근해야 했다.
[百] 직업적성 (職業適性) vocational aptitude
[百] 직업지도 (職業指導) vocational guidance
[百] 실업교육 (實業敎育) vocational and technical education
[百] 국제기능올림픽대회 (國際技能─大會) International Vocational Training Competition
[百] 한국직업능력개발원 (韓國職業能力開發院) Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training
[百] 광양실업고등학교 (光陽實業高等學校) Gwangyang Vocational High School
[百] 장흥실업고등학교 (長興實業高等學校) Jangheung Vocational High School
[百] 진도실업고등학교 (珍島實業高等學校) Jindo Vocational High School
[百] 화순실업고등학교 (和順實業高等學校) Hwasun Vocational High School
[百] 성동여자실업고등학교 (城東女子實業高等學校) Seongdong Girls’ Vocational High School
[百] 신경여자실업고등학교 (新京女子實業高等學校) Shinkyung Girls' Vocational High School
[百] 장성실업고등학교 (長城實業高等學校) Changsung Vocational High School
[百] 영광실업고등학교 (靈光實業高等學校) Yeongkwang Vocational High School
[百] 보성실업고등학교 (寶城實業高等學校) Bosung Vocational High School
[百] 춘천실업고등학교 (春川實業高等學校) Chuncheon Vocational High School
[百d] 직업교육 [ 職業敎育, vocational education ]
[百d] 국제기능올림픽대회 [ 國際技能 ─ 大會, International Vocational Training Competition ]
vocational 직업의
특성화 고등학교
Technical and vocational secondary education
기타 특성화 고등학교
Other technical and vocational secondary education
Junior technical and vocational colleges
직업재활원 운영업
Vocational rehabilitation facilities
교육및연구기관 Educational and research structures
학교 Schools
공예학교 Polytechnic
직업대학 Vocational college
강의실 Lecture theater
도서관 Library
어학실습실 Language laboratory
실험실 Laboratory building
기상측후소 Meteorological stations
연구시설. Research or testing facilities
인쇄출판물 Printed publications
도표,지도 또는 지도책 Charts or maps or atlases
인명부 Directories
카탈로그 Catalogs
신문 Newspapers
만화책 Comic books
잡지 Magazines
아동용그림책또는색칠공부책 Picture or drawing or coloring books for children
교육용 또는 직업용도서 Educational or vocational textbooks
영화필름영상물 Motion pictures on celluloid
비디오테이프영상물 Motion pictures on video tape
음악 테이프 또는 음악 CD Music on tape or compact disc
전자교육용또는실무용교재 Electronic educational or vocational texts
DVD영상물 Motion pictures on digital video disk DVD
직업교육시설및설비 Vocational classroom furnishings and fixtures
기술교육도구캐비넷또는연장캐비넷 Technical education tool storage cabinets or cabinets with tools
상점용도구캐비넷또는연장캐비넷 General shop tool storage cabinets or cabinets with tools
목공작업도구보관함또는연장캐비넷 Woodworking tool storage cabinets or cabinets with tools
강사용책상 Instructors technical desk
평면파일 Flat files
직업교육교재및자료 Vocational teaching aids and materials
자동차 교육 교재 또는 자료 Automotive teaching aids or materials
건축교육교재또는자료 Construction teaching aids or materials
제도또는디자인교육교재또는자료 Drafting or design teaching aids or materials
전자 또는 전기 교육 교재 또는 자료 Electronics or electricity teaching aids or materials
그래픽아트또는사진술교육교재또는자료 Graphic arts or photography teaching aids or materials
원예학교육교재또는자료 Horticulture teaching aids or materials
제조교육교재또는자료 Manufacturing teaching aids or materials
안전 또는 유해 물질 교육 교재 또는 자료 Safety or hazardous teaching aids or materials
용접 교육 교재 또는 자료 Welding teaching aids or materials
직업훈련 Vocational training
농업,임업및기타천연자원직업훈련 서비스 Agriculture and forestry and other natural resources training services
농업관련산업직업훈련 Agro industry vocational training
낙농산업직업훈련 Dairy industry vocational training
축산관련산업직업훈련 Meat industry vocational training
농업직업훈련 서비스 Agriculture vocational training services
벽지청년또는농부직업훈련 서비스 Rural youth or farmers vocational training services
임업직업훈련 서비스 Forestry vocational training services
어업직업훈련 서비스 Fishery vocational training services
환경관련직업훈련 서비스 Environmental vocational training services
천연자원관련직업훈련 서비스 Natural resources vocational training services
과학분야직업훈련 서비스 Scientific vocational training services
컴퓨터직업훈련 서비스 Computer vocational training services
에너지관련직업훈련 서비스 Energy related vocational training services
화학관련직업훈련 서비스 Chemistry vocational training services
생물학관련직업훈련 서비스 Biology vocational training services
의료관련직업훈련 서비스 Medical vocational training services
전자관련직업훈련 서비스 Electronics vocational training services
통신관련직업훈련 서비스 Telecommunications vocational training services
수리학관련직업훈련 서비스 Hydraulics vocational training services
산업관련직업훈련 서비스 Industrial vocational training services
엔지니어링관련직업훈련 서비스 Engineering vocational training services
비과학직업훈련 서비스 Non scientific vocational training services
커뮤니케이션관련직무교육 서비스 Communications vocational training services
여행관련직업훈련 Tourism related training
도서관또는서류관련직업훈련 Library or documentation training
조달또는공급사슬훈련 Procurement or supply chain training
서기직훈련 Clerical training
건강보조직업훈련 서비스 Health assistance vocational training services
개인의료직업훈련 서비스 Personal care vocational training services
문자해득력 서비스 Literacy services
안전훈련 서비스 Safety training services
교사훈련 서비스 Teacher training services
소방훈련 서비스 Fire fighting training services
수세공직업훈련 서비스 Handcrafts vocational training services
법률관련직업훈련 서비스 Law vocational training services
법집행직업훈련 서비스 Law enforcement vocational training services
도로또는철도운송직업훈련 서비스 Road or rail transportation vocational training services
해운직업훈련 서비스 Shipping vocational training services
서비스분야직업훈련및인적자원개발 In service training and manpower development
은행또는금융분야인적자원개발 Bank or finance sector manpower development
재교육훈련 서비스 Re training or refreshing training services
직업재활 서비스 Vocational rehabilitation services
상업분야인적자원개발 Commercial sector manpower development
공업분야인적자원개발 Industrial sector manpower development
건강분야인적자원개발 Health sector manpower development
경영분야인적자원개발 Management sector manpower development
공공분야인적자원개발 서비스 Public sector manpower development services
무역분야직업훈련 서비스 Merchant marine vocational training services
이어 "특성화고 졸업생의 취업률이 최근 들어 큰 폭으로 감소하고 있다"며 "산업기능요원 규모 축소 시 고졸취업률이 더 떨어지는 등 직업 교육 현장에도 혼란이 발생할 수 있다"고 노 위원은 우려했다.
A member Roh was afraid, "The employment rate of graduates of specialized high schools has been decreasing significantly in recent years," and added, "If the size of industrial functional personnel is reduced, the employment rate of high school graduates will fall further, which could confuse vocational education sites."
휴관 권고대상은 지역아동센터, 다함께 돌봄, 노인복지관, 경로당, 치매안심센터, 노인주야간보호기관, 장애인복지관, 장애인주간보호시설, 장애인직업재활시설, 노인일자리, 장애인일자리, 자활사업, 정신재활시설, 사회복지관, 노숙인 이용시설 중 종합지원센터 15곳이다.
The 15 broad-based assistance centers recommended places targeted for closing include local children's centers, care for the elderly, elderly welfare centers, senior citizens' party, dementia relief centers, day and night care centers for the elderly, welfare centers for the disabled, daycare facilities for the disabled, vocational rehabilitation facilities for the disabled, jobs for the elderly, jobs for the disabled, self-support programs, mental rehabilitation facilities, social welfare centers, and homeless shelters.
취업자들의 학력은 고졸이 전문대졸·대졸보다 많았지만, 고학력 여성의 비중이 점차 높아졌다.
According to the academic background of employed people, the number of high school graduates was higher than that of vocational college graduates and college graduates, but the proportion of highly educated women g
식약처는 관리를 신청한 마약 중독자를 대상으로 상담이나 생활훈련, 병원치료 의뢰, 직업훈련 연계 등의 사례관리 사업을 작년 1월부터 하고 있다.
Since January of last year, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety has conducted case management projects for drug addicts who have requested management, such as counseling, life training, hospital treatment requests, and vocational training connection.
사회기술훈련은 증상관리, 약물치료관리, 대화기술, 스트레스 관리, 여가활용, 직업교육 등 일상생활에 필요한 기술을 향상하는 치료법이다.
Social skills training is a treatment that improves skills necessary for daily life such as symptom management, drug treatment management, conversation skills, stress management, leisure use, and vocational education.
앞서 구는 이번 지원을 위해 관내 직능단체 회원들을 중심으로 희망자를 모집했다.
Earlier, the district recruited applicants for the support, focusing on members of vocational organizations in the district.
대학생, 주부, 간호사, 현직공무원, 사회복지사 등 여러 직업군이 참여하고 있어, 질병 관련 현장의 목소리를 생생하게 들려 줄 것으로 기대된다고 설명했다.
He explained that various vocational groups, including college students, housewives, nurses, incumbent government officials, and social workers, are participating, which is expected to vividly voice the voices of disease-related sites.
기혼여성의 직업가치가 직업선택에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Vocational Choice for Vacational Value of the Married Women
대학생의 직업상담요구도 및 접근방법 분석
The Degree of Need for Vocational Counseling & Access Method of University Student
사이버직업상담 사례에 나타난 여성의 진로형태에 따른 호소유형 분석
Wants Type Analysis according to women's Career type shown in Cases of Cyber Vocational Counseling
전문계 고등학교 직업교육 활성화 방안에 관한 연구
A Study on Reinvigoration of Vocational Education in Specialty High Schools
전문계 고등학교 학생들을 위한 자기주도 학습모형에 대한 연구
A Study on Self-Directed Learning Model for Vocational High School Students
전문계 고등학생들의 직업가치관 및 직업선택에 관한 연구
A Study on Vocational Value and Choice of Occupation of the Specialty High School Students
수·해운계열 고등학교 전문교과의 해양관련 내용보완을 위한 연구
The Study for the Complement of Oceanic Contents in Vocational Subjects of Fish and Marine High School
전문계 고등학교 디자인학과의 직업교육에 관한 연구
A Study on Vocational Education in the Department of Design of Specialized High Schools
전문계 고등학생들을 위한 어휘지도 방법에 대한 연구
A Study on Vocabulary Teaching for Vocational High School Students
고령인력을 위한 직업교육훈련 프로그램에 대한 요구분석
The Needs Analysis of Vocational Training Program for the Aged People
직업재활시설장의 기업가정신이 경영성과수준에 미치는 영향 연구
A Study on the Effect of the Entrepreneurship of the CEO on Business Performance in Vocational Rehabilitation Facilities
혈액투석 환자의 사회적 지지와 직업재활 욕구에 관한 연구
A Study on the Correlation between perceived Social Support and the Vocational Rehabilitation Needs of Hemodialysis Patients
외국의 사례와 비교한 우리나라 공공직업훈련의 문제점 분석
Analysis of the public vocational training problem compare to the foreign country
의사소통훈련이 전문대학생의 대인관계 및 자아존중감에 미치는 효과
The Effects of a Communication Training Program on Interpersonal Relations and Self-esteem of Vocational College Students
고등학교 특수학급교사의 직업 교육과정에 대한 중요도 인식과 실행도 분석
(The) Analysis of salience recognition and practice on the vocational education curriculum of the high school special education class teacher
대학수학능력시험 직업탐구영역의 공업계고등학교 관련 교과 문항 분석
Analysis of questions for the technical High school related with major subjects in vocational inquiry section
전문계 고등학교 학생들의 직업 및 진로의식에 관한 조사연구 : 전라남도를 중심으로
(A) Study on vocational high school students' career and job awareness
전문계고교 산학협력프로그램 운영 사례연구 : 경남 거제공업고
(A) Case study on school-to-work career program in vocational high schools : Gyeong-nam Geoje technical high school
Z50 재활처치와 관련된 의료(Care involving use of rehabilitation procedures)
Z50.0 심장 재활(Cardiac rehabilitation)
Z50.1 기타 물리 요법(Other physical therapy)
치료 운동(Therapeutic and remedial exercises)
Z50.2 알콜 재활(Alcohol rehabilitation)
Z50.3 약물 재활(Drug rehabilitation)
Z50.4 달리 분류되지 않은 정신요법(Phychotherapy, NEC)
Z50.5 언어 치료(Speech therapy)
Z50.6 시능 훈련(Orthoptic training)
Z50.7 달리 분류되지 않은 직업적 치료 및 직업적 재활(Occupational therapy and vocational rehabilitation,
Z50.8 기타 재활처치와 관련된 의료(Care involving use of other rehabilitation procedures)
담배 재활(Tobacco rehabilitation)
일상생활에서의 활동성 훈련(Training in activities of daily living)[ADL] NEC
Z50.9 상세불명의 재활조치관 관련된 의료(Care involving use of rehabilitation procedure, unspecified)
재활(Rehabilitation) NOS
perks 뜻밖의 재화나 보수등....
vocational high school 실업고등학교
IVTC International Vocational Training Competition 국제기능올림픽
직업교육훈련촉진법 : Vocational Education and Training Promotion Act
직업교육훈련촉진법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Vocational Education and Training Promotion Act
장애인고용촉진및직업재활법 : Employment promotion and Vocational Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons Act
근로자직업훈련촉진법 : Vocational Training Promotion Act
IVTC International Vocational Training Competition 국제기능올림픽
vocational guide: 직업 안내
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