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foregoing 〔f´∂rg´ouiŋ〕 앞의, 전술한, 앞서 말한 것
forego 〔fo∂rg´ou〕 선행하다, 앞의, 전술한
forewent FOREGO의 과거
forgone forego의 과거 분사, 기왕의, 선. foregoneness n.
forego : forgo, do without ...없이 지내다
foregoing 먼저의, 이전의, 앞의, 전술한
foregoing 앞의(preceding),전술한
forgo ~없이 지내다. 보류하다.(give up, relinquish)
If you forego something, you decide to do without it, although you
would like it.
※ Let's forgo the pleasantries : 직접 본론으로 들어가지요.
= Let's get down the business
forego 앞서가다,앞장서다
foregoing 전술한,먼저의
I should have these labs back in a couple hours.
검사 결과를 몇 시간 내로 가져 올게요
You get it, right?
My hesitation?
제가 주저하는 이유요
This isn't an easy decision, I mean.
쉬운 결정이 아니었어요
I'm having a baby.
전 아이를 가졌어요
You have advanced-stage carcinoma.
진행 중인 악성 종양도 있어요
You're 47 years old.
Statistically you have a good probability of survival.
47살이신데다 통계학적으로 살 가능성은 많아요
If you forego treatment, chances are you won't see your baby go to kindergarten,
치료를 거부한다면 자녀가 유치원에 가는 것도 못 볼 거예요
so whose life are you interested in saving?
말 해보세요, 누구를 살리고 싶으세요?
프로비타민과 비타민(천연의 것과 이와 동일한 구조를 가지는 합성의 것으로 한정하며, 천연의 프로비타민 농축물과 비타민 농축물을 포함한다), 이들의 유도체로서 주로 비타민으로 사용하는 것과 이들의 상호 혼합물(용매에 용해하였는지에 상관없다)
Provitamins and vitamins, natural or reproduced by synthesis (including natural concentrates), derivatives thereof used primarily as vitamins, and intermixtures of the foregoing, whether or not in any solvent.
기타(위의 소호에 열거하지 않은 혼합물을 포함한다)
Other, including mixtures not specified in the foregoing subheadings
설계도와 도안[건축용ㆍ공학용ㆍ공업용ㆍ상업용ㆍ지형학용이나 이와 유사한 용도에 사용하는 것으로서 수제(手製) 원도(原圖)로 한정한다], 손으로 쓴 책자와 이들을 감광지에 사진복사ㆍ카본복사한 것
Plans and drawings for architectural, engineering, industrial, commercial, topographical or similar purposes, being originals drawn by hand; hand-written texts; photographic reproductions on sensitised paper and carbon copies of the foregoing.
비금속(卑金屬)으로 만든 자물쇠(열쇠식ㆍ다이얼식ㆍ전기작동식), 비금속(卑金屬)으로 만든 걸쇠와 걸쇠가 붙은 프레임으로 자물쇠가 결합되어 있는 것, 이들 물품에 사용되는 비금속(卑金屬)으로 만든 열쇠
Padlocks and locks (key, combination or electrically operated), of base metal; clasps and frames with clasps, incorporating locks, of base metal; keys for any of the foregoing articles, of base metal.
위의 기계류ㆍ장치ㆍ장비의 부분품
Parts of the foregoing machinery, apparatus or equipment
철도나 궤도선로용 장치물, 철도ㆍ궤도ㆍ도로ㆍ내륙수로ㆍ주차장ㆍ항만ㆍ비행장에서 사용되는 기계식(전기기계식을 포함한다) 신호기기ㆍ안전기기ㆍ교통관제기기, 이들의 부분품
Railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings; mechanical (including electro-mechanical) signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways, tramways, roads, inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations or airfields; parts of the foregoing.
공장ㆍ창고ㆍ부두ㆍ공항에서 화물의 단거리 운반에 사용하는 형으로 권양(捲揚)용이나 취급용 장비가 결합되지 않은 자주식(自走式) 작업차, 철도역의 플랫폼에서 사용하는 형의 트랙터, 이들의 부분품
Works trucks, self-propelled, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, of the type used in factories, warehouses, dock areas or airports for short distance transport of goods; tractors of the type used on railway station platforms; parts of the foregoing vehicles.
항공기 발진장치, 갑판 착륙장치나 이와 유사한 장치, 지상비행 훈련장치, 이들의 부분품
Aircraft launching gear; deck-arrestor or similar gear; ground flying trainers; parts of the foregoing articles.
내과용ㆍ외과용ㆍ치과용ㆍ수의과용 가구류(예: 수술대ㆍ검사대ㆍ기계식 장비를 갖춘 병원용 침대ㆍ치과용 의자), 회전ㆍ뒤로 젖힘ㆍ상하 조절 기능을 갖춘 이발용 의자와 이와 유사한 의자, 이들의 부분품
Medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture (for example, operating tables, examination tables, hospital beds with mechanical fittings, dentists' chairs); barbers' chairs and similar chairs, having rotating as well as both reclining and elevating movement; parts of the foregoing articles.
볼펜, 팁(tip)이 펠트로 된 것과 그 밖의 포러스팁(porous-tip)으로 된 펜과 마커, 만년필ㆍ철필(鐵筆)형 만년필(stylograph pen)과 그 밖의 펜, 복사용 철필(鐵筆), 프로펠링펜슬(propelling pencil)이나 슬라이딩펜슬(sliding pencil), 펜홀더ㆍ펜슬홀더와 이와 유사한 홀더, 이들의 부분품[캡과 클립(clip)을 포함하며 제9609호의 것은 제외한다]
Ball point pens; felt tipped and other porous-tipped pens and markers; fountain pens, stylograph pens and other pens; duplicating stylos; propelling or sliding pencils; pen-holders, pencil-holders and similar holders; parts (including caps and clips) of the foregoing articles, other than those of heading 96.09.
위 소호들의 물품이 두 개 이상으로 세트를 이루는 것
Sets of articles from two or more of the foregoing subheadings
규정상으로는 상여금이 발생하지 않지만 아예 안 줄 수도 없는 노릇이다.
According to regulations, bonuses do not occur, but they cannot completely forego them either.
마. 관(管)
(e) Tubes and pipes
"관(管)"이란 전체 길이에 걸쳐 하나의 중공(中空)을 가지는 제품으로서 코일 모양인지에 상관없고 그 횡단면이 균일하며, 원형ㆍ타원형ㆍ직사각형(정사각형을 포함한다)ㆍ정삼각형ㆍ볼록정다각형 모양으로서 그 벽의 두께가 균일한 것을 말한다. 횡단면이 직사각형(정사각형을 포함한다)ㆍ정삼각형ㆍ볼록정다각형인 물품은 전체 길이를 통하여 모서리가 둥근 모양일수도 있는데, 횡단면의 내측과 외측이 동심(同心)이고 동일한 모양과 방향성을 가지고 있는 경우에는 관(管)으로 본다. 위와 같은 횡단면을 가진 관(管)들은 연마한 것, 도포한 것, 구부린 것, 나선가공한 것, 구멍을 뚫은 것, 웨이스트한(waisted) 것, 익스팬디드한(expanded) 것, 원추형으로 한 것, 플랜지(flange)·고리·링을 붙인 것도 있다.
Hollow products, coiled or not, which have a uniform cross-section with only one enclosed void along their whole length in the shape of circles, ovals, rectangles (including squares), equilateral triangles or regular convex polygons, and which have a uniform wall thickness.Products with a rectangular (including square), equilateral triangular or regular convex polygonal cross-section, which may have corners rounded along their whole length, are also to be considered as tubes and pipes provided the inner and outer cross-sections are concentric and have the same form and orientation. Tubes and pipes of the foregoing cross-sections may be polished, coated, bent, threaded, drilled, waisted, expanded, cone-shaped or fitted with flanges, collars or rings.
ome - came - come
cost - cost - cost
creep - crept - crept
cut - cut - cut
deal - dealt - dealt
dig - dug - dug
dive (scuba diving) - dived - dived
dive (jump head-first) - dove - dived
do - did - done
draw - drew - drawn
dream - dreamt/dreamed - dreamt/dreamed
drink - drank - drunk
drive - drove - driven
dwell - dwelt/dwelled - dwelt/dwelled
eat - ate - eaten
fall - fell - fallen
feed - fed - fed
feel - felt - felt
fight - fought - fought
find - found - found
fit (to be right size) - fit - fit
fit (to tailor, change size) - fit/fitted - fit/fitted
flee - fled - fled
fling - flung - flung
fly - flew - flown
forbid - forbade - forbidden
forecast - forecast - forecast
forego (also forgo) - forewent - foregone
foresee - foresaw - foreseen
foretell - foretold - foretold
forget - forgot - forgotten
forgive - forgave - forgiven
forsake - forsook - forsaken
freeze - froze - frozen
get - got - gotten/got
give - gave - given
go - went - gone
grind - ground - ground
grow - grew - grown
hang - hung - hung
have - had - had
hear - heard - heard
hide - hid - hidden
hit - hit - hit
hold - held - held
hurt - hurt - hurt
input - input - input
inset - inset - inset
interbreed - interbred - interbred
interweave - interwove - interwoven
keep - kept - kept
kneel - knelt/kneeled - knelt/kneeled
knit - knit/knitted - knit/knitted
know - knew - known
lay - laid - laid
lead - led - led
lean - leaned/leant - leaned/leant
leap - leapt/leaped - leapt/leaped
learn - learned/learnt - learned/learnt
leave - left - left
lend - lent - lent
let - let - let
lie - lay - lain
light - lit/lighted - lit/lighted
lose - lost - lost
make - made - made
mean - meant - meant
meet - met - met
mishear - misheard - misheard
mislay - mislaid - mislaid
mislead - misled - misled
misread - misread - misread
misspell - misspelled/misspelt - misspelled/misspelt
mistake - mistook - mistaken
misunderstand - misunderstood - misunderstood
mow - mowed - mowed/mown
outbid - outbid - outbid
outdo - outdid - outdone
outgrow - outgrew - outgrown
outrun - outran - outrun
outsell - outsold - outsold
overcast - overcast - overcast
overcome - overcame - overcome
overdo - overdid - overdone
overdraw - overdrew - overdrawn
overeat - overate - overeaten
overhang - overhung - overhung
overhear - overheard - overheard
overlay - overlaid - overlaid
overlie - overlay - overlain
overpay - overpaid - overpaid
override - overrode - overridden
overrun - overran - overrun
oversee - oversaw - overseen
oversell - oversold - oversold
overshoot - overshot - overshot
oversleep - overslept - overslept
overtake - overtook - overtaken
overthrow - overthrew - overthrown
partake - partook - partaken
pay - paid - paid
plead - pled/pleaded - pled/pleaded
pre-set - pre-set - pre-set
proofread - proofread - proofread
prove - proved - proven/proved
put - put - put
quit - quit/quitted - quit/ quitted
read - read (sounds like "red") - read (sounds like "red")
rebind - rebound - rebound
rebuild - rebuilt - rebuilt
recast - recast - recast
redo - redid - redone
re-lay (for example tiles) - re-laid - re-laid
remake - remade - remade
repay - repaid - repaid
rerun - reran - rerun
resell - resold - resold
reset - reset - reset
rethink - rethought - rethought
rewind - rewound - rewound
rewrite - rewrote - rewritten
rid - rid - rid
ride - rode - ridden
ring - rang - rung
rise - rose - risen
run - ran - run
say - said - said
see - saw - seen
seek - sought - sought
sell - sold - sold
send - sent - sent
set - set - set
sew - sewed - sewn/sewed
shake - shook - shaken
shear - sheared - shorn/sheared
shed - shed - shed
shine - shined/shone - shined/shone
shit - shit/shat - shit/shat
shoot - shot - shot
show - showed - shown/showed
shrink - shrank/shrunk - shrunk
shut - shut - shut
sing - sang - sung
sit - sat - sat
slay - slew - slain
sleep - slept - slept
slide - slid - slid
sling - slung - slung
slit - slit - slit
smell - smelled/smelt - smelled/smelt
speak - spoke - spoken
speed - sped/speeded - sped/speeded
spell - spelled/spelt - spelled/spelt
spend - spent - spent
spin - spun - spun
spit - spit/spat - spit/spat
split - split - split
spoil - spoiled/spoilt - spoiled/spoilt
spoon-feed - spoon-fed - spoon-fed
spread - spread - spread
spring - sprang/sprung - sprung
stand - stood - stood
steal - stole - stolen
stick - stuck - stuck
sting - stung - stung
stink - stank/stunk - stunk
strew - strewed - strewn/strewed
stride - strode - stridden
strive - strove - striven
strike (delete) - struck - stricken
strike (hit) - struck - struck/stricken
string - strung - strung
strive - strove/strived - striven/strived
swear - swore - sworn
sweep - swept - swept
swell - swelled - swollen,swelled
swim - swam - swum
swing - swung - swung
take - took - taken
teach - taught - taught
tear - tore - torn
tell - told - told
think - thought - thought
throw - threw - thrown
thrust - thrust - thrust
tread - trod - trodden, trod
unbind - unbound - unbound
underlie - underlay - underlain
understand - understood - understood
undertake - undertook - undertaken
underwrite - underwrote - underwritten
undo - undid - undone
unwind - unwound - unwound
uphold - upheld - upheld
upset - upset - upset
wake - woke/waked - woken/waked
wear - wore - worn
weave - wove - woven
wed - wed/wedded - wed/wedded
weep - wept - wept
wet - wet/wetted - wet/wetted
win - won - won
wind - wound - wound
withdraw - withdrew - withdrawn
wring - wrung - wrung
write - wrote - written
You acknowledge that any attempted participation or violation of any of the foregoing is a material breach of this Agreement and that we may pursue any and all applicable legal and equitable remedies against You, including an immediate suspension of Your account or termination of this Agreement, and the pursuit of all available civil or criminal remedies.
귀하는 전술한 어떠한 행위에 참여하거나 위반하려는 시도기 본 계약의 중대한 위반이고, Abc는 귀하 계정의 즉시 중지 또는 본 계약의 종료 및 모든 가능한 민형사상의 구제책을 강구를 포함하여 귀하를 상대로 가능한 모든 합법적이고 정당한 구제책을 취할 수 있음을 인정합니다 .
Without limiting the foregoing and except for payment obligations, neither party shall have any liability for any failure or delay resulting from any condition beyond the reasonable control of such party, including but not limited to governmental action or acts of terrorism, earthquake or other acts of God, labor conditions, and power failures.
전술한 내용을 제한하지 않으면서 또한 금전지급채무의 경우를 제외하고, 쌍방은 자신의 합리적인 통제를 벗어나는 사유 ( 정부조치, 테러행위, 지진 또는 천재지변, 노동조건 및 정전을 포함하지만, 이에 한정되지는 않음 ) 로 인하여 발생하는 불이행 또는 지연에 대하여 책임지지 않습니다 .
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Abc shall not be liable for any payment based on:
전술한 바에도 불구하고, Abc는 다음 사항에 기초한 지불금원에 대하여는 아무런 책임을 부담하지 않습니다 .
Abc reserves the right to withhold payment or charge back Your account due to any of the foregoing or any breach of this Agreement by You, pending Abc's reasonable investigation of any of the foregoing or any breach of this Agreement by You, or in the event that an advertiser whose Ads are displayed in connection with Your Property(ies) defaults on payment for such Ads to Abc.
Abc는 전술한 사항 또는 귀하의 본 계약 위반으로 인한 Abc의 합리적인 조사가 진행되는 동안, 또는 귀하의 자산과 관련하여 자신의 광고가 게재되는 광고주가 Abc에게 해당 광고에 대한 지불을 이행하지 않을 경우, 지불을 보류하거나 귀하의 계정에 거꾸로 지불요구를 할 수 있는 권한을 보유합니다.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Abc may assign this Agreement to any affiliate at any time without notice.
전술한 규정에 불구하고, Abc는 언제든지 귀하에게 통지 없이 본 계약을 관계회사에게 양도할 수 있습니다.
검색결과는 30 건이고 총 288 라인의 자료가 출력되었습니다. 맨위로
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