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enforcement officer (미)(법률 등의)시행관, 경관
enforcement 〔inf´o∂sm∂nt〕 (법률의)시행, 집행, (복종 등의)강제, (의견 등의)강조
NLETS 〔´enl´ets〕 (National Law Enforcement Tleltype System)전 미국법 집행 텔레타이프(미법무성 관할에 있는 범죄자에 대해 정보 제공 시스템)
enforcement (강제적인)시행, 집행, 권한의 행사
enforcement decree 시행령
enforcement 시행, 강행, 집행
law enforcement authorities 사법당국(검찰과 경찰등), 법집행 당국
law enforcement body 사법당국
law enforcement officer 사법경찰관
law enforcement official 사법당국, 경찰등
law enforcement 법집행, 사법처리
law-enforcement authorities 사법당국들
enforcement (법률 등의) 시행, 실시, 적용; 시행자; 경찰; 재판소
law-enforcement officer 법 집행관 *보안관, 경관 등을 지칭한다.
The latter committee, which will focus on the political
neutrality of law-enforcement authorities and broadcast media's
allegedly unfair coverage of elections, is scheduled to end its
activities in February.
행정기구의 정치적 중립성 및 방송매체의 불공정 선거 보도 관행에
초점을 맞추게 될 선거법 개정 특위는 내년 2월까지 활동을 하게 된
Since the April vote, the ruling and opposition parties have
fought over the debated political neutrality of law-enforcement
4월총선 이후 여야는 검경(檢警)의 정치적 중립문제를 놓고 갈등을
In fact, President Kim met with his two rivals shortly after the April
vote and asked for their cooperation to realize what he called ``grand
politics'' through dialogue and compromise. But this did not happen until
the rival parties struck a deal last week to normalize legislative activity
with the ruling party agreeing to consider opposition demands _ legal
and institutional guarantees for the political neutrality of law
enforcement authorities.
사실, 김대통령은 4월 총선 직후 두 야당 총재들을 만나 김대통령이 일컫
는 "큰 정치"를 대화와 타협을 통해 구현하기 위해 야당총재들의 협조를 구
한 적이 있었다. 그러나 이것은 사법당국의 정치적 중립을 법적으로 그리고
구조적으로 보장하라는 야당의 요구를 여당이 협의대상으로 삼겠다고 동의
함으로써 지난주에 입법활동의 정상화가 이루어질 때까지는 이루어지지 않
institutional : 기구의, 기관의, 구조적인
neutrality : 중립, 중립성
law enforcement authorities : 사법당국(검찰과 경찰등)
Vital to uprooting such social evils are not only the law enforcement
authorities' all-out efforts to crack down on crime but also the general
public's strong resolve to bring all lawbreakers to justice by boldly
reporting felons to the authorities.
그와 같은 사회악을 뿌리 뽑는 것은 사법 당국자들의 범죄 소탕을 위한
전면적인 노력만으로 이루어지는 것이 아니고 모든 사회가 악당들을 당국에
용감하게 신고함으로써 법을 어긴 모든 자들을 법으로 다스리겠다는 굳건한
결의가 가장 중요한 것이다
felon : 중죄인, 악당, 악한
Such control by the law enforcement authorities is necessary but
even more important is the general public's good sense and positive
desire to be moral, voluntarily abide by the rules and maintain public
order. Parents are advised to use the opportunity provided by summer
vacations to teach their children not to litter, not to disturb others with
their raucous games and generally to follow society's rules.
이러한 사법 당국의 감시도 필요하지만 더 중요한 것은 일반 국민들이 자
발적으로 도덕심을 발휘하여 규정과 공공 질서를 준수하겠다는 양식을 지녀
야 한다는 것이다. 부모들은 이번의 여름휴가를 이용해서 자녀들에게 함부
로 오물을 버리지 말고, 소란한 놀이로 이웃에게 피해를 끼치지 말 것이며
또한 사회 규범을 잘 준수하도록 지도해 주는 기회로 삼아야 한다.
law enforcement authorities : 사법 당국(검찰과 경찰등)
voluntarily : 자발적으로, 자의적으로
litter : 들것, 침상 가마, 잡동사니; 흩뜨리다, 마구 버리다
raucous : 목이 쉰, 귀에 거슬리는, 무질서하고 소란한
^^The primary duty of any government is to protect the general public
from criminals so that they can live a peaceful life without fear. Now is
the time for the government to increase the money spent on law
enforcement authorities to ensure they can crack down on criminals
and uphold the law by which this country is governed. At the same
time, the police must exert self-help efforts themselves so they can
faithfully perform their important duties to the letter.
어느 정부나 가장 큰 임무는 국민들을 범죄로부터 보호하여 국민들이 두
려움 없이 평화로운 삶을 살수 있게 만드는 일이다. 이제야 말로 정부는 경
찰 당국의 예산을 늘려 그들이 범죄를 소탕할 수 있으면서 이 나라를 다스
리고 있는 법을 유지시킬 수 있어야 한다. 동시에 경찰은 규정에 명시된 자
신들의 중요한 임무를 성실하게 수행하는데 최선을 다해야 할 것이다.
law enforcement authorities : 사법 당국(검찰과 경찰등)
crackdown : 일망타진, 분쇄, 검거, 단속
uphold : 떠받치다, 들어올리다, 지지하다
faithfully : 성실하게, 충실히, 성의를 다하여
to the letter : 문자 그대로, 엄밀히
^^Indisputably, violent demonstrations and firebomb throwing, however
justifiable the cause, must be treated as illegal acts subject to the
control of the law enforcement authorities. The existing law prohibits the
production, transportation and use of firebombs. But the number of
firebombs used this year has increased to seven times the figure
reported in the first half of last year, showing the extent of the problem.
명백한 사실은, 폭력 시위와 화염병 투척은, 동기가 비록 정당하다 하더라도,
사법 당국에 의해 불법으로 처리되어야 한다는 것이다. 현행법에 의하면,
화염병의 제조, 운반, 사용이 금지되어 있다. 그러나 올해 사용된 화염병의
수가 작년 1/4분기에 비해 7배나 증가했다는 사실은 문제의 심각성을 보여준다.
Because there is solid popular support for a quick crackdown on the
student rioters, the law-enforcement authorities have the opportunity to
take stern actions against the protesting students. Accordingly, the
government will hardly evade public censure if it exhibits the same
half-heartedness and indecisiveness which it showed coping with the
law violators in the past.
학생 소요를 빨리 수습해야 한다는 강력한 대중의 지지가 있기 때문에,
사법 당국은 시위 중인 학생들에 대해서 단호한 조치를 취할 수 있다. 따라
서, 정부가 불법 시위자들에 대해 과거처럼 소극적이거나 우유부단한 태도
를 보인다면 국민들의 비난을 면할 수가 없게 될 것이다.
solid : 굳은, 딱딱한, 굳건한
censure : 비난, 혹평, 질책; 비난하다, 질책하다
half-heartedness : 내키지 않음, 열의가 없음
indecisiveness : 엉거주춤, 우유부단
When it comes to government responsibility, President Kim will have
to share his part for his failure to manifest an official position on
student activism and to order the law-enforcement authorities to take
appropriate action. Without this guidance, the police and prosecutors
had been wavering over the appropriate way to react to the defiant
students, uncertain whether to follow a hawkish or dovish policy.
정부의 책임 문제를 거론한다면, 김대통령 역시 학생운동에 관한 공식적
인 태도 표명을 하지 않았고 사법 당국에 적절한 조치를 취하도록 지시하지
못했던 책임을 나누어져야 할 것이다. 이런 지침이 없었기 때문에, 경찰이나
검찰은 당국에 도전하는 과격운동권 학생들을 강경하게 다뤄야 할 것인지
온건하게 다뤄야 할 것인지를 결정하지 못한 채 적절한 대응 방법을 정하지
못하고 우왕좌왕해 왔던 것이다.
manifest : 명백한, 분명한; 명백히 하다, 감정을 들어내다
appropriate : 적절한, 적합한, 고유한; 충당하다, 횡령하다, 계상하다,
waver : 흔들리는, 떨리는, 주저하는; 동요, 망설임
defiant : 도전적인, 반항적인, 무례한, 반항적인, 고집불통의
hawkish : 매 같은, 매파적인
dovish : 비둘기 같은, 비둘기파 적인
The Korean maritime police have requested the Japanese authorities to
transfer the boat and the surviving crew into their hands for
investigation. But the Korean law enforcement authorities should also
participate in the initial investigation conducted in Japan in view of the
fact that most of the victims of the mutiny were South Koreans and the
fishing boat was virtually being operated by a Korean firm.
한국 해양경찰은 이를 조사하기 위해 일본당국자에게 어선과 생존선원을
인도해 줄 것을 요구하였다. 그러나 한국의 관계사법당국자들 역시, 대부분
의 희생자가 한국인이며 그 어선 또한 실질적으로 한국회사에서 운영하고
있음 을 감안하여, 일본에서 실시한 초동수사에 참가해야 한다.
investigation : 수사, 조사
law enforcement authority : 법집행 당국, 사법당국
put emphasis upon -을 강조하다
I sometimes wish that people would put a little more emphasis upon
the observance of the law than they do upon its enforcement.
사람들이 법률의 시행 보다도 준수를 좀 더 강조해 줬으면 하고 나는 때
로 기원한다. - Coolidge
Do we need new laws to combat crime, or rather, more stringent enforcement of the laws we already have?
범죄를 퇴치하기 위해 새로운 법이 필요할까요, 아니면 이미 있는 법을 좀 더 엄격히 시행할 필요가 있을까요?
If anyone, including the police, decides to drive down High Point Street on any summer night, he will find it too dangerous to pass.
The potholes have been fixed, but the speeding motorbikers are turning the narrow street into a race track as they try to outrun each other.
The bikers are roaring along the High Point Street without any police enforcement.
The police don't seem to have seen any reason to slow down the speeding motorcycles racing through the street.
It seems like a waiting game: either this summer will end without anyone getting injured, or the speeding bikes will cause a fatal accident.
There is a lot of time left in the summer season.
The city police must take immediate action for our safety.
경찰을 포함하여 그 누구라도 여름 날 밤 High Point Street로 차를 몰겠다고 생각을 하면, 그 곳을 지나가기가 무척 위험하다는 것을 알게 될 것이다.
도로에 팬 구멍은 복구되었지만, 오토바이 폭주족들이 서로 앞지르기를 하면서 좁것은, 다치는 사람 없이 이 여름기간이 끝나든지, 아니면 폭주 오토바이가 치명적인 사고를 일으키는, 하나의 “기다리기 게임" 같아 보인다.
여름은 아직 많이 남아있다.
시경은 우리의 안전을 위한 조치를 즉각 취해야만 한다.
A heroin dealer can be fined $50,000 and sentenced to up to 30 years in
prison, with a minimum confinement of six years / before becoming eligible for
parole. The same person trafficking in methaqualone faces a maximum of ten years
in prison, a $30,000 fine and four years before parole. The Drug Enforcement
Administration wants to equalize the penalties for heroin and methaqualone
헤로인을 사서 파는 사람은 5만 달러의 벌금을 물고 최고 30년간의
감옥형을 선고받을 수 있는데, 적어도 6년간 감옥에서 보내야 가출옥 자격을
얻을 수 있다. 메써퀄론을 거래하는 사람은 최고 10년간의 감옥형에다 3만
달러의 벌금을 물어야 하고, 4년을 감옥에서 보내야 가출옥 자격을 얻을 수
있다. 약물시행청은 헤로인과 메써퀄론 거래에 대한 형벌을 동일하게
만들기를 바라고있다.
Law enforcement officials pick up about 500 Haitians a month on
[위키] 마약단속국 Drug Enforcement Administration
[위키] 경봉 Baton (law enforcement)
[百] 강제조치 (强制措置) enforcement measures
[百d] 국제연합 평화집행부대 [ 國際聯合平和執行部隊, Peace Enforcement Units ]
enforcement 시행
For their own part, the related law enforcement authorities need to double their efforts to locate those who spread groundless defamatory rumors and take legal measures against them.
또한 해당 정부 당국은 이러한 근거 없는 인신 공격적 소문을 퍼트린 사람들을 금지하고 처벌하는 법적 조치를 마련하기 위한 노력을 게을리 하지 않아야 할 것이다.
If left unchecked, the current evil trend will only amplify the antagonism and conflicts between regions and classes as well as cause national misfortune and hamper the development of democracy in this country.
이런 상태로 계속된다면 이것이 국가적 불운을 야기하여 우리 국가의 민주주의의 발전에 저해가 될 뿐만 아니라 지역 간 그리고 계급 간의 갈등을 증폭시키게 될 것이다.
Our most promising lead continues to be Jack Bauer.
가장 유력한 단서는 역시 잭 바우어입니다
Local and federal law enforcement have made finding him a priority.
지방과 연방 경찰은 잭 검거를 급선무로 생각하고 있습니다
We're trying to locate the man who posed as a photographer at the senator's appearance.
사진작가 행세를 하는 남자도 수색 중입니다
This man may have been involved with Bauer.
잭과 함께 사건에 연루된 것으로 보입니다
I've told the agencies we're working with they can expect full cooperation... from all of us.
다른 기관들에게도 최대한 협력하겠다고 말했습니다
Hopefully, we can repair some of the damage caused by Bauer's recent actions.
바우어의 최근 행동으로 손상된 위신을 다시 세울 수 있길 바래요
Thank you. That's all.
감사합니다, 이상입니다
You didn't have to do that. Giving James your number.
그럴 필요 없었네. 제임스한테 자네 전화번호를 준 거 말야
I've seen other law enforcement people in my day...
내가 젊었을 때 알아둔 법조계 사람들이 있다네
"My day?"
Reminds me of my grandmother.
제 할머니 생각을 나게 하시는군요
Yeah, I gave her a lot of rough nights, too.
저도 할머니한테 걱정을 많이 끼쳐서 힘든 밤을 보내게 했었어요
Used to call me her "work in progress."
할머니가 저한테 전화해서 "뒷처리 하는 중이다"라고 말하시곤 했죠
she did something right.
할머님이 옳은 일을 하신 것 같군
Did somebody in Homicide talk to you yet?
아직 강력계 형사와 얘기 안 했나요?
Yeah, as a matter of fact. They said I'd be talking to you, because...
예, 사실은 그들이 당신과 얘기하라고 했어요
well, we're both in law enforcement.
왜냐면, 그 사람들이나 저나 모두 법 집행관들이니까요
Mm... Right.
예, 그렇죠
Are you sure that's prudent, given the circumstances?
지금 상황에서 그것이 현명하다고 확신하나?
Doc, I am giving this girl a proper burial.
박사님, 적절한 장례식을 해 줄 거예요
I don't much care about my career right now.
지금은 제 직업이 어떻게 될지 별로 관심 없어요
Someone wants to throw me in jail for that, so be it.
누군가가 그것 때문에 절 감옥에 집어넣겠다면 그렇게 하라죠
How you doing?
Just kinda I'm using this current experience to understand any other side of law enforcement.
단지 현재 경험을 통해 법 집행의 다른 면을 이해하려고 하죠
That's resourceful.
What do you do for fun?
취미가 뭐야?
I chase rabbits.
난 토끼들을 쫓아요
And I read crime books.
그리고 범죄 책들도 읽고요
And I listen to the scanner.
물론 조사 기록도 들어요
You need something outside of law enforcement.
새라는 지금 법의 집행을 벗어난 다른 일이 필요해
Catherine has her kid, you know.
캐서린은 아이가 있어, 새라도 알지
I sometimes...
난 가끔…
ride rollar-coasters,
롤러코스터를 타러 가
What do you do?
새라는 뭘 하는데?
아무것도 안 해요
Using computer software,
컴퓨터 소프트웨어를 사용합니다
Teri can age Melissa's picture so that we can determine what Melissa looks like today, at 25.
테리가 멜리사의 사진에 나이를 입력하면 멜리사의 25살 현재 모습을 알 수 있어요
Then, we'll send it off to every law enforcement agency in the state.
그 사진을 네바다 주 내 모든 법집행 기관에 보내는 겁니다
It's been so long. Tell us the truth: what are our chances?
너무 오랜 시간이 흘렀습니다 진실을 말해주세요. 가망은 있나요?
Well, twenty-one years ago, you were told she was dead.
글쎄요, 21년 전에 따님이 죽었다고 들으셨으니
Now we're moving in the right direction.
지금은 제대로 가고 있는 셈이죠
You all right?
How did you know I was here?
내가 여기 있는 건 어떻게 알았나?
Nick told me.
닉이 얘기했어요
Everybody okay?
모두 괜찮나요?
Special agents, we got a shooting. Notify LVPD and paramedics ASAP.
특수요원이다, 총격이 있었다 경찰과 구급대원에게 어서 연락하라
Copy that.
I just wanted to talk to him.
난 그냥 얘기하려했던 건데
We can say unequivocally, based on statements made
by a certain local law enforcement employee
and corresponding evidence that the deceased,
Syd Booth Goggle is the Strip Strangler.
라스베가스 지역 경찰관의 진술과 진술을 뒷받침하는 증거에 의해
사망한 시드 가글이 연쇄 스트립 교살범임이
명백하게 밝혀졌다는 걸 말씀드리겠습니다
Furthermore, since Goggle was killed by a second member
또한 가글은 또 다른 라스베가스 경찰관에 의해
of Las Vegas Law Enforcement during his apprehension, this case is now closed.
체포 도중 사살 당했으므로 이 사건은 종결되었습니다
I would like to thank the FBI,
이 자리를 빌려 FBI에 감사드리며
along with Special Agent Rick Culpepper for his invaluable leadership in this pursuit.
높은 지도력으로 수사에 큰 도움을 준 릭 컬페퍼 특수요원에게 감사드립니다
In short, we couldn't have done it without you.
요원이 없었다면 불가능했을 겁니다
I'd like to thank you, sheriff,
Las Vegas Police.
서장님과 라스베가스 경찰에 감사드립니다
I'd also like to thank the citizens of Las Vegas for their courage.
또한 용기를 보여주신 라스베가스 시민 여러분께도 감사합니다
We at the Federal Bureau of Investigation are
우리 연방 수사국은
proud to have served you. Thank you.
여러분께 봉사하게 되어 영광입니다, 감사합니다
Aw, that's cool.
멋있기도 해라
Its official name is the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act.
공식명칭은 공권력을 지지하고 주민을 안전하게 하는 법이에요
It requires immigrants carry their alien registration documents at all times,
이민자들은 항상 이민자 등록서류를 소지하고 다녀야 하며
requires police question people if there's reason to suspect
경찰은 의심가는 사람 누구나 불시에 검문할 수 있어요
they're in the United States illegally,
불법 체류자 처럼 보인다면 말이죠
and it targets those who hire illegal immigrants.
또한, 불법이민자 고용주를 대상으로 적용될 수 있어요
In three, two. Cue Will.
3, 2, 큐 윌
Welcome back.
다시 뉴스입니다
We're discussing Arizona's immigration bill SB 1070,
지금 애리조나의 SB1070법률을 토의하고 있는데요
the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act,
공식적으로 "공권력을 지지하며" 안전한 이웃을 위한 법령"입니다
which was signed into law today by Governor Jan Brewer.
주지사 잰 브루어가 이 법률을 오늘 서명했는데요
After all, states aren't allowed to create their own foreign policy,
결국, 각 주정부가 자신들만의 외교정책을 만들 수는 없겠지만
but it sounds like you've got the right answer to that.
당신의 답변도 어느정도 타당성이 있는 것 같은데요
- Which is...? - I'm a survivor and I don't know the word "quit."
- 다시 말해... - 전 생존자고 포기란 단어는 모른다는 거죠
- Probably other words, too. - Shut it.
- 다른 단어도 모르는 거 아냐? - 닥쳐
Ahem, states aren't allowed to create
음. 각 주정부는 자신들만의
their own foreign policy, but...?
외교정책을 만들 수는 없겠지만
But this isn't about foreign policy,
이건 외교정책이 아니죠
it's about law enforcement.
이것은 법 집행에 관한 것이죠
These are the important facts. First, it was a lone wolf.
이게 중요한 사실이야 첫번째, 단독 범행이고
Shahzad was trained in Pakistan, but he wasn't connected to a terror network.
샤자드는 파키스탄에서 훈련받았지만 테러조직과 연관은 없어
Second, the situation was handled by first responders
둘째, 상황은 처음부터 경찰에 의해서 관리되었고
in law enforcement, not an army.
군대랑은 상관없어
And finally, the system worked.
마지막으로, 시스템이 잘 작동했어
국방 및 치안장비 및 용품 Defense and Law Enforcement and Security and Safety Equipment and Supplies
탄약 Ammunition
국방또는치안용탄약 Defense or law enforcement ammunition
치안장비 Law enforcement
교사훈련 서비스 Teacher training services
소방훈련 서비스 Fire fighting training services
수세공직업훈련 서비스 Handcrafts vocational training services
법률관련직업훈련 서비스 Law vocational training services
법집행직업훈련 서비스 Law enforcement vocational training services
도로또는철도운송직업훈련 서비스 Road or rail transportation vocational training services
해운직업훈련 서비스 Shipping vocational training services
기존 시행령에서는 배임 횡령 등으로 취득한 이득액이 5억원 이상으로 유죄가 확정된 기업인은 범죄행위로 재산상 이득을 얻는 제3자 관련 기업체에 대해서만 취업이 제한돼 있었다.
Under the existing enforcement ordinance, businessmen convicted of more than 500 million won in profits from embezzlement of breach of trust were limited to employment only for third-party companies that benefited from criminal activities.
금융위는 다음달 중 제정법이 공포되면, 오는 12월 시행령 등 하위법규를 입법예고하고 규제개혁위원회와 법제처 심사를 거쳐 내년 6월 시행령을 공포할 계획이다.
When the enactment law is promulgated next month, the Financial Services Commission plans to announce the enforcement ordinance in June next year after pre-announcement of legislation, including the enforcement ordinance in December, and review by the Regulatory Reform Committee and the Ministry of Government Legislation.
이번 자본시장법 시행령 개정안 역시 공정경제라는 미명 아래 우리 자본시장을 투기자본의 먹잇감으로 만드는 부작용을 낳을 가능성이 높다.
The revision to the Enforcement Decree of the Capital Markets Act is also likely to have side effects that make the Korean capital market a prey for speculative capital under the guise of a fair economy.
금융회사 지배구조법과 관련 시행령에 따르면 '금융회사는 실효성 있는 내부통제 기준을 마련해야 한다'고 돼 있으므로 실질적인 내부통제 시스템 마련에 실패한 책임을 CEO가 져야 한다는 것이다.
According to the Financial Companies Governance Act and related enforcement ordinances, "financial companies should come up with effective internal control standards," so the CEO should be held responsible for failing to come up with an effective internal control system.
조특법 시행령 개정안은 건물주가 임대료 인하 후 올해 연말 안에 애초 임대차계약보다 보증금·임대료를 올릴 경우 세액공제 혜택을 주지 않도록 했다.
The amendment to the Enforcement Decree of the Special Act on Construction of Buildings will not provide tax deductions if the landlord raises the deposit and rent more than the original lease contract within the end of this year after the rent reduction.
개정 시행령에 따르면, 우선 임대보증금에 대한 보증가입 의무대상이 확대된다.
According to the revised enforcement ordinance, first of all, subjects of obligation to subscribe to the deposit guarantee will be expanded.
국토부는 시행령 개정을 통해 임대등록 신청일을 기준으로 분양계약서에 따른 잔금지급일이 3개월 이내이거나 잔금지급일 이후로 규정하고 임대 등록 후 소유권을 취득해야 하는 기간도 현행 3년 이내에서 1년 이내로 단축했다.
Through the revision of the enforcement ordinance, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport stipulated that the balance payment date under the sale contract is within three months or after the balance payment date based on the date of application for rental registration, and also shortened the period of ownership after lease registration to within one year from the current three years.
그런데 지난해 2월 13일부터 바뀐 소득세법 시행령이 적용되면서 2년 이상 보유한 가정어린이집은 비과세 혜택을 받게 됐습니다.
However, as the Enforcement Decree of the Income Tax Act, which has been changed since February 13 last year, has been applied, home daycare centers that have owned for more than two years will receive tax exemptions.
애버딘스탠더드인베스트먼트는 "현 상황에서 시장이 필요로 하는 것은 통화정책보다 바이러스 확산이 억제되는 모습과 공격적인 재정정책 집행"이라고 진단했다.
Aberdeen Standard Investment said, "What the market needs under the current circumstances is a suppression of the spread of the virus and an aggressive fiscal policy enforcement rather than a monetary policy."
금융위는 이러한 내용을 포함한 전자금융거래법 시행령이 28일 국무회의를 통과했다고 밝혔다.
The Financial Services Commission said the Enforcement Decree of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act, including these contents, passed a Cabinet meeting on the 28th.
국토교통부는 이 같은 내용의 '부동산 거래신고 등에 관한 법률' 시행령 개정안이 국무회의를 통과했다고 10일 밝혔다.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said on the 10th that a revision to the enforcement ordinance of the "Act on Reporting Real Estate Transactions" has passed a Cabinet meeting.
현재로선 지주회사 체제에서 손자회사에 대한 공동 출자가 인정되지 않지만 공정거래법 시행령의 관련 규정은 여러 자회사가 하나의 손자회사에 출자 비율을 같이 해서 공동으로 출자하면 가능하게 돼 있다.
Currently, joint investment in grandson is not recognized under the holding company system, but related regulations of the Enforcement Decree of the Fair Trade Act are made possible if several subsidiaries jointly invest in one grandson company with the same investment ratio.
손 부위원장은 "이번 대책이 현장에서 제대로 실행될 수 있도록 정책금융기관은 정책의 집행기관으로서 기업들이 제때에 편리하게 자금을 지원받을 수 있도록 관심을 가져달라"고 말했다.
'To ensure that the measures are implemented properly in the field, policy financial institutions, as policy enforcement agencies, should pay attention so that companies can receive funds conveniently in time,' Vice Chairman Sohn said.
업계에서는 자칫 시행령 마련 과정에서 시중은행이 거래소의 목줄을 죄는 형태가 되는 것 아니냐는 우려를 내놓고 있다.
The industry is concerned that commercial banks may form a tight leash on the market in the process of preparing the enforcement ordinance.
개정 자본시장법 시행령에는 국제기구가 발행한 채무증권을 대고객 환매조건부매매(RP) 대상증권에 추가하는 내용도 담겼다.
The Enforcement Ordinance of the revised Capital Markets Act also includes adding debt securities issued by international organizations to underlying securities of the Repurchase Agreement (RP).
사법당국이 수사하는 과정에서 검사 결과를 요청하면 자료를 제출하겠다.
If the law enforcement authorities request the results of the inspection during the investigation, we will hand over the data.
이후 2017년 4월 자본시장법 시행령이 개정됐고, 같은 해 11월 한국투자증권이 첫 발행어음 사업 인가를 받아냈다.
Since then, the Enforcement Decree of the Capital Market Act was revised in April 2017, and Korea Investment & Securities Co. obtained its first approval for the issuance of bills in November of the same year.
시행령 개정안에서 경영권에 영향을 줄 목적이 없는 행위로 보려는 위법행위 유지청구권, 이사 해임청구권, 신주발행 유지청구권은 그 자체로 회사의 경영권과 자본금에 직접 영향을 준다.
In the amendment to the Enforcement Decree, the right to the injunction of illegal activities, the right to claim the dismissal of directors, and the right to maintain the issuance of new shares which they see as an act with no purpose to affect managerial rights directly affect the company's management rights and capital.
시행령 자체가 과도하게 자금흐름을 통제하기보다는 라임자산운용 사태에서 보듯이 거래 관련 주요 정보가 투명하게 공개되는 데 초점을 맞춰야 한다는 것이다.
Rather than excessively controlling the flow of funds, the enforcement ordinance itself should focus on transparent disclosure of key transaction-related information, as seen in the Lime Asset Management scandal.
이는 노후대비 '자산형성 지원을 위한 사적연금 활성화 방안'의 후속조치로 주택연금 가입연령을 정하고 있는 공사법 시행령이 개정된 데 따른 것이다.
This is due to the revision of the Enforcement Decree of the Construction Act, which sets the joining age of housing pension as a follow-up to the "Plan to Revitalize Private Pensions to Support Asset Formation" in preparation for old age.
따라서 부정확한 면이 있더라도 지금은 정책 집행의 신속성이 정확성보다 더 요구된다고 생각합니다.
Therefore, even if there are some inaccuracies, I think the speed of policy enforcement is now more necessary than accuracy.
자금지원이든 규제완화든 정책 지원을 하겠다면 신속하고 과감한 집행이 관건이 될 것이다.
Swift and bold enforcement will be the key if we are to provide policy support, whether it is funding or deregulation.
다만 금융사의 교육기관 섭외 등 준비기간이 필요해 이는 규정 시행 후 6개월 뒤 도입될 예정이다.
However, it will be introduced six months after the enforcement of the regulations because it needs a preparation period, such as the recruitment of educational institutions by financial companies.
그러나 핵심기술 보호, 산업생태계 유지, 국민경제, 고용안정 및 국가안보 등에 중대한 영향을 미칠 수 있는 경우라면 시행령의 업종규정과 무관하게 기획재정부와 금융위원회가 협의해 지원할 수 있다.
However, if it can have a significant impact on the protection of core technologies, the maintenance of industrial ecosystems, the national economy, employment stability and national security, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and the Financial Services Commission can consult and support regardless of the industry regulations of the enforcement ordinance.
기재부 김태주 조세총괄정책관은 "국회 일정 등 문제로 6월 말까지 법 개정이 이뤄지지 않을 경우 소비 동결 효과 발생 등을 고려해 시행령 개정을 택했다"고 말했다.
If the law is not revised by the end of June due to problems such as the National Assembly schedule, we chose to revise the enforcement ordinance in consideration of the effect of freezing consumption, said Kim Tae-joo, a tax policy officer at the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
금융위원회가 시행령을 마련한 뒤 공포하면 내년 하반기쯤 본격적으로 P2P 금융 시대가 열릴 예정이다.
If the Financial Services Commission prepares and promulgates the enforcement ordinance, the P2P financial era will open in earnest in the second half of next year.
하지만 사법 당국이 사기나 계약 취소로 판단하면 그 판단이 우선이다.
However, if the law enforcement authorities judge it as fraud or contract cancellation, that judgment comes first.
금융위원회는 28일 이 같은 내용의 '전자금융거래법 시행령'이 국무회의를 통과했다고 밝혔다.
The Financial Services Commission said on the 28th that this "Enforcement Decree of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act" passed the Cabinet meeting.
관련 시행령에도 '실효성 있는 내부통제기준을 마련해야 한다'는 내용이 있다.
The relevant enforcement ordinance also states that "effective internal control standards should be prepared."
시행령 개정사항은 오는 4월 8일까지 입법예고가 끝나면 관계기관 협의, 법제처 심사, 국무회의 등을 거쳐 상반기 내에 시행될 예정이다.
The revision of the enforcement ordinance will take effect within the first half of the year after consultation with related agencies, review by the Ministry of Government Legislation, and a Cabinet meeting after the legislative notice is completed by April 8th.
개정 시행령의 골자는 다음달 1일부터 현재 만 60세인 주택연금 가입 가능 연령이 만 55세로 낮아진다.
The main point of the revised enforcement ordinance is that the age at which people can join the housing pension, which is currently 60 years old, will be lowered to 55 from the 1st of next month.
금융위원회는 이런 내용을 담은 주택금융공사법 시행령 개정안이 24일 국무회의를 통과했다고 밝혔다.
The Financial Services Commission announced that the revision to the Enforcement Decree of the Housing Finance Corporation Act passed the Cabinet meeting on the 24th.
금융위원회·금융정보분석원(FIU)이 자금세탁방지(AML) 강화를 위해 개정을 추진하고 있는 '특정 금융거래정보의 보고 및 이용 등에 관한 법률'이 국회를 통과하고, 관련 시행령 마련 등 후속작업이 마무리된 후에 다시 논의키로 한 것이다.
The "Act on Reporting and Use of Specific Financial Transaction Information," which is being revised by the Financial Services Commission and the Financial Intelligence Unit to strengthen anti-money laundering, will be discussed again once it passes the National Assembly and completes the follow-up work such as preparation of relevant enforcement ordinance.
법안 통과가 예상됐던 만큼 P2P업계의 시선은 시행령에 쏠리고 있다.
As the bill was expected to pass, the P2P industry's attention is being focused on the enforcement ordinance.
시행령에 의거하자면 방 공제 총액도 방 4개를 기준으로 근저당설정일을 임의로 2001년을 적용할 경우 4800만원 2013년 기준으로 1억원이었으나, 금감원 세부기준으로는 대출 심사 시점 기준인 1개당 3700만원씩 방 공제 총액이 1억4800만원으로 늘었다.
According to the enforcement ordinance, the total amount of room deduction was 100 million won as of 2013 when arbitrarily applying the mortgage set date of 2001 based on four rooms, but according to the detailed standards of the FSS, the total amount of room deduction increased to 148 million won, 37 million won at the time of loan screening.
올해는 자본시장법이 시행된 지 10년이 되는 해입니다.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the enforcement of the Capital Markets Act.
증권업계에서는 이번 보고서 서식 개정을 금융당국이 추진 중인 'IB 부동산금융 옥죄기'의 일환으로 받아들이고 있다.
The securities industry is accepting the revision of the report form as part of the "IB Real Estate Finance Enforcement" being pursued by financial authorities.
또 화평법 시행규칙을 개정해 등록 이후 제조, 수입량, 용도 변경이 발생할 때 등록시한을 현재 1개월에서 6개월로 연장할 방침이다.
Besides, the Enforcement Rules of the Peace Act will be revised to extend the registration deadline from the current 1 month to 6 months when manufacturing, import volume, and use change occur after registration.
금융위원회가 신용협동조합의 여신확대를 골자로 한 신협법 시행령을 개정하기로 했다.
The Financial Services Commission has decided to revise the Enforcement Decree of the Credit Union Act, which aims to expand the loan of the Credit Union.
금융위는 5일 이같은 내용이 담긴 '자본시장법 시행령 개정안'을 6일 입법 예고한다고 밝혔다.
Financial Services Commission said on the 5th that it will announce the "Revised Bill of The Enforcement Decree of the Capital Market Act" on the 6th.
국토부 관계자는 "민간택지에 분양가 상한제를 적용할 수 있는 법률적 근거는 이미 마련돼 있다"면서 "몇 가지 규정과 시행령만 바꿔도 바로 적용이 가능하다"고 밝혔다.
An official from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said, "There is already a legal basis for applying the ceiling on the sale price to private housing sites," adding, "It can be applied immediately by changing a few regulations and enforcement ordinances."
제도 시행일부터 실물증권의 효력은 사라지지만 주주명부에 기재된 주식 소유자는 특별계좌에 명의자로 기재되므로 명의개서대행회사를 방문하면 본인 명의 증권회사 계좌로 계좌대체 신청이 가능하다.
The effect of real securities will disappear from the enforcement date of the system, but stock owners listed on the shareholder list will be listed as nominees in the special account, so if they visit a transfer agency, they can apply for account replacement to the securities company's account under their own name.
동산병원은 지난해 국민건강보험공단으로부터 '간호·간병통합서비스 제공기관'으로 지정받았으며, 이달부터 모든 진료과로 확대 시행했다.
Dongsan Hospital was designated as an "integrated nursing and care service providing institute" by the National Health Insurance Service last year, and has extended enforcement to all medical departments from this month.
권기섭 고용부 근로감독기획단장은 브리핑을 통해 "개정 근로기준법 시행을 앞두고 전반적으로 직장 내 괴롭힘 예방을 위한 구체적인 방안 마련 등이 더 필요한 것으로 나타났다"고 밝혔다.
Kwon Ki-seop, head of the Labor Supervision Planning Division of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, said in a briefing, "Before the enforcement of the revised Labor Standards Act, it was revealed that more specific measures to prevent bullying in the workplace were necessary."
지난해 9월 의료법 시행규칙이 개정되면서 본인 인증을 거치면 온라인에서도 발급 가능해졌다.
As the enforcement regulations of the medical law were revised in September of last year, it became possible to issue them online after personal authentication.
복지부는 2016년 12월 법률 시행 이후 지난해 9월 처음으로 926개 희귀질환을 지정했으며, 환자와 환우회, 관련 학회 등에서 의견을 수렴한 후 이번에 희귀질환 91개를 추가로 지정했다.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare designated 926 rare diseases for the first time in September of last year since the enforcement of the law in December 2016, and after collecting opinions from patients, patients' associations, and related conferences, 91 more rare diseases were designated this time.
다만 시행일 당시 각 검찰청 특수부에서 수사 중인 사건에는 개정된 분장사무 규정을 적용하지 않기 때문에 '조국 의혹' 수사를 맡은 서울중앙지검 특수부도 수사가 종료될 때까지는 현행대로 유지된다.
However, since the revised rules of divided works are not applied to cases under investigation by the special departments of each prosecutor's office as of the enforcement date, the special department of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office, which was in charge of investigating the "suspicion on Cho Kuk", will also remain as it is until the investigation is completed.
대학병원 등 의료기관들은 법 시행에 맞춰 직장 내 괴롭힘에 대한 대응절차와 예방조치 등 규정을 만들고, 직원 대상 교육을 실시하고 있다.
Medical institutions, such as university hospitals, establish regulations such as response procedures and preventive measures against bullying in the workplace in accordance with the enforcement of the law, and provide training for employees.
식품의약품안전처는 22일 이같은 내용을 주요 내용으로 한 '마약류 관리에 관한 법률 시행규칙'을 전날 개정·공포했다고 밝혔다.
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety announced on the 22nd that it revised and promulgated the 'Enforcement Regulations of the Drug Management Act' the day before.
이는 지난해 10월 폐기물관리법 시행령 및 시행규칙 개정으로 의료기관에서 배출하는 기저귀 중 감염균이나 혈액이 섞여 있는 환자의 것을 제외하고는 생활폐기물로 배출할 수 있게 됐기 때문이다.
This is because, with the revision of the Enforcement Decree and Enforcement Regulation of the Waste Management Act in October last year, diapers discharged from medical institutions can be discharged as household waste except for those of patients with infected bacteria or blood.
교육부는 11월 21일부터 40일간 '학교폭력예방 및 대책에 관한 법률 시행령' 등 4개 법령 개정안에 대해 입법예고를 실시한다고 밝혔다.
The Ministry of Education announced that it will conduct a legislative notice for four amendments to the law, including the "Enforcement Decree of the School Violence Prevention and Countermeasures Act" for 40 days starting from November 21st.
보건복지부는 이런 내용의 국민건강보험법 시행령 일부 개정안이 9일 국무회의 의결을 거쳐 16일부터 시행된다고 밝혔다.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that partial amendment of the enforcement decree of the National Health Insurance Act will take effect from the 16th after a resolution at the State Council on the 9th.
보건복지부는 1일 소아당뇨 환자에 대한 지원을 늘리는 내용이 포함된 의료급여법 시행규칙 개정안이 이날부터 시행된다고 밝혔다.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced on the 1st that the revised bill of the Enforcement Regulations of the Medical Benefits Act, which includes increasing support for children with diabetes, will be implemented from this day.
국방부는 '군인사법 시행규칙' 중 심신장애 등급 적용을 검토하고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.
It is known that the Ministry of National Defense is reviewing the application of the level of mental and physical disability in the "Enforcement Rule of the Military Personnel Management Act".
식품의약품안전처는 이런 내용의 '마약류 관리에 관한 법률 시행규칙 개정안'을 입법예고 했다고 8일 밝혔다.
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety announced on the 8th that it announced the legislation of the 'Amendment to the Enforcement Regulations of the Drug Management Act'.
하지만 시행령이나 시행규칙 어디에서도 감염병 환자 접촉자나 전자발찌 착용자에 대해 따로 규정하지 않고 있었다.
However, neither the enforcement ordinance nor the enforcement regulations separately stipulates contact with infectious disease patients or wearers of electronic anklets.
문서에 따르면 양회 개막일인 1월 12일 법 집행 관리가 병원에 와서 감염병 사례는 우한시와 후베이성 전문가들의 검토를 거친 뒤에만 보고할 것을 지시했다.
According to the document, law enforcement officials came to the hospital on January 12, the opening day of the Two Sessions, and ordered that cases of infectious diseases be reported only after review by experts in Wuhan City and Hubei Province.
그러나 이번 추산은 정책 시행 시점과의 괴리가 커 2020년 실손보험료 조정에 반영하는 것은 적절하지 않다는 판단이다.
However, it is not appropriate to reflect this estimate in the adjustment of loss insurance premiums in 2020 due to the wide gap from the time of policy enforcement.
보건복지부는 이같은 내용을 담은 '공중위생관리법 시행규칙' 일부개정령안을 오는 30일부터 오는 11월 9일까지 입법예고한다고 29일 밝혔다.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced on the 29th that a partial amendment to the "enforcement regulations of the public health management act" containing such contents will be noticed in advance from the 30th to the 9th of November.
폐암 검진은 최근 개정된 암관리법 시행령과 암검진실시기준에 따라 만 54∼74세 남녀 중 30갑년 이상의 흡연력을 보유한 자에 대해 2년 주기로 실시된다.
Lung cancer screening is conducted every two years for men and women aged 54 to 74 who have a smoking history of 30 years or more, according to the Enforcement Decree of the Cancer Control Act and Cancer Screening Practice Standards.
식품의약품안전처는 건강기능식품을 나누고 섞어 담아 포장·판매하는 것을 허용하는 것을 골자로 하는 '건강기능식품에 관한 법률 시행규칙' 개정안을 입법 예고한다고 3일 밝혔다.
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety announced on the 3rd that it will announce a revision to the Enforcement Rules of the Health Functional Foods Act, which calls for allowing the sharing, mixing, packaging and selling of health functional foods.
지난해 7월 직장내 괴롭힘 금지법이 시행됨에 따라 근로자에게 신체적·정신적 고통을 주는 행위가 금지됐지만 '직장 갑질 119'에 따르면, 직장 내 폭언과 모욕은 여전한 것으로 나타났다.
With the enforcement of the anti-bullying law in July last year, acts that cause physical and mental pain to workers were banned. However, according to "Working Overuse 119," abusive language and insults in the workplace still remain.
여기에 귀국자 206명 중 2명이 정밀검사를 거부해 같은 상황이 반복될 가능성이 있고, 귀국자에 대한 자택 대기 요청 역시 권고에 그쳐 정령 시행을 앞당겼다.
In addition, 2 out of 206 returnees refused close examination, and the same situation may be repeated. Requests for returnees to wait at home were also just recommendation, accelerating the enforcement of the ordinance.
따르면 질병 등으로 계속 복무하는 게 부적합하다고 인정된 사회복무요원의 소집을 해제할 수 있도록 규정돼 있다.
According to the Enforcement Decree of the Military Service Act, social service personnel who are deemed unfit to continue their service due to illness can be called off.
또 약국의 명칭, 소재지, 영업면적 등 변경사항을 등록하지 않은 약사, 약국 개설자 등에게 최대 100만원 이하의 과태료가 부과되도록 한 '약사법 시행령 일부 개정령안'도 의결됐다.
In addition, a 'partial amendment of the pharmacy law enforcement decree' was also voted to impose a fine of up to 1 million won or less to pharmacists and pharmacy openers who did not register changes such as the name, location and business area of the pharmacy.
출입국관리법 시행령의 '책임 없는 사유'를 '상대방에게 전적으로 책임이 인정된 경우'로 좁게 해석한 것이다.
This is a narrow interpretation of the "reasons for not being responsible" in the Enforcement Decree of the Immigration Control Act as "when the other party is fully responsible".
정신질환을 위장한 범죄자가 증가하는 가운데 이들을 가려내는 게 사법당국의 핵심 과제로 떠올랐다.
Amid the growing number of criminals disguised as mental illnesses, identifying them has emerged as a critical task for law enforcement authorities.
제22조의 개정규정은 이 법 시행 후 최초로 고위험병원체를 반입하는 분부터 적용한다.
The amended provisions of Article 22 shall apply to those who bring in high-risk pathogens for the first time since the enforcement of this Act.
하지만 이번 시행령 통과로 타 업권과 유사하게 보험사도 금융위의 승인을 받아 핀테크 자회사를 소유할 수 있는 근거가 마련됐다.
However, the passage of the enforcement ordinance provided a basis for insurance companies to own FinTech subsidiaries with approval from the Financial Services Commission, similar to other businesses.
「희귀질환관리법」시행에 따라 종합 관리계획을 수립하고, 유전자진단지원센터 운영으로 극희귀질환에 대한 유전자 검사 지원을 확대하며, 의료비 지원 사업도 지속한다.
A comprehensive management plan is established in accordance with the Enforcement of the Rare Disease Control Act, and support for genetic testing of extremely rare diseases is expanded through the operation of the Genetic Diagnosis Support Center, and medical expenses support projects are also continued.
How quickly China's high-technology markets open will depend largely on
how vigorously the U.S. government presses China on enforcement, said
Greg Mastel, an analyst with the Center for National Policy in
워싱턴 국가정책센터의 그렉 마스텔 연구관은 중국이 첨단산업시장을 얼마나
빨리 개방하는가는 전적으로 미국 정부가 얼마나 힘있게 중국을 다그치는가에
달려있다고 밝혔다.
``Literally I expect in a decade we'll still be fighting China on the
implementation of these provisions. It will take a very long time,'' he
그는 "앞으로도 10년 동안은 미국이 중국과 시장개방조건으로 티격태격할 것
이라 예상한다"며 "시간이 많이 걸릴 것"이라고 부정적 견해를 피력했다.
신호 위반 차량 단속 서비스 Traffic Signal Violation Enforcement Service, TSVES
차선 위반 단속 서비스 Lane Violation Enforcement Service, LVES
1. Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Enforcement
1. 반덤핑 및 상계관세 집행
배출권거래제도 시행에 따른 온실가스 감축을 위한 환경부문 대응방안 연구
A Study on the Solution of Environmental Part for Greenhouse Gas Reduction according to Emissions Trading Policy Enforcement
과속지점단속시스템의 사례분석 및 운영개선 방안 : 과속단속시스템을 중심으로
A Case Analysis and Improvement Strategy of Speed Enforcement System
한국공인회계사윤리기준 실행제도 개선방안연구
An Analysis of the Enforcement System related to the Code of Ethics for Korean Certified Public Accountants
기초단위 교육자치제 시행방안 연구 : 구성요소에 따른 방안 비교를 중심으로
(A) Study on the enforcement plan of local autonomous educational system
international enforcement program(IEP) 국제조세업무 프로그램
제2조 ①이 헌법에 의한 최초의 대통령선거는 이 헌법시행일 40일전까지 실시한다.
Article 2
(1) The first presidential election under this Constitution shall be held not later than forty days before this Constitution enters into force.
②이 헌법에 의한 최초의 대통령의 임기는 이 헌법시행일로부터 개시한다.
(2) The term of office of the first President under this Constitution shall commence on the date of its enforcement.
제4조 ①이 헌법시행 당시의 공무원과 정부가 임명한 기업체의 임원은 이 헌법에 의하여 임명된 것으로 본다. 다만, 이 헌법에 의하여 선임방법이나 임명권자가 변경된 공무원과 대법원장 및 감사원장은 이 헌법에 의하여 후임자가 선임될 때까지 그 직무를 행하며, 이 경우 전임자인 공무원의 임기는 후임자가 선임되는 전일까지로 한다.
Article 4
(1) Public officials and officers of enterprises appointed by the Government, who are in office at the time of the enforcement of this Constitution, shall be considered as having been appointed under this Constitution: Provided, That public officials whose election procedures or appointing authorities are changed under this Constitution, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the Chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection shall remain in office until such time as their successors are chosen under this Constitution, and their terms of office shall terminate the day before the installation of their successors.
②이 헌법시행 당시의 대법원장과 대법원판사가 아닌 법관은 제1항 단서의 규정에 불구하고 이 헌법에 의하여 임명된 것으로 본다.
(2) Judges attached to the Supreme Court who are not the Chief Justice or Justices of the Supreme Court and who are in office at the time of the enforcement of this Constitution shall be considered as having been appointed under this Constitution notwithstanding the proviso of paragraph (1).
③이 헌법중 공무원의 임기 또는 중임제한에 관한 규정은 이 헌법에 의하여 그 공무원이 최초로 선출 또는 임명된 때로부터 적용한다.
(3) Those provisions of this Constitution which prescribe the terms of office of public officials or which restrict the number of terms that public officials may serve, shall take effect upon the dates of the first elections or the first appointments of such public officials under this Constitution.
제6조 이 헌법시행 당시에 이 헌법에 의하여 새로 설치될 기관의 권한에 속하는 직무를 행하고 있는 기관은 이 헌법에 의하여 새로운 기관이 설치될 때까지 존속하며 그 직무를 행한다.
Article 6
Those organizations existing at the time of the enforcement of this Constitution which have been performing the functions falling within the authority of new organizations to be created under this Constitution, shall continue to exist and perform such functions until such time as the new organizations are created under this Constitution.
enforcement regulations
시행 규칙 (시행령 부속 법규)
The DEA says methamphetamine drug operation in the Midwest involving men of Mid East descent has been shipping money back to terrorist groups.
마약단속국은 중동 출신 남성들이 포함된 미국 중서부의 필로폰 마약조직이 테러 단체들에게 돈을 부쳐왔다고 밝혔습니다.
DEA = Drug Enforcement Administration 마약단속국, methamphetamine = meth 메탐페나민 (필로폰), drug operation 마약거래 (마약조직)
영해및접속수역법 : Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone Act
영해및접속수역법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone Act
배타적경제수역법 : Exclusive Economic Zone Act
남북교류협력에관한법률 : Inter-Korea Exchange and Cooperation Act
남북교류협력에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Inter-Korea Exchange and Cooperation Act
남북협력기금법 : Inter-Korea Cooperation Fund Act
남북협력기금법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Inter-Korea Cooperation Fund Act
공공기관의개인정보보호에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information Maintained by Public Agencies
행정대집행법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Administrative Vicarious Execution Act
행정심판법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Administrative Appeals Act
공직자윤리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Public Service Ethics Act
여권법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Passport Act
부동산실권리자명의등기에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Registration of Real Estate under Actual Titleholder’s Name
집행관법 : Enforcement Officers Act
국적법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Nationality Act
출입국관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Immigration Control Act
변호사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Attorney-at-Law Act
공증인법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Notary Public Act
국가를당사자로하는소송에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Litigation to Which the State is a Party
법률구조법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Legal Aid Act
범죄피해자구조법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Crime Victims Aid Act
경찰관집무집행법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Performance of Duties by Police Officers
집회및시위에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Assembly and Demonstration Act
총포·도검·화약류등단속법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Control of Firearms, Swords, Explosives, etc. Act
도로교통법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Road Traffic Act
사행행위등규제및처벌특례법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Regulation and Punishment of Speculative Acts, etc.
풍속영업의규제에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Regulation of Amusement Businesses Affecting Public Morals
수난구호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Rescue and Aid at Sea and in the River Act
사격및사격장단속법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Control of Shooting and Shooting Range Act
경비업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Security Industry Act
청원경찰법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Police Assigned for Special Guard Act
건설기계저당법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Construction Machinery Mortgage Act
주택임대차보호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Housing Lease Protection Act
신탁법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Trust Act
국가배상법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the State Compensation Act
대한민국과아메리카합중국간의상호방위조약제4조에의한시설과구역및대한민국에서의합중국군대의지위에관한협정의시행에관한민사특별법 : Special Act on Civil Affairs concerning Enforcement of Agreement under Article 4 of the Mutual Defense Treaty between the Republic of Korea and the United States of America Regarding Facilities and Areas, and the Status of United States Armed Forces in the Republic of Korea
보건범죄단속에관한특별조치법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Special Measures for the Control of Public Health Crimes
부정수표단속법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Illegal Check Control Act
특정범죄가중처벌등에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes
특정경제범죄가중처벌등에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Economic Crimes
마약류불법거래방지에관한특례법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Prevention of Illegal Trafficking in Narcotics, etc.
경범죄처벌법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Punishment of Minor Offenses Act
성폭력범죄의처벌및피해자보호등에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Punishment of Sexual Crimes and Protection of Victims Thereof
형의실표등에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Lapse of Criminal Sentences
대한민국과아메리카합중국간의상호방위조약제4조에의한시설과구역및대한민국에서의합중국군대의지위에관한협정의시행에관한형사특별법 : Special Act on Criminal Affairs concerning Enforcement of Agreement under Article 4 of the Mutual Defense Treaty between the Republic of Korea and the United States of America, Regarding Facilities and Areas and the Status of United States Armed Forces in the Republic of Korea
행형법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Criminal Administration Act
소년원법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Juvenile Reformatory Act
형사보상법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Criminal Compensation Act
지방자치법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Local Autonomy Act
지방재정법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Local Finance Act
지방세법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Local Tax Act
지방교부세법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Local Subsidy Act
지방양여금법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Local Grant Act
주민등록법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Resident Registration Act
지적법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Cadastral Act
지방공기업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Local Public Enterprises Act
기부금품모집규제법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Regulation of Donations Collection
옥외광고물등관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Outdoor Advertisements, etc. Control Act
유선및도선사업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Excursion Ship and Ferry Business Act
소방법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Fire Services Act
재난관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Disaster Management Act
군수품관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Management of Military Supplies
국방·군사시설사업에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on National Defense and Military Installations Projects
군사기밀보호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Military Secret Protection Act
군사시설보호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Protection of Military Installations Act
군용항공기지법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Military Air Bases Act
해군기지법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Naval Bases Act
군용전기통신법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Military Telecommunications Act
방위산업에관한특별조치법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Special Measures for Defense Industry
계엄법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Martial Law
비상대비자원관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Emergency Resources Management Act
병역법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Military Service Act
향토예비군설치법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Establishment of Homeland Reserve Forces Act
초·중등교육법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act
고등교육법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Higher Education Act
학교시설사업촉진법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the School Facilities Projects Promotion Act
과학진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Sciences Promotion Act
과학교육진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Science Education Promotion Act
산업교육진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Industrial Education Promotion Act
직업교육훈련촉진법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Vocational Education and Training Promotion Act
특수교육진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Promotion of Education for the Handicapped
유아교육진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Early Childhood Education Promtion Act
학교보건법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the School Health Act
학교급식법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the School Meals Act
평생교육법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Lifelong Education Act
학원의설립·운영및과외교습에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Establishment, Operation of Private Teaching Institutes and Extracurricular Lessons
문화예술진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Culture and Arts Promotion Act
영상진흥기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on the Video Industry Promotion
영화진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Promotion of the Motion Pictures Industry Act
음반·비디오물및게임물에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Sound Records, Video Products and Game software Act
문화재보호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Protection of Cultural Properties Act
외국간행물수입배포에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Import and Distribution of Foreign Publications Act
출판사및인쇄소의등록에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Registration of Publishing Companies and Printing Offices Act
저작권법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Copyright Act
방송법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Broadcasting Act
예산회계법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Budget and Accounts Act
예산회계에관한특례법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Special Cases concerning Budget and Accounts
기업예산회계법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Enterprise Budget and Accounts Act
보조금의예산및관리에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Budgeting and Management of Subsidies
재정융자특별회계법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Special Accounts for Treasury Loans
조달사업에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Government Procurement Act
국가를당사자로하는계약에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Contracts to Which the State is a Party
국유재산법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the State Properties Act
국가채권관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the State Credit Management Act
정부투자기관관리기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on the Management of Government-Invested Institutions
국민투자기금법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the National Investment Fund Act
대외경제협력기금법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Foreign Economic Cooperation Fund Act
물가안정에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Price Stabilization Act
독점규제및공정거래에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act
하도급거래공정화에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act
소비자보호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Consumer Protection Act
약관의규제에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Regulation of Standardized Contracts Act
사회간접자본시설에대한민간투자법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Promotion of Private Capital into Social Overhead Capital Investment Act
공인회계사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Certified Public Accountant Act
담배사업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Tobacco Business Act
국세기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on National Taxes
국세징수법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the National Tax Collection Act
조세특례제한법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Tax Reduction and Exemption Act
세무사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Certified Tax Accountant Act
자산재평가법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Assets Revaluation Act
국제조세조정에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Adjustment of International Taxes Act
소득세법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Income Tax Act
법인세법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Corporate Tax Act
관세법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Customs Act
수출용원재료에대한관세등환급에관한특례법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Refundment of Customs Duties, etc. Levied on Raw Materials for Export
은행법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Banking Act
금융실명거래및비밀보장에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Presidential Financial and Economic
신용정보의이용및보호에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Use and Protection of Credit Information Act
예금자보호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Depositor Protection Act
한국산업은행법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Korea Development Bank Act
한국수출입은행법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Export-Import Bank of Korea Act
중소기업은행법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Industrial Bank of Korea Act
종합금융회사에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Merchant Banks Act
금융산업의구조개선에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Structural Improvement of the Financial Industry
보험업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Insurance Business Act
외국환거래법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Foreign Exchange Control Act
증권거래법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Securities and Exchange Act
선물거래법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Futures Trading Act
신기술사업금융지원에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Financial Assistance to New Technology Businesses Act
신용보증기금법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Credit Guarantee Fund Act
과학기술기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Science and Technology
기술개발촉진법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Technology Development Promotion Act
원자력법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Atomic Energy Act
엔지니어링기술진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Engineering Technology Promotion Act
기술사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Professional Engineers Act
생명공학육성법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Biotechnology Support Act
비료관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Fertilizer Control Act
농약관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Agrochemicals Control Act
농산물품질괸리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Agricultural Products Agricultural Products Quality Control Act
인삼산업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Ginseng Industry Act
가축전염병예방법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Prevention of Livestock Epidemics
중소기업기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Small and Medium Enterprises
중소기업진흥및제품구매촉진에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises and Encouragement of Purchase of Their Products Act
중소기업의구조개선및경영안정지원을위한특별조치법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Special Measures for Supporting the Structural Improvement and Managerial Stabilization of Small and Medium Enterprises
소기업및소상공인지원을위한특별조치법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Special Measures for Support of Small Enterprises and Small Commercial and Industrial Businessmen
기업활동규제완화에따른특별조치법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Special Measures for the Deregulation of Corporate Activities
유통산업발전법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Distribution Industry Development Act
할부거래에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Installment Transactions Act
방문판매등에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Door to Door Sales, etc. Act
대외무역법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Foreign Trade Act
무역업무자동화촉진에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Promotion of Office Automation for Trade
대한무역투자진흥공사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Korea Trade and Investment Promotion
자유무역지정의지정등에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Desrgnation, etc. of Free Trade Zone
수출보험법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Export Insurance Act
산업기술기반조성에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Establishment of Industrial Technology Foundation
반도체집적회로의배치설계에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Layout-Designs of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits
산업표준화법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Industrial Standardization Act
품질경영및공산품안전관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Quality Management and Safety Control of Industrial Products Act
승강기제조및관리에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Manufacture and Management of Elevators Act
특허법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Patent Act
실용신안법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Utility Model Act
의장법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Design Act
상표법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Trademark Act
부정경쟁방지및영업비밀보호에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Unfair Competition Preventionand Trade Secret Protection Act
변리사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Patent Attorney Act
광업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Mining Industry Act
해외자원개발사업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Overseas Resources Development Business Act
국토건설종합계획법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Comprehensive Plans for Construction in the National Territory
국토이용관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Utilization and Management of the National Territory
산업입지및개발에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Industrial Sites and Development Act
수도권정비계획법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Seoul Metropolitan Area Readjustment Planning Act
자연공원법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Natural Parks Act
온천법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Hot Spring Act
외국인토지법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act Foreigner's Land Acquisition Act
부동산중개업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Real Estate Brokerage Act
도로법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Road Act
하천법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the River Act
지하수법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Groundwater Act
도시계획법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Urban Planning Act
령 : Enforcement Decree of the Housing Construction Promotion Act
임대주택법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Rental Housing Act
건축법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Building Act
건설산업기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on the Construction Industry
전기통신기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Telecommunications
전기통신사업법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Telecommunications Business Act
정보화촉진기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Informationalization Promotion
소프트웨어산업진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Software Industry Promotion Act
컴퓨터프로그램보호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Computer Programs Protection Act
공중위생관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Public Health Control Act
정신보건법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Mental Health Act
식품위생법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Food Sanitation Act
검역법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Quarantine Act
의료법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Medical Service Act
약사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act
마약류관리에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Control of Narcotics, etc.
국민연금법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the National Pension Act
국민건강보험법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the National Health Insurance Act
환경정책기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Environmental Policy
환경·교통·재해등에관한영향평가법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on Assessment of lmpacts of Works on Environment, Traffic, Disasters, etc.
환경기술개발및지원에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Development of and Support for Environmental Technology Act
자연환경보전법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Natural Environment Conservation Act
수질환경보전법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Water Quality Conservation Act
수도법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act
먹는물관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Management of Drinking Water Act
대기환경보전법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act
소음·진동규제법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Noise and Vibration Control Act
토양환경보전법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Soil Environment Conservation Act
유해화학물질관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Toxic Chemicals Control Act
폐기물관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Wastes Control Act
폐기물의국가간이동및그처리에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal
오수·분뇨및축산페수의처리에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Disposal of Sewage, Excreta and Livestock Wastewater
자원의절약과재활용촉진에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Promotion of Saving and Recycling of Resources
근로기준법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Labor Standards Act
최저임금법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Minimum Wages Act
남녀고용평등법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Sexual Equality Employment Act
산업안전보건법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Industrial Safety and Health Act
산업재해보상보험법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act
노동조합및노동관계조정법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act
근로자의참여및협력증진에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Promotion of Workers’Participation and Cooperation
노동위원회법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Labor Relations Commission Act
고용정책기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Employment Policy
직업안정법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Employment Security Act
고용보험법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Employment Insurance Act
청소년기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Juveniles
경륜·경정법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Bicycle and Motorboat Racing Act
관광진흥법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Tourism Promotion Act
자동차관리법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Automobile Management Act
항공법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Aviation Act
선원법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Seafarers Act
해양오염방지법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Prevention of Marine Pollution Act
해양개발기본법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Marine Development
해양과학조사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Marine Scientific Research Act
어업자원보호법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Fishery Resources Protection Act
수산물품질검사법시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Quality Control of Fishery Products Act
배타적경제수역에서의외국인어업등에대한주권적권리의행사에관한법률시행령 : Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Exercise of Sovereign Rights on Foreigners’ Fishing, etc. within the Exclusive Economic Zone
date of acquisition: 취득일자
date of delivery: 인도일
date of disposition: 처분일자
date of enforcement: 시행기일
date of execution: 집행기일
date of inactment: 시행일
date of issue: (수표 등의) 발행일
date of maturity: 만기일
date of post office postmark: 우체국 소인일자
date of record: 기준일(배당을 받을 자격을 결정하는 일자)
date of tax in levied: 과세고지일
date of transaction: 거래일자
date: 기일
enforcement date: 시행일
enforcement decree, presidential decree: 시행령
enforcement law: 시행법
enforcement letter: 감사청약서 (감사인이 작성하여 고객회사에 보냄, 고객회사가 서명하면 계
enforcement order: 시행령
enforcement ordinance: 시행규칙
enforcement procedure: 집행절차
enforcement regulations: 시행령
enforcement right: 집행권
enforcement: 집행
execution, enforcement: 집행
international enforcement program(IEP) 국제조세업무 프로그램
self-enforcement: 자력집행권
시행령: Enforcement Decree
시행세칙: Detailed Enforcement Regulations
외국인투자및 외자도입에 관한 법률 (시행령): the Foreign Investment and Foreign Capital Inducement Act (& Its Enforcement Decree)
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