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game 〔geim〕 = LAME (his ~ leg)
grave 무덤, beyond the ~ 저승에서, make (a person) turn in his ~ (아무로 하여금) 죽어서도 눈을 못 감게 하다
H.B.M. His Britannic Majesty
H.G. His (or) Her Grace
H.H. His (or Her) Highness, His Holiness
H.I.M. His (or Her) Imperial Majesty
H.M.S. His (or Her) Majesty's Service (or Ship)
H.S.H. His (or Her) Serene Highness
HBM His Britannic Majesty
HCM His Catholic Majesty
HEH His Exalted Highness
HIH His(Her) Imperial Highness
HIM His(Her) Imperial Majesty 황제(황후)폐하
his'n pron, (he에 대응하는 소유 대명사)그의 것(his), =hisn
hissing sound 치찰음
hissing 쉿소리 나기(하는 소리)
hiss 〔his〕 쉿하다, 쉬이하다
his pron, 그의, 그의 것
HMAS His(Her) Majesty's Australian Ship
HMCS His(Her) Majesty's Customs Ship
HMC His(Her) Majesty's Customs
HMI His(Her) Majesty's Inspector(of Schools)
HMSO His(Her) Majesty's Staationery Office
HMT His(Her) Majesty's Trawler
HRH His (or Her) Royal Highness
His (Her) Majesty 황제(황후) 폐하, Your Majesty 폐하(호칭)
O.H.M.S. On His (or Her) Majesty's Service 공용(공문서의 무료 배달 표시)
sake 위함, 목적, 이유, for convenience ~ 편의상, for God's(goodness, heaven's, mercy's)~ 부디, 제발, for his name's ~ 그의 이름을
good head on his shoulders 현명한 판단, 분별력
make his fasting public 그의 단식을 공식화하다
retire of his own accord 의원예편, 자의전역
sold his favors for money 돈을 받고 부탁을 들어주다
step down from his post 그의 직책에서 물러나다
His excellency 각하
hiss and boo 야유를 보내다, 불만의 소리를 내다.
He has been taking care of his sick mother. (그는 아픈 어머니를 돌봐 왔어요.)
He did his laundry yesterday. (그는 어제 빨래를 했어요.)
He will do his best to win the competition. (그는 경쟁에서 이기기 위해 최선을 다할 거예요.)
He will do his best to make you proud. (그는 너를 자랑스럽게 만들기 위해 최선을 다할 거예요.)
He would often visit his grandparents during the summer. (그는 여름에 종종 할아버지와 할머니를 방문했어요.)
He would often help his neighbors with their groceries. (그는 종종 이웃들의 장을 도와줬어요.)
He would often go fishing with his friends on weekends. (그는 주말에 종종 친구들과 낚시를 다녔어요.)
He would often take his dog for a walk in the evening. (그는 종종 저녁에 개를 산책시켰어요.)
He would often go camping with his friends during the summer. (그는 여름에 종종 친구들과 캠핑을 다녔다.)
He would often help his parents with household chores. (그는 종종 부모님의 가사일을 도와줬다.)
He got a surprise gift from his partner. (그는 파트너로부터 깜짝 선물을 받았어요.)
He got a raise in his salary. (그는 월급 인상을 받았어요.)
He went to the party with his friends. (그는 친구들과 파티에 갔었습니다.)
He went to the concert to see his favorite band.(좋아하는 밴드를 보러 콘서트에 갔다)
He saw his friend at the mall. (그는 친구를 쇼핑몰에서 봤어요.)
He will see his parents next week. (그는 다음 주에 부모님을 만날 거예요.)
He saw his favorite band perform live. (그는 좋아하는 밴드의 라이브 공연을 봤어요.)
He saw his favorite actor on the street. (그는 거리에서 좋아하는 배우를 봤어요.)
He knows the city like the back of his hand. (그는 그 도시를 손바닥처럼 잘 안다.)
She took offense at his comment. (그녀는 그의 말에 화가 났다.)
He takes his coffee black. (그는 커피를 검은색으로 마신다.)
I gave him a gift for his graduation. (나는 그에게 졸업을 축하하는 선물을 주었어요.)
The company gave him a bonus for his hard work. (그 회사는 그의 노력에 대한 보너스를 주었어요.)
He looked back on his childhood with fond memories.
그는 어린 시절을 기억하며 돌아봤다.
He looked around the room, searching for his lost keys.
그는 방 안을 둘러보며 잃어버린 열쇠를 찾았다.
He used his influence to get the job.
그는 일을 얻기 위해 영향력을 이용했어요.
He used his skills to win the competition.
그는 경기에서 승리하기 위해 기술을 이용했어요.
He used up all his energy during the marathon.
그는 마라톤 동안 모든 에너지를 소비했어요.
He used his intelligence to solve the complex problem.
그는 복잡한 문제를 해결하기 위해 지성을 이용했어요.
He used his charm to win her heart.
그는 그녀의 마음을 얻기 위해 매력을 이용했어요.
He found his lost keys under the couch.
그는 잃어버린 열쇠를 소파 아래에서 찾았어요.
He found his way back home.
그는 집으로 돌아가는 길을 찾았어요.
He found his old friend on social media.
그는 소셜 미디어에서 옛 친구를 찾았어요.
He found his passion for music at a young age.
그는 어린 시절 음악에 대한 열정을 찾았어요.
He found his way out of the maze.
그는 미로에서 나가는 길을 찾았어요.
He found a way to overcome his fear of heights.
그는 고소공포증을 극복할 방법을 찾았어요.
He found his way to success through hard work.
그는 노력을 통해 성공의 길을 찾았어요.
He wants to quit his job and start his own business. (그는 직장을 그만두고 자신의 사업을 시작하고 싶어했다.)
He wanted to apologize for his behavior. (그는 자신의 행동을 사과하고 싶었어요.)
He told his parents that he got a promotion. - 그는 부모님께 승진했다고 말했다.
He told a lie to cover up his mistake. - 그는 실수를 숨기기 위해 거짓말을 했다.
He put on his coat and left the house. - 그는 코트를 입고 집을 나갔어요.
He put his trust in her. - 그는 그녀를 믿었어요.
He put his hand up to ask a question. - 그는 질문을 하기 위해 손을 들었어요.
He put his skills to good use. - 그는 자신의 기술을 잘 활용했어요.
He put his thoughts into writing. - 그는 생각을 글로 표현했어요.
He became a better leader after learning from his mistakes. - 그는 자신의 실수로부터 배우면서 더 좋은 리더가 되었어요.
He left his job to pursue his passion. - 그는 자신의 열정을 쫓기 위해 일을 그만두었어요.
He left his hometown to pursue his dreams. - 그는 꿈을 이루기 위해 고향을 떠났어요.
He left his mark on the world with his inventions. - 그는 발명품으로 세상에 자신의 흔적을 남겼어요.
He worked his way up to a managerial position. - 그는 경영진 직위까지 승진했어요.
He worked on his presentation until it was perfect. - 그는 발표 자료가 완벽해질 때까지 작업했어요.
He asked her if she had seen his keys. (그는 그녀에게 그의 열쇠를 봤는지 물었어요.)
He showed his disappointment when he didn't get the job. (그는 그 일자리를 얻지 못했을 때 실망을 보여줬어요.)
He tried to make amends for his mistake. (그는 자신의 실수를 바로잡으려고 했어요.)
He tried to apologize for his mistake. (그는 자신의 실수로 인해 사과하려고 했어요.)
I tried to convince him to change his mind. (나는 그를 설득하여 마음을 바꾸려고 했어요.)
He called his dog by its name. (그는 강아지를 이름으로 불렀습니다.)
He keeps his promises. (그는 약속을 지킵니다.)
He keeps his emotions under control. (그는 감정을 통제합니다.)
He keeps his word. (그는 말을 지킵니다.)
The baby can't hold his head up yet. (아기는 아직 머리를 들고 있을 수 없습니다.)
The child held onto his mother's hand tightly. (아이는 엄마의 손을 단단히 잡았습니다.)
He turned his back on his friends. (그는 친구들을 배신했다.)
He turned his attention to the book. (그는 책에 집중했다.)
He turned his life around after hitting rock bottom. (최악의 상황에 처한 후 그는 삶을 바꿨다.)
He started his own business after graduating from college. (그는 대학을 졸업한 후에 자신의 사업을 시작했어요.)
He will start his presentation with a brief introduction. (그는 간단한 소개로 발표를 시작할 거야.)
He started his speech with a joke to lighten the mood. (그는 분위기를 가볍게 하기 위해 농담으로 연설을 시작했어요.)
He started a new relationship after his breakup. (그는 이별 후에 새로운 관계를 시작했어요.)
The chess player planned his next move carefully. (체스 선수는 다음 수를 신중하게 계획했어요.)
He pays for his groceries with cash. (그는 식료품을 현금으로 지불해요.)
He paid the price for his reckless behavior. (그는 무모한 행동의 대가를 치렀어요.)
He paid the consequences for his actions. (그는 자신의 행동에 대한 결과를 치렀어요.)
He believes he can achieve anything he sets his mind to. (그는 마음먹은 것은 무엇이든 성취할 수 있다고 믿습니다.)
The witness stood firm in his testimony. (증인은 그의 증언을 굳게 지켰다.)
The old man stood up to give his seat to a pregnant woman. (늙은 남자는 임산부에게 자리를 양보하기 위해 일어났다.)
The suspect stood trial for his crimes. (용의자는 그의 범죄로 재판을 받았다.)
He carries a lot of responsibility in his job. (그는 직장에서 많은 책임을 집니다.)
He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. (그는 세상의 무게를 어깨에 짊어지고 있습니다.)
He talks with his hands when he gets excited. (그는 흥분할 때 손으로 말을 합니다.)
The evidence appears to support his innocence. (증거는 그의 무죄를 지지하는 것으로 보입니다.)
The actor appeared on the talk show to promote his new movie. (배우는 자신의 새 영화를 홍보하기 위해 토크쇼에 출연했습니다.)
The baby can sit up on his own now. (아기는 이제 스스로 앉을 수 있습니다.)
The old man sat by the fireplace, reminiscing about his youth. (늙은 남자는 벽난로 옆에 앉아서 청춘을 회상했습니다.)
He offered his hand in friendship. (그는 우정의 의미로 손을 내밀었다.)
He offered a heartfelt apology for his mistake. (그는 자신의 실수에 대해 진심으로 사과했다.)
He offered his support to the team during their difficult time. (그는 팀이 어려운 시기에 지원을 제공했다.)
The teacher considered his answer and nodded in approval. (선생님은 그의 대답을 고려한 후에 승인의 뜻으로 머리를 끄덕였다.)
He expects his team to win the championship. (그는 자신의 팀이 챔피언십에서 우승할 것으로 기대한다.)
He is reading a novel by his favorite author. (그는 자신이 좋아하는 작가의 소설을 읽고 있다.)
He let his anger get the best of him and said things he didn't mean. (그는 분노에 사로잡혀 의도하지 않은 말을 했다.)
He decided to continue his studies abroad. (그는 해외에서의 공부를 계속하기로 결정했습니다.)
He lost his job due to company downsizing. (그는 회사의 축소로 인해 직장을 잃었어요.)
He lost his balance and fell off the bike. (그는 균형을 잃고 자전거에서 떨어졌어요.)
He likes to add a dash of hot sauce to his food. (그는 음식에 약간의 핫소스를 추가하는 것을 좋아해요.)
He wants to add his name to the list of participants. (그는 참가자 명단에 이름을 추가하고 싶어해요.)
The child fell asleep in his mother's arms.
아이는 어머니의 품에서 잠들었습니다.
He couldn't remember where he put his keys. (그는 자신의 열쇠를 어디에 뒀는지 기억하지 못했어요.)
He couldn't remember the password to his email account. (그는 이메일 계정의 비밀번호를 기억하지 못했어요.)
He remains committed to his goals. (그는 자신의 목표에 헌신하고 있어요.)
He stopped smoking for his health. (건강을 위해 그는 흡연을 그만두었습니다.)
He stopped to take a deep breath and calm his nerves. (그는 심호흡을 하고 신경을 진정시키기 위해 멈췄어요.)
He sent his resume to several companies. (그는 이력서를 여러 회사에 보냈어요.)
He sent a message to his boss explaining his absence. (그는 결석에 대해 상사에게 메시지를 보냈어요.)
He sent a text to invite his friends to the party. (그는 친구들을 파티에 초대하기 위해 문자를 보냈어요.)
He received a standing ovation for his performance. (그는 공연으로 인해 기립 박수를 받았습니다.)
He received a warm hug from his mother. (그는 어머니로부터 따뜻한 포옹을 받았습니다.)
He won the hearts of the audience with his captivating performance. (그는 매혹적인 연기로 관객들의 마음을 사로잡았습니다.)
He won the respect of his peers through his hard work and integrity. (그는 노력과 정직으로 동료들의 존경을 얻었습니다.)
It's difficult to understand his motives for such actions. (그런 행동의 동기를 이해하기는 어려워.)
He is developing his skills in photography. (그는 사진촬영 기술을 개발하고 있다.)
The child is developing a strong bond with his pet. (어린이는 애완동물과 강한 유대감을 형성하고 있다.)
He opened his eyes and looked around. (그는 눈을 떠서 주변을 둘러봤어요.)
He opened up about his struggles. (그는 자신의 고난에 대해 이야기했어요.)
He reached for his phone to answer the call. (그는 전화를 받기 위해 핸드폰에 손을 뻗었어요.)
The child reached for his mother's hand. (아이는 어머니의 손을 잡으려고 했어요.)
He is involved in a legal dispute with his neighbor. (그는 이웃과의 법적 분쟁에 관여하고 있습니다.)
He spends his evenings playing video games. (그는 저녁에 비디오 게임을 하는 데 시간을 보낸다.)
He spends most of his salary on rent. (그는 대부분의 월급을 임대료에 쓴다.)
He returned to his seat after the intermission. (인터미션 이후에 자리로 돌아갔다.)
His sickness accounts for his absence.
그는 병으로 결석했다.
I can answer for his honesty.
그의 정직함에 대해 보증할 수 있습니다.
OK. I'll tape the message to his door.
알았어요. 그의 방 문에 메시지를 붙여 놓을게요.
He is quite good-looking. Do you know how old he is?
아주 인상이 좋네. 몇 살인지 아니?
I'm not sure. Probably in his early thirty's.
확실하지는 않지만, 아마도 삼십대 초반일거야.
He looks really young for his age.
나이에 비해 정말 젊어 보이는데.
But it's not just because of his good looks.
그의 잘생긴 외모 때문만은 아니야.
He is a really nice person, considerate and understanding.
정말 좋은 사람이지. 사려가 깊고 이해심이 넓어.
account for; (=explain) 설명하다
He is ill; that account for his absence.
allow for; (=take into account) ~을 고려하다
You must allow for his youth and inexperience.
answer for; (=be responsible for) 책임지다
I answer for his honesty.
ask after; (=inquire after) 안부를 묻다
I asked after his health
at once; (=immediately, at the same time) 즉시, 동시에
We must start at once.
His father is at once stern and tender.
attribute ~ to; (=ascribe ~ to, impute ~ to) ~을 ...탓으로 돌리다
He attributed his success to good luck.
due to; (=owing to) ~때문에
The accident was due to his careless driving.
He is due to speak this evening.
Mistake due to carelessness may have serious consequences.
be force to; (=be obliged to, be compelled to) ~하지 않을 수 없다
We were all forced to comply with his request.
bear in mind; (=remember, learn by heart) 기억하다
You must bear his advice in mind.
because of; (=by reason of, on account of) ~때문에
He cannot work because of his old age.
break away; (=go away suddenly, give up) 달아나다, 버리다
The prisoner broke away from his guards.
Can't you break away from old habits?
break into; (=enter by force) 침입하다
A burglar broke into his house last night.
call down; (=reprimand, scold) 꾸짖다
He was called down by his boss for coming late to work.
carry on; (=continue, manage) 계속하다, 경영하다
Carry on with your sweeping.
He is carrying on his business on a large scale.
come true; (=really happen, become fact) 실현되다
His dream came true at last.
compare with; 비교하다
Poets compared sleep to death. I compared my camera with his.
deal with; (=treat) 다루다, 취급하다
He deals in rice.
He deals fairly with his pupils.
distinguish oneself; (=make oneself well known) 이름을 내다
He distinguished himself by his courage.
do justice to=do one justice; (=treat fairly) 공평히 평가하다
His remarks do justice to the author.
To do him justice, he is a good man by heart.
feel for; (=sympathize with, grope) 동정하다, 더듬다
It is only the poor who really feel for the poor.
There he stopped and felt for his purse.
for all; (=in spite of) 불구하고
For all his wealth he is not contented.
for one's age; (=considering one's age) 나이에 비해서
He looks older for his age.
for one's life; (=desperately) 필사적으로
He ran for his life.
for the life of me; (=however hard I try) 아무리해도
I cannot, for the life of me, recollect his name.
(아무리 해도 나는 그의 이름을 기억해낼 수 없었다.)
For the life of me, I could not remember her name.
(아무리 해도 나는 그녀의 이름을 기억할 수 없었다.)
for the sake of; (=for the benefit of) ~을 위하여
He saved money for the sake of his family.
gain on; (=get closer to, go faster than, encroach upon)
~에 따라 미치다, ~보다 발이 빠르다, ~을 침식하다
His pursuers were gaining on him. The sea is gaining on the land.
get along; (=make progress, manage) 진척되다, 살아가다
He is getting along very well in his study of English.
We cannot get along without money.
get on with; (=live in a friendly way with) 사이좋게 지내다
Tell me how he has got on in the world.
He is getting on (or along) with his neighbors.
get over; (=recover from, overcome, tide over) 회복하다, 극복하다
He finally got over his illness. He got over the difficulty.
give away; (=give freely, distribute, disclose) 남에게 주다, 분배하다, 폭로하다
He gave away all his money.
His pronunciation gave him away.
give out; (=wear out, distribute) 힘이 다하다, 배부하다
After a long swim his strength gave out.
An usher stood at the door giving out programs.
give vent to; (=give free expression to) 감정을 쏟다
He gave vent to his feelings in an impassioned speech.
go through; (=suffer or experience, pass through) (고통을)겪다, 경험하다, 통과하다
You never know what he went through to educate his children.
His application finally went through.
go without saying; (=be unnecessary to mention) 말할 필요가 없다
It goes without saying that his book will improve your English.
hand over; (=give control of) 넘겨주다, 양도하다
He handed over all his property to his son.
have (get) one's own way; (=get or do what one wants) 마음 대로하다
He is apt to have his own way in everything.
hold out; (=offer, resist) 내밀다, 저항하다
He held out his hand. How long can the enemy hold out?
in a measure; (=in a certain degree) 어느 정도
His success is in a measure owing to luck.
on behalf of; (=as the representative of) ~을 대표하여
He has done his best in behalf of his company.
On behalf of the company, I welcome you.
in consideration of; (=paying thoughtful attention to) ~을 고려하여
You must pardon him in consideration of his youth.
under favor of; (=taking advantage of) ~을 이용하여
We are in favor of the bill.
I will make an exception in your favor.
He stands high in favor with his master.
The attack was made under favor of darkness.
in place of, in one's place; (=instead of) ~의 대신에
I will go in place of my father.
Mr. Kim is sick and Mr. Lee teaches in his place today.
in proportion to, in proportion as; (=relative to) ~에 비례하여
A man will succeed in proportion to his perseverance.
in return for; (=as repayment for) ~의 보답으로
I gave him a camera in return for his present.
in spite of; (=notwithstanding, for all) ~에도 불구하고
He failed in spite of his efforts.
I nodded my head in spite of myself.
in terms of; (=by means of, if converted in, from the standpoint of)
~에 의하여, ~으로 환산하면, ~의 견지에서
He expressed his idea in terms of action.
If computed in terms of tonnage, it will aggregate 100 tons.
He sees everything in terms of money.
in the event of; (=in case of) ~할 경우에
In the event of his death, she will be left poor.
in turn; (=in succession) 차례로
Each one told his story in turn.
lacking in; (=wanting in) ~이 부족한
There is something lacking in his character.
lay aside; (=save for future needs, lay by) 저축하다
He is laying aside money for his old age.
leave off; (=no longer wear, stop) 입지 않다, 중지하다
He left off his woolen underwear when it got warm.
It's time to leave off the work.
look over; (=examine, pardon) 검사하다, 눈감아주다
I looked over the goods one by one.
We must look over his fault.
look up; (=search for ~ in a dictionary) (사전에서) ~을 찾아보다
Every student should look up all new words in his dictionary each day.
lose one's head; (=become very excited) 흥분하다, 이성을 잃다
He has lost his head over her.
lose one's temper; (=get angry) 성을 내다
He often loses his temper for nothing.
make allowances for; (=take into consideration) ~을 참작하다
You must make allowances for his youth.
make good; (=succeed, compensate for, accomplish) 성공하다, 보상하다, 수행하다
I am sure he will make good in his job.
He made good the loss. I will make good my resolution.
make light of; (=treat as of little importance) 경시하다
He made light of his illness.
make nothing of; (=be unable to understand) 이해 못하다, 아무렇지 않게 여기다
I could make nothing of what he said.
He makes nothing of his illness.
make one's mark; (=become famous) 유명해지다
It was not long at college before he made his mark.
make one's name; (=succeed in life) 이름을 떨치다, 성공하다
The boy who sat at the foot of the class in his school days sometimes makes his
name in after life.
make one's way; (=proceed, succeed) 나아가다, 성공하다
He made his way through the snowstorm.
He made his way in the world with his pen.
make out; (=understand, succeed, prepare, pretend) 이해하다, 성공하다, 작성하다 ,~체 하다
No one could make out what he was talking about.
I'm sure John will make out well in that job.
He made out his will last week.
Helen tried to make out that she was ill.
make up one's mind; (=determine) 결심하다
He made up his mind to go abroad to continue his story.
map out; (=plan) 계획하다
I must map out his election campaign.
next to nothing; (=almost nothing) 거의 아무것도 아닌
In English he is next to none in his class.
No wonder she is ill! She eats next to nothing.
none the less; (=nevertheless) 그럼에도 불구하고
I respect him none the less for his faults.
be obliged to 동사; (=be compelled to) ~하지 않을 수 없다
I am obliged to you for your help.
I was obliged to comply with his request.
up to date; (=modern) 최신식의
The idea has gone out of date.
He is very up to date in his methods of language teaching.
out of the question; (=impossible) 불가능한
Beyond all question you are right.
His success is out of the question.
owe ~ to...; (=be indebted to as the source of) ~은 ...의 덕이다
He owes his success to good luck more than to ability.
prevent ~ from; (=keep ~ from) ~때문에 못하다
Illness prevented him from doing his work.
put up with; (=endure, bear, tolerate, stand) 참다
I refuse to put up with his insolent actions any longer.
reach out; (=stretch out) 뻗치다
He reached out his hand for the book.
refer to; (=speak of, ascribe to) 언급하다, ~의 탓으로
He did not refer to this matter.
He referred his wealth to his own hard work.
regardless of; (=without regard to) ~에도 불구하고
Regardless of his faults, I like him.
resign oneself to; (=accept without complaint) ~을 체념하여 받다
He resigned himself to his fate.
result in; (=bring about) 결국 ~이 되다
His pain results from a blow while playing football.
Eating too much often results in illness.
set out; (=set off, begin, leave) 시작하다, 떠나다
He has set out in business. He set off on his journey.
set store by; (=think much of) ~을 중히 여기다
I set great store by his friendship.
stand for; (=represent, support, tolerate) 대표하다, 지지하다, 참다
The blue bird stands for happiness.
We cannot help standing for democracy.
She refused to stand for his impoliteness any longer.
stand to reason; (=be clear and logical) ~은 당연하다
It stands to reason that if he never prepares his lessons he is not going to make
good progress.
succeed to; (=become an heir to) 계승하다, 상속하다
He succeeded in solving the puzzle.
The son succeeded to a large property left by his father.
ke after; (=resemble) ~을 닮다
He takes after his mother.
take by surprise; (=surprise) 놀라게 하다
His offer took me completely by surprise.
take part with; (=side with) ~을 편들다
Will she take part in the concert?
He always takes part with his friend.
tide over; (=get over, overcome) 극복하다
He sold his car to tide over his period of unemployment.
to the point; (=relevant, to the purpose) 적절한, 요령 있는
His speech was short and to the point.
with all; (=for all, in spite of) ~에도 불구하고
With all his faults, he is very kind.
ventriloquist someone who can make his or her voice seem to another person
그 사람의 입장이 되어 보세요.
Put yourself in his shoes.
그분은 지금 결재중입니다.
He is reporting to his supervisor.
눈이 그 분과 닮았어요.
You have his eyes.
당신 고집불통이군요.
You're as stubborn as a mule.
You have to do everything his way.
쥐구멍에도 볕들 날이 있다.
Fortune knocks once at every man's gate.
Every dog has his day.
짚신도 짝이 있어요.
Every Jack has his Gill.
"그 친구 귀가 큰 게 특징이야."
"He's characterized by his big ear."
그는 이 방면에 잔뼈가 굵은 사람입니다.
He's an old hand at this.
-He knows this stuff like the back of his hand.
-He write a book on this.
He has a soft spot for his family.
그는 가족에 대해선 마음이 약해집니다.
Mike will be in his director's good graces.
마이크는 그의 국장의 호감을 받게 될 겁니다.
그는 거만해졌다.
He has a big head.(= He is gone to his head.)
그는 아직 풋내기다.
He has milk on his chin.
그의 차는 고물이야
His car is a lemon.
그의 계획은 흠잡을 데가 없습니다.
His plan is beyond challenge.
He'll blow his top.
그는 엄청 화를 낼 겁니다.
그는 현상수배자이다.
He has a price on his head.
He's working his head off.
그는 뼈 빠지게 일해.
전화번호는 맞는데 제가 당겨 받은 겁니다.
You have the right number, but I picked it up because he/she is not at his/her desk right now.
His bark is worse than his bite.
겉으로는 사나워 보여도 알고 보면 따뜻한 사람이예요.
He has no furniture in his pocket except money.
그는 돈 밖에 없다.
He does his work catch-as-catch-can.
그는 일을 주먹구구식으로 한다.
그는 반에서 왕따이다.
He's an outcast in his class.
그의 발언이 큰 논쟁을 불러일으켰습니다.
His remarks sparked a huge controversy.
제이슨이 지난 주 회계학 시험을 얼마나 잘 쳤는지 들었나요?
Have you heard how well Mr. Kim did on his accounting exam last week?
눈이 그 분과 닮았어요.
You have his eyes.
He turned up his thumb.
그는 그의 일에 만족 해 했다.
당신 고집불통이군요.
You're as stubborn as a mule.
You have to do everything his way.
피터는 그 시험에서 최선을 다했다.
Peter put his best foot forward on the exam.
이마에 땀이 송글송글 맺혀 있다.
His forehead is beaded with perspiration.
Drops of perspiration have formed on his forehead.
His forehead is covered with sweat.
쥐구멍에도 볕들 날이 있다.
Fortune knocks once at every man's gate.
Every dog has his day.
그는 마누라한테 꼼짝 못해.
His wife leads him around by the nose.
존은 그 주식을 매입했을 때 정말 혼이 났다.
John really got his fingers burned when he bought the stock.
내가 아버지 차를 고장냈을 때 몹시 화를 내셨다.
Father had kittens when I wrecked his car.
그는 어느 편에 붙는 것이 이익인지 알고 있다.
He knows which side his bread is buttered on.
그 친구는 허튼 소리를 잘 해요.
He's talking through his hat.
그는 학생들을 과보호한다.
He spoonfeeds his student.
부인이 그를 먹여 살린다.
His wife is his meal ticket.
그는 늘 자기 성적을 갖고 노심초사한다.
He always worries like crazy about his grades.
톰은 내 문제를 해결하는 데 발 벗고 나섰다.
Tom went out of his way to take care of my problems.
학교와서 돌아와서 우체통에서 그의 편지를 발견했다.
I found his letter in the mailbox when I came home from school.
2003년 10월 1일자의 편지를 받았다.
I received his letter dated October 1, 2003.
그의 편지를 받자마자 친밀한 생각이 들었다.
I began to feel friendly, as soon as I got his letter.
그렇게 빨리 답장을 받게 되어 기뻤다.
I was very glad to get his answer so soon.
그의 무례한 행동이 싫다.
I hate his impolite behavior.
모든 사람이 장점과 단점을 가지고 있다.
Every person has his own strong poin
사장은 나를 꼼짝 못하게 한다.
The boss has me under his thumb.
그는 언행이 일치한다.
He is as good as his word.
그는 나이에 비해 어른스럽다.
He's mature enough for his age.
그는 그의 약속을 행동으로 옮겼다.
He kept his promise.
그의 행동으로 보아 그는 정직한 사람이라고 생각된다.
I guess from his behavior that he is a honest person.
그의 행동에 놀라지 않을 수 없었다.
I couldn't help being surprised at his conduct.
그의 행동은 모두를 놀라게 한다.
His behavior surprises everybody.
어떤 점에서는 그의 갑작스런 행동을 이해할 수 있다.
In a sense, I can understand his sudden behavior.
그의 행동은 무례하다.
His behavior is rude[impolite].
그의 무례한 행동으로 매우 기분이 나빴다.
I was really unpleasant because of his rude behavior.
그의 행동은 꾸물거린다.
He moves very slowly.
He drags his feet.
그는 코 파는 습관이 있다.
He has a habit of picking his nose.
그는 약속을 잘 지키는 사람이다.
He is a man of his word.
나는 그의 말을 그대로 믿었다.
I took his word at face value.
우리는 이구동성으로 그의 계획에 동의했다.
We agreed with his plan whole heartedly.
그의 말은 마치 로맨틱 영화에 나오는 대사같다.
His words sound like the line from a romantic movie.
그의 말에는 가시가 있었다.
He had a biting tongue.
His words carried a sting.
There was an edge to his voice.
그의 말이 나를 불편하게 만들었다.
His words made me feel uneasy.
그의 말로 기분이 무척 상했다.
His words offended me very much.
그가 한 말로 마음이 아팠다.
What he said hurt me.
His words broke my heart.
그의 거친 표현이 신경에 거슬렸다.
His tough expressions made me nervous.
그는 남의 일에 간섭을 잘 한다.
He is so nosy.
He keeps his nose in others' business.
그는 자기 자랑을 잘 한다.
He's good at blowing his own horn.
He's good at blowing his own horn.
He is so boastful of himself.
그는 자기 새 신발을 자랑했다.
He showed off his new shoes.
그는 절대 자기가 한 말에 대해 잘 못했다고 하지 않는다.
He never eats his words.
그의 말은 사실과 완전히 달랐다.
His statements are totally different with the facts.
아침 식사후에 아빠는 출근하시고 그리고 나서 동생과 나는 학교에 갔다.
After breakfast, my dad went to his office, and then my brother and I went to school.
아빠는 직장에서 집에 오실 때 무언가를 사 오신다.
My dad picks up something on his way home from work.
아빠는 나이보다 더 젊어 보이신다.
My dad looks young for his age.
그의 대답은 모든 점에서 정확했다.
His answer was accurate in every detail.
때때로 그의 대답은 이치에 맞지 않기도 했다.
Sometimes his answer didn't make sense.
아빠가 약속을 지키기를 바란다.
I hope my dad will keep his promise.
I hope my dad won't break his word.
그에게 설교를 듣고 싶지 않았다.
I didn't want his lecture.
우리 영어 선생님은 학생에게 엄하시다.
Our English teacher is strict with his students.
나는 그의 합격을 축하해 주었다.
I congratulated him on his success in exams.
그의 합격은 그의 끊임없는 노력 덕분이다.
He passed the exam due to his endless efforts.
그는 나이에 비해 성숙하다.
He is very mature for his age.
그는 그의 여자 친구와 같이 있었다.
He was accompanied by his girl friend.
그의 말을 듣고 매우 화가 났다.
I was very angry to hear his words.
나는 그가 잘못이라고 생각하였다.
I thought it was his fault.
I thought he was at fault.
I thought he was wrong.
그의 그런 행동이 이제는 지겹다.
I am sick and tired of his behavior like that.
그의 변명을 이해 할 수가 없었다.
I couldn't understand his excuse.
내가 그의 감정을 상하게 할 의도는 아니었다.
I didn't mean to offend his feelings.
그의 외모가 인상적이었다.
His appearance was very impressive.
그와 함께 있음이 정말 즐거웠다.
I really enjoyed his company.
나는 그의 팔짱을 끼고 걸었다.
I walked taking his arm.
그가 날 차로 집에 데려다 주었다.
He took me home by his car.
그는 나에게 등을 돌렸다.
He turned his back on me.
우리 아빠는 간에 문제가 있으시다.
My dad has something wrong with his liver.
나는 그의 건강이 걱정된다.
I am concerned about his health.
의사는 그의 당뇨병을 치료했다.
The doctor treated him for his diabetes.
나의 이 메일 친구는 그 나라의 음식 문화에 대한 이야기를 많이 쓴다.
My key pal writes a lot about the food culture of his country.
친구의 메일을 받자 마자 답장을 썼다.
I replied as soon as I received his mail.
그는 책만 읽는다.
His nose is always in a book.
나는 그의 소설, '노인과 바다'를 읽었다.
I read his novels, 'The Old Man and the Sea'.
멋진 목소리를 가지고 있어서 좋아한다.
I like him because of his fantastic voice.
우리 미술 선생님은 점수줄 때 아주 까다롭다.
Our art teacher is very strict in his grades.
그의 열정적인 연주가 매우 인상적이었다.
His passionate performance was so impressive.
그에게 생일 파티를 열어 주고 싶었다.
I wanted to throw a party on his birthday.
그는 그의 친구들을 데리고 왔다.
He brought his friends.
그가 오지 않아 뭔가 빠진 기분이다.
I felt something was missing because of his absence.
그는 가장 멋지게 보이려고 잘 차려 입었다.
He was all dressed up to look his best.
그의 옷 차림이 눈에 띄었다.
His suit is eye-catching.
그는 나를 그의 파티에 오라고 초대했다.
He invited me to join his party.
나는 기꺼이 그의 친절한 초대에 응하게 되어 매우 기쁘다.
I'm pleased to accept his kind invitation.
물론 그의 초대에 응했다.
Of course I accepted his invitation.
나의 애완견은 내 손에 발을 올려 놀 수 있다.
My dog can put his paws on my hands.
나의 애완견은 나만 보면, 꼬리를 흔든다.
My pet dog wags his tail whenever he sees me.
나의 개는 턱 밑을 긁어 주는 것을 좋아한다.
My dog likes being scratched under his chin.
그 연극의 주인공이 연기를 아주 잘했다.
The hero of the play played his role very well.
그는 그의 대중 가요 OO로 유명하다.
He is well known for his popular song, OO.
그의 음악은 항상 재미있고 흥이 난다.
His music is always entertaining and exciting.
그의 많은 재능은 계속 청중을 놀라게하고 즐겁게 한다.
His many talents continue to surprise and delight audiences.
그는 어깨 춤을 잘 추며 노래한다.
He sings a song dancing with his shoulders moving up and down.
그의 노래가 아주 인기다.
His song is all the fashion.
그의 노래가 대유행이다.
His song is in vogue.
그의 폭발적인 인기가 놀랍다.
I was so surprised by his tremendous popularity.
나의 그의 제안에 찬성했다.
I gave thumbs up on his proposals.
나의 그의 제안에 반대했다.
I gave thumbs down on his proposals.
아빠가 미국 여행에서 돌아 오셨다.
My father has returned from his tour of America.
그는 머리를 뒤로 젖히고 웃었다.
He threw back his head and laughed.
그의 따듯한 말이 내 기분을 좋게 만들었다.
His warm words put me in a good mood.
I was pleased with my brother's success in his university exam.
그의 기쁜 얼굴은 나를 기쁘게 했다.
His delightful look pleased me.
그가 기뻐하는 것을 보니 나도 기분이 좋았다.
I felt good to see his delight.
그의 불행에 슬펐다.
I felt sorry for his misfortune.
그의 실패가 나를 슬프게 만들었다.
His failure made me sad.
그가 여기에 있다면, 그에게 모든 것을 말하고 조언을 구했을 것이다.
If he were here, I would tell him everything for his advice.
그의 조언은 내 문제를 다시 생각하게 했다.
His advice made me think my problem again.
그의 충고에 감사를 드린다.
I am thankful for his advice.
나는 그의 충고를 기꺼이 따르기로 했다.
I decided to follow his advice.
그의 조언을 따르지 않을 수 없었다.
I could not help following his advice.
그의 조언대로 하지 않은 것이 정말 후회된다.
I am really sorry that I didn't follow his advice.
그의 조언을 따랐어야 했다.
I should have followed his advice.
그는 아무 일도 아닌 데 화를 냈다.
He lost his temper for nothing.
나는 그의 입장이 되어 생각해 보았다.
I tried thinking in his place.
그의 무례함에 항상 화가 난다.
His rudeness always gets me upset.
내 동생은 시험에서 낙제하여 매우 낙담했다.
My brother was discouraged by his failure in the exams.
그의 엄마가 돌아가신 이후로 항상 낙심해 있다.
He is always depressed after his mom passed away.
그의 말로 나는 다시 당당하게 되었다.
His words made me keep my chin up again.
그의 엄마가 돌아가셔서 위로의 말을 해 주었다.
I consoled him on the death of his mom.
슬픔에 빠져 있는 그를 위로하였다.
I consoled him in his sorrow.
그의 애도가 큰 위로가 되었다.
His sympathy was a great consolation.
쥐 구멍에도 볕 들날이 있다.
Every dog has his day.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
그는 나에게 행운을 빌어 주었다.
He wished me luck.
He kept his fingers crossed for me.
He is always very exact in his work.
그는 언제나 일을 꼼꼼하게 한다.
He was flattered to his ruin.
그는 아첨에 귀를 기울여 망했다.
He gives his daughter a handsome weekly allowance.
그는 딸에게 매주 넉넉한 용돈을 준다.
Every person has his own way of viewing things.
사물을 보는 눈은 사람마다 다르다.
I like him none the less for his faults.
나는 그가 결점이 있어도 여전히 좋다.
He slept off his fatigue.
그는 잠으로 피곤을 풀었다.
He's cleaning out his closet.
장롱을 청소하다.
He used the proceeds from the sales of his car to buy a new one.
그는 자기 차를 팔아 낸 수익을 새차를 사는데 썼다.
He forestalled the closing of his company by getting a loan from the bank.
그는 은행에서 돈을 빌림으로써 회사가 문 닫는 것을 막았다.
There was a bit of commotion when he was asked to fall on his knees.
그가 무릎을 꿇으라는 요청을 받자 약간의 동요가 있었다.
He likes his job and has a complacent attitude toward life.
그는 자기 일을 좋아하며 인생에 대해 자족하는 태도를 가지고 있다.
His stern mother made him do all his homework before dinner.
그의 엄격한 어머니는 그가 저녁 식사 전에 모든 숙제를 다 하도록 했다.
tear it off: remove it quickly(빨리 제거하다)
He tore off his shirt and made a bandage.
그는 무거운 배낭을 짊어지고 있다.
He has a heavy rucksack on his back.
그의 부인은 사치스럽다. 아무 것도 그녀를 만족시키지 못한다.
His wife is extravagant. Nothing pleases her.
그가 성공할 희망은 거의 없다.
There is little hope of his success.
그의 가족은 모두가 이야기하기를 좋아했다.
All his family were fond of talking.
그 정치가는 국가를 위해 많은 일을 했다.
The statesman did much for his country.
그 아이는 길을 잃었을 겁니다.
The child must have lost his way.
저 사람은 늘 기분이 좋아 아직 한 번도 화낸 얼굴을 본 일이 없다.
He is always in a good humour, and I have never seen an angry look on his face.
그는 지금 목욕하고 있다.
He is having his bath now.
우리가 찾아갔을 때 그는 형에게 영어를 배우고 있는 중이었다.
He was being taught English by his brother when we called on him.
나는 그의 도움 없이는 해 나갈 수 없다.
I cannot do without his help.
그에게 용서를 빌다니 내게는 생각도 못할 일이다.
I could not think of asking his pardon.
너는 그 사람의 잘못을 우스워할 일이 아니다.
You should not laugh at his mistake.
그 노인은 이따금 손자의 얼굴을 보는 것을 낙으로 삼고 있다.
That old man likes to see his grandchildren now nad then.
그는 몸가짐을 고친다고 말하고 있다.
He promises to improve his conduct.
죄수 한 명이 감방의 창으로부터 도망가려 했다.
A prisoner attempted to escape from the window of his cell.
부친은 세 아들에게 적을 대함에 있어 힘을 합치라고 가르쳤다.
The father taught his three sons to band together against the enemy.
아버지는 마침내 아들에게 음악을 배워도 좋다고 말했다.
Finally the father permitted his son to learn music.
저자는 자기 책 같은 것은 절대로 자랑해서는 안된다.
The author should be the last man to speak about his book.
그는 친절하게도 그의 정적(政敵)을 위문했다.
He had the kindness to inquire after his political opponent.
공정하게 말해서 그의 의도는 좋았음을 인정하지 않으면 안됩니다.
To do him justice, we must admit that his intentions were good.
최선을 다했어도 그는 그것을 완성하지 못했다.
To do his best, he could not finish it.
설상가상으로 그의 아이가 말라리아에 걸렸다.
To make the matter worse, his child came down with malaria.
엎친 데 덮치기로(설상가상으로) 그의 한쪽 눈이 안 보이게 되었다.
To add to his difficulty, he became blind in one eye.
그들은 그가 그의 죄를 자백하도록 했다.
They made him confess his guilt.
저 희극 배우의 웃는 얼굴 뒤에 가려져 있는 괴로움을 누가 알까?
Who knows the comedian's aching heart behind his smilling eyes?
그가 술에 취해 있었다 해도 그것이 그의 행동에 대한 변명이 될 수 없다.
Granting that he was drunk, that is no excuse for his conduct.
영어를 말할 때 그는 자주 고개를 흔든다.
He often shakes his head when speaking English.
그는 심장이 몹시 두근거리면서 조용히 누워 있었다.
He lay still, his heart beating heavily.
외모로 보아 그는 한국 사람임에 틀림없다.
Judging from his appearance, he must be a Koren.
그는 어젯밤 열차 안에서 주머니 것을 소매치기당했다.
He had his pocket picked in the train last night.
이렇게 말하고서 그는 뒤돌아섰다.
This said, he turned on his heel.
그는 입을 꽉 다물고서 눈에는 웃음을 띠고서 그 책을 읽었다.
He read the book, his mouth shut hard, but his eyes smiling.
그가 백치이기 때문에 그의 부모는 매우 한탄하고 있다.
His being an idiot causes much sorrow to his parents.
의무를 다한 것이 그에게 커다란 위로가 되었다.
His having done his duty was a great consolation to him.
그가 부모를 만나려 하지 않는 것은 이상하다.
It is strange his not wanting to see his parents.
그가 말없이 가 버리다니 참 이상하다.
It is very strange his going away without a word.
그가 동료간에 그렇게 평이 좋지 않음을 나는 몰랐다.
I was not aware of his being so unpopular among his colleagues.
그가 그런 짓을 하다니 상상도 못할 일이다.
I cannot fancy his doing such a thing.
bad workman quarrels with his tools.
A bad workman always blames his tools
서투른 목수가 연장 나무란다.
서투른 일꾼이 연장을 탓한다.
서투른 무당이 장고만 나무란다.
A leopard cannot change his spots.
제 버릇 개 못 준다.
(표범이 타고난 반점을 바꿀 수 없다)
A man's home is his castle.
한 사람의 집은 바로 그의 城이다.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
뚝배기보다는 장 맛이다.
겉모습을 보고 사람[사물]을 판단하지 마라.
Don't judge a man by his exterior.
외모로 사람을 평가하지 말라.
Don't judge a man until you've walked in his boots.
남의 입장이 되어 보지 않고서 그 사람을 비난하지 말라.
Every Jack has his Jill. 고무신도 짝이 있다.
Every cock is bold on his own dunghill.
이불 속에서 활개친다.
Every dog is valiant at his own door.
모든 개는 제 문 앞에서는 용감하다.
Every dog has his day.
쥐구멍에도 볕들 날 있다.
누구에게나 전성기를 구가할 기회는 찾아온다.
Fortune knocks once at least at every man's gate.
행운은 적어도 한 번은 모든 인간의 문을 두드린다.
Every Jack has his Jill.
짚신도 제짝이 있다.
Every man has a fool in his sleeve.
털어서 먼지 안 나는 사람 없다.
Every man has his faults.
누구나 결점을 갖고 있다.
No man is infallible.
완벽한 사람은 없다.
There are spots in the sun.
태양에도 점이 있다.
Every bean has its black.
모든 콩에는 까만 점이 있다.
Every man has his price.
누구나 돈으로 매수할 수 있다.
Everyone has a skeleton in his closet.
털어서 먼지 안 나는 사람 없다.
Familiarity breeds contempt.
지나친 친분은 경멸감을 자아낼 수 있다.
Respect is greater from a distance.
멀리서 바라봐야 존경심이 더욱 커진다.
No man is a hero to his valet.
영웅도 자신의 하인에게는 평범해 보인다.
His bark is worse than his bite.
떠들기는 해도 마음은 착하다.
그는 거친 입심만큼 고약한 사람은 아니다.
그의 말이 비록 거칠기는 하지만 본심(本心)이 그렇게 악한 것은 아니다.
No man is a hero to his valet.
위대한 것도 가까이서 보면 별것 아니다.
valet : 주인의 옷과 요리 등 세세한 것까지 다 챙겨 주는 하인
-> 호텔에서 차를 맡기면 주차해주는 것을 valet parking이라고 한다.
Not every man is born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
누구나 유복한 가정에서 태어나는 것은 아니다.
The cobbler should stick to his last. 본분을 지켜라.
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
맛있는 음식을 해 주는 것이 사랑을 받는 지름길이다.
To each his own. 十人十色
All his geese are swans.
Every man's goose is a gander.
제 것이면 거위도 백조라고 한다. (제 자랑만 늘어 놓는다).
고슴도치도 제 새끼는 귀여워한다.
All is fish that comes to the net.
⇒ All is grist that comes to his mill.
그물에 걸리는 것은 모두 물고기.
그는 무엇이든 이용한다(자빠져도 빈손으로 일어나지 않는다).
Can the leopard change his spots?
표범이 그 반점을 바꿀 수 있느뇨?
A cock is bold on his own dunghill.
이불 속에서 활개 친다.
Don't judge of a man by his looks.
외양으로 사람을 판단하지 말라.
Draw water to his own mill.
⇒ Every miller draws water to his own mill.
An Englishman's house is his castle.
영국인의 집은 그의 성이다.
(가정의 신성함과 인권의 존중을 말한다).
Every dog has his day.
쥐 구멍에도 볕들 날 있다.
Every Jack must has his Jill.
헌 신도 짝은 있다.
Every man has a fool in his sleeve.
누구나 약점은 있는 법이다.
Every man has his price.
돈으로 말 안듣는 사람없다.
Every man is the architect of his own fortune.
각자는 자기 운명의 개척자다.
⇒ Every man's destiny is in his own hands.
각자의 운명은 자신에 달렸다.
Every man to his taste.
⇒ Every man has his humor.
⇒ Many heads, many minds.
⇒ So many men, so many mind.
⇒ Tastes differ.
⇒ There is no accounting for tastes.
Every one after his fashion.
각양각색(各樣各色). 십인십색
Every miller draws water to his own mill.
⇒ Draw water
his own mill.
Everyone has a skeleton in his closet.
털어서 먼지 안 날 사람 없다.
Every one to his trade.
⇒ Every man for his own trade.
장사에는 각각 전문이 있다.
The excessive drinker always attacks his life.
폭음가는 늘 자신의 생명을 공격하고 있다.
Father's virtue is the best heritage for his child.
아버지의 덕행은 최상이 유산이다.
A growing youth has a wolf in his belly.
한창 나이에는 식욕도 왕성하다.
He who can make his enemy turn to his friend is a man of ability.
적을 벗으로 삼을 수 있는 자는 위대한 인물이다.
He who lends to the poor, gets his interest from God.
가난한 사람을 도운 자는 반드시 신의 보답을 받는다.
He who seeks only for applause from without has all his happiness
in another's keeping.
외부로부터 갈채만 구하는 사람은 자기의 모든 행복을
타인의 보관에 의탁하고 있다.
-Oliver Goldsmith
He who spits against the wind fouls his beard.
바람에 침을 뱉으면 제 수염만 더럽힌다.
His bark is worse than bite.
본심은 소문보다 고약하지 않다.
Hope never spreads his golden wings but in unfath omable sea.
희망은 앞을 예기할 수 없는 해상이 아니고서는 결코 그 황금의
날개를 펴지 않는다.
If he waits long enough, the world will be his own.
참고 충분히 기다려라.
The iron entered into his soul.
학대를 받아 고통을 겪었다.
No bread eaten by man is so sweet as that earned by his own labor.
모름지기 사람이 먹는 빵 중에 스스로의 노동에 의해서 얻은 것보다
맛있는 것은 없다.
Not every man is born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
은수저를 입에 물고 태어난 사람은 없다.
The cobbler should stick to his last.
구두장이는 구두틀을 지켜라. 자기의 천직을 지키라는 뜻.
The nearest approach to happiness for man
in the course of his life is to possess liberty,
health and a peaceful mind. -India.
삶에서 인간이 가장 확실하게 행복해지기 위해서는
자유와 건강과 평화로운 마음을 지니는 것이다.
To know a man is not to know his face, but to know his heart.
인간을 안다는 것은 그의 얼굴을 안다는 것이 아니라 그의 마음을 아는 것이다.
쥐구멍에도 볕들 날 있다.
Every dog has his day.
털어서 먼지 안 나는 사람 없다.
Everyone has a skeleton in his closet.
To each his own.
개구리 올챙이 적 생각 못한다
An upstart will often forget his old pinching times.
뛰는 놈 위에 나는 놈 있다
Talent above talent./Everyone has his master.
명필은 붓을 탓하지 않는다. / 선무당이 장구 탓한다.
A bad workman always blames his tools.
범은 죽어서 가죽을 남기고 사람은 죽어서 이름을 남긴다.
A great man will be remembered for his achievements.
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