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outwards 〔´autw∂rdz〕 =OUTWARD
outward 〔´autw∂rd〕 밖으로 향하는, 바깥쪽의, 육체의, the ~ eye 육안, the ~ man 육체
outward 〔´autw∂rd〕 바깥쪽에, ~ly ad, 바깥 쪽으로= OUTWARD
appearance : outward qualities, look 겉모양.
trappings : an outward sign 장식, 치장
outward 바깥쪽의, 외면의, 외부의
trappings 악세사리; 장식 (outward decorations; ornaments)
He loved the trappings of success: the limousines, the stock options, the
company jet.
Roughly speaking, it will be found that a quiet life is characteristic of great men, and that their pleasures have not been of the sort that would look exciting to the outward eye.
대체로 말년의 조용한 삶은 위대한 사람들에게 특유한 것이고, 그들의 재밋거리는 남의 눈에 보이기에 신나 보이는 그런 종류의 것은 아니었다는 것이 확인될 것이다.
Darwin, after going round the world, spent the whole of the rest of his life in his
own house. Marx, after stirring up a few revolutions, decided to spend the remainder
of his days in the British Museum. Altogether it will be found that a quiet life is
characteristic of great men and that their pleasures have not been of the sort that would
look exciting to the outward eye.
다윈은, 세계를 한 바퀴 돈 뒤에, 자신의 여생 전부를 자기 집에서
보냈다. 막스는, 몇몇 혁명을 불러 일으킨 뒤에, 자신의 여생을
대영박물관에서 보내기로 작정했다. 대체로 조용하게 살아가는 것이 위대한
사람들의 특징이며, 이들의 즐거움은 외향적인 눈으로 보아 신나게 보일
그런 종류에 속하는 것이 아니었다는 것을 알 수 있을 것이다.
*bulge 부풀다; 늘어나다 swell or curve outwards:
점점 늘어나는 예금액
a bulging banking account (=with a lot of money in it)
[百] 겉사람 outward man
[百] 당발환 (當發換) outward exchange
[百] 아웃워드 린 Outward lean
[百] 아웃워드 스키드 Outward skid
[百] 엎은손날바깥치기 reversed hand knife outward strike
[百] 몸통바깥막기 trunk outward block
outward 외관의
outward-bound 외국행의,해외로향하여
outward-bounder 외국항로선,외항선
outwards 밖으로,외견상은
There are two basic types of glaciers, those that flow outward in all
directions with little regard for any underlying terrain and those that
are confined by terrain to a particular path.
빙하는 근본적으로 두 종류가 있는데, (1) 밑에 깔려있는 어떤 지형이든 별로
관계없이 모든 방향으로 밖으로 흐르는 것과 (2) 지형에 의해서 특정한
경로에 국한되는 것 등이다.
The second category of glaciers includes those of a variety of shapes
and sizes generally called mountain or alpine glaciers. Mountain
glaciers are typically identified by the landform that controls their
flow. One form of mountain glacier that resembles an ice cap in that it
flows outward in several directions is called an ice field. The
difference between an ice field and an ice cap is subtle. Essentially,
the flow of an ice field is somewhat controlled by surrounding terrain
and thus does not have the domelike shape of a cap. There are several
ice fields in the Wrangell, St. Elias, and Chugach mountains of Alaska
and northern British Columbia.
두 번째 범주의 빙하는 일반적으로 산악빙하 (mountain glacier 또는 alpine
glacier)라고 불리는 다양한 형태와 사이즈를 가진 것들을 포함한다.
산악빙하는 전형적으로, 그들의 흐름을 컨트롤하는 지형에 의해서 구분된다.
그것이 여러 방향으로 밖으로 흐른다는 점에 있어서 ice cap 과 닮은, 한
가지 형태의 산악빙하는 ice field 라고 불린다. ice field 와 ice cap 의
차이는 미묘하다. 근본적으로 ice field 의 흐름은 둘러싼 지형에 의해서
어느 정도 컨트롤되고, 따라서 ice cap 의 반구형 모양을 가지지 않는다.
알래스카의 Wrangell 산맥, St. Elias 산맥, Chugach 산맥과 북부 British
Columbia 에 여러 개의 ice field 가 있다.
Not if you're being chased.
만약 쫓기지 않았다면 말이지
Look at the foot patterns leading up to the body.
시체를 향해 있는 발자국의 패턴을 봐
See the strides.
보폭을 보면
This kid was running.
이 아이는 달리고 있었어
See the left food impression? It's straight. That's normal.
왼발자국 보이지? 똑바로 가고 있어. 일반적이지
But look at the right foot.
그런데 오른발자국을 보면
Impression is turned outward
바깥으로 돌아가 있어
almost 90 degrees.
거의 90도야
He was looking over his shoulder when he was running.
달리는 동안 계속 뒤를 돌아봤겠군요
Think there was somebody else here?
다른 누군가 여기 있었던 걸까요?
Based on the prints, it's hard to tell.
이 발자국을 근거로 그렇게 생각하기는 힘들지
outward unit normal 외향단위법선
간헐외사시는 평소에는 괜찮다가 피곤하거나 먼 곳을 볼 때, 멍한 상태일 때 눈동자가 바깥쪽으로 돌아간다.
Intermittent exotropia is usually okay, but when you are tired, looking far away, or dazing, your eyes turn outward.
오다리의 대표적인 치료법에는 무릎 안쪽 연골에 실리는 부담을 바깥쪽으로 분산시키는 '휜 다리 교정절골술'이 있다.
The most common treatment of bow legs called oedari is osteotomy for their correction, which distributes the burden on the cartilages inside knees outward.
무증상 뇌경색은 뇌의 소(小)혈관이 국소적으로 막혀 뇌가 지름 0.3∼1.5㎝ 정도 괴사했지만 중요한 운동신경 부위가 아니어서 증상을 느끼지 못하고 넘어가는 뇌경색을 일컫는다.
Asymptomatic cerebral infarction refers to a stroke in which small blood vessels in the brain are locally blocked, causing necrosis of the brain by 0.3 to 1.5 cm in diameter, which is not an important motor nerve area though, and it does not have any outward symptoms and just passes before the patient is aware that they had it.
직접 외부 호출 방식 Direct Outward Dialing, DOD
outward (외측)
outward toward the skin (피부 외측으로)
placenta : an organ characteristic of true mammals during pregnancy, joining mother and
offspring, providing endocrine secretion and selective exchange of soluble, but not
particulate, blood-borne substances through an apposition of uterine and trophoblastic
vascularized parts. According to species, the area of vascular apposition may be diffuse,
cotyledonary, zonary or discoid; the nature of apposition may be labyrinthine or villous;
the intimacy of apposition may vary according to what layers are lost of those
originally interposed between maternal and fetal blood (maternal endothelium, uterine
connective tissue, uterine epithelium, chorion, extraembryonic mesoderm, and endothelium
of villous capillary). The chorion may be joined by and receive blood vessels from either
the yolk sac or the allantois, and the uterine lining may be largely shed with the
chorion at birth (deciduate) or may separate from the chorion and remain (nondeciduate).
The human placenta is discoid, villous, haemochorial, chorioallantoic, and deciduate. After
birth, it weighs about 600 gm. and is about 16 cm. in diameter and 2 cm. thick,
discounting a principal functional part, the maternal blood in the intervillous space
(which leaks out at birth) into which the chorionic villi dip. The villi are grouped into
adjoining cotyledons making about 20 velvety bumps on the side of the placenta facing
outward to the uterus; the inner side of the placenta facing the fetus is smooth, being
covered with amnion, a thin avascular layer that continues past the edges of the
placenta to line the entire hollow sphere of chorion except where it is reflected to cover
the umbilical cord, which joins fetus and placenta. The cord usually joins the placenta
near the centre but may insert at the edge, on the nonplacental chorion, or on an
accessory placenta.
freight and cartage outward: 발송운임
freight and cartage: 차량 및 짐수레운반비
freight earnings: 화물수입, 운임수익
freight expenses: 운송비
freight inward: 매입운임
freight outward: 판매운임
freight pro rata (itineris): 비율배분운송비
freight rates: 화물운임, 임율
freight receipts: 운임수입
freight tariff: 화물운임
freight to collect: 미수운임
freight-in and other expenses: 매입운임 및 그 외의 제비용
freight-in: 매입운임
freight-out: 판매운임
freight: 운임
freightage: 운임, 운송화물
invoice method 세액공제법
invoice price 청구가격
invoice price: 청구서 가격
invoice register: 송장 기입장, 청구서 기입장
invoice-book inwards: 상품매입장
invoice-book outward: 상품매출장, 상품송장
invoice: 납품서, 송장
merchandise a/c: 상품계정
merchandise available for sale: 판매가능상품
merchandise book: 상품판매장
merchandise cost: 상품원가
merchandise expense method: 구입상품 비용법
merchandise in transit: 미착상품
merchandise inventory: (판매하려고 구입한) 상품재고(미국)
merchandise ledger: 상품원장
merchandise outward on consignment: 적송품
merchandise procurement cost: 상품조달원가
merchandise receivables ratio: 상품수취 계정비율
merchandise resources: 매입선
merchandise turnover ratio: 상품회전율
merchandise turnover: 상품회전율
merchandise: 상품
outward investment: 대외투자
returns book inward: 환입품 기입장
returns book outward: 환출품 기입장
당발추심: Outward Collection
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