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ell 〔el〕 엘(45인치에 상당하는 옛날의 영국 척도)(Give him an inch and he'll take an ell 봉당을 빌려 주니 안방까지 달란다)
exequatur 〔`eks∂kw´eit∂r〕 (L=he may perform)(주재국 정부에서 타국의 영사 등에게 주는)인가장
he'd he had의단축
he'd he had(would)의 단축형
he/she 그 또는 그녀, 그사람
hehe 〔h´i:h´i:〕 =he, 히히
hell he will(shall)의 단축
hes he is 의 준말
he 그(는, 가)
his'n pron, (he에 대응하는 소유 대명사)그의 것(his), =hisn
Huang He 〔hw´a:ŋ-h´∧〕 황하(the Yellow River)
leaky 〔l´i:ki〕 새는 구멍 있는, 새기 쉬운, 오줌을 지리는, 비밀을 지킬 수 없는(He si a ~ vessel 그 친구에게 말하면 곧장 새어 버린다)
mad 미친, 무모한(wild), 열중한(after, about, for, on)(He is ~ about her, 그 여자에 미쳐 있다), 성난(angry) drive a person ~ 미치게 하다, go (run) ~ 미치다
manage 〔m´ænidз〕 (He ~ d to make a mess of it, 엉망으로 만들어 버렸다), ... 처리하다, 헤쳐나가다
mass 〔mæs〕 덩어리, 집단, 다수, 다량(He is a ~ of bruises 전신 상처 투성이다), 태반, 질량 in the ~ 통틀어, the (great) ~ of ...의 대부분, the ~es 대중
seemingly 〔s´i:miŋli〕 겉으로는, 표면(외관)상(은), (무장 전체를 수식하여) 겉으로 보기에: S~he is mistaken.겉보기에는 그가 틀렸다
shoulda shall의 과거, ...일 것이다, If I ~ fail 만일 실패한다면, If he should do it, I ~ be angry, 만약 그가 그런 일을 한다면 나는 성낼걸세, 당연히 , ... 해야 한다(You ~do it at once)
Thames 〔temz〕 (the ~)런던을 흐르는 강, (He will not) set the ~ on FIRE
He was tired yesterday. (그는 어제 피곤했어요.)
He is being silly. (그는 바보 같아요.)
He is a good singer. (그는 좋은 가수예요.)
He was a great leader. (그는 훌륭한 리더였어요.)
He had a sandwich for lunch. (그는 점심에 샌드위치를 먹었어요.)
He has a lot of experience. (그는 많은 경험을 가지고 있어요.)
He has been working hard. (그는 열심히 일해 왔어요.)
He has been traveling around the world. (그는 세계 일주를 다녀 왔어요.)
He has been taking care of his sick mother. (그는 아픈 어머니를 돌봐 왔어요.)
He has been practicing the piano for hours. (그는 몇 시간 동안 피아노 연습을 해 왔어요.)
He did his laundry yesterday. (그는 어제 빨래를 했어요.)
He will do his best to win the competition. (그는 경쟁에서 이기기 위해 최선을 다할 거예요.)
He will do whatever it takes to succeed. (그는 성공하기 위해 무엇이든 할 거예요.)
He will do whatever you ask him to. (그는 네가 뭐라고 요청하든지 다 할 거예요.)
He will do everything he can to help you. (그는 너를 도와주기 위해 최선을 다할 거예요.)
He will do his best to make you proud. (그는 너를 자랑스럽게 만들기 위해 최선을 다할 거예요.)
He will do whatever it takes to make you happy. (그는 너를 행복하게 만들기 위해 무엇이든 할 거예요.)
He will give a presentation at the conference. (그는 회의에서 발표할 거예요.)
He will become a successful businessman. (그는 성공한 사업가가 될 거예요.)
He would often go for a run in the morning. (그는 종종 아침에 달리러 다녔어요.)
He would often visit his grandparents during the summer. (그는 여름에 종종 할아버지와 할머니를 방문했어요.)
He would often read books before going to bed. (그는 자기 전에 종종 책을 읽었어요.)
He would often help his neighbors with their groceries. (그는 종종 이웃들의 장을 도와줬어요.)
He would often volunteer at the local shelter. (그는 종종 지역 보호소에서 자원봉사를 했어요.)
He would often go fishing with his friends on weekends. (그는 주말에 종종 친구들과 낚시를 다녔어요.)
He would often take his dog for a walk in the evening. (그는 종종 저녁에 개를 산책시켰어요.)
He would often go camping with his friends during the summer. (그는 여름에 종종 친구들과 캠핑을 다녔다.)
He would often help his parents with household chores. (그는 종종 부모님의 가사일을 도와줬다.)
He would often go for a bike ride in the park. (그는 종종 공원에서 자전거를 타러 갔다)
He can play the guitar really well. (그는 기타를 정말 잘 칠 수 있어요.)
He can't come to the meeting because he's sick. (그는 아프기 때문에 회의에 참석할 수 없어요.)
He can't come to the party because he has a prior commitment. (그는 이미 약속이 있어서 파티에 올 수 없어요.)
He can't come to the party because he has a family event. (그는 가족 행사가 있어서 파티에 올 수 없어요.)
He can't come to the party because he has a conflicting appointment. (그는 다른 약속이 있어서 파티에 올 수 없어요.)
He got a promotion at work. (그는 직장에서 승진했어요.)
He got a speeding ticket. (그는 과속방지턱을 당했어요.)
He got injured during the game. (그는 경기 중에 다쳤어요.)
He got a surprise gift from his partner. (그는 파트너로부터 깜짝 선물을 받았어요.)
He got a raise in his salary. (그는 월급 인상을 받았어요.)
He got a new job offer. (그는 새로운 직장 제안을 받았어요.)
He got injured while playing sports. (그는 스포츠를 하다 다쳤어요.)
He made a mistake on the test. (그는 시험에서 실수를 했습니다.)
He made a promise to always be there for her. (그는 항상 그녀 곁에 있겠다고 약속했습니다.)
He made a fortune in the stock market. (그는 주식 시장에서 큰 돈을 벌었습니다.)
He made a face when he tasted the food. (음식을 맛보고 얼굴을 찌푸렸습니다.)
He made a joke to lighten the mood. (그는 분위기를 가볍게 하기 위해 농담을 했습니다.)
He made a noise to get their attention. (그는 그들의 주의를 끌기 위해 소리를 내었습니다.)
He made a mess in the kitchen. (그는 부엌을 엉망으로 만들었습니다.)
He made a suggestion to improve the project. (그는 프로젝트를 개선하기 위한 제안을 했습니다.)
He made a face when he smelled the food. (음식 냄새를 맡고 얼굴을 찌푸렸습니다.)
He made a joke to make everyone laugh. (그는 모두가 웃도록 농담을 했습니다.)
He made a noise to get their attention. (그는 그들의 주의를 끌기 위해 소리를 내었습니다.)
He goes to school every day. (그는 매일 학교에 갑니다.)
He went to the party with his friends. (그는 친구들과 파티에 갔었습니다.)
He goes to the library to study. (그는 공부하러 도서관에 갑니다.)
He went to the doctor for a check-up. (그는 건강검진을 받으러 의사에 갔었습니다.)
He went to the museum to see the art exhibition. (그는 미술 전시회를 보러 박물관에 갔었습니다.)
He is going to the cinema to watch a movie. (그는 영화를 보러 영화관에 갑니다.)
He went to the dentist for a dental check-up. (그는 치과에 치과 검진을 받으러 갔었습니다.)
He went to the concert to see his favorite band.(좋아하는 밴드를 보러 콘서트에 갔다)
He is going to the theater to watch a play. (그는 연극을 보러 극장에 갑니다.)
He went to the hospital for a medical check-up. (그는 병원에 의료 검진을 받으러 갔었습니다.)
He is going to the stadium to watch a soccer match. (그는 축구 경기를 보러 경기장에 갑니다.)
He went to the pharmacy to buy medicine. (그는 약을 사러 약국에 갔었습니다.)
He saw his friend at the mall. (그는 친구를 쇼핑몰에서 봤어요.)
He will see his parents next week. (그는 다음 주에 부모님을 만날 거예요.)
He saw his favorite band perform live. (그는 좋아하는 밴드의 라이브 공연을 봤어요.)
He will see the doctor for a check-up. (그는 건강검진을 위해 의사를 만날 거예요.)
He saw his favorite actor on the street. (그는 거리에서 좋아하는 배우를 봤어요.)
He will see the doctor for a follow-up appointment. (의사를 만나 재진을 받을 거예요.)
He knows a lot about history. (그는 역사에 대해 많이 안다.)
He will know the results tomorrow. (그는 내일 결과를 알게 될 것이다.)
He doesn't know how to cook. (그는 요리하는 법을 모른다.)
He knows the city like the back of his hand. (그는 그 도시를 손바닥처럼 잘 안다.)
Did you know that he is moving to another country? (너는 그가 다른 나라로 이사 간다는 걸 알고 있었니?)
He has known her since they were kids. (그는 어릴 적부터 그녀를 알고 있다.)
He doesn't know why she left. (그는 그녀가 왜 떠났는지 모른다.)
She didn't know that he was allergic to peanuts. (그녀는 그가 땅콩에 알레르기가 있다는 걸 몰랐다.)
He knows the best restaurants in town. (그는 도시에서 최고의 식당들을 안다.)
He has known about the project for months. (그는 몇 달 동안 그 프로젝트에 대해 알고 있었다.)
He took a picture of the sunset. (그는 일몰을 사진으로 찍었다.)
He took the opportunity to learn a new skill. (그는 새로운 기술을 배우는 기회를 잡았다.)
He took the blame for the mistake. (그는 실수에 대한 책임을 지었다.)
He took a step back to reassess the situation. (그는 상황을 다시 평가하기 위해 한 발 물러났다.)
He takes his coffee black. (그는 커피를 검은색으로 마신다.)
He took the opportunity to apologize. (그는 사과하는 기회를 잡았다.)
He thinks he's the smartest person in the room. (그는 자기가 방 안에서 가장 똑똑한 사람이라고 생각해요.)
I think he's lying. (그가 거짓말을 하는 것 같아요.)
I think he's hiding something. (그가 뭔가를 숨기고 있는 것 같아요.)
He came to visit me yesterday. (그는 어제 나를 방문했어요.)
He came up with a brilliant idea. (그는 뛰어난 아이디어를 냈어요.)
He gave up smoking last year. (그는 작년에 담배를 끊었어요.)
He gave me a warning about my behavior. (그는 내 행동에 대해 경고를 했어요.)
He gave me a piece of advice about my career. (그는 내 직업에 대한 한 조언을 해주었어요.)
He looked into her eyes and smiled.
그는 그녀의 눈을 바라보고 웃었다.
He looked tired after a long day at work.
그는 긴 하루 일한 후에 피곤해 보였다.
He looked up the word in the dictionary.
그는 사전에서 그 단어를 찾아봤다.
She looked away when he caught her staring.
그녀는 그가 그녀를 응시하는 것을 발견하자 눈을 돌렸다.
He looked through the window and saw a rainbow.
그는 창문을 통해 봤더니 무지개가 보였다.
He looked back on his childhood with fond memories.
그는 어린 시절을 기억하며 돌아봤다.
He looked forward to the weekend.
그는 주말을 기다렸다.
He looked around the room, searching for his lost keys.
그는 방 안을 둘러보며 잃어버린 열쇠를 찾았다.
He may have forgotten about the appointment.
그는 약속을 잊어버린 것일지도 모릅니다.
He may not be able to attend the meeting.
그는 회의에 참석할 수 없을지도 모릅니다.
He may not have received the email yet.
그는 아직 이메일을 받지 못했을지도 모릅니다.
He should be here by now.
그는 지금쯤 여기 있어야 해요.
He used to live in New York.
그는 뉴욕에 살았었어요.
He used his influence to get the job.
그는 일을 얻기 위해 영향력을 이용했어요.
He used his skills to win the competition.
그는 경기에서 승리하기 위해 기술을 이용했어요.
He used up all his energy during the marathon.
그는 마라톤 동안 모든 에너지를 소비했어요.
He used his intelligence to solve the complex problem.
그는 복잡한 문제를 해결하기 위해 지성을 이용했어요.
He used his charm to win her heart.
그는 그녀의 마음을 얻기 위해 매력을 이용했어요.
He found his lost keys under the couch.
그는 잃어버린 열쇠를 소파 아래에서 찾았어요.
He found his way back home.
그는 집으로 돌아가는 길을 찾았어요.
He found his old friend on social media.
그는 소셜 미디어에서 옛 친구를 찾았어요.
He found his passion for music at a young age.
그는 어린 시절 음악에 대한 열정을 찾았어요.
He found his way out of the maze.
그는 미로에서 나가는 길을 찾았어요.
He found a way to overcome his fear of heights.
그는 고소공포증을 극복할 방법을 찾았어요.
He found his way to success through hard work.
그는 노력을 통해 성공의 길을 찾았어요.
He wants to be a doctor when he grows up. (그는 어른이 되었을 때 의사가 되고 싶어해요.)
He wanted to go to the party, but he couldn't. (그는 파티에 가고 싶었지만 못 갔다.)
He wants to travel the world. (그는 세계를 여행하고 싶어해요.)
He wants to quit his job and start his own business. (그는 직장을 그만두고 자신의 사업을 시작하고 싶어했다.)
He wanted to ask her out on a date. (그는 그녀에게 데이트를 신청하고 싶었다.)
He wanted to apologize for his behavior. (그는 자신의 행동을 사과하고 싶었어요.)
He wanted to become a famous actor. (그는 유명한 배우가 되고 싶었다.)
I can't tell if he's joking or serious. - 그가 농담하는 건지 진지한 건지 알 수 없어요.
He told her that he loved her. - 그는 그녀에게 사랑한다고 말했다.
He told a funny story at the party. - 그는 파티에서 재미있는 이야기를 했다.
He told his parents that he got a promotion. - 그는 부모님께 승진했다고 말했다.
He told a lie to cover up his mistake. - 그는 실수를 숨기기 위해 거짓말을 했다.
He told a scary ghost story around the campfire. - 그는 캠프파이어 주위에서 무서운 유령 이야기를 했다.
The witness told the court what he saw. - 증인은 법정에 그가 본 것을 말했다.
I can tell that he's lying. - 그가 거짓말하는 걸 알 수 있어요.
He told a touching story that brought tears to everyone's eyes. - 그는 모두의 눈물을 자아내는 감동적인 이야기를 했다.
I can tell that he's nervous. - 그가 긴장한 것 같아요.
He told a fascinating story that captivated the audience. - 그는 청중을 매혹시키는 매력적인 이야기를 했다.
I can't tell if he's being sincere or not. - 그가 진심인지 아닌지 알 수 없어요.
He told a heartwarming story that brought smiles to everyone's faces. - 그는 모두의 얼굴에 미소를 불러일으키는 따뜻한 이야기를 했다.
He must have forgotten about the meeting. - 그는 회의를 잊어버렸을 거야.
He must have misunderstood what I said. - 그는 내 말을 잘못 이해한 것 같아.
He must have been working late last night. - 그는 어젯밤에 늦게까지 일한 것 같아.
He put on his coat and left the house. - 그는 코트를 입고 집을 나갔어요.
He put his trust in her. - 그는 그녀를 믿었어요.
He put the puzzle pieces together. - 그는 퍼즐 조각들을 맞추었어요.
He put his hand up to ask a question. - 그는 질문을 하기 위해 손을 들었어요.
He put his skills to good use. - 그는 자신의 기술을 잘 활용했어요.
He put his thoughts into writing. - 그는 생각을 글로 표현했어요.
He didn't mean to hurt your feelings. - 그는 당신의 감정을 상처주려고 한 게 아니에요.
He has become a successful businessman. - 그는 성공한 사업가가 되었어요.
He became famous overnight. - 그는 하룻밤에 유명해졌어요.
He became the CEO of the company after years of hard work. - 그는 수년간의 노력 끝에 회사의 CEO가 되었어요.
He became a better student after seeking help from a tutor. - 그는 과외 선생님의 도움을 받은 후 더 좋은 학생이 되었어요.
He became a better cook after attending culinary school. - 그는 요리 학교에 다니면서 더 좋은 요리사가 되었어요.
He became a better writer after receiving feedback from editors. - 그는 편집자들의 피드백을 받은 후 더 좋은 작가가 되었어요.
He became a better leader after learning from his mistakes. - 그는 자신의 실수로부터 배우면서 더 좋은 리더가 되었어요.
He left his job to pursue his passion. - 그는 자신의 열정을 쫓기 위해 일을 그만두었어요.
He left his hometown to pursue his dreams. - 그는 꿈을 이루기 위해 고향을 떠났어요.
He left his mark on the world with his inventions. - 그는 발명품으로 세상에 자신의 흔적을 남겼어요.
He left a message on my voicemail. - 그는 내 음성 사서함에 메시지를 남겼어요.
He works as a teacher. - 그는 선생님으로 일해요.
He works out at the gym every day. - 그는 매일 체육관에서 운동해요.
He works from home. - 그는 재택근무해요.
He worked his way up to a managerial position. - 그는 경영진 직위까지 승진했어요.
He worked on his presentation until it was perfect. - 그는 발표 자료가 완벽해질 때까지 작업했어요.
He works in the IT industry. - 그는 IT 산업에서 일해요.
He works as a doctor in a busy hospital. - 그는 북적이는 병원에서 의사로 일해요.
He works as a chef at a famous restaurant. - 그는 유명한 식당에서 요리사로 일해요.
He needed a break after working all day. (하루 종일 일한 후에 그는 휴식이 필요했어요.)
He felt a sense of accomplishment after finishing the project. (그는 프로젝트를 끝낸 후 성취감을 느꼈어요.)
He seems to be a talented musician. (그는 재능 있는 음악가인 것 같아요.)
He seems to know the answer. (그는 답을 알고 있는 것 같아요.)
He seems to have a good sense of humor. (그는 유머 감각이 좋은 것 같아요.)
He seems to be in a hurry. (그는 서둘러 하는 것 같아요.)
He seems to be a reliable person. (그는 신뢰할 만한 사람인 것 같아요.)
He seems to be a trustworthy friend. (그는 믿을 만한 친구인 것 같아요.)
He might have a different opinion. (그는 다른 의견을 가질지도 모르겠어요.)
He asked her out on a date. (그는 그녀를 데이트에 초대했어요.)
He asked the waiter for the bill. (그는 웨이터에게 계산서를 요청했어요.)
He asked her for forgiveness. (그는 그녀에게 용서를 청했어요.)
She asked him if he wanted to go for a walk. (그녀는 그에게 산책하러 가고 싶은지 물었어요.)
He asked her opinion on the matter. (그는 그 문제에 대한 그녀의 의견을 물었어요.)
He asked her if she had seen his keys. (그는 그녀에게 그의 열쇠를 봤는지 물었어요.)
He showed his disappointment when he didn't get the job. (그는 그 일자리를 얻지 못했을 때 실망을 보여줬어요.)
He tried to fix the broken chair. (그는 고장난 의자를 고치려고 했어요.)
He tried to make amends for his mistake. (그는 자신의 실수를 바로잡으려고 했어요.)
He tried to apologize for his mistake. (그는 자신의 실수로 인해 사과하려고 했어요.)
He tried to find a job in a new city. (그는 새로운 도시에서 일자리를 찾으려고 했어요.)
He called his dog by its name. (그는 강아지를 이름으로 불렀습니다.)
He called out for help when he got lost. (그는 길을 잃었을 때 도움을 청했습니다.)
He called it a day and went home. (그는 일을 마치고 집으로 돌아갔습니다.)
He called out the incorrect answer. (그는 틀린 답을 지적했습니다.)
He called out the incorrect spelling of the word. (그는 그 단어의 잘못된 철자를 지적했습니다.)
He provided a detailed explanation of the process. (그는 과정에 대해 상세한 설명을 제공했습니다.)
He provided a solution to the problem. (그는 문제에 대한 해결책을 제공했습니다.)
He provided a timeline for the project. (그는 프로젝트에 대한 일정을 제공했습니다.)
He keeps his promises. (그는 약속을 지킵니다.)
He keeps a tight schedule. (그는 시간표를 엄격히 지킵니다.)
He keeps his emotions under control. (그는 감정을 통제합니다.)
He keeps a positive attitude in difficult situations. (그는 어려운 상황에서도 긍정적인 태도를 유지합니다.)
He keeps his word. (그는 말을 지킵니다.)
He holds a strong grip on the tennis racket. (그는 테니스 라켓을 꽉 잡고 있습니다.)
He turned the key in the lock. (그는 자물쇠에 열쇠를 돌렸다.)
He turned down the job offer. (그는 그 일자리 제안을 거절했다.)
He turned to me for help. (그는 도움을 청하기 위해 나에게로 돌아왔다.)
He turned his back on his friends. (그는 친구들을 배신했다.)
He turned out to be a great musician. (그는 훌륭한 음악가로 밝혀졌다.)
He turned down the volume on the TV. (그는 TV의 볼륨을 줄였다.)
He turned his attention to the book. (그는 책에 집중했다.)
He turned out to be a fraud. (그는 사기꾼이었다.)
He turned his life around after hitting rock bottom. (최악의 상황에 처한 후 그는 삶을 바꿨다.)
He is following a career in medicine. (그는 의학 분야에서의 경력을 쌓고 있습니다.)
He always brings a smile to my face. (그는 항상 내 얼굴에 미소를 가져다줍니다.)
He acted like a fool. (그는 바보처럼 행동했어요.)
He looks like he hasn't slept in days. (그는 며칠 동안 잠을 못 잔 것처럼 보여요.)
He talks like he knows everything. (그는 모든 것을 안다는 듯이 말해요.)
He asked for help when he got lost. (그는 길을 잃었을 때 도움을 요청했어요.)
He offered to help me move to a new apartment. (그는 새 아파트로 이사하는 것을 도와주겠다고 제안했어요.)
He started running as soon as the race began. (그는 경주가 시작되자마자 달리기 시작했어요.)
He started his own business after graduating from college. (그는 대학을 졸업한 후에 자신의 사업을 시작했어요.)
He will start his presentation with a brief introduction. (그는 간단한 소개로 발표를 시작할 거야.)
He will start the project with a brainstorming session. (그는 아이디어 회의로 프로젝트를 시작할 거야.)
He started his speech with a joke to lighten the mood. (그는 분위기를 가볍게 하기 위해 농담으로 연설을 시작했어요.)
He started a new relationship after his breakup. (그는 이별 후에 새로운 관계를 시작했어요.)
He runs a successful business. (그는 성공적인 사업을 운영해요.)
He ran out of money and couldn't pay the bill. (그는 돈이 다 떨어져서 청구서를 지불할 수 없었어요.)
He ran for president but didn't win. (그는 대통령 선거에 출마했지만 이기지 못했어요.)
He wrote a novel that became a bestseller. (그는 베스트셀러가 된 소설을 썼습니다.)
He wrote a screenplay for a Hollywood movie. (그는 할리우드 영화를 위한 시나리오를 썼어요.)
He set a new record in the long jump. (그는 멀리뛰기에서 새로운 기록을 세웠어요.)
He set a trap to catch the mice. (그는 쥐를 잡기 위해 함정을 설치했어요.)
He set the book down on the table. (그는 책을 탁자 위에 놓았어요.)
He set the record for the fastest marathon time. (그는 가장 빠른 마라톤 기록을 세웠어요.)
He moved to a new city for a job opportunity. (그는 일자리 기회를 위해 새로운 도시로 이사했어요.)
He plays the role of a detective in the movie. (그는 그 영화에서 형사 역할을 맡아요.)
He plays basketball every weekend. (그는 매주 주말에 농구를 해요.)
He pays for his groceries with cash. (그는 식료품을 현금으로 지불해요.)
He paid the price for his reckless behavior. (그는 무모한 행동의 대가를 치렀어요.)
He paid the penalty for breaking the rules. (그는 규칙을 어긴 대가를 치렀어요.)
He paid the consequences for his actions. (그는 자신의 행동에 대한 결과를 치렀어요.)
He heard a knock on the door. (그는 문에 노크하는 소리를 들었어요.)
He heard a familiar voice on the phone. (그는 전화로 익숙한 목소리를 들었어요.)
He heard a door slamming shut. (그는 문이 쾅 닫히는 소리를 들었어요.)
He believes he can achieve anything he sets his mind to. (그는 마음먹은 것은 무엇이든 성취할 수 있다고 믿습니다.)
He allowed himself a moment of rest. (그는 스스로 휴식을 허용했습니다.)
The evidence leads to the conclusion that he is guilty. (증거는 그가 유죄임을 시사해요.)
He lives a healthy lifestyle. (그는 건강한 생활을 살아요.)
He lives by the motto "work hard, play hard". (그는 "열심히 일하고, 열심히 놀아라"는 신조로 살아요.)
He can't stand the heat. (그는 더위를 견딜 수 없다.)
He stood in line for hours to buy concert tickets. (그는 콘서트 티켓을 사기 위해 몇 시간 동안 줄에 서 있었다.)
He carries a lot of responsibility in his job. (그는 직장에서 많은 책임을 집니다.)
He carries a lot of cash with him. (그는 많은 현금을 가지고 다닙니다.)
He carries a heavy workload at the office. (그는 사무실에서 많은 업무 부담을 집니다.)
He carries a lot of influence in the industry. (그는 그 산업에서 많은 영향력을 가지고 있습니다.)
He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. (그는 세상의 무게를 어깨에 짊어지고 있습니다.)
He talks too much and doesn't listen. (그는 너무 말을 많이 하고 듣지 않습니다.)
He talks with his hands when he gets excited. (그는 흥분할 때 손으로 말을 합니다.)
He appears to have lost weight since the last time I saw him. (그는 마지막으로 그를 봤을 때보다 체중이 줄어든 것 같아 보입니다.)
He sat on the chair and read a book. (그는 의자에 앉아서 책을 읽었습니다.)
He offered to help me with my homework. (그는 나의 숙제를 도와주겠다고 제안했다.)
He offered his hand in friendship. (그는 우정의 의미로 손을 내밀었다.)
He offered a heartfelt apology for his mistake. (그는 자신의 실수에 대해 진심으로 사과했다.)
He offered his support to the team during their difficult time. (그는 팀이 어려운 시기에 지원을 제공했다.)
He is considered to be one of the greatest musicians of all time. (그는 역사상 가장 위대한 음악가 중 하나로 여겨진다.)
He suggested that we postpone the meeting until next week. (그는 우리가 회의를 다음 주로 연기하는 것을 제안했다.)
He suggested that we take a break and come back to the problem later. (그는 우리가 휴식을 취하고 나중에 다시 문제에 돌아오는 것을 제안했다.)
He expects his team to win the championship. (그는 자신의 팀이 챔피언십에서 우승할 것으로 기대한다.)
He is reading a novel by his favorite author. (그는 자신이 좋아하는 작가의 소설을 읽고 있다.)
He read the sign and followed the directions. (그는 표지판을 읽고 지시에 따랐다.)
He reads the stock market reports to make informed decisions. (그는 정보를 얻기 위해 주식 시장 보고서를 읽는다.)
He let out a loud scream when he saw the spider. (그는 거미를 보고 크게 소리쳤다.)
He let his anger get the best of him and said things he didn't mean. (그는 분노에 사로잡혀 의도하지 않은 말을 했다.)
He let out a sigh of relief when he heard the good news. (좋은 소식을 듣고 안도의 한숨을 쉬었다.)
He decided to continue his studies abroad. (그는 해외에서의 공부를 계속하기로 결정했습니다.)
He lost his job due to company downsizing. (그는 회사의 축소로 인해 직장을 잃었어요.)
He lost his balance and fell off the bike. (그는 균형을 잃고 자전거에서 떨어졌어요.)
He likes to add a dash of hot sauce to his food. (그는 음식에 약간의 핫소스를 추가하는 것을 좋아해요.)
He wants to add his name to the list of participants. (그는 참가자 명단에 이름을 추가하고 싶어해요.)
He added a personal note to the gift.
그는 선물에 개인적인 메모를 추가했습니다.
He couldn't remember where he put his keys. (그는 자신의 열쇠를 어디에 뒀는지 기억하지 못했어요.)
He couldn't remember the password to his email account. (그는 이메일 계정의 비밀번호를 기억하지 못했어요.)
He remains committed to his goals. (그는 자신의 목표에 헌신하고 있어요.)
He spoke with confidence during the presentation. (그는 발표 중에 자신감 있게 말했어요.)
He will speak at the conference next week. (그는 다음 주에 컨퍼런스에서 발표할 거예요.)
He will speak on behalf of the team. (그는 팀을 대표하여 말할 거예요.)
He spoke eloquently during the debate. (그는 토론 중에 웅변을 했어요.)
He stopped smoking for his health. (건강을 위해 그는 흡연을 그만두었습니다.)
He stopped working on the project due to lack of funding. (자금 부족으로 그는 프로젝트 작업을 중단했어요.)
He stopped to take a deep breath and calm his nerves. (그는 심호흡을 하고 신경을 진정시키기 위해 멈췄어요.)
He sent his resume to several companies. (그는 이력서를 여러 회사에 보냈어요.)
He will send you the documents via email. (그는 문서를 이메일로 보내줄 거예요.)
He sent a message to his boss explaining his absence. (그는 결석에 대해 상사에게 메시지를 보냈어요.)
He sent a text to invite his friends to the party. (그는 친구들을 파티에 초대하기 위해 문자를 보냈어요.)
He received a warm welcome at the airport. (그는 공항에서 따뜻한 환영을 받았습니다.)
He received a standing ovation for his performance. (그는 공연으로 인해 기립 박수를 받았습니다.)
He received a warm hug from his mother. (그는 어머니로부터 따뜻한 포옹을 받았습니다.)
He couldn't decide between the two options. (그는 두 가지 옵션 사이에서 결정을 내릴 수 없었습니다.)
He couldn't decide whether to buy the blue or red shirt. (그는 파란색 셔츠와 빨간색 셔츠 중 어떤 것을 사야 할지 결정할 수 없었습니다.)
He won the championship for the third consecutive year. (그는 연속 3년 동안 챔피언십을 차지했습니다.)
He won the hearts of the audience with his captivating performance. (그는 매혹적인 연기로 관객들의 마음을 사로잡았습니다.)
He won the respect of his peers through his hard work and integrity. (그는 노력과 정직으로 동료들의 존경을 얻었습니다.)
She doesn't understand why he acted that way. (그녀는 그가 그렇게 행동한 이유를 이해하지 못해.)
I couldn't understand a word of what he was saying. (그가 말하는 말 한마디도 이해하지 못했어.)
He is developing his skills in photography. (그는 사진촬영 기술을 개발하고 있다.)
He agreed to pay the bill. (그는 청구서를 지불하기로 동의했어요.)
He opened his eyes and looked around. (그는 눈을 떠서 주변을 둘러봤어요.)
He opened a bank account. (그는 은행 계좌를 개설했어요.)
He opened up about his struggles. (그는 자신의 고난에 대해 이야기했어요.)
He reached for his phone to answer the call. (그는 전화를 받기 위해 핸드폰에 손을 뻗었어요.)
He built a sandcastle on the beach. (그는 해변에 모래성을 쌓았습니다.)
He built a reputation as a reliable and trustworthy person. (그는 신뢰할 수 있는 사람으로 평판을 쌓았습니다.)
He built a successful business from scratch. (그는 아무 것도 없는 상태에서 성공적인 사업을 창업했습니다.)
He is involved in a legal dispute with his neighbor. (그는 이웃과의 법적 분쟁에 관여하고 있습니다.)
He spends his evenings playing video games. (그는 저녁에 비디오 게임을 하는 데 시간을 보낸다.)
He spends most of his salary on rent. (그는 대부분의 월급을 임대료에 쓴다.)
He returned the borrowed money with interest. (그는 빌린 돈을 이자와 함께 돌려주었다.)
He returned to his seat after the intermission. (인터미션 이후에 자리로 돌아갔다.)
He’s asking for trouble driving like that.
그는 그렇게 운전하여 화를 자초하고 있다.
Is he married?
그는 결혼했니?
No. He's single.
아니야. 그는 미혼이야.
Hello, is Mike there?
여보세요, 마이크 있어요?
Yes, he is. Who's calling, please?
예, 있어요. 누구세요?
This is Alice.
Hi, Alice. Mike, it's for you. It's Alice. Hold on a minute, please.
안녕, 엘리스. 마이크 너한테 전화 왔어. 엘리스야. 잠시만 기다려.
I'm sorry, but he is not here right now. May I take a message?
미안한데 마이크가 지금 여기 없네. 메시지를 남기겠니?
I'm sorry, he is not in at the moment. May I ask who's calling please?
미안한데요, 그가 잠시 나갔는데요. 누군지 물어봐도 될까요?
Please have him return my call when he gets back. He has my phone number.
돌아오면 제게 전화하라고 해 주세요. 제 번호는 알고 계실 거에요.
He is quite good-looking. Do you know how old he is?
아주 인상이 좋네. 몇 살인지 아니?
I'm not sure. Probably in his early thirty's.
확실하지는 않지만, 아마도 삼십대 초반일거야.
He looks really young for his age.
나이에 비해 정말 젊어 보이는데.
But it's not just because of his good looks.
그의 잘생긴 외모 때문만은 아니야.
He is a really nice person, considerate and understanding.
정말 좋은 사람이지. 사려가 깊고 이해심이 넓어.
above all; (=more than anything else) 무엇보다도
He was loved by all and above all by the children.
account for; (=explain) 설명하다
He is ill; that account for his absence.
after all; (=in the end, in spite of) 결국, ~에도 불구하고
He failed after all. After all my advice he failed.
all but; (=almost) 거의
He was all but dead.
nothing but; (=only) 단지
He is anything but a scholar. He is nothing but cheat.
as to; (=concerning, regarding, as regards) ~에 관하여
As for me, give me liberty or give me death.
He said nothing as to what he would do.
as good as; (=practically, no better than, the same thing as) 사실상, ~과 같은
He is as good as dead.
as it were; (=so to speak) 말하자면
He is, as it were, a gentleman.
at a loss; (=perplexed, uncertain) 어쩔 줄을 몰라서
He was at a loss for words.
at length; (=at last, in detail) 드디어, 상세하게
At length the day came. He explained it at length.
at random; (=without aim) 함부로, 닥치는 대로
He reads books at random.
attribute ~ to; (=ascribe ~ to, impute ~ to) ~을 ...탓으로 돌리다
He attributed his success to good luck.
be well off; (=be rich) 유복하다 -> be better off
He seems to be badly off these days.
He is well off now.
be absorbed in; (=be interested very much in) ~에 열중하다
He was absorbed in reading.
be accustomed to; (=be used to) ~에 익숙하다
He was accustomed to speaking in company.
be anxious to+동사 (=be anxious for+명사, be eager for) 갈망하다
He is anxious about her safely.
I'm anxious to be a lawyer. We're all anxious for peace.
be capable of; (=be able to) ~할 능력이 있다
He is capable of teaching English.
due to; (=owing to) ~때문에
The accident was due to his careless driving.
He is due to speak this evening.
Mistake due to carelessness may have serious consequences.
be poor at; (=be a poor hand at) ~에 서툴다
He is good(or poor) at swimming.
be in charge of; (=be responsible for) ~을 책임지다
He is in charge of the library.
be in the way; (=cause inconvenience) ~에 방해되다
He tried to help us but was simply in the way.
be up to; (=be occupied, be one's duty) ~을 꾸미다,~의 의무다
What's he up to? It's up to us to help him.
because of; (=by reason of, on account of) ~때문에
He cannot work because of his old age.
before long; (=pretty soon, by and by) 곧
It will prove true before long. He got better before long.
between ourselves; (=in confidence) 우리끼리 얘긴데
Between ourselves, he is not honest.
by nature; (=naturally, innately) 본디, 성격상으로
He is brave by nature.
by virtue of; (=because of) ~의 덕분으로
He has succeeded by virtue of industry.
by way of; (=as a sort of, via) ~으로서, 경유하여
He went to Europe by way of America.
I want to say a few words by way of apology.
call down; (=reprimand, scold) 꾸짖다
He was called down by his boss for coming late to work.
carry on; (=continue, manage) 계속하다, 경영하다
Carry on with your sweeping.
He is carrying on his business on a large scale.
catch up with; (=overtake, come up with) ~을 따라가다
He worked hard to catch up with the rest of the class.
deal with; (=treat) 다루다, 취급하다
He deals in rice.
He deals fairly with his pupils.
depend upon it; (=certainly) 꼭
It depends upon your experience.
Depend upon it, he knows it.
devote oneself to; (=give oneself to) 헌신하다
He has devoted himself to the cause democracy.
distinguish A from B; (=distinguish between A and B) A와 B를 구별하다
He cannot distinguish the good from the bad.
distinguish oneself; (=make oneself well known) 이름을 내다
He distinguished himself by his courage.
do away with; (=abolish, get rid of, destroy) 제거하다, 죽이다
You must do away with the evil practice.
He did(or made) away with himself.
do justice to=do one justice; (=treat fairly) 공평히 평가하다
His remarks do justice to the author.
To do him justice, he is a good man by heart.
be engaged in; (=be busy with, take park in) 종사하다
He is engaged in writing a novel.
ever since; (=from then till now) 그 이후 죽
He went to America in 1960 and has lived there ever since.
fall in with; (=happen to meet, agree to) 우연히 만나다, 일치하다
I fell in with him at a hotel in Paris.
This letter does not fall in with what he said.
feel for; (=sympathize with, grope) 동정하다, 더듬다
It is only the poor who really feel for the poor.
There he stopped and felt for his purse.
flatter oneself that; (=be pleased with one's belief that) 혼자 속으로 믿고 좋아하다
He flatters himself that he is the best speaker of English.
for a time; (=for a while) 잠시 동안
He stopped there for a time to have a look at it.
for all; (=in spite of) 불구하고
For all his wealth he is not contented.
for all I know; (=perhaps) 아마
He may be in Africa for all I know.
for certain; (=certainly) 틀림없이
He will be here today for certain.
for one's age; (=considering one's age) 나이에 비해서
He looks older for his age.
for one's life; (=desperately) 필사적으로
He ran for his life.
for the present; (=for the time being) 당분간
He will stay there for the present.
for the purpose of; (=with the aim of) ~을 할 목적으로
He went to Italy for the purpose of studying music.
for the sake of; (=for the benefit of) ~을 위하여
He saved money for the sake of his family.
furnish A with B; (=supply(or provide) A with B) A에게 B를 공급하다
He furnished the hungry with food.
He furnished food to the hungry.
get along; (=make progress, manage) 진척되다, 살아가다
He is getting along very well in his study of English.
We cannot get along without money.
get away; (=escape, leave) 도망치다, 떠나다
He got away from the police.
get on with; (=live in a friendly way with) 사이좋게 지내다
Tell me how he has got on in the world.
He is getting on (or along) with his neighbors.
get over; (=recover from, overcome, tide over) 회복하다, 극복하다
He finally got over his illness. He got over the difficulty.
give away; (=give freely, distribute, disclose) 남에게 주다, 분배하다, 폭로하다
He gave away all his money.
His pronunciation gave him away.
give oneself to; (=devote oneself to) 몰두하다
He decided to give himself to the study of physics.
give up; (=abandon, surrender) 포기하다, 굴복하다
He gave up the attempt in despair.
When they were surrounder by the enemy, they gave up.
give vent to; (=give free expression to) 감정을 쏟다
He gave vent to his feelings in an impassioned speech.
give way; (=retreat, break down, abandon oneself to) 물러서다, 무너지다, 참다못해 ~하다
Our troops had to give way.
The railings gave way and he fell over the cliff.
Don't give way to despair.
go off; (=explode, leave suddenly) 폭발하다, 떠나다
The firecracker went off with a bang.
He went off without saying goodbye to anyone.
go through; (=suffer or experience, pass through) (고통을)겪다, 경험하다, 통과하다
You never know what he went through to educate his children.
His application finally went through.
hand over; (=give control of) 넘겨주다, 양도하다
He handed over all his property to his son.
have (get) one's own way; (=get or do what one wants) 마음 대로하다
He is apt to have his own way in everything.
hold on; (=wait, grasp, continue) 기다리다, 잡다, 계속하다
He told me to hold on for a while.
Hold on to my hand tightly.
You must hold on in this job.
hold out; (=offer, resist) 내밀다, 저항하다
He held out his hand. How long can the enemy hold out?
ill at ease; (=uncomfortable) 불안한
The thief was ill at ease when he saw policemen approaching.
in a word; (=briefly, to sum up) 간단히 말해서
In a word he is tired of everything.
in addition to; (=as well as) ~뿐만 아니라
In addition to that sum he still owes me $50.
in any case; (=whatever happens, anyhow) 어떤 경우에도, 어쨌든
In any case you had better hear what he says.
on behalf of; (=as the representative of) ~을 대표하여
He has done his best in behalf of his company.
On behalf of the company, I welcome you.
in company with; (=together with) ~와 함께
He came in company with a group of boys.
under favor of; (=taking advantage of) ~을 이용하여
We are in favor of the bill.
I will make an exception in your favor.
He stands high in favor with his master.
The attack was made under favor of darkness.
in general; (=as a rule, usually) 대개
In general he is a satisfactory student.
in need; (=in poverty, in misfortune) 빈곤한, 곤경에 처해 있는
He helped me in my hour of need.
A friends in need is a friend indeed.
in no time; (=very quickly) 즉시
He was ready in no time.
in pursuit of; (=pursuing, seeking) ~을 추구하여
He is in pursuit of money.
in reality; (=really) 사실
He was in reality penniless.
in search of; (=searching for) ~을 찾아서
He went up to town in search of literary work.
in spite of; (=notwithstanding, for all) ~에도 불구하고
He failed in spite of his efforts.
I nodded my head in spite of myself.
in terms of; (=by means of, if converted in, from the standpoint of)
~에 의하여, ~으로 환산하면, ~의 견지에서
He expressed his idea in terms of action.
If computed in terms of tonnage, it will aggregate 100 tons.
He sees everything in terms of money.
in the absence of; (=for lack of) ~이 없어서
In the absence of definite evidence, he was set free.
in the cause of; (=for the sake of) ~을 위해서
They worked in the cause of charity.
He has done much in the cause of democracy.
in the course of; (=during) ~하는 중에
He was dozing in the course of our conversation.
in the face of; (=in the presence of, in spite of) ~의 면전에서, 불구하고
He struck me on the head in the face of my friends.
He succeeded in the face of great danger.
in time; (=sooner or late, early enough) 머지않아, 시간에 맞게
In time he will see that he was mistaken.
Did you get to the station in time?
in vain; (=without the desired result) 헛되이
He tried it, but in vain.
in view of; (=considering, in the range of vision) ~의 견지에서, ~이 보이는 곳에
In view of these facts he is wrong.
We cane in view of the tower.
inquire of; (=ask) 묻다
We inquired into the affair. I inquired after a sick friend.
I inquired of him if he would come.
into the bargain; (=besides, as well) 덤으로, 그 위에
He bought the house and the furniture into the bargain.
keep in touch with; (=continue in communication with) 접촉을 유지하다
He promised to keep in touch with us while he was abroad.
know better than to; (=be not so foolish as to) ~할이만큼 바보는 아니다
He knows better than to do such a thing.
lay aside; (=save for future needs, lay by) 저축하다
He is laying aside money for his old age.
lay down; (=give up, make plans) 버리다, 계획하다
He is ready to lay down life itself for their sake.
I will lay down a plan for the holidays.
leave off; (=no longer wear, stop) 입지 않다, 중지하다
He left off his woolen underwear when it got warm.
It's time to leave off the work.
leave out; (=omit, fail to consider) 생략하다, 잊다
You have left out her name on this list.
Nobody speaks to him; he is always left out.
be likely to; (=be expected to) ~할 것 같다
He is not likely to succeed.
It isn't likely that he will succeed.
little(or no) better than; (=as good as) ~과 거의 비슷한
He is little better than a beggar.
little by little; (=bit by bit) 조금씩 조금씩
He got better little by little.
look after; (=take care of, seek after) 돌보다, 찾다
He has a large family to look after.
lose one's head; (=become very excited) 흥분하다, 이성을 잃다
He has lost his head over her.
lose one's temper; (=get angry) 성을 내다
He often loses his temper for nothing.
make(or pull) a face; (=grimace) 얼굴을 찡그리다
He made a face when he lost.
make an ass of oneself; (=make a fool of oneself) 웃음거리가 되다
He made a fool of me.
He is merely making an ass of himself.
make a fortune; (=earn great wealth) 돈을 모으다
They say that he has made a fortune.
make a point of ~ing; (=make something one's rule, habit; insist on)
~을 습관으로 하다, 고집하다
Make a point of walking to and from school.
He made a point of going out in the rain.
make account of; (=make much of) 중히 여기다
He makes little account of small expenses.
make amends for; (=give compensation) 보상하다
He made amends to her for her loss.
make away with; (=destroy, get rid of) 죽이다, 제거하다
He made away with those who stood in the way.
make believe; (=pretend) ~체하다
He made believe not to hear me.
make good; (=succeed, compensate for, accomplish) 성공하다, 보상하다, 수행하다
I am sure he will make good in his job.
He made good the loss. I will make good my resolution.
make light of; (=treat as of little importance) 경시하다
He made light of his illness.
make no account of; (=value little) 경시하다
He makes no account of my advice.
make nothing of; (=be unable to understand) 이해 못하다, 아무렇지 않게 여기다
I could make nothing of what he said.
He makes nothing of his illness.
make one's mark; (=become famous) 유명해지다
It was not long at college before he made his mark.
make one's way; (=proceed, succeed) 나아가다, 성공하다
He made his way through the snowstorm.
He made his way in the world with his pen.
make out; (=understand, succeed, prepare, pretend) 이해하다, 성공하다, 작성하다 ,~체 하다
No one could make out what he was talking about.
I'm sure John will make out well in that job.
He made out his will last week.
Helen tried to make out that she was ill.
make up one's mind; (=determine) 결심하다
He made up his mind to go abroad to continue his story.
matter little; (=be of little importance) 중요하지 않다
It matters little whether he is a man of ability or not.
more or less; (=about, somewhat) 약, 다소
The trip will take ten days, more or less.
He was more or less excited.
next to nothing; (=almost nothing) 거의 아무것도 아닌
In English he is next to none in his class.
No wonder she is ill! She eats next to nothing.
no longer; (=not ~ any longer) 이미 ~이 아닌
He is no longer here in London.
not to say; (=and almost, or perhaps even) 거의 비슷한
He sounded impolite, not to say rude.
not to mention; (=not to speak of, to say nothing of) ~은 말할 것도 없이
He can speak French, not to mention English.
now that; (=since) ~이므로
Now that he is gone, we miss him badly.
be occupied in; (=be engaged in) ~에 종사하다
He is now occupied in editing a magazine.
occur to; (=strike one's mind) 마음에 떠오르다
It occurred to me that he might be a detective.
(all) of a sudden; (=suddenly, on a sudden) 갑자기
All of a sudden it began to thunder.
on duty; (=engaged in one's regular work) 당번의
He is off duty. He is on duty.
on hand; (=in one's possession) 가지고 있는
He could not answer my question off hand.
We have a large supply of goods on hand.
on and on; (=without stopping) 계속하여
He went on and on till he came to a river.
on end; (=continuously, upright) 계속하여, 똑바로
He sat there for hours on end.
It made my hair stand on end.
on the other hand; (=in the other respect) 또 한편
He is clever, but on the other hand he makes many mistakes.
on the spot; (=at the very place, at once) 그 자리에서, 곧
I was on the spot. He was run over and killed on the spot.
on the whole; (=in general) 대체로
He is, on the whole, a good student.
once (and) for all; (=finally, decisively) 마지막으로, 단연코
The entertainment was greatly enjoyed by one and all.
She told him, once for all, that she would not marry him.
(every) once in a while; (=occasionally, from time to time) 가끔
He visits us every once in a while.
up to date; (=modern) 최신식의
The idea has gone out of date.
He is very up to date in his methods of language teaching.
owe ~ to...; (=be indebted to as the source of) ~은 ...의 덕이다
He owes his success to good luck more than to ability.
pass for; (=be accepted as) ~으로 통하다
In this small village he passes for a learned man.
pay attention to; (=take note of) ~에 주의하다
He never pays attention to anything she says.
play a part; (=play a role) 역할을 하다
He played an important part in the affair.
be possessed with; (=be controlled by) 마음이 흘리다
He is possessed of considerable means.
He is possessed with a strange superstition.
provide for; (=support, do what is necessary) 부양하다, 대비하다
He has a large family to provide for.
put by; (=put aside, save) 저축하다
He puts ten dollars aside every week.
put together; (=assemble) 결합시키다
After he took the watch apart, he was not able to put it together again.
reach out; (=stretch out) 뻗치다
He reached out his hand for the book.
be ready to + 동사; (=be about to, be willing to, be apt to) ~하려고 하다, 기꺼이 ~하다, ~하기 쉽다
The ship was ready to sink at any time.
I am ready to help you. He is too ready to promise.
refer to; (=speak of, ascribe to) 언급하다, ~의 탓으로
He did not refer to this matter.
He referred his wealth to his own hard work.
resign oneself to; (=accept without complaint) ~을 체념하여 받다
He resigned himself to his fate.
see into; (=examine) 조사하다
He promised to see about the matter himself.
He went to Daegu to see into the railway accident.
seeing that; (=considering) ~을 고려하건대
The salary was not s bad one, seeing that he was still young.
set out; (=set off, begin, leave) 시작하다, 떠나다
He has set out in business. He set off on his journey.
set up; (=establish) 설립하다
He managed to set up a factory.
sick of; (=tired of) ~에 싫증이 난
He is sick for a sight of home. I'm sick of flattery.
sit for; (=take an examination for) 시험을 치르다
He sat for the entrance examination three times.
sooner or later; (=whether soon or afterwards) 조만간
He will come back sooner or later.
speak up; (=speak loud) 큰소리로 얘기하다
He spoke up, so that we could hear clearly.
stand by; (=support, side by somebody) 지지하다, ~를 편들다
He is sure to stand by me.
stand a chance; (=have the possibility) 가능성이 있다
He stands a good chance of winning the fight.
stand to reason; (=be clear and logical) ~은 당연하다
It stands to reason that if he never prepares his lessons he is not going to make
good progress.
succeed to; (=become an heir to) 계승하다, 상속하다
He succeeded in solving the puzzle.
The son succeeded to a large property left by his father.
suffer from; (=be troubled by) ~으로 고생하다
He is suffering from a sore throat.
take after; (=resemble) ~을 닮다
He takes after his mother.
take ~ for...; (=mistake a person for someone else) ~을 ...으로 잘못보다
He took me for my younger brother.
take part with; (=side with) ~을 편들다
Will she take part in the concert?
He always takes part with his friend.
through thick and thin; (=through good times and bad) 만난을 무릅쓰고
He stood by me through thick and thin.
tide over; (=get over, overcome) 극복하다
He sold his car to tide over his period of unemployment.
be tired out; (=be very tired, be exhausted) 매우 지치다
He looked completely tried out after the race.
to no end; (=in vain) 헛되이
He tried to obtain it, but to no end.
to say nothing of; (=not to mention) ~은 말할 것도 없이
He speaks French, to say nothing of English.
try on; (=test before buying) 시험해 보다, 입어 보다
He tried on several suits and finally picked out this one.
turn down; (=reject) 거절하다
He turned down my offer.
turn out; (=prove) 입증되다
Things did not turn out exactly as he desired.
wanting in; (=lacking in) ~이 부족한
He is wanting in common sense.
well off; (=rich, well-to-do) 유복한
He is well off now.
with all; (=for all, in spite of) ~에도 불구하고
With all his faults, he is very kind.
기억력이 대단해요.
He has a photographic memory.
He has a good memory like a computer.
배짱이 두둑합니다.
He has guts.
그 사람 본심은 나쁘지 않아요.
He's not a bad person at heart.
그 사람 입이 귀에 걸렸어요.
He's smiling from ear to ear.
그 사람 지금 신경이 곤두 서 있어요.
He is a little sensitive right now.
그 사람 지금 휴학중입니다.
He is taking a leave of absence for a year from school.
그 사람은 서글서글하게 생겼어요.
He looks kind and gentle.
그 사람은 입만 살았어요.
He's all talk and no action.
그 사람은 정말 고리타분해요.
He is so boring.
그 사람은 종잡을 수가 없어요.
He is so unexpective.
그 사람이 나를 들들 볶아요.
He's being really hard on me.
그 사람한테 발목 잡힌 것 있어요?
Does he have something on you?
그 애는 눈치가 없어요.
He can't take a hint.
그는 내 친구의 친구입니다.
I met him through a friend.
He is a friend of my friend's
그는 당신을 놀리고 있어요.
He's teasing[kidding] you.
그는 대학2년 선배예요.
He is two years ahead of me in school.
그는 모든 것에 싫증이 났어요.
He was fed up with everything.
He was sick and tired of everything.
그는 산전수전 다 겪었어요.
He has gone through hell.
그는 시차 때문에 고생하고 있어요.
He is suffering from time difference.
He is suffering from jet lag.
그는 식성이 좋다.
He has a good appetite.
그는 일을 주먹구구로 처리합니다.
He does things by rules of thumb.
그는 입에 침이 마르도록 그녀를 칭찬하더군요.
He was singing her praises.
그는 출근전 입니다.
He is not in yet.
그는 퇴근했습니다.
He has gone for the day.
그분 과장으로 승진하셨어요.
He was promoted to branch chief.
그분은 지금 결재중입니다.
He is reporting to his supervisor.
편식하지 마세요.
Don't be such a picky eater.
(cf) He is picky[fussy] about food.
He is a parking control officer.
저 사람 주차단속반이야
He spoke in broken English.
어중간한 영어로 말하더군.
"그 친구 귀가 큰 게 특징이야."
"He's characterized by his big ear."
그는 이 방면에 잔뼈가 굵은 사람입니다.
He's an old hand at this.
-He knows this stuff like the back of his hand.
-He write a book on this.
He's got an attitude now.
저 사람이 이제 불손해 지는군요.
He's made a science of it.
그가 그것을 완전히 분석했어요.
He was always hustling something.
그는 항상 무엇인가에 열정적이었습니다.
He nailed himself.
그는 스스로 꼼짝못하게 하는군.
He has a head for business.
그는 사업에 재능이 있어요.
He's very grounded.
그는 아주 현실적이에요.
He offers me up.
그가 나를 걸고 넘어져요.
He has a soft spot for his family.
그는 가족에 대해선 마음이 약해집니다.
He has a crush on me.
그 사람은 저한테 푹 빠졌어요.
그는 동문서답한다.(사오정이다.)
He never pays attention.
He doesn't pay attention.
그는 입이 가볍다.
He is a blabbermouth.
He has loose lips.
그 사람 요즘 TV에서 뜬다면서요.
I hear he is making it big on T.V. nowadays.
그는 정서불안이다.
He's kind of high-strung.
그는 (요즘) 매우 잘나간다.
He is on a roll. - He is on a lucky streak.
그는 세상 물정에 밝아요.
He has been around.
그는 공과 사가 분명한 사람이다.
He never mixes business with (personal) pleasure [private matters].
그는 대기만성 타입인가 봐.
He is a late bloomer.
그는 거만해졌다.
He has a big head.(= He is gone to his head.)
그는 평소에 과속하는 습관이 있다.
He has a lead(or heavy) foot.
그는 백이 든든해.
He's got a lot of pull.
그가 양다리를 걸쳤어요.
He is a two timer.
He buys only name-brand products.
걘 유명 상표만 찾더라.
귀가 얇다
He(She)is gullible.
He(She)is easily influenced[effected, swayed] by what other people say.
He created a diversion.
그는 소란을 피웠습니다.
똑 부러지게 생겼어요.(이목구비가 뚜렷하게 생겼어요.)
He/She has clear-cut features.
그는 눈도 깜짝거리지 않고 거짓말을 합니다.
He can lie with a straight face.
He can lie without blinking an eye.
그는 융통성이 없다.
He's got a one tracks mind.
그는 이제 여유가 있다.
He's picking up the pieces.
그는 아직 풋내기다.
He has milk on his chin.
그는 미쳤어.
He is round the bend.
He'll blow his top.
그는 엄청 화를 낼 겁니다.
No wonder he's been sucking up to Mike.
그래서 그가 마이크에게 아부를 해 왔던 거구나.
그는 신출귀몰한 사람이다.
He's really slippery(/elusive). He's like a ghost.
그 사람은 반신반의하는 것 같았습니다.
He/She seemed to have doubts.
(그 사람) 밥맛이다./ 너무 좋다.
He turns me off./ He turns me on.
그는 현상수배자이다.
He has a price on his head.
그는 늘 나를 웃게 만든다.
He always cracks me up.
쟤 딱 틀이 잡혔어요.
He's got it down pat.
김이 샜다. (김 새게 하는 사람이다)
He/She is a kill-joy.
He's working his head off.
그는 뼈 빠지게 일해.
He's walking all over me.
그는 날 무시해.
전화번호는 맞는데 제가 당겨 받은 겁니다.
You have the right number, but I picked it up because he/she is not at his/her desk right now.
He's taking it out on you.
그는 당신에게 화풀이를 하고 있는 겁니다.
No wonder he's been sucking up to Mike.
그래서 그가 마이크에게 아부를 해 왔던 거군요.
잰 여자 꼬시는 데만 정신을 쏟는다.
He never thinks about anything except chasing women.
그는 요지부동이었습니다.
He/She couldn't be persuaded.
그는 지나치게 남을 의식한다.
He pays too much attention to what other people think.
He has receding hairline.
머리가 점점 벗겨지고 있다.
He always cracks me up!
그는 날 항상 웃게 해. 재미있어.
He has tunnel vision.
그는 시야가 좁아요.
He has no furniture in his pocket except money.
그는 돈 밖에 없다.
양다리를 걸치다.
He's sitting on both sides of the fence.
He's two-timing them.
그는 정신이 없어요.
He is forgetful.
He is absent-minded.
꼴값 떨고 있네
It deserves what (s)he does!
What a sight!
어떻게 인간의 탈을 쓰고 그럴 수가 있나!?
How can he be human and behave that way?
A human being wouldn't behave that way!
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