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abhorrence 〔∂bh´o:r∂ns〕 혐오, 아주 싫은 것, 싫은(to me), 몹시 싫은(OF IT), 서로 용납치(맞지)않는(TO, FROM)

cop 〔kap〕 순경(policeman), (범인을)잡다, 포박하다, 훔치다, (~it로)야단맞다, 벌을 받다, (보통 a fair ~로)보기좋게 잡힘

D.I.Y. do.it.yourself

dammit 〔d´æmit〕 =DAMN it

do-it-yourselfer 〔d`u:it∫∂rs´elf∂r〕 손수 만드는 사람

do-it-yourself 〔d´u:itj∂rs´elf〕 손수하는, 자작의

Gr, Br(it) Great Britain

Greek 그리스의, 그리스 사람(어)의, 사기꾼 It is ~ to me 도무지 알 수 없다

height 〔hait〕 높이, 고도, 고지, 둔덕, 절정, 극치, 한창, 하늘 at its ~ ...의 절정에, ...이 한창이어서, in the ~ 한에

it girl (thr)섹시한(매력적인)여자

IT&T International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation(미)국제전화 전신회사

it'd 〔´it∂d〕 (구)it had(would)의 단축형

it'll 〔´itl〕 (구)it will의 단축형

it's 〔its〕 (구)it is, it has의단축형

It.Ital. Italian, Italy

itself pron, 그것 자체, 바로 그것, (it의 재귀형)그 자체를(에), 평소의 그것, 정상적인 그것

its pron, (it의 소유격)그것의

it 〔it〕 (술래잡기의)술래, (구)극치, 지상, 이상, 중요인물, 제1인자, (속)성적매력(sex appeal), 이탈리아산 베르무트

laughing 〔l´æfiŋ〕 웃는, 기쁜듯한, 우스운, 웃을(It is no ~ matter)

leg 걷다, 달리다, ~ it 걷다, 달리다

level 〔l´ev∂l〕 수평(면), 평지, 높이, 수준, find one's(its)~ 실력에 맞는 지위를 얻다, on a ~ with ...과 동등하게, on the ~ 공정한

lively 〔l´aivli〕 활발(쾌활)하게, make it ~ for ...을 곤란케 하다

long 오랫동안, 하기 휴가, 장모음, before(ere)~ 머지 않아, for ~ 오랫동안, The ~ and the short of it is that ... 간단히 말하자면, 결국은

luck 〔l∧k〕 행운, 운, as ~ would have it 다행히, 불행히도, bad(ill)~ 불행, 불운, Bad ~ to ...에게 천벌이 있기를! down on one's ~ = UNLUCKY

Madonna 〔m∂d´an∂b〕 (It= mylady) 성모 마리아, 그 (초)상

make 〔meik〕 눈으로 확인하다(~ land 육지가 보이다), ...이 보이는데 까지 가다, 도착하다(The ship made port 배는 입항했다), (구) 시간에 대다(I've made it! 댔다!), 말하다

make 〔meik〕 ~(a thing) form ...을 재료로 하여 물건을 만들다, ~ it (미구)잘해내다, 성공하다, 시간을 대다, (미속) 성교하다, ~ it up with ...와 화해하다, ~ off 급히 떠나다

manage 〔m´ænidз〕 (He ~ d to make a mess of it, 엉망으로 만들어 버렸다), ... 처리하다, 헤쳐나가다

matter 중요(중대)하다, (상처 따위가)곪다, Itdoes not ~ (if...) (...이라도) 괜찮다, What does it ~ ? 상관 없지 않은가

occur 〔∂k´∂:r〕 일어나다, 나타나다, 존재하다, It ~red to me that... ...라는 생각이 머리에 떠올랐다

overdo 〔d´u:〕 과장하다, 너무쓰다, 과로케하다, 너무 삶다, ~ it 지나치게 하다, ~ oneself(one's strength)무리를 하다

say 〔sei〕 말하다, 외다, 암송하다, 이를테면, 글쎄, 잠깐, 할 말, 주장, 발언의 차례(기회), 발언권, (최종)결정권, (주장)을 말하다, 발언하다, hear ~ 소문에 듣다, It goes without ~ ing (that), ...은 말할 것도 없다

sculpserunt 〔sk∧lps´i∂r∧nt〕 (L =ther sculptured (it))~이 이것을 새기다

sermonize 〔s´∂rm∂n`aiz〕 설교하다, 잔소리(훈계)하다:~it설교하다

shoulda shall의 과거, ...일 것이다, If I ~ fail 만일 실패한다면, If he should do it, I ~ be angry, 만약 그가 그런 일을 한다면 나는 성낼걸세, 당연히 , ... 해야 한다(You ~do it at once)

six 6의, at ~ es and sevens 혼란하여, 불일치하여, gone for ~ 전투중 행방불명 되어, It's ~ of one and half-adozen of the other, 오십보 백보다, ~ fold 6배의(로), 6겹의(으로)

tag tag를 달다, 잇다, 압운하다, (술래잡기에서 술래(it)가) 붙잡다, 붙어 다니다

tale 〔teil〕 이야기, 고자질, 험담, 소문, 거짓말, 수, 총수, 전체, tell its own ~ 자명하다, tell ~s(out of school) 고자질하다, 비밀을 퍼뜨리다

thankful 〔θ´æŋkf∂l〕 감사하고 있는(to him for it)

top 정상, 위끝, 극점, 절정, 표면, 수위, 지붕, 뚜껑, 머리, (책의)상변, (구두의)상부, 털술, 장루, at the ~ of 될 수 있는한 ...으로, from ~ to toe(bottom, tail) 머리끝에서 발끝까지, 온통, on ~ of it 게다가

train 훈련(연습)하다, 몸을 단련하다, 사이좋게 하다, ~ down (선수가)단련하여 체중을 줄이다, ~ it 기차로 가다

trouble 〔tr´∧b∂l〕 걱정(거리), 고생, 어려움, 귀찮음, 귀찮은 일(사람), 분쟁, 소동, 고장, get into ~ 문제를 일으키다, 벌을 받다, in ~ 곤란해서, 욕을 먹어, 벌을 받고, 검거되어, It is too much ~ 달갑지 않은 친절이다, take ~ 수고하다

trowel 〔tr´au∂l〕 흙손, 모종삽, lay it on with a ~ 흙손으로 바르다, 극구 칭찬하다

trudge 〔tr∧dз〕 무겁게 터벅터벅 걷다, ~ it 터벅터벅 걷다

twas 〔twaz〕 =it was

twere 〔tw∂:r〕 =it were

twould 〔twud〕 =it would

whoop 〔hu:p,hwu:p〕 소리지르며 말하다, ~ it up 와와 떠들어대다

wing 날개를(깃을)달다, 날수 있게 하다, 속력을 내게 하다, (새의) 날개, (사람의) 팔에 상처를 입히다, ~ its way (새가) 날아가다

worst 〔w∂:rst〕 최악의 것(상태, 일), at (the) ~ 아무리 나빠도, get(have)the ~ of it 패배하다, give a person the ~ of it 아무를 지우다

worth 〔w∂:rθ〕 ...만큼의 값어치가 있는, for all one is ~ 전력을 다하여, for what it is ~ (사실 여부는 어쨌든) 그런대로

apparently : on the face of it 분명히, 명백하게

be at it (사물에 ) 전념하다.

evidently it is plain (that) 분명하게 ..하다

hook to it 꽉 걸다, 빠져나가지 못하게 하다

in its entirety 그대로

it goes without saying that ..은 말할 나위도 없다

it's no picnic 쉬운 일이 아니다. 장난이 아니다.

put it mildly 조심스럼게(삼가서) 말하다

see to it that -에 신경쓰다, 마음쓰다

sleeping on its stomach 엎드려 잠자다

slugging it out 치열하게 다투다

suffice it to say that (지금은)..이라고만 말해두자

supposedly : as it appears 추정상으로, 소문에는

take it hard 걱정하다, 신경쓰다, 비관하다

to put it mildly 조심스럽게 말하면, 완곡하게 말해서

top of its lungs 마구 악을 쓰며

when it`s all said and done <통상 문장 앞 또는 문장의 중간에서> 결국

as it were 말하자면, 마치

ask for it 자업자득이다, 스스로 화를 자초하다, 경솔한 짓을 하다.

believe 믿다; 생각하다. ☞ believe in ~을 신뢰하다; ~을 좋다고 생각하다, 신조로 삼고 있다. believe it or not 믿거나 말거나

make it big 크게 성공하다.

It`s none of your business 네가 알 일이 아니다, 네가 관여할 일이 아니다.

buy it 죽다, 살해되다.

Can it. 조용히 해라, 가만히 있어라.

carry it off 해내다, 버티다.

It is the case that ~라는 것이 사실이다, ~라고 말할 수 있다.

when it comes to ~에 관해서는, ~이라면

let's face it 실제, 현실을 직시하면

get it 야단맞다, 벌을 받다.

go to it (전력을 다하여) 착수하다; 세차게 공격하다.

have had it ~이 지긋지긋하다, ~에 진절머리가 나다.

hit it big (일 등이) 대성공하다.

Hold it. 잠깐 기다려,. 움직이지마.

have it made 대성공하다.

make it (~에) 잘 도착하다; 잘하다; 성공하다.

make it through~을 잘 수행하다, 극복하다.

make it to ~에 잘 다다르다, 도착하다.

out of it 관계가 없어, 따돌림을 당해

Snap out of it! 기운 내!

so be it (포기, 승낙을 나타내어) 그러면 그것으로 좋다.

take it 받아들이다, 믿다; (고통이나 벌 등에) 견디다.

take it out on (사람에게) 분풀이하다.

That's it. 이것으로 끝., 이제 끝.

tough it out 곤란을 견디다(견디어 내다).

when it comes to ~할 계제가 되면; ~에 대해서는; ~이 되면

whodunnit 추리 소설(영화, 연극) *Who done(did) it?에서 온 파생

wing it 즉흥으로 하다, 그 자리에서 임기 응변으로 하다.

neck or nought 필사적으로. It's neck or nought.(죽느냐 사는냐 하는 거다)

It was raining heavily. (비가 많이 왔어요.)

It was a long day. (그것은 긴 하루였어요.)

It was a mistake. (그것은 실수였어요.)

It was a great experience. (그것은 훌륭한 경험이었어요.)

It was a difficult decision. (그것은 어려운 결정이었어요.)

It will be a long journey. (그것은 긴 여행이 될 거예요.)

It was a beautiful sunset. (그것은 아름다운 일몰이었어요.)

It had been raining all day. (그것은 하루 종일 비가 왔었어요.)

It has been a long day. (그것은 긴 하루였어요.)

It has been a challenging project. (그것은 도전적인 프로젝트였어요.)

It has been a pleasure working with you. (너와 함께 일하게 되어 기쁩니다.)

It has been a pleasure meeting you. (너를 만나서 기쁩니다.)

It is important to do regular exercise. (규칙적인 운동을 하는 것이 중요해요.)

It is your turn to do the dishes. (너가 설거지를 해야 해.)

He will do whatever it takes to succeed. (그는 성공하기 위해 무엇이든 할 거예요.)

It is time to do the laundry. (빨래를 하는 시간이야.)

We do not need to worry about it. (우리는 그것에 대해 걱정할 필요 없어요.)

It does not matter what others think. (다른 사람들이 뭐라고 생각하든 상관없어.)

It does not matter what others say. (다른 사람들이 뭐라고 말하든 상관없어.)

He will do whatever it takes to make you happy. (그는 너를 행복하게 만들기 위해 무엇이든 할 거예요.)

Will it rain tomorrow? (내일 비올까요?)

I would have gone to the party if I had known about it. (나는 그 파티에 대해 알았다면 갔을 거예요.)

I would have bought the dress if it was on sale. (할인 중이었다면 그 드레스를 샀을 거예요.)

We should get going if we want to make it on time. (시간에 맞추려면 떠나야 해요.)

The noise made it hard to concentrate. (소음 때문에 집중하기 어려웠습니다.)

The team made it to the finals. (팀은 결승에 진출했습니다.)

The noise made it difficult to sleep. (소음 때문에 잠자기 어려웠습니다.)

I knew it would rain today. (나는 오늘 비가 올 것을 알았다.)

I don't know if I can make it to the party. (나는 파티에 갈 수 있을지 모른다.)

I knew it was a bad idea from the start. (나는 처음부터 그게 좋지 않은 생각이라는 걸 알았다.)

I will take care of it. (내가 처리할게.)

Could you please close the window? It's getting cold.
창문 좀 닫아주실 수 있을까요? 추워지고 있어요.

Could you please turn down the volume? It's too loud.
소리를 좀 줄여주실 수 있을까요? 너무 시끄러워요.

I think it's going to rain today. (나는 오늘 비가 올 것 같아요.)

I think it's time for us to leave. (우리가 떠날 시간인 것 같아요.)

I think it's important to be kind to others. (다른 사람들에게 친절하게 대하는 게 중요하다고 생각해요.)

I think it's time for a change. (변화할 때인 것 같아요.)

I came to the conclusion that it was a waste of time. (나는 그것이 시간 낭비라는 결론에 이르렀어요.)

Look, it's snowing!
봐, 눈이 내리고 있어!

It may rain tomorrow.
내일 비 올 수도 있어요.

It may take a while to get a response.
답변을 받는 데 시간이 걸릴 수도 있습니다.

It may be difficult to find a parking spot.
주차 공간을 찾기 어려울 수도 있습니다.

It may snow tonight.
오늘 밤에 눈이 올 수도 있어요.

ve a moment to think about it?
생각해 볼 시간을 좀 얻을 수 있을까요?

It may be a good idea to double-check the information.
정보를 다시 한 번 확인하는 것이 좋을지도 모릅니다.

It may take some time to get used to the new system.
새로운 시스템에 익숙해지는 데 시간이 걸릴 수도 있습니다.

It may not be safe to go out alone at night.
밤에 혼자 나가는 것은 안전하지 않을 수도 있습니다.

It may be a good idea to consult with an expert.
전문가와 상담하는 것이 좋을지도 모릅니다.

It may take a few days to receive a response.
답변을 받는 데 몇 일이 걸릴 수도 있습니다.

You should ask for help if you need it.
필요하면 도움을 청해야 해요.

I find it difficult to understand this concept.
이 개념을 이해하기 어렵다고 생각해요.

We wanted to go hiking, but it started raining. (우리는 등산을 가고 싶었지만 비가 내리기 시작했다.)

You must try this cake, it's delicious. - 이 케이크를 꼭 맛봐야 해, 정말 맛있어.

The average temperature for today is 25 degrees, I mean, it's really hot. - 오늘의 평균 기온은 25도인데, 말하자면, 정말 더워요.

I mean, it's just a joke. - 말하자면, 그냥 농담일 뿐이에요.

I mean, it's not a big deal. - 말하자면, 그렇게 큰 문제는 아니에요.

I mean, it's not that important. - 말하자면, 그렇게 중요하지 않아요.

I mean, it's just a misunderstanding. - 말하자면, 그냥 오해일 뿐이에요.

I didn't mean to ignore your question, I just didn't hear it. - 당신의 질문을 무시하려고 한 게 아니에요, 그냥 듣지 못했을 뿐이에요.

I mean, it's not worth getting upset over. - 말하자면, 그렇게 화내기에는 가치가 없어요.

He worked on his presentation until it was perfect. - 그는 발표 자료가 완벽해질 때까지 작업했어요.

He works in the IT industry. - 그는 IT 산업에서 일해요.

The cat feels soft when you pet it. (고양이를 쓰다듬으면 부드러워요.)

It seems like we're going to have a busy week. (바쁜 한 주가 될 것 같아요.)

It seems that we're running out of time. (시간이 부족해 보여요.)

It seems like we're going to miss the train. (기차를 놓칠 것 같아요.)

It seems that we're going to have a storm. (폭풍우가 올 것 같아요.)

It seems like we're going to be late. (늦을 것 같아요.)

It seems that we're on the right track. (올바른 길을 가고 있는 것 같아요.)

It seems that we're going to have a successful event. (성공적인 행사가 될 것 같아요.)

It might rain tomorrow. (내일 비 올지도 모르겠어요.)

It might take longer than expected. (예상보다 더 오래 걸릴지도 모르겠어요.)

It might be difficult to find a parking spot. (주차 공간을 찾기 어려울지도 모르겠어요.)

It might be a good opportunity to learn something new. (새로운 것을 배울 수 있는 좋은 기회일지도 모르겠어요.)

I tried to catch the bus, but I missed it. (나는 버스를 타려고 했지만, 놓쳤어요.)

I tried to remember her name, but it slipped my mind. (나는 그녀의 이름을 기억하려고 했지만, 기억이 나지 않았어요.)

He called his dog by its name. (그는 강아지를 이름으로 불렀습니다.)

The baby called out for its mother. (아기가 엄마를 부르기 시작했습니다.)

He called it a day and went home. (그는 일을 마치고 집으로 돌아갔습니다.)

The bird called to its mate. (새가 자신의 짝에게 울었습니다.)

The hotel provides complimentary breakfast for its guests. (해당 호텔은 손님들에게 무료 아침식사를 제공합니다.)

The hotel provides room service for its guests. (해당 호텔은 손님들에게 룸 서비스를 제공합니다.)

The company provided a retirement plan for its employees. (그 회사는 직원들을 위한 퇴직 계획을 제공했습니다.)

The company keeps track of its expenses. (그 회사는 경비를 추적합니다.)

The cat keeps chasing its tail. (개는 꼬리를 계속 쫓습니다.)

The company keeps improving its products. (그 회사는 제품을 계속 개선합니다.)

The company holds an annual conference for its employees. (그 회사는 매년 직원들을 위한 연례 회의를 개최합니다.)

The company holds regular training sessions for its employees. (그 회사는 정기적으로 직원들을 위한 교육 세션을 개최합니다.)

It's your turn to speak. (말할 차례입니다.)

The dog followed its instincts. (개는 본능을 따랐다.)

The dog followed its owner's commands. (개는 주인의 명령을 따랐다.)

The dog followed its owner's scent. (개는 주인의 향기를 따라갔다.)

I began to understand the concept after studying it for a while. (조금 공부한 후에 개념을 이해하기 시작했다.)

Don't forget to bring your umbrella, it might rain. (우산을 가져오는 걸 잊지 마세요, 비가 올 수도 있어요.)

It smells like flowers. (그것은 꽃처럼 냄새가 나요.)

It seems like it's going to rain. (비가 올 것 같아요.)

It looks like a storm is coming. (폭풍우가 올 것 같아요.)

It feels like silk. (그것은 실크처럼 느껴져요.)

It tastes like heaven. (그것은 천국처럼 맛이 나요.)

Can you run the report and send it to me? (보고서를 작성해서 저에게 보내 줄 수 있을까요?)

The company decided to move its headquarters to a bigger building. (그 회사는 본사를 더 큰 건물로 이전하기로 결정했어요.)

The cat moved stealthily towards its prey. (고양이는 사냥감에게 몰래 다가갔어요.)

The company decided to move its focus towards sustainability. (그 회사는 지속 가능성에 초점을 맞추기로 결정했어요.)

The company pays its employees every month. (그 회사는 매달 직원들에게 급여를 지급해요.)

I believe you can do it if you put your mind to it. (마음먹으면 할 수 있다고 믿습니다.)

The company met its sales target for the year. (그 회사는 올해의 판매 목표를 달성했어요.)

The company met the demands of its customers. (그 회사는 고객의 요구를 충족시켰어요.)

The company's reputation stands on its commitment to quality. (그 회사의 평판은 품질에 대한 약속에 달려 있다.)

It happened so suddenly. (그것은 너무 갑작스레 일어났다.)

I don't know how it happened. (어떻게 그런 일이 일어났는지 모르겠어요.)

It happened a long time ago. (그것은 오래 전에 일어났다.)

It's the best thing that ever happened to me. (그것은 내게 일어난 가장 좋은 일이에요.)

It happened during my vacation. (그것은 휴가 중에 일어났다.)

I can't let this opportunity slip away, it may never happen again. (이 기회를 놓칠 수 없어, 다시 안 일어날지도 모르니까요.)

It happened at the worst possible time. (그것은 가장 최악의 시기에 일어났다.)

It's not something that just happens overnight. (그런 일은 단 하루 만에 일어나는 것이 아니에요.)

It happened without any warning. (어떤 경고도 없이 그것은 일어났다.)

It's not something that happens often. (그런 일은 자주 일어나지 않아요.)

It happened in a split second. (그것은 순식간에 일어났다.)

The company produces a monthly newsletter for its employees. (그 회사는 직원들을 위해 매월 뉴스레터를 제작합니다.)

The farm produces milk from its dairy cows. (농장은 젖소로부터 우유를 생산합니다.)

The farm produces honey from its beehives. (농장은 벌집에서 꿀을 생산합니다.)

The hotel offers a complimentary breakfast for its guests. (그 호텔은 손님들에게 무료 아침 식사를 제공한다.)

The company is considering expanding its operations overseas. (그 회사는 해외로 사업을 확장하는 것을 고려하고 있다.)

It is important to consider the feelings of others before speaking. (말하기 전에 다른 사람들의 감정을 고려하는 것이 중요하다.)

The report suggests that the company needs to improve its customer service. (보고서는 회사가 고객 서비스를 개선해야 한다는 것을 시사한다.)

I can't read this handwriting, it's too messy. (나는 이 필기를 읽을 수 없어, 너무 지저분해.)

The company plans to continue expanding its operations. (그 회사는 사업 확장을 계속할 계획입니다.)

The old building remains standing despite its age. (그 오래된 건물은 나이에도 불구하고 그대로 서 있어요.)

It took me a while to understand the math problem. (수학 문제를 이해하는 데 시간이 좀 걸렸어.)

They will understand the situation once we explain it to them. (우리가 그들에게 설명하면 그들은 상황을 이해할 거야.)

It's difficult to understand his motives for such actions. (그런 행동의 동기를 이해하기는 어려워.)

We all agreed that it was the right thing to do. (우리는 모두 그것이 옳은 일이라고 동의했어요.)

The store will open its doors next week. (가게는 다음 주 문을 열 예정이에요.)

The company is striving to reach its goals. (그 회사는 목표를 달성하기 위해 노력하고 있어요.)

They returned the lost dog to its owner. (그들은 길 잃은 개를 주인에게 돌려주었다.)

It's a fine day, isn't it?
오늘 날씨 좋지. 그렇지 않니?
Yes it is. But I love rainy days.
응, 그래. 하지만 나는 비오는 날을 아주 좋아해.
You do? I do, too.
너두? 나도 그래.

What's the date today?
몇 일인데?
It's May second.
오월 이일.

When is your birthday?
너 생일이 언제니?
It's the day after tomorrow. It's May fourth.
내일 모레야. 오월 사일.

It's a picture of my family.
우리 가족 사진이야.

Please, help yourself.
많이 드세요.
Thanks. Mmm! It's delicious.
고마워. 음! 맛이 아주 좋네.

Thank you for having me to dinner.
저녁 식사를 대접해 줘서 고마워요
It's my pleasure.
오히려 제가 기쁜데요.

This is kimchi. Be careful, it's rather hot.
이것이 김치예요. 조심하세요, 너무 매워요.
I know. I'll try a little.
알고 있어요. 조금만 먹을게요.
It might be a good idea to have some rice with it.
김치와 함께 밥을 먹는 게 좋을 거예요.
It is hot! But it's delicious.
너무 맵군요! 그렇지만 맛이 매우 좋은데요.

Hello, is Mike there?
여보세요, 마이크 있어요?
Yes, he is. Who's calling, please?
예, 있어요. 누구세요?
This is Alice.
Hi, Alice. Mike, it's for you. It's Alice. Hold on a minute, please.
안녕, 엘리스. 마이크 너한테 전화 왔어. 엘리스야. 잠시만 기다려.

Doctor, my head hurts.
의사 선생님, 제 머리가 아파요.
How long have you had this problem?
얼마동안 아팠어요?
For two days now.
지금까지 이틀 동안이요.
It seems that you have a cold. You had better go home and stay in bed.
감기 걸린 것 같은데요. 집에 가서 침대에 누워 쉬는 게 좋겠네요.

It's over there. Use the next aisle, please.
저기입니다. 다음 통로를 이용하세요.

I'd like to send this parcel to New York.
뉴욕으로 이 소포를 보내고 싶은데요.
How do you want it?
어떻게 보내기를 원하십니까?
By air or by sea?
항공편으로 보낼까요, 아니면 선박편으로 보낼까요?

How do I get there?
거기에 어떻게 갈 수 있나요?
Go down two blocks, turn right. You'll find it on the left. You can't miss it.
두 구역 내려가세요. 그리고 우회전하세요. 길 왼쪽에 보일 겁니다. 쉽게 찾을 수 있어요.
Can I get there on foot?
걸어서 거기에 갈 수 있나요?
Of course. It takes ten minutes.
물론이죠. 십분 걸립니다.

Is this the way to the bus terminal?
이 길이 버스 터미널로 가는 길 맞나요?
Yes, are you on foot?
맞아요. 걸어가시게요?
Can I walk there?
거기까지 걸어갈 수 있나요?
No, you can't, it's too far to walk. You'd better take a taxi.
아니오, 걸어가기에는 너무 먼데요. 택시 타는게 낫겠습니다.

I'm afraid I'm lost. Where are we?
길을 잃어버린 것 같은데요. 여기가 어딘가요?
We're near City Hall.
시청 근처에 있습니다.
Which direction is City Hall?
시청으로 가는 방향이 어느 쪽인가요?
It's beyond that tall building.
저 큰 빌딩 너머에 있습니다.

How do you go to work?
당신은 일하러 갈 때 어떻게 가나요?
Usually by subway, but sometimes by bus. How about you?
보통 지하철을 타고 갑니다. 그러나 가끔 버스 타고 갈 때가 있어요. 당신은요?
By bus. There's no subway station near my house. The bus is very crowded every morning.
버스 타고 갑니다. 우리 집 가까이에 지하철역이 없습니다. 버스는 아침마다 만원이죠.

How long does it take you to get to work by bus?
버스 타고 직장까지 가는데 얼마나 걸리나요?
About one and a half hours.
약 한시간 삽십분 정도요.
Oh, that's too long.
오래 걸리는군요.

Excuse me, where do I get a bus ticket?
실례합니다. 버스표를 어디서 살 수 있나요?
I'll take you there. It's not easy to find. Come with me.
제가 데려다 드리겠습니다. 찾기가 쉽지 않거든요. 저를 따라 오세요.
It's so kind of you to help me.
저를 도와주시다니 매우 친절하군요.
No problem.

When do I have to return the book?
이 책 언제 반납해야 하나요?
Within a week. You may keep it for a week.
일주일 이내에요. 일주일동안 빌려 갈 수 있습니다.

It's up to you.
당신이 결정하세요.

It was rainy. I hate rainy days. When it rains, I feel blue.
비가 왔었어요. 저는 비오는 날이 싫어요. 비가 오면 우울해져요.
How's the weather going to be tomorrow?
내일 날씨는 어떠할까요?
According to the weather forecast it will be fine.
일기예보에 의하면 좋을 거래요.

I will go on a picnic with my family if it's nice out. Can you join us?
날씨가 맑으면 저는 가족과 소풍을 갈 거예요. 우리와 함께 가실래요?

Would you like paper bags or plastic bags?
종이 가방에 넣을까요, 아니면 플라스틱 가방에 넣을까요?
Neither. I brought my own bags.
둘 다 아니요. 내 가방을 갖고 왔어요.
Your own bags?
당신 가방요?
Yes, I've got these cloth bags. I always bring my own shopping bags.
예. 이 천 가방이요. 저는 항상 내 쇼핑 가방을 갖고 다녀요.
Saves trees, you know.
알다시피, 나무를 아껴야 하잖아요.
Yes, I suppose it does.
그래요. 그래야 한다고 생각해요.

I was just about to give the dog a bath. Can I call you back in about half an hour?
지금 개 목욕시키는 중이었거든. 약 30분 후에 다시 내가 연락해도 될까?
Oh, sure. You've got to bath the dog. Sounds like work.
좋아. 너는 지금 개를 목욕시켜야 하는구나. 그것도 상당한 일거리이겠는걸.
No, it's great. My dog loves the water. Bath time is usually loads of fun.
아니야, 재미있어. 우리 개는 물을 좋아해서. 목욕 시간이 항상 즐겁거든.

It's good to have some experience before graduating.
졸업하기 전에 경험을 쌓는 것은 좋은 것이죠.

Oh, it's time for lunch.
어, 벌써 점심시간이네.

It's been good talking with you, but I'm afraid I can't stay any longer.
너와 얘기하게 돼서 좋았어. 그런데 유감스럽지만 더 이상 여기있을 수가 없어.
You mean you are leaving now? But it's only eight o'clock.
지금 떠나야 한다는 말이니? 여덟시밖에 안되었는데.
I wish I could stay longer but I don't think I have time.
더 오랫동안 있고 싶지만 시간이 없어서 말이야.

How about this one?
이건 어떨까요?
It looks a little too loud. Could you show me another?
약간 화려한 것 같은데요. 다른 것을 보여 주시겠어요?

It's on sale for thirty dollars.
할인해서 삼십달러예요.
Okay. I'll take it.
알겠어요. 그것으로 하죠.

I'd like a refund for this tape recorder. It is not working properly.
이 녹음기를 환불하고 싶은데요. 잘 작동하지 않아서요.
Show me the receipt, please.
영수증을 보여 주세요.

Well, there's a scratch here. So, we won't be able to give you a refund.
여기 긁힌 자국이 있네요. 그래서, 환불해 줄 수가 없겠네요.
This is ridiculous! It's not my fault. Let me talk to the manager.
정말 우습네요! 내 잘못이 아니라고요. 매니저에게 이야기하게 해주세요..

Go down this road and then turn left. You'll find it at the crossroads.
물론이죠. 이 길로 내려가다가 왼쪽으로 가세요. 교차로에서 찾을 수 있을 거예요.

Fasten your seat belt, please. It's the law. It's also for your protection.
안전 벨트 매세요. 법으로 규정되어 있거든요. 또한 안전을 위해서지요.

Driver : That's twenty dollars.
운전사 : 이십달러입니다.
Helen : The fare you're asking is higher than the meter.
헬렌 : 당신이 요구하는 요금이 미터기에 나온 요금보다 높은데요.
Driver : The night fare is thirty percent higher than the meter.
운전사 : 심야에는 요금이 미터기에 나온 요금보다 삼십퍼센트 높아요.
Helen : I've never heard of that. I'll go and ask the doorman about it.
헬렌 : 들어보지 못했는데요. 내려서 호텔 도어맨에게 물어보죠.
Driver : OK. fifteen dollars will do.
운전사 : 좋습니다. 십오달러 내세요.

You look beautiful. That dress looks really good on you.
아름다워. 드레스가 너한테 정말 잘 어울려.
It's very nice of you to say so.
그렇게 말해 주니 정말 고마워.

Don't take it so hard. I'm sure you'll do better next time.
너무 어려워하지 마세요. 다음 번에 잘 할거라고 확신해요.

Doctor : Well, you seem to have exhausted yourself. And you seem to have a
virus. But it's not a serious virus.
의사 : 글쎄요, 몸이 매우 피곤한 것 같은데요. 바이러스에 감염된 것같습니다. 심
각하지는 않아요.

Why don't you take some medicine?
약을 먹으세요.
I already did, but it didn't help.
이미 먹어 봤는데, 효과가 없더라구요.

But it's not just because of his good looks.
그의 잘생긴 외모 때문만은 아니야.
He is a really nice person, considerate and understanding.
정말 좋은 사람이지. 사려가 깊고 이해심이 넓어.

Could you arrange a meeting with your boss?
사장님과 만나 뵐 수 있을까요?
Of course, I've arranged it at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.
물론이죠, 내일 아침 열시에 예약해 두었습니다.

We finished the evaluation of it. If the price is acceptable we
would like to order now.
저희의 평가가 끝났습니다. 가격만 맞으면 주문을 하고 싶습니다.

I think the price is a little high, can't you reduce it?
제 생각에 가격이 조금 높군요.가격을 좀 낮춰 주실수 없나요?

If you purchase more than ten thousand units, we can reduce it to
twelve dollars.
만일 만개 단위를 한번에 구매하시면 십이불로 가격을 낮출 수 있습니다.

It's been a pleasure to do business with you, Mr. Smith
스미스씨 당신과 사업을 하게 되어 매우 기쁩니다.

according to; (=on the authority of) ~에 의하면
According as the demand increases, prices go up.
According to the weather report, it will rain tomorrow.

all at once; (=all of a sudden, on a sudden) 갑자기
All at once it begin to rain.

as it were; (=so to speak) 말하자면
He is, as it were, a gentleman.

at least; (=not less than, at any rate) 적어도, 어쨌든
It will cost at least ten dollars. You must at least try.

at length; (=at last, in detail) 드디어, 상세하게
At length the day came. He explained it at length.

be in accord with; (=be in agreement with) ~와 일치하다
It is in accord with my principles.

be up to; (=be occupied, be one's duty) ~을 꾸미다,~의 의무다
What's he up to? It's up to us to help him.

before long; (=pretty soon, by and by) 곧
It will prove true before long. He got better before long.

bring about; (=cause to happen) 발생시키다, 야기하다
It will bring about a good result.

by accident; (=by chance, accidentally) 우연히
It was a discovery made by accident.

depend upon it; (=certainly) 꼭
It depends upon your experience.
Depend upon it, he knows it.

draw on; (=come near in time) 다가오다
It grew colder as night drew on.

feel for; (=sympathize with, grope) 동정하다, 더듬다
It is only the poor who really feel for the poor.
There he stopped and felt for his purse.

find fault with; (=criticize) ~을 비난하다
It is easy to find fault with the work of others.

first of all; (=above all, before anything else) 무엇보다도
It begins with correcting the error first of all.

for a time; (=for a while) 잠시 동안
He stopped there for a time to have a look at it.

for nothing; (=in vain, without reason, without payment) 헛되이, 이유 없이, 공짜로
We had all our trouble for nothing.
They quarrelled for nothing. I got it for nothing.

free from; (=without) ~이 없는
It was a day free from wind.

get at; (=reach, discover) 도달하다, 이해하다
The books are locked up and I cannot get at them.
It is no easy thing to get at the meaning of every idiom.

get rid of; (=eliminate, become free of) 제거하다
It is not easy to get rid of a bad habit.

get the worst of it; (=be defeated) 지다, 혼나다
I got the better of him in the race.

go over; (=repeat, examine) 반복하다, 검사하다
Let's go over this lesson again.
We should like to go over the house before deciding to rent it.

go without saying; (=be unnecessary to mention) 말할 필요가 없다
It goes without saying that his book will improve your English.

help oneself to; (=take without asking or being asked) 마음대로 들다
Help yourself to the tea before it gets cold.

in terms of; (=by means of, if converted in, from the standpoint of)
~에 의하여, ~으로 환산하면, ~의 견지에서
He expressed his idea in terms of action.
If computed in terms of tonnage, it will aggregate 100 tons.
He sees everything in terms of money.

in the light of; (=in view of) ~의 견지에서
It is unavoidable in the light of circumstances.

in the long run; (=ultimately) 결국
Conduct is life; in the long run, happiness and prosperity depend upon it.

in vain; (=without the desired result) 헛되이
He tried it, but in vain.

know ~ from; (=tell ~ from, distinguish ~ from) 구별하다
I don't know a hawk from an eagle.
It is hard to know flatterers from friend.

learn ~ by heart; (=memorize) 암기하다
It makes much trouble to learn it by heart.

leave off; (=no longer wear, stop) 입지 않다, 중지하다
He left off his woolen underwear when it got warm.
It's time to leave off the work.

let up; (=slacken, lessen in intensity) 누그러지다, (폭풍우가) 자다
It has rained for three days without letting up.

be likely to; (=be expected to) ~할 것 같다
He is not likely to succeed.
It isn't likely that he will succeed.

look to A for B; (=depend upon A for B) A에게 B를 바라다
Look to it that this does not happen again.
They are looking to others for assistance.

to make a long story short; (=in short) 간단히 말해서
To make a long story short, I failed in it.

make both ends meet; (=live within one's income) 수지 균형을 맞추다
I found it hard to make both ends meet.

make one's mark; (=become famous) 유명해지다
It was not long at college before he made his mark.

make over; (=transfer the ownership, make anew) 양도하다, 변경하다
The land was made over to its rightful possessor.
She made over all her dresses.

make up; (=end a quarrel, invent to deceive) 화해하다, 조작하다, 화장하다
They quarrel every morning and make it up every evening.
The whole story is made up. She is very much made up.

matter little; (=be of little importance) 중요하지 않다
It matters little whether he is a man of ability or not.

occur to; (=strike one's mind) 마음에 떠오르다
It occurred to me that he might be a detective.
(all) of a sudden; (=suddenly, on a sudden) 갑자기
All of a sudden it began to thunder.

of moment; (=important) 중요한
It is a question of great moment.

of one's own accord; (=by one's own wish, of itself) 자발적으로, 저절로
I did it of my own accord.
The door shut of its own accord.

off and on; (=irregularly, occasionally) 간간이, 때때로
It rained off and on.

on end; (=continuously, upright) 계속하여, 똑바로
He sat there for hours on end.
It made my hair stand on end.

provide against; (=take steps to guard against) 대비하다
It is wise to provide against the days of want.

put an end to; (=cause to end, stop) ~을 끝내다
It is up to the police to put an end to these robberies.

put together; (=assemble) 결합시키다
After he took the watch apart, he was not able to put it together again.

rain cats and dogs; (=rain heavily) 억수같이 비오다
It was raining cats and dogs when we were about to start.

read over; (=read roughly) 대충 읽다
I had no time to correct your paper, but read it over.

run over; (=review, read through quickly, knock down and pass over)
검토하다, 훑어보다, (차가 사람을) 치다
I shall run it over very briefly.
Just run over these proofs as I am busy now.
A little boy was run over by a bus.

see to it that; (=take care, make sure) ~에 주의하다, ~하도록 하다
Please see (to it) that no one touches this.

serve one right; (=to be one's just punishment) 당연한 취급을 하다, 그래 싸다
It serves you right to have lost your purse; you were always too careless with it.

so to speak; (=as it were, so to say) 말하자면
The moon is, so to speak, the largest mirror.

nothing the matter; (=nothing wrong) 아무렇지 않은
There is something the matter with Helen. She looks pale.
The mechanic says that there is nothing the matter with it.
The doctor says that there is nothing the matter with me.

stand up for; (=defend, support) 방어하다, 지지하다
If you don't stand up for your rights, no one else will do it for you.

stand to reason; (=be clear and logical) ~은 당연하다
It stands to reason that if he never prepares his lessons he is not going to make
good progress.

such as it is; (=though it is of poor quality, of little value) 변변치 못하지만
You may use my car, such as it is.

sum up; (=summarize, give the total of) 요약하다, 총계 내다
It may be summed up as follows.
They summed up the voting.

take advantage of something; (=utilize it) 이용하다

take ~ for granted; (=accept as true without investigation) ~을 당연한 것으로 여기다
I took it for granted that you would help me.

take on; (=assume, engage) (성격을) 띠다, 고용하다
The chameleon can take on the colours of its background.
The manager agreed to take me on.

tend to; (=be inclined to) ~하는 경향이 있다
It tends to become cold at night now.

that is to say; (=in other words, namely) 즉
I often wish I could read-that is, read it easily.

think better of; (=reconsider and give up) 재고하다
I hope you will think better of it.

think over; (=consider carefully before deciding) 곰곰이 생각하다
She had thought it over beforehand.

to no end; (=in vain) 헛되이
He tried to obtain it, but to no end.

be true of; (=apply to) ~에 적용되다
The translation is true to the original.
It is true of everybody else.

dermotologist one who studies the skin and its diseases

음식에) 기름기가 많군요.
It's so greasy.

같은 걸로 주세요.
Make it two, please.
Same here, please.
I'll have the same.

고생길이 훤하군요.
It's obvious things will get tough.

구미가 당기는군요.
It's whetting my appetite.
(cf) My mouth is watering. (군침이 돈다)

그 문제는 알쏭달쏭하다.
It's a puzzling question.

그 안건은 만장일치로 통과되었습니다.
The proposal was taken unanimously.
It was unanimous.

그 여자의 어디가 그렇게 마음에 드세요?
What is it that attracted you to her?

그 여자한테는 아주 잘 된 일이에요.
It's going to be great for her.

그 이상도 그 이하도 아니에요.
It's nothing more, nothing less.

그 일에 곧 익숙해질 거예요.
You'll get used to it soon.

그 채널에 나둬요.
Leave it on that channel.

그거 쌤통이다.
It deserves you right.

그건 내 보물단지란 말이에요.
It's very dear[special] to me

그건 대구 사투리입니다.
It's Taegu dialect.

그건 사생활 침해예요.
It's an invasion of privacy.

그걸 저한테 다시 한번 읽어 주시겠어요?
Would you read it back to me?
Would you repeat it once more?

그것은 마치 운명처럼 느껴져요.
It seems as if it was meant to be.

그것은 백해무익이에요.
It will only do you harm.

그것은 시기상조입니다.
It's too early for that.
(cf) Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.

그것이 제 인생의 전환점이 되었습니다.
It was a turning point in my life.
It changed my life.

그냥 살짝 베였을 뿐이에요.
It's just a little scratch.
It's only a slight cut.

그대와 나, 둘이서 노력한다면 우린 할 수 있어요.
Just two of us, we can make it if we try.

그런 건 감수해야죠.
We just have to put up with it.

그런 말이 아니었어요.
I didn't mean it like that.
That's not what I meant.

그런 일은 다시는 없을 거예요.
It will never happen again.

그렇게 하는 게 어렵진 않아요.
It isn't hard to do so.
It's easy if you try.

그만한 가치가 있어요.
It's worth it.
It's worth the money.

기대한 것 보다 못합니다.
It's less than I expected.

기죽지 말아요.
Don't be discouraged by it.

깜박 했어요.
It just slipped my mind.

꽁무니 빼지 마세요.
Don't try to get out of it.

내 손에 장을 지지겠다.
I'll eat my hat.
I bet my life on it.

누가 꼬드겼어요?
Who talked you into it?
Who made you do it?

It's embarrassing to watch.

늘 그렇죠, 뭐
It's the same as usual.

다시 한번 잘 생각해 보세요.
Why don't you give it a second thought?
Think about it again.

당신 말을 믿겠어요.
I'll take your word for it.

당신 얼굴에 다 쓰여 있어요.
It is written all over your face.

당신과 일을 하게 되어서 매우 기쁩니다.
It's been a pleasure doing business with you.
It's been a pleasure working with you.

당신께 한 부 보내드리겠습니다.
I'll send you a copy.
I'll make a copy and send it to you,

It's just like you.

당신도 참 병적이에요.
You're obsessed with it.

당신은 죽었다 깨더라도 못할 겁니다.
You couldn't do it in a million years.

당신이 하기 나름이죠.
It all depends on you.
It's all up to you.

당신한테는 해당되지 않아요.
It has nothing to do with you.

더 이상 긴말 하고싶지 않아요.
That's it. Period.

더할 나위 없이 좋아요.
It couldn't be better.
I feel I'm on cloud nine.

뒤통수를 한 대 얻어맞은 기분입니다.
It is a big blow.

등잔 밑이 어둡다.
It's easy to miss what is in front of you.

뭐도 약에 쓰려면 없다니까요.
It's never around when you need it.

뭔가 좀 새기고 싶습니다.
I'd like to something engraved on it.

밑져야 본전이에요.
There's nothing to lose.
(Why don't you give it a shot? 한번 해 보세요.)

보기만큼 그리 나쁘진 않아요.
It's not as bad as it seems.

복 나가요.
Don't shake your leg. It's bad luck.

Is it too much for you to handle?

불우이웃 돕기 한 셈쳐라.
Think of it as a gift to charity.

불행 중 다행입니다.
It could have been worse.

비가 오면 무릎이 쑤셔요.
I got sharp pains in my knee when it rains.

비싼 만큼 그 값을 하는군요.
It's as good as it costs.
It's worth the money.

It's a baloney.

상반신만 찍어주세요.
Just take it from the waist up, please.

상상에 맡기겠습니다.
I'll leave it up to your imagination.

생각하기도 싫어요.
I don't even want to think about it.
I don't want it on my mind.

생각할 기회를 주세요.
Please give me some time to think it over.
Let me sleep on it.

생방송입니까, 아니면 녹화방송입니까?
Is it live or prerecorded?
(cf) It is a rerun.(재방송)

You beat me to it.
You got to it before me.

소신껏 하세요.
Do it your own way.

속 버려요.
It's bad for your stomach.

손대지 마세요!
Don't touch it, please.
Keep your hands off, please.

스테플러로 찍어요.
Staple it (together).

슬쩍 넘어갈 생각 말아요.
Don't think I'm going to let it pass.

심증은 가는데 물증이 없어요.
I think I know who did it, but I don't have proof.

안 가보면 후회하실 겁니다.
You'll regret if you don't go.
It's really worth the visit.

알긴 아는데 잘 생각이 나질 않는군요.
I know it, but it's on the tip of my tongue./ It's not coming to mind. Hold on a second.

언젠가는 유용할거예요.
It'll come in handy someday.
It might be useful someday.

얼떨결에 말이 나왔어요.
It slipped out.

얼음찜질을 하세요.
Put some ice on it.

없는 것 보다 낫다.
It's better than nothing.

엊그제 일처럼 느껴집니다.
It feels[seems] like yesterday.

여름치고는 이상하게 서늘해요.
It's unusually cool for a summer day.

예상외의 결과였어요.
It was an unexpected outcome.

오늘은 여기서 그만 끝냅시다.
Let's call it a day.
Let's finish for today.
Time's up.
It's time to end.

옥에 티군요.
It's a fly in the ointment.

외상으로 해 주세요.
Put it on my tab, please.

왼손으로 글 쓰기 힘들지 않아요?
Isn't it awkward writing with your left hand?

우리나라는 16강에 진출할 겁니다.
Our team will make it to Stage2.

우리 팀이 역전승을 거뒀습니다.
We won a losing game.
It was a came-from-behind win.

우리는 해냈어요.
We made it.
We did it.

음식이 싱거워요.
It tastes flat.

이 선물은 제게 너무 과분합니다.
This gift is too much for me. Sorry I can't accept[take] it.

이렇게 비벼서 드세요.
Mix it like this, then eat it.

이왕 할거면 빨리 하세요.
Hurry up if you're going to do it anyway.

You made your bed, so you lie in it.

재활용할 수 있으니, 재활용 쓰레기통에 넣어주세요.
That's recyclable. please put it in the recycling bin.

저는 그 모든 것을 엄마 탓으로 돌릴 수 없어요
I can't put it all on my mother.
I can't point any fingers at my mother.

저는 당신이 합류하길 원해요.
I want you to be a part of it.

점심이나 한 끼 하면서 상의합시다.
Let's discuss it over lunch.

It's a blackout.
The power's out.
We have no power in the house.

정확히 집어서 말하지는 못하겠어요.
I can't put my finger on it.

제 시간에 거기에 도착할 수 있다고 생각하십니까?
Do you think you can make it there in time?

제가 살게요.
It's my treat.
It's on me.
I'll treat you.

제가 설명해 드리지요.
Let me explain it to you.

좀 속으로 읽으세요.
Keep it to yourself.
Could you read it to yourself?

좀더 구체적으로 말씀해 주세요.
Please explain it in more detail.
Please be a little more clear.

죄송합니다만, 이미 대출이 되었네요. (도서관)
I'm sorry, it's been checked out.

중요한 건 마음 씀씀이죠.
It's the thought that counts.

처치하기 곤란하군요.
It's a tough call.

코끝이 찡했어요.
It made me sniffle.

콩으로 메주를 쑨다해도 안 믿어요.
Even if it were true, I still wouldn't believe you.

틈틈이 짬을 내서 해요.
I make some free time to do it.

Make a note of it.

학점 당 얼마입니까?
How much is it per credit?

한 귀로 듣고 한 귀로 흘려 버려요.
Don't take it seriously. I was just joking.
Let it go in one ear and out the other.

한 모금만 마시고 주세요.
Just take one sip and give it back to me.
Give it back to me after one sip.

한 부에 300원입니다.
It's three hundred won for a copy.

The world is as you take it.
(세상은 생각하는 대로 되어진다.)

암산으로 안 되나요?
Can't you figure it out in your head?

머리 좀 솎아 주세요.
Thin it out a little, please.

왼손으로 글쓰기 힘들지 않아요?
Isn't it awkward writing with your left hand?

Oh, God, let this be it.
오, 하나님, 제발 이것이 맞기를 비나이다.

It's right on the money.
그게 제 값을 하고 있어요.

I was tripping on it.
그 점에 대해 걱정이 많았거든.

Well, it could be worse.
이만하기 다행이지.

He's made a science of it.
그가 그것을 완전히 분석했어요.

It's just cold feet, isn't it?
그건 비겁한 거죠, 그죠?

But I can't put it all on my mother.
하지만 저는 그 모든 걸 엄마 탓으로 돌릴 수 없어요.

You're neck deep in it.
그대는 이 일에 깊이 개입되었지.

It won't backfire.
그것이 실패하지는 않을 겁니다.

It's custom-made.
주문해서 만든 것이죠.

Been into it ever since.
그때 이후로 그 일에 빠져 버렸지요.

It's not my call.
내 마음대로 하는 일이 아닙니다.

What was in it for you?
당신에게 돌아오는 것이 무엇이었습니까?

You won't have a problem coughing it up.
당신은 그걸 내놓는 데 어려움이 없을 겁니다.

It will cost you an arm and a leg.
엄청나게 비쌀 거예요.

Don't take it out on me.
나한테 화풀이하지 마세요.

It won't hurt to brush up.
복습한다고 해될 건 없을 겁니다.

손에 땀을 쥐게 하는 경기이다.
1. I'm on the edge of my seat.
2. It's a kind of game that keeps me on the edge of seat.

뭐 어떻게든 되겠죠?
It will work out somehow.

그 사람 요즘 TV에서 뜬다면서요.
I hear he is making it big on T.V. nowadays.

마음의 여유를 찾으세요.
Don't let it get to you.

마음만으로도 고맙습니다.
It's the thought that counts.

뚝배기보다는 장맛이다.
It's what's inside that matters.

당신한테는 해당되지 않아요.
It doesn't apply to you.

삼세판으로 해요.
Let's make it the best two out of three.

상반신만 찍어 주세요.
Just take it from the waist up, please.

남의 일 같지가 않네요.
It really hit close to home.

Bag it! I'm trying to concentrate.
조용히 해! 지금 집중해야 한단 말야.

It's a skimpy dress.
노출이 심한 옷이다.

발톱이 살을 파고들어서 아프다.
I have an in-growing toenail, so it hurts so bad.

울며 겨자 먹기
I forced myself to do it.(=grin and bear it)

Put it on my tab.
외상으로 해주셔요.

민방위 훈련을 하는 거예요.
It's a civil defense drill.

믿기 어려운 데…
I don't buy it.(=I don't believe it.)

이 통장에서 자동이체 되도록 해주세요.
Can you set it up so that payments are taken out of my account automatically?

나는 충동 구매했다.
I bought it on impulse. (=I got it right away.)

그 버릇 어디 가겠니?
Old habits die hard. (=It's really difficult to break the old habit.)

속상한 일을 마음속에서 삭혀요.
I just keep it in.

무료로 드리는 거예요.(음식점이나 주유소 등…)
It's on the house.

육감으로 느낄 수가 있어요.
I can feel it in my bones.

일 그르치지 마라.
Don't blow it.

길고 짧은 것은 대 보아야 안다.
It's hard to tell the difference only by their appearances.
Don't judge a book by its cover.

얼굴에 다 씌여 있어, 다 아는 수가 있지.
It's written all over your face, I have my ways.

다리 떨지 마세요.(복 나가요.)
It's unlucky to shake your leg.

그건 아주 쉬운 일이야.
Dealing with it is a breeze.

전 무슨 일을 할 때 전력투구(全力投球)합니다.
When I do something I give it my all.

내 마음은 그게 아냐.
It's not my mind.
* That's not what I meant.

어떠한 것들이 들더라도 하겠다.
Whatever it takes.

뭐가 뭔지 분간이 안 간다.
I can't make heads or tails of it.

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