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Equatorial Guinea 적도 기니(적도 아프리카 서단의 공화국)
equatorial 〔`i:kw∂t´o:ri∂l〕 적도(부근)의, 적도의
Malabo 〔m∂l´a:bou〕 말라보(Equatorial Guinea의 수도)
equatorial 적도선상의, 적도 부근의
[위키] 적도 좌표계 Equatorial coordinate system
[위키] 적도 기니 Equatorial Guinea
[위키] 적도 기니 축구 국가대표팀 Equatorial Guinea national football team
[위키] 적도 반류 Equatorial Counter Current
[위키] 남적도 해류 South Equatorial Current
[위키] 북적도 해류 North Equatorial Current
[위키] 적도의 Equatorial mount
[위키] 적도 기니의 국기 Flag of Equatorial Guinea
[위키] 적도 기니의 행정 구역 Provinces of Equatorial Guinea
[위키] 프랑스령 적도 아프리카 French Equatorial Africa
[百] 적도의 (赤道儀) equatorial telescope
[百] 적도좌표 (赤道座標) equatorial coordinates system
[百] 적도기단 (赤道氣團) equatorial air mass
[百] 적도저압대 (赤道低壓帶) equatorial low trough
[百] 적도전선 (赤道前線) equatorial front
[百] 인도양남적도해류 (印度洋南赤道海流) Indian south equatorial Current
[百] 인도양적도반류 (印度洋赤道反流) Indian Equatorial Countercurrent
[百] 적도반류 (赤道反流) Equatorial Countercurrent
[百] 적도잠류 (赤道潛流) Equatorial Undercurrent
[百] 적도해류 (赤道海流) Equatorial Currents
[百] 남적도해류 (南赤道海流) South Equatorial Current
[百] 북적도해류 (北赤道海流) North Equatorial Current
[百] 적도법 (赤道法) Equatorial projection
[百] 프랑스령적도아프리카 French Equatorial Africa
[百] 적도기니 Equatorial Guinea
[百d] 적도 기니 [ 赤道 ──, Equatorial Guinea ]
[百d] 적도반류 [ 赤道反流, equatorial countercurrent ]
[百d] 적도해류 [ 赤道海流, equatorial current ]
equatorial 적도의,적도부근의
equatorial : 적도방향
equatorial bond : 1)수평방향 결합 2)적도방향 결합
equatorial conformation : 1)수평 형태 2)적도방향 형태
equatorial layer line : 적도층선, 적도켜 씨줄
equatorial ligand : 적도방향 리간드
equatorial plane : 적도면
equatorial position : 1)수평 자리 2)적도방향 자리
equatorial substitution : 1)수평방향 치환 (반응) 2)적도방향 치환 (반응)
pseudo-equatorial position : 유사 수평방향 자리
2012년에 신고된 주요 국외유입 감염병은 "뎅기열, 세균성이질, 말라리아, 파라티푸스, 장티푸스 등"이며, 유입 국가는 "필리핀, 인도, 캄보디아, 태국, 인도네시아, 베트남, 중국 등"의 아시아 지역과 "가나, 적도기니 등"의 아프리카 지역이 많았다.
The major foreign infectious diseases reported in 2012 were dengue fever, bacteriophage, malaria, paratyphoid, typhoid, etc. and the inflow countries were Asian regions of Philippines, India, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, China, etc. and African regions of Gana, Equatorial Guinea, etc.
mitosis (유사분열, 세포 분열상) a method of indirect division of a cell, consisting of a
complex of various processes, by means of which the two daughter nuclei normally
receive identical complements of the number of chromosomes characteristic of the
somatic cells of the species. Mitosis, the process by which the body grows and replaces
cells, is divided into four phases. 1. Prophase : formation of paired chromosomes;
disappearance of nuclear membrane; appearance of the achromatic spindle; formation of
polar bodies. 2. Metaphase : arrangement of chromosomes in the equatorial plane of the
central spindle to form the monaster. Chromosomes separate into exactly similar halves.
3. Anaphase : the two groups of daughter chromosomes separate and move along the
fibres of the central spindle, each toward one of the asters, forming the diaster. 4.
Telophase : the daughter chromosomes resolve themselves into a reticulum and the
daughter nuclei are formed; the cytoplasm divides, forming two complete daughter cells.
NOTE : the term mitosis is used interchangeably with cell division, but strictly speaking
it refers to nuclear division, whereas cytokinesis refers to division of the cytoplasm. In
some cells, as in many fungi and the fertilized eggs of many insects, nuclear division
occurs within the cell unaccompanied by division of the cytoplasm and formation of
daughter cells.
H15 공막의 장애(Disorders of sclera)
H15.0 공막염(Scleritis)
H15.1 상공막염(Episcleritis)
H15.8 공막의 기타 장애(Other disorders of sclera)
적도부의 포도종(赤道葡萄腫)(Equatorial staphyloma)
공막 확장증(Scleral ectasia)
제외:퇴행성 근시(degenerative myopia)(H44.2)
H15.9 상세불명의 공막의 장애(Disorder of sclera, unspecified)
검색결과는 45 건이고 총 70 라인의 자료가 출력되었습니다. 맨위로
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