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characterize 〔k´ær∂kt∂r`aiz〕 (사람.사물의)특성을 나타내다, 성격을 묘사(기술)하다, (사물이 ...에)특성(성격)을 부여하다, ...의 특색이 되다, ...을 특징 지우다
characterize 특징을 지니다, --의 성격을 나타내다
characterized 특징지어진
characterize A as B A를 B로 간주하다.
"그 친구 귀가 큰 게 특징이야."
"He's characterized by his big ear."
The novelist characterizes his heroine as passionate. 그 소설가는 여주인공의 성격을 열정적인 것으로 그리고 있다.
The giraffe is characterized by its very long neck. 기린은 매우 긴 목이 특징이다.
The onion is characterized by an edible bulb composed of leaves rich
in sugar and a pungent oil, the source of the vegetable's strong taste.
양파는, 당분이 풍부한 잎과 그 채소(양파)의 강한 맛의 근원인 맛이 강한
기름 두 가지으로 구성되는, 먹을수 있는 구근을 특징으로 가진다.
The ballad is characterized by informal diction, by a narrative
largely dependent on action and dialogue, by thematic intensity,
and by stress on repetition.
발라드 (ballad /음악의 한 형태)는 다음과 같은 4가지의 특징을 가진다.
즉, 격식을 차리지 않은 말씨, 주로 행동과 대화에 의존하는 해설,
주제의 강렬함, 그리고 반복에 대한 강조 등이다.
The art works of Madlyn-Ann Woolwich are characterized by strong, dark colors
and fine attention to patterns of light that attract the viewer's eye.
Madlyn-Ann Woolwich 의 미술 작품들은 다음 두 가지의 특징을 가진다. (1) 강하고
어두운 색깔, (2) 관객의 눈길을 끄는 빛의 양상에 관한 훌륭한 촛점.
Scientists usually characterize the disease leukemia as an overabundance
of white blood cells in the bloodstream.
과학자들은 보통 백혈병이란 병을 혈류속에서 백혈구세포의 과잉으로서 특징짓는다.
The early years of the United States government were characterized by a debate
concerning whether the federal government or individual states should have
more power.
미국정부의 초창기는, <연방정부가 더 많은 권한을 가질 것인지 아니면 각각의
주정부가 더 많은 권한을 가질 것인지에 관한 논쟁>을 그 하나의 특징으로 가진다.
Each chemical element is characterized by the number of protons that
an atom of that element contains, called its atomic number.
각 화학원소는, 그 원소로 된 원자가 포함하는 양성자의 숫자에 의해서
특징지어지는데, 그 숫자는 그것의 원자번호라고 불린다.
(1) 한국의 봄은 3월 하순이나 4월초에 남쪽에서 제비가 날아오고 진달래와 벚꽃이 피면서 시작된다. 한국의 여름은 덥고 비가 많이 온다. 여름철은 보통 6월에 시작된다. 한국 대부분의 지역에서 기온이 섭씨 20도(화씨 68도) 이상 올라가며, 특히 7월에는 비가 오는 날이 많다. 가을은 짧은 편으로 9월 중순에서 11월까지 약 두 달 정도이다. 가을은 일년 중 가장 상쾌한 계절이다. 날이 맑고 햇볕이 많기 때문이다. 한국의 겨울은 대부분의 지방에서 눈이 오지만 춥고 건조한 것이 특징이라고 할 수 있다.
→ 제비가 날아오고 진달래와 벚꽃이 피면서 시작된다: …come/begin with the arrival of the swallow and with the blooming of…
→ 진달래: azaleas(s) cf. 개나리: forsythia
→ 9월 중순에서 11월까지 약 두 달 정도이다: rather short 다음에 (,)를 찍고 rather short를 부연 설명하는 일종의 동격형식으로 나타낼 수 있다.
→ characterize as~는 「…라고 그 특징을 기술하다」는 뜻으로 다음에는 흔히 형용사가 온다. 또한 characterize는 「특징을 이루다」는 뜻도 있어 be characterize by~ 다음에는 명사구가 따른다.
ANS) In Korea spring comes with the arrival of the swallows from the south and with the blooming of azaleas and cherry blossoms in late March of early April. Summer in Korea is hot and rainy. The summer usually begins in June. The temperature rises above 20℃(68℉) in most areas of Korea, and especially in July there are many rainy days. Fall is rather short, about two months from the middle of September to November. It is the most pleasant season of the year, because the days are clear and sunny. Winter in Korea can be characterized as cold and dry, though it snows frequently in most parts of the country.
monolithic: characterized by often rigidly fixed uniformity: 획일사회
Heraclitus pointed out that the world is characterized by opposites.
Heraclitus는 세상은 상반된 특징이 있다고 지적했다.
If we were never ill, we would not know what it was to be well.
If we never knew hunger, we would take no pleasure in being full.
우리가 결코 아프지 않는다면 우리는 건강한 것이 어떤 것인지 모르고 우리가 결코 굶주림을 모른다면 우리는 풍족함 속에서 즐거움을 갖지 못할 것이다.
If there were never any war, we would not appreciate peace.
전쟁이 없다면 평화를 모를 것이다.
And if there were no winter, we would never see the spring.
그리고 만약 겨울이 없다면 우리는 봄도 볼 수 없을 것이다.
Both good and bad have their inevitable place in the order of things, Heraclitus believed.
좋은 것이든 나쁜 것이든 사물의 질서속에서 그것들의 필연적 자리를 가지고 있다고 Heraclitus는 믿었다.
Without this constant interplay of opposites the world would cease to exist.
이러한 반대되는 것들의 끊임없는 상호작용이 없다면 세상은 존재할 수 없을 것이다.
Alcoholism is a disease characterized by repeated excessive drinking that interferes with an individual's health and work behavior.
알콜중독은 개인의 건강과 직장일을 방해하는 과도한 음주를 계속하는 특징이 있는 병이다.
Probably no one factor can cause alcoholism, which is a complex entity.
아마 어떤 한가지 요소가 알콜중독을 일으킬 수는 없을 것이다.
알콜중독은 복잡한 실체이다.
In terms of costs to society and lost productivity, alcoholism is an expensive disease.
사회비용과 생산성 손실로 환산해 보면 알콜중독은 비싼 질병이다.
The suicide rate among alcoholics is 58 times that of the general public.
알콜중독자들의 자살비율은 일반 대중의 자살 비율의 58배이다.
The cost in terms of workdays lost and talent wasted is estimated at over $10 billion annually.
일하는 날의 손실과 재능의 낭비로 환산해 보면 그 비용은 연간 1,000만 달러 이상으로 추산된다.
Americans have never been known for snobbishness. They are
characterized by their belief in equality of the individual and their
impatience with pretense, born out of frontier neighborliness and
suspicion of putting on airs.
미국인들은 속물근성으로 유명한 적은 한번도 없었다. 오히려 그들의
특징은 개인이 평등하다는 것을 믿고 잘난 척하는 것을 참지 못하는 것인데,
이러한 특징은 개척시대에 모든 사람들을 좋은 이웃사람처럼 대하던 친절과
척하는 데 대한 의혹에서 생긴 것이다.
Embodying the bad as well as the good of America, Theodore Roosevelt was
admired by his countrymen almost as much for his failings as for his "finer
qualities." If he gave voice to the nobler aspirations of the nation, his defects were
those of a majority of the people. Harry Thurston Peck noted that "the
self-consciousness, the touch of the swagger, the love of applause and of publicity,
the occasional lapse of official dignity, even the reckless speech, the unnecessary
frankness, and the disregard of form" which characterized Roosevelt were in reality
"traits that...were national."
씨어도 루우즈벨트는 미국인의 좋은 점뿐만 아니라 나쁜 점도 갖고
있었는데, 그는 그가 가진 "보다 더 훌륭한 자질"에 거의 못지 않게 결점때문에
미국인들로부터 찬양을 받았다. 그의 좋은 점이 미국인의 좋은 점을 대변해주는
것이었다면, 그의 결점은 곧 미국인 대다수의 결점이었다. 해리 써스튼 펙의 지적에
의하면, "다른 사람들 앞에서의 부자연스러운 행동이라든지, 다소 으시대는 점이라든지,
갈채와 명성에 대한 사랑, 가끔 관리로서 체신에 맞지 않는 행동을 하는 것, 심지어
함부로 얘기를 하는 것과 불필요할 정도의 솔직함과 격식을 무시하는 것"은
루우즈벨트의 특징이었는데, 이것은 실제로 미국인의 특징이었다고 한다.
저처럼 자주 여행을 하는 사람을 위해 멋진 서류가방을 선물해 주신 것은, 선
물을 고르신 당신의 예리한 통찰력을 알 수 있게 해줍니다.
An attractive attache case for someone who in on the road as much as I
am showed the keen insight that characterizes your decisions.
Mr.Godfrey, your director of sales, gave us the news just today. Your
unusually rapid advancement properly reflects the quality and diligence
that has characterized your work in every area.
귀사의 영업담당 이사인 Godfrey씨로부터 오늘 소식을 들었습니다. 보기 드물
게 빠른 승진을 할 수 있었던 것은 모든 방면에서 발휘해운 귀하의 재능과 평
소의 노력 덕택이라 생각합니다.
~gave us the news [~에게서 들었다] informed us는 딱딱한 표현으로 이편지에
서는 적당하지 않다.
unusually rapid advancement [보기 드물게 빠른 출세]
properly reflects [당연한 결과이다]
quality and diligence [재능과 근면성]
has characterized [특정지어져 오다]
in every area [모든 분야에서]
characterize 특성을 묘사하다
There are "bad" genes as well as "good" ones.
“좋은 유전자” 뿐만 아니라 “나쁜 유전자”도 있다.
Bad genes are actually mutated good genes which, because of altered DNA messages, do not function normally.
나쁜 유전자는 실제로 변경된 DNA 메시지 때문에 정상적으로 기능을 하지 못하는 변형된 좋은 유전자이다.
Until recently, there was no way to isolate and characterize bad genes.
최근까지도, 나쁜 유전자를 분리시켜 특징화 할 수 있는 방법이 없었다.
They were known only by their consequences: disease.
이는 질병이라는 결과물에 의해서만 알려져 있을 뿐이었다.
Today, however, thanks to the development of powerful new ways for studying DNA, there is a flood of information about the faulty genes implicated in virtually every major human disease, including diabetes, cancer, and asthma.
하지만 오늘날, DNA를 연구하는 강력하고도 새로운 개발 덕택에, 당뇨, 암, 천식과 같은 인간의 주요 질병에 실제 연관이 되어 있는 결함 있는(나쁜) 유전자에 관한 정보가 넘쳐난다.
Every week or so a new disease gene is discovered.
매주 새로운 질병 유전자가 발견된다.
The "Yellow Kid" was in many ways a pioneer. Its comic dialogue was the
strictly urban farce that came to characterize later strips, and it
introduced the speech ballon inside the strip, usually placed above the
characters' heads.
"Yellow Kid" 는 여러 면에서 개척자였다. 그것의 유머스러운 대화는 차후의
등장인물들의 특징을 지워주게 된 엄격하게 도시적인 익살극이었다. 그리고
그것은 각 만화의 내부에, 일반적으로 인물의 머리 위에 위치하는, 대화
풍선(speech ballon)을 도입했다.
How would you characterize your relationship with Kristy Hopkins?
당신과 크리스티 홉킨스의 관계에 대해 설명 좀 해 주시죠
So we can just cut the crap?
바로 요점으로 들어가죠
I saw him kill Kristy. I saw everything.
난 그 남자가 크리스티를 죽이는 것을 봤어요. 난 모든 것을 봤다고요
Go on.
Well, Kristy and I had words.
크리스티와 저는 좀 다퉜었죠
I was just swinging by her place to tell her I was so sorry.
그녀의 집에 들러서 미안하다고 말하려고 했어요
But uh,
I didn't expect to see her with a guy.
난 그녀가 그 남자와 같이 있을 거라고는 생각 못 했어요
The prosecution, at last, has arrested Kim Sun-hong, former
chairman of the insolvent Kia Motors Co. on charges of
embezzlement. If the Kim Dae-jung government is determined to
punish those who are responsible for causing the current
financial turmoil, they now have one of the foremost people
suspected of having played major roles in the crisis.
Nevertheless, he cannot escape taking a portion of the
responsibility for causing the currency crunch, which has
been characterized by the flight of capital from Korea and
the rapid decrease of foreign capital inflow and investments.
검찰이 마침내 김선홍 전 기아 자동차 회장을 횡령 혐의로
구속했다. 김대중 정부가 현 금융 위기를 야기시킨 책임자들을
처벌하려는 의지를 보이는 것이라면 김대중 정부로서는 위기를
조장한 장본인 중 한 명을 처벌하는 것이다.
그러나 국외로 외화가 대량으로 빠져나가고 외국 자본 유입 및
투자가 급감하는 등 외환 위기를 일으킨 부분적인 책임은 피할 수
없을 것이다. 달랑 표현만 바뀌는 것이 아니라 표현 방식 자체가
다양해지는 경우도 많습니다. 같은 의미의 문장을 지겹게
반복해야 될 경우에 해당하지요. 특히 순위를 나타내는 문장이
반복될 경우가 그렇습니다. 똑같은 의미를 어떻게 다르게
표현하는 지 눈여겨 봅시다.
고금리확정형상품의 경우 저금리 기조로 운용 수익이 줄어 역마진 가능성이 크지만 변액보험은 보험료 일부를 유가증권에 투자하고 수익을 배분하는 구조로 해지환급금 액수 등이 정해지지 않는다는 특징이 있다.
In the case of fixed high-interest rate products, operating profits are likely to decrease due to the stance of the low-interest rate, and there is a high possibility of a reverse margin, but variable insurance is characterized by a structure in which some of the premiums are invested in marketable securities while profits are distributed, so the amount of refunds from the termination of the contract is not determined.
특히 대체로 만기가 긴 장기채에 투자해 중·단기형 상품보다 높은 이자수익을 추구한다는 점이 특징이다.
In particular, it is characterized by investing in long-term bonds with long maturities and pursuing higher interest returns than mid- and short-term products.
WHO는 11일 "코로나19가 팬데믹으로 특징지어질 수 있다는 평가를 내렸다"며 대유행을 선언했다.
WHO declared the mass pandemic on the 11th, saying, "Covid-19 can be characterized by the pandemic."
암호화폐는 은행 등 중개기관을 거치지 않고 네트워크 참여자간 직접 거래 가능한 게 특징이다.
Cryptocurrency is characterized by direct transactions between network participants without going through brokerage agencies such as banks.
섹션오피스의 형태를 띈 '동탄2 서영아너시티'의 소호오피스는 최소 단위의 공간 계획이 가능한 만큼 실제 1인 기업, 스타트업 이외에도 다양한 규모를 갖춘 기업들의 자유로운 입주가 가능하다는 특징이 있다.
The SOHO office of "Dongtan 2 Seoyoung Honor City" which is in the form of a sectioned office is characterized by the fact that companies of various sizes including actual single-person companies and start-ups can move in freely as planning spaces with the minimum unit is possible.
다른 카드사 등과도 제휴해 개인별 입출금과 결제 내역을 분석하고 소비 내역을 그래프로 알기 쉽게 보여주는 것이 특징이다.
It is also characterized by partnering with other credit card companies to analyze individual deposits and payments and show consumption details in a graph.
일반적으로 1년 단위로 가입이 가능했던 운전자보험을 1∼7일 단위 등 초단기로 가입할 수 있게 한 것이 특징이다.
It is characterized by the fact that driver insurance, which was generally available on a yearly basis, can be subscribed on an ultra-short basis, such as on a one- to seven-day basis.
학벌이나 지식수준보다 적성과 열정을 중시하는 인재관을 강조하는 그룹문화가 특징이다.
It is characterized by a group culture that emphasizes talent that values aptitude and passion rather than academic background or knowledge level.
이 상품은 교통사고뿐 아니라 일상생활 중 사고, 해외 발생 사고까지 다양한 위험을 보장하는 것이 특징이다.
This product is characterized by a variety of risks, not only from traffic accidents, but also accidents in everyday life and overseas accidents.
특히 손실률이 높아진 국내 주식시장에서 고배당주는 연 4∼5%의 배당수익을 주기 때문에 증시 침체기와 금리 인하기에 투자 매력이 올라가는 특징이 있다.
Especially, in the domestic stock market, where losses have risen, high dividend stocks yield dividend returns of 4 to 5% per year, which is characterized by increased investment attractiveness during the stock market downturn and interest rate cuts.
운용시점에 해당 종목군들의 사이클과 계절성도 고려하는 것이 특징이다.
It is also characterized by considering the cycle and seasonality of the sports groups at the time of operation.
오늘날 사회는 위험을 관리하여 더 많은 수익을 창출하는 것을 속성으로 하는 금융화가 일상이다.
In today's society, financialization is a daily routine, which is characterized by managing risks and generating more revenue.
은행업무를 제공하는 점포에서 벗어나, 각 세대별 특성에 맞는 문화콘텐츠를 즐길 수 있는 장소를 제공하는 것이 특징이다.
It is characterized by providing a place to enjoy cultural contents suitable for each generation's characteristics, away from stores that provide banking services.
하나카드 '추석 페스티벌' 이벤트는 그 동안 손님들의 명절 소비패턴을 분석해 쇼핑 액티비티 해외여행의 3가지 영역에서 손님들께 실질적인 혜택이 될 수 있도록 이벤트를 구성한 것이 특징이다.
The Hana Card "Chuseok Festival" event has been characterized by an analysis of customers' holiday consumption patterns to provide practical benefits to customers in three areas of shopping activities of overseas travel.
매크로 지표를 기반으로 자산배분 모델링과 모멘텀 전략을 결합한 것이 특징이다.
It is characterized by a combination of the asset allocation modeling and momentum strategies based on the macro indicators.
페이코 보험추천은 페이코 주사용 연령층인 20∼40대의 관심사를 반영해 보험 상품을 구성한 것이 특징이라고 회사 측은 설명했다.
Payco Insurance Recommendation is characterized by insurance products that reflect the interests of those in their 20s-40s, who are in the age group for Payco injections, the company explained.
금융위원회 혁신금융 서비스로 지정된 이 서비스는 별도 서류 제출 없이 앱에서 간편하게 은행의 대출 상품을 확인할 수 있는 것이 특징이다.
The service, designated as an innovative financial service by the Financial Services Commission, is characterized by easy access to banks' loan products on the app without submitting separate documents.
주식 거래 금액에 따라 응모권을 증정해 고객이 직접 원하는 경품에 응모할 수 있는 것이 특징이다.
It is characterized by giving out applications according to the amount of stock trading, allowing customers to apply for the prizes they want.
포트폴리오에 조합된 모든 채권에 투자금을 적절한 비율로 분산해 투자할 수 있도록 추천해주는 것이 특징이다.
It is characterized by recommending the investment that distributes all bonds combined in the portfolio at an appropriate rate.
어려운 용어없이 쉬운 풀이와 간단하고 명확하게 정리된 강의라는 점이 특징이다.
It is characterized by easy solutions and simple, clear lectures without difficult terms.
해외 상장 ETF 등을 활용하여 주식, 채권, 대체투자 등 다양한 자산 및 시장에 분산 투자하는 것이 특징이다.
It is characterized by diversified investments in various assets and markets such as stocks, bonds, and alternative investments by utilizing overseas-listed ETF and others.
이 펀드는 두물머리투자자문의 포트폴리오를 제공받아 키움자산운용이 운용하는 상품으로 글로벌 멀티에셋 EMP전략을 통해 다양한 시장국면에 대처할 수 있는 자산배분 전략을 활용해 장기적인 초과수익과 전통적 자산배분 전략대비 견고한 수익창출을 추구하는 것이 특징이다.
The fund is a product operated by Kiwoom Asset Management with a portfolio of Doomoolmori Investment Advisory and is characterized by pursuing long-term excess profits and solid profit generation compared to traditional asset allocation strategies by utilizing asset allocation strategies that can cope with various market conditions through the global multi-asset EMP strategy.
경기 김포시와 '상생발전을 위한 협약'을 체결한 후 사업을 추진해 최첨단 시설을 갖춘 게 특징이다.
It is characterized by having state-of-the-art facilities by pushing ahead with the project after signing an "agreement for mutual development" with Gimpo City, Gyeonggi Province.
이번 회장 선임 절차는 사내후보군과 외부후보군 경합이 치열하다는 점이 특징이다.
The selection process for the chairman is characterized by fierce competition between in-house and external candidates.
이들은 주가변동폭이 낮은 종목에 주로 투자해 안정성을 높인 것이 특징이다.
They are characterized by increased stability by mainly investing in stocks with low fluctuations in their prices.
은행보다 금리가 높은 CMA의 장점을 살리고 가맹점 할인과 캐시백 혜택을 더한 것이 특징이다.
It is characterized by taking advantage of CMA, which has higher interest rates than banks and adding merchant discounts and cashback benefits.
매년 매출액 성장률 10% 이상, 순이익 성장률 10% 이상 종목 중 4차산업 변화의 시대 흐름을 읽고 거기에 맞는 종목에 선제적으로 투자하는 것이 특징이다.
Among stocks with annual sales growth of more than 10% and net profit growth of more than 10%, it is characterized by reading the trend of changes in the 4th industry and preemptively investing in the appropriate stocks.
특히 철저한 시장 조사를 진행한 뒤 성장성과 기업가치 등을 종합적으로 평가한 뒤 포트폴리오를 구성한다는 점이 상품의 큰 특징이다.
In particular, the product is characterized in that it forms a portfolio after conducting thorough market research and comprehensively evaluating growth and corporate value.
이 서비스는 수취인 이름과 비자카드 번호만 알면 비자의 글로벌 결제망을 활용해 간편하고 저렴하게 해외 송금이 이뤄지는 것이 특징이다.
This service is characterized by easy and inexpensive overseas remittances using Visa's global payment network if you know the recipient's name and Visa card number.
반려견의 병원비 보험과 애견용품 할인, 장례비까지 묶은 게 특징이다.
It is characterized by lumping together insurance for dogs' hospital bills, discounts on dog supplies, and funeral expenses.
큰 결심을 하지 않고 부담 없이 소액을 투자하는 '소확행 투자'를 모바일로 간편하게 해결해 주는 게 특징이다.
It is characterized as a simple mobile solution to "small and certain happiness investments" that invest small amounts without making big decisions.
통상적인 운전자보험의 필수 담보인 교통사고 처리지원금, 벌금, 변호사 선임비용 등 위주로 보장하는 대신 보험료를 낮춘 것이 특징이다.
It is characterized by lowering insurance premiums instead of guaranteeing the cost of handling traffic accidents, fines, and lawyer appointment, which are essential collateral for ordinary driver's insurance.
'손 떨림'이 가장 큰 특징인 파킨슨병은 도파민 부족으로 증상이 나타나는 것으로 파킨슨증의 한 종류다.
Parkinson's disease, characterized by "hand tremors", is a type of Parkinsonism, which is caused by a lack of dopamine.
성인발병 스틸병은 발열, 피부발진 등을 보이는 염증성 질환으로 소아 류마티스 관절염과 증상은 비슷하나 성인에서 발병하는 특징이 있다.
Adult Still Disease is an inflammatory disease showing fever and skin rash, of which the symptoms are similar to the childhood rheumatoid arthritis, but it is characterized by the adult onset.
환자의 개별 의사를 적극 반영함과 동시에 치료 과정에서 일어날 수 있는 모든 경우의 수를 배제하지 않는 것도 특징이다.
It is also characterized by actively reflecting the individual physician of the patient and not excluding the number of all cases that may occur during the treatment process.
C-브레이스는 정상적인 무릎 관절의 움직임이 가능하다는 것이 특징입니다.
The C-Brace is characterized by normal knee joint movement.
뇌혈관이 막히거나 터지는 뇌졸중은 여성 건선 환자군에서만 발생 위험도가 증가하는 특징을 보였다.
In female psoriasis patient group alone, a risk of cerebral infarction with blockage or rupture of cerebrovascular vessels was characterized to be increased.
기존 건강보험상품도 암·뇌출혈·급성심근경색증 등을 보장했으나 간편종합보험은 범위가 넓은 것이 특징이다.
Existing health insurance products also covered cancer, cerebral hemorrhage, and acute myocardial infarction, but simple comprehensive insurance is characterized by its wide coverage.
수족구병은 장바이러스에 의해 감염되며 발열·입안의 물집과 궤양, 손과 발의 수포성 발진이 특징이다.
A hand, foot and mouth disease occurs due to infection with enteric viruses and is characterized by fever, blisters and ulcers in the mouth, and bullous rashes on the hands and feet.
전신경화증은 만성 자가면역 질환의 하나로 피부, 관절, 각종 장기의 퇴행 및 경화 또는 혈관 이상 등의 증상이 특징이다.
Systemic sclerosis is one of chronic autoimmune disease, and is characterized by symptoms such as degeneration and sclerosis of the skin, joints, and various organs, or vascular abnormalities.
경련과 발달 부전, 충동조절 장애 등 행동 장애가 특징이다.
It is characterized by behavioral disorders such as convulsions, developmental failures, and impulse control disorders.
이 상품은 소액암 보장을 강화한 것과 부담 없는 보험료가 특징이다.
This product is characterized by reinforced coverage for cancers that cost small sum of money and unburdened insurance premiums.
아토피피부염, 천식, 알레르기비염은 질환의 특성상 악화와 호전을 반복하면서 오랜 기간 지속되는 것을 특징으로 하는 알레르기질환입니다.
Atopic dermatitis, asthma, and allergic rhinitis are allergy diseases that are characterized by long duration of deterioration and improvement due to the nature of the disease.
척추관협착증의 특징은 완치가 어렵고 재발 가능성이 높다는 것이다.
Spinal stenosis is characterized by a difficult cure and a high probability of recurrence.
급성 위염은 명치 부위에 갑자기 통증이 생기는 것이 특징이다.
Acute gastritis is characterized by sudden pain in the area of the stomach.
이 병은 피부가 접히는 부위의 모낭에 심한 염증이 생기는 게 특징이다.
The disease is characterized by severe inflammation of hair follicles in areas where the skin folds.
일반적인 감기 증상과 달리 인후통, 기침, 오한, 고열 등이 급속도로 진행되는 것이 특징이다.
Unlike common cold symptoms, sore throat, cough, chills, and high fever are characterized by rapid progression.
흡연, 고혈압, 당뇨 등 다양한 원인에 의해 발생해, 궤양이나 발끝이 썩어 들어가는 중증하지허혈로 발전하게 된다.
Severe limb ischemia has diverse causes including smoking, high blood pressure, and diabetes, and is characterized by ulcers or rotting toes.
이 상품은 고객이 원하는 보장을 자유롭게 설계해 자녀에게 맞춤형 보장을 제공하는 게 특징이다.
This product is characterized by providing customized guarantees to children by freely designing the guarantees that customers want.
중대질병의 전 단계 질병은 물론 중대질병과 연관성이 높은 만성질환·합병증까지 보장을 확대한 점이 특징이다.
It is characterized by expanding coverage to chronic diseases and complications, which are highly related to serious diseases, as well as their earlier stage diseases.
The paper quoted a cable industry executive, who was not identified by
name, as characterizing the AT&T-MindSpring deal as an effort by AT&T to
prevent regulators from getting into the issue and forcing the company to
open access to its lines at a faster pace and under less advantageous
한 케이블업계 관계자는 이번 합의를 AT&T가 정부가 끼어들지 못하도록 하기
위한 노력의 일환이라며 AT&T는 이번 계약을 통해 자사의 케이블을 약간은 불
리한 조건이지만 더 빨리 공개하게 됐다고 밝혔다.
cor (심, 심장) the muscular organ that maintains the circulation of the blood. c.
adiposum a heart that has undergone fatty degeneration or that has an accumulation of
fat around it; called also fat or fatty, heart. c. arteriosum the left side of the heart, so
called because it contains oxygenated (arterial) blood. c. biloculare a congenital anomaly
characterized by failure of formation of the atrial and ventricular septums, the heart
having only two chambers, a single atrium and a single ventricle, and a common
atrioventricular valve. c. bovinum (L. 'ox heart') a greatly enlarged heart due to a
hypertrophied left ventricle; called also c. taurinum and bucardia. c. dextrum (L. 'right
heart') the right atrium and ventricle. c. hirsutum, c. villosum. c. mobile (obs.) an
abnormally movable heart. c. pendulum a heart so movable that it seems to be hanging
by the great blood vessels. c. pseudotriloculare biatriatum a congenital cardiac anomaly
in which theunctions
cystic fibrosis (낭성 섬유종, 낭포성 섬유증) a generalized, autosomal recessive disorder
of infants, children, and young adults, in which there is widespread dysfunction of the
exocrine glands; characterized by signs of chronic pulmonary disease (due to excess
mucus production in the respiratory tract), pancreatic deficiency, abnormally high levels
of electrolytes in the sweat, and occasionally by biliary cirrhosis. Pathologically, the
pancreas shows obstruction of the pancreatic ducts by amorphous eosinophilic
concretions, with consequent deficiency of pancreatic enzymes, resulting in steatorrhoea
and azotorrhoea. The degree of involvement of organs and glandular systems may vary
greatly, with consequent variations in the clinical picture.
delirium (섬망, 환각) an acute, reversible organic mental disorder characterized by
reduced ability to maintain attention to external stimuli and disorganized thinking as
manifested by rambling, irrelevant, or incoherent speech; there are also a reduced level
of consciousness, sensory misperceptions, disturbance of the sleep-wakefulness cycle and
level of psychomotor activity, disorientat
depression (우울, 우울증, 억울증) 1. a lowering or decrease of functional activity. 2. a
mental state of depressed mood characterized by feelings of sadness, despair, and
discouragement. Depression ranges from normal feelings of 'the blues' through
dysthymia to major depression. It in many ways resembles the grief and mourning that
follow bereavement; there are often feelings of low self-esteem; guilt, and self-reproach,
withdrawal from interpersonal contact, and somatic symptoms such as eating and sleep
diphtheria (디프테리아) an acute infectious disease caused by toxigenic strains of
Corynebacterium diphtheriae, acquired by contact with an infected person or a carrier of
the disease, which is usually confined to the upper respiratory tract, and characterized
by the formation of a tough membrane (false membrane or pseudomembrane) attached
firmly to the underlying tissue that will bleed if forcibly removed. In the most serious
infections the membrane begins in the tonsillar (faucial) area on one tonsil and may
spread to involve the other tonsil, uvula, soft palate, and pharyngeal wall, from where it
may extend to the larynx, trachea, and bronchial tree, and may cause bronchial
obstruction and death by hypoxia. Diphtheria also occurs in a cutaneous form and may
rarely involve the eyes, middle ear, buccal mucosa, genitalia and umbilical stump,
usually secondarily. Systemic effects, chiefly myocarditis and peripheral neuritis, are
caused by the exotoxin produced by C. diphtheriae. Called also Bretonneau's angina or
eczama (습진) a pruritic papulovesicular dermatitis occurring as a reaction to many
endogenous and exogenous agents, characterized in the acute stage by erythema, edema
associated with a serous exudate between the cells of the epidermis (spongiosis) and an
inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis, oozing and vesiculation, and crusting and scaling;
and in the more chronic stages by lichenification or thickening or both, signs of
excoriations, and hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation or both. Atopic dermatitis is
the most common type of dermatitis. Called also eczematous dermatitis.
erysipelas (단독) an acute superficial form of cellulitis involving the dermal lymphatics,
usually caused by infection with group A streptococci, and chiefly characterized by a
peripherally spreading hot, bright red, edematous, brawny, infiltrated, and sharply
circumscribed plaque with a raised indurated border. Formerly called St. Anthony's fire.
Cf. cellulitis and phlegmon.
hemophilia : a haemorrhagic diathesis occurring in two main forms : (1) haemophilia A
(classic haemophilia, factor VIII deficiency), an X-linked disorder due to deficiency of
coagulation factor VIII; (2) haemophilia B (factor IX deficiency, Christmas disease), also
X-linked, due to deficiency of coagulation factor IX. Both forms are determined by a
mutant gene near the telomere of the long arm of the X chromosome (Xq), but a
different loci, and are characterized by subcutaneous and intramuscular haemorrhages;
bleeding from the mouth, gums, lips, and tongue; haematuria; and haemarthroses.
herpes progenitalis : a group of acute infections causes by herpes simplex virus type 1
or type 2, characterized by the development of one or more small fluid-filled vesicles
with a raised erythematous base on the skin or mucous membrane, and occurring as a
primary infection or recurring because of reactivation of a latent infection. Type 1
infections usually involve nongenital regions of the body, whereas in type 2 infections
the lesions are primarily seen on the genital and surrounding areas. Precipitating factors
include fever, exposure to cold temperature or to ultraviolet rays, sunburn, cutaneous or
mucosal abrasions, emotional stress, and nerve injury.
hydrocephalus (뇌수, 뇌수종) a condition marked by dilatation of the cerebral ventricles,
most often occurring secondarily to obstruction of the cerebrospinal fluid pathways, and
accompanied by an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the skull; the fluid is
usually under increased pressure, but occasionally may be normal or nearly so. It is
typically characterized by enlargement of the head, prominence of the forehead, brain
atrophy, mental deterioration, and convulsions; may be congenital or acquired; and may
be of sudden onset (acute h.) or be slowly progressive (chronic or primary b.).
hyperbaric : characterized by greater than normal pressure or weight; applied to gases
under greater than atmospheric pressure, as hyperbaric oxygen, or to a solution of
greater specific gravity than another taken as a standard of reference.
hypochondriasis (건강염려증, 심기증) 자신의 건강에 대해 미리 걱정하는 것이 특징인 신체
형 장애로서 정상 감각을 과장하거나, 정상적인 신체 징후를 잘못 해석하며, 사소한 불편감
을 심각한 질병이나 질환으로 간주하기도 한다. (so called because it was supposed by the
ancients to be due to disturbed function of the organs of the upper abdomen) (DSM
III-R) a mental disorder characterized by a preoccupation with bodily functions and the
interpretation of normal sensations (such as heart beats, sweating, peristaltic action, and
bowel movements) or minor abnormalities (such as a runny nose, minor aches and
pains, or slightly swollen lymph nodes) as indications of highly disturbing problems
needing medical attention. Negative results of diagnostic evaluations and reassurance by
physicians only increase the patient's anxious concern about his health, and the patient
continues to seek medical attention. Called also hypochondriacal neurosis.
hypothyroidism (갑상선 기능저하증, 갑상선기능부전증) deficiency of thyroid activity. In
adults, it is most common in women and is characterized by decrease in basal metabolic
rate, tiredness and lethargy, sensitivity to cold, and menstrual disturbances. If untreated,
it progresses to full-blown myxoedema. In infants, severe hypothyroidism leads to
cretinism. In juveniles, the manifestations are intermediate, with less severe mental and
developmental retardation and only mild symptoms of the adult form. When due to
pituitary deficiency of thyrotropin secretion it is called secondary hypothyroidism.
ichthyosis : a group of cutaneous disorders characterized by increased or aberrant
keratinization, resulting in noninflammatory scaling of the skin. Many different
metaphors have been used to describe the appearance and texture of the skin in the
various types and stages of ichthyosis, e.g. alligator, collodion, crocodile, fish, and
porcupine skin. Most ichthyoses are genetically determined, while some may be acquired
and develop in association with various systemic diseases or be a prominent feature in
certain genetic syndromes. The term is commonly used alone to refer to i. vulgaris.
impetigo (농가진) a contagious pyoderma caused by direct inoculation of group A
streptococci or Staphylococcus aureus into superficial cutaneous abrasions or
compromised skin, most commonly seen in children, usually located on the face,
especially about the nose and mouth, and characterized by the presence of discrete
fragile vesicles surrounded by an erythematous border that become pustular and rupture
to discharge a thin, amber-coloured seropurulent fluid that dries and forms a thick
yellowish crust; the pustules may spread peripherally with central healing, evolving into
annular, circinate, or gyrate patterns; Called also i. contagiosa, i. vulgaris and
streptococcal i.
individual (개인적) marked by a distinctness and a complexity within a unity that
characterizes organized things, concepts, organic beings and persons.
inflammation (염증) 자극이나 외상에 대한 조직의 방어 반응으로서 발적, 발열, 종창, 그리
고 통증이 특징이다. a localized protective response elicited by injury or destruction of
tissues, which serves to destroy, dilute, or wall off (sequester) both the injurious agent
and the injured tissue. It is characterized in the acute form by the classical signs of
pain (dolour), heat (colour), redness (rubor), swelling (tumour), and loss of function
(functio laesa). Histologically, it involves a complex series of events, including dilatation
of arterioles, capillaries, and venules, with increased permeability and blood flow;
exudation of fluids, including plasma proteins; and leucocytic migration into the
inflammatory focus.
intertrigo : a superficial dermatitis occurring on apposed skin surfaces, such as the
axillae, creases of the neck, intergluteal fold, groin, between the toes, and beneath
pendulous breasts, with obesity being a predisposing factor, caused by moisture, friction,
warmth, and sweat retention, and characterized by erythema, maceration, burning,
itching, and sometimes erosions, fissures, and exudations and secondary infections.
Called also eczema intertrigo.
lipid : any of a heterogeneous group of flats and fatlike substances characterized by
being water-insoluble and being extractable by nonpolar (or fat) solvents such as
alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzene, etc. All contain as a major constituent aliphatic
hydrocarbons. The lipids, which are easily stored in the body, serve as a source of fuel,
are an important constituent of cell structure, and serve other biological functions. Lipids
may be considered to include fatty acids, neutral fats, waxes, and steroids. Compound
lipids comprise the glycolipids, lipoproteins, and phospholipids.
lipophilic : having an affinity for fat; pertaining to or characterized by lipophilia.
lymphocytic : pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of lymphocytes.
osteoarthritis (골관절염) 동의어=degenerative arthritis, degenerative joint disease,
hypertrophic arthritis. 관절 연골, 섬유성 결합조직, 관절내의 관절원판의 퇴행성 변화로 인
해 관절의 변형을 초래하는 만성 질환이다. 후기에는 관절면 변연에 변연성 골증식체
(marginal osteophytes), 골변연 (lipping), 돌기 (spur)로 알려진 새로운 골격조직의 증식을
동반한다. 연골 원섬유화와 연골의 파괴는 염증성 과정이 아니다. 그러나 파괴는 염증을 동
반한다. noninflammatory degenerative joint disease occurring chiefly in older persons,
characterized by degeneration of the articular cartilage, hypertrophy of bone at the
margins, and changes in the synovial membrane. It is accompanied by pain and
stiffness, particularly after prolonged activity.
panniculitis : an inflammatory reaction of the subcutaneous fat, which may involve the
connective tissue septa between the fat lobes, the septa lobules and vessels, or the fat
lobules, characterized by the development of single or multiple cutaneous nodules.
parkinsonism : a group of neurological disorders characterized by hypokinesia, tremor,
and muscular rigidity.
pemphigus (천포창) 치유된 후 착색된 반점을 남기는 지속적으로 속출하는 수포가 특징인
피부 질환으로서 종종 가려움증이나 작열감을 동반한다. a group of chronic, relapsing,
sometimes fatal skin diseases characterized clinically by the development of successive
crops of vesicles and bullae, histologically by acantholysis, and immunologically by
serum autoantibodies directed against antigens in the intracellular zones of the epidermis.
The specific disease is usually indicated by a modifying term; but the term pemphigus
is often used alone to designate pemphigus vulgaris.
pertussis : an acute, highly contagious infection of the respiratory tract, most frequently
affecting young children, usually caused by Bordetella pertussis; a similar illness has
been associated with infection by B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica. It is
characterized by a catarrhal stage, beginning after an incubation period of about two
weeks, with slight fever, sneezing, running at the nose, and a dry cough. In a week or
two the paroxysmal stage begins, with the characteristic paroxysmal cough, consisting
of a deep inspiration, followed by a series of quick, short coughs, continuing until the
air is expelled from the lungs; the close of the paroxysm is marked by a long-drawn,
shrill, whooping inspiration, due to spasmodic closure of the glottis. This stage lasts
three to four weeks, after which the convalescent stage begins, in which paroxysms
grow less frequent and less violent, and finally cease. Called also whooping cough.
pityriasis : a name originally applied to a group of skin diseases characterized by the
formation of fine, branny scales, but now used only with a modifier.
poliomyelitis (회백수염) an acute viral disease, occurring sporadically and in epidemics,
and characterized clinically by fever, sore throat, headache, and vomiting, often with
stiffness of the neck and back. In the minor illness these may be the only symptoms.
The major illness, which may or may not be preceded by the minor illness, is
characterized by involvement of the central nervous system, stiff neck, pleocytosis in the
spinal fluid, and perhaps paralysis. There may be subsequent atrophy of groups of
muscles, ending in contraction and permanent deformity. The major illness is called
acute anterior p., infantile paralysis and Heine-Medin disease. The disease is now
largely controlled by vaccines.
porphyria (프로피린증) a pathological state in man and some lower animals that is often
due to genetic factors, is characterized by abnormalities of porphyrin metabolism, and
results in the excretion of large quantities of porphyrins in the urine and in extreme
sensitivity to light.
positive (양성) having a value greater than zero; indicating existence or presence of a
condition, organism, etc. as chromatin positive or Wassermann positive; characterized by
affirmation or cooperation.
preeclampsia : a toxaemia of late pregnancy characterized by hypertension, edema, and
proteinuria, when convulsions and coma are associated, it is called eclampsia.
proteolytic (단백분해, 단백용해) 1. pertaining to, characterized by, or promoting
proteolysis. 2. an enzyme that promotes proteolysis (= the splitting of proteins by
hydrolysis of the peptide bonds with formation of smaller polypeptides).
pruritic : pertaining to or characterized by pruritus.
psoriasis (건선) a common chronic, squamous dermatosis, marked by exacerbations and
remissions and having a polygenic inheritance pattern. The most distinctive histological
findings in well-developed psoriasis are Munro microabscesses and spongiform pustules.
It is characterized clinically by the presence of rounded, circumscribed, erythematous,
dry scaling patches of various sizes, covered by greyish white or silvery white,
umbilicated, and lamellar scales, which have a predilection for the extensor surfaces,
nails, scalp, genitalia, and lumbosacral region. Central clearing and coalescence of the
lesions produce a wide variety of clinical configurations, including annular or circinate,
discoid or nummular, figurate, and gyrate arrangements. Called also p. vulgaris
psychosis (정신병, 정신증) a mental disorder characterized by gross impairment in
reality testing as evidenced by delusions, hallucinations, markedly incoherent speech, or
disorganized and agitated behaviour without apparent awareness on the part of the
patient of the incomprehensibility of his behaviour; the term is also used in a more
general sense to refer to mental disorders in which mental functioning is sufficiently
impaired as to interfere grossly with the patient's capacity to meet the ordinary
demands of life. Historically, the term has been applied to many conditions, e.g.
manic-depressive psychosis, that were first described in psychotic patients, although
many patients with the disorder are not judged psychotic.
purpura (자반, 자반병, 자반증) 1. a small haemorrhage (up to about 1 cm in diameter) in
the skin, mucous membrane, or serosal surface, which may be caused by various
factors, including blood disorders, vascular abnormalities, and trauma. Purpuric lesions
may be associated with inflammation, in which case they present as papular purpura, or
the haemorrhage may not be accompanied by inflammation, in which case they are
macular. The term also comprises a group of haemorrhagic diseases characterized by the
presence of purpuric lesions , ecchymoses, and a tendency to bruise easily, which may
be caused by decreased platelet counts, the presence of abnormal platelets, vascular
defects, or reactions to certain drugs.
restless : legs legs characterized by or showing inability to remain at rest.
retard (지연) characterized by retarded action, said of a drug when it is supposed to
exercise its maximum effect later in the cycle.
shock 1. a sudden disturbance of mental equilibrium. 2. a condition of profound
haemodynamic and metabolic disturbance characterized by failure of the circulatory
system to maintain adequate perfusion of vital organs; it may result from inadequate
blood volume (hypovolaemic shock); inadequate cardiac function (cardiogenic shock), or
inadequate vasomotor tone (neurogenic shock, septic shock).
spastic : 1. of the nature of or characterized by spasms. 2. hypertonic, so that the
muscles are stiff and the movements awkward. 3. a person exhibiting spasticity, such as
occurs in spastic paralysis or in cerebral palsy.
synovitis (활막염) 감염이나 면역 상태 때문에 관절의 활액 막에 염증이 생긴 것으로서 연
골 퇴행이나 외상에 대해 이차적으로 발생한다. 보통 통증이 나타나는데 특히 움직일 때 심
하다. inflammation of a synovial membrane. It is usually painful, particularly on motion,
and is characterized by a fluctuating swelling due to effusion within a synovial sac.
Synovitis is qualified as fibrinous, gonorrhoeal, hyperplastic, lipomatous, metritic,
puerperal, rheumatic, scarlatinal, syphilitic, tuberculous, urethral, etc.
tetany (파상풍) 1. hyperexcitability of nerves and muscles due to decrease in
concentration of extracellular ionized calcium, which may be associated with such
conditions as parathyroid hypofunction, vitamin D deficiency, and alkalosis or result from
ingestion of alkaline salts; it is characterized by carpopedal spasm, muscular twitching
and cramps, laryngospasm with inspiratory stridor, hyperreflexia and choreiform
movements. 2. tetanus.
tinea (백선) pedis tinea involving the feet, particularly the interdigital spaces and soles,
most often caused by Trichophyton rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, or Epidermophyton
floccosum, and characterized by intensely pruritic lesions varying from mild, chronic, and
scaling to acute exfoliative, pustular and bullous.
tonic : 1. producing and restoring the normal tone. 2. characterized by continuous
tension. 3. a term formerly used for a class of medicinal preparations believed to have
the power of restoring normal tone to tissue.
uricosuric 1. pertaining to, characterized by, or promoting uricosuria (= the excretion of
uric acid in the urine). 2. an agent that promotes uricosuria.
urticaria (담마진, 두드러기) Pathology: a transient condition of the skin, usually caused
by an allergic reaction, characterized by pale or reddened irregular, elevated patches and
severe itching; hives.
Level of Trade
In order to establish whether difference in levels of trade exist, the Department reviews
distribution systems, including categories of customers, selling activities, and levels of selling
expenses for each type of sale. Different levels of trade are typically characterized by purchasers
at different stages in the chain of distribution and sellers performing qualitatively and/or
quantitatively different selling activities. Different levels of trade necessarily involve difference
in selling activities, although differences in selling activities alone are not sufficient to establish
differences in levels of trade. Similarly, customer categories such as "distributor, "wholesaler,"
"retailer," and "end-user" are often use ful in identifying levels of trade, although they, too, are
insufficient in themselves to establish differences in levels of trade. Rather, the Department
evaluates differences in levels of trade based on a seller's entire market process. (Section
351.412(a)-(c) of the Department's regulations.)
거래단계(Level of Trade)
거래단계에서의 차이존재 여부를 입증하기 위하여, 상무부는 거래처
유형, 판매활동, 판매형태별 판매비용 수준 등을 포함하여 분배체계를
검토한다. 거래단계의 차이는 분배과정상 상이한 단계에 위치하는 구매자
와 거래량이나 질적으로 상이한 판매활동을 수행하는 판매자에 의해
특징 지워진다. 비록 판매활동의 차이만으로 거래단계의 차이를 입증
하기에 충분하지는 않지만 거래단계의 차이는 판매활동의 차이와 명백히
관련되어 있다. 마찬가지로 대리점, 도매상, 소매상, 최종소비자 등과
같은 거래처유형도 거래단계의 차이를 입증하는데 충분하지는 않지만
종종 거래단계를 확인하는데 유용한 방법이 된다. 상무부는 판매자의
전체판매과정상의 단계에 기초하여 거래단계의 차이를 평가한다. (규칙(19
CFR) 351.412(a)-(c) 참조)
지역문화 특성화를 위한 공공사인시스템 연구 : 노원구를 중심으로
A Study on the Public Sign System for Characterizing a Local Culture
1. character 성격.특징 characterize 특성을 나타내다 characteristic 특유의,특성 - individuality
개인적 특징 disposition 성질,성향 temper 성질,성미
2. personality 개성.저명인사 person 사람 personal 개인의- personage 명사,인물 personnel 인원,요원
3. duty 의무,관세 dutiful 충실한 duty-free 면세의 - obligation 책무,의무 customs 세관
4. moral 도덕의,윤리적인, 교훈 morality 도덕,덕성 moralist 도덕가,윤리주의자 - ethical 도덕적,윤 리학상의 righteous 옳은 ethics 윤리학
5. virtue 미덕,장점 virtuous 덕이 높은 virtual 사실상의 - vice 부도덕,악행 evil 나쁜,사악한 merit 장점
B08 달리분류되지 않은 피부 및 점막병소가 특징인 기타 바이러스 감염(Other viral infections characterized
by skin and mucous membrane lesions, NEC)
제외:소수포성 구내염 바이러스 질환(vesicular stomatitis virus disease)(A93.8)
B08.0 기타 오르토폭스바이러스 감염 (Other orthopoxvirus infections)
양두 바이러스 질환(Orf virus disease)
가우두[젖짜는 사람의 결절](Pseudocowpox [milker's node])
B08.1 전염성 연속종(Molluscum contagiosum)
B08.2 돌발성 발진 [제6병](Exanthema subitum [sixth disease])
B08.3 감염성 홍반 [제5병](Erythema infectiosum [fifth disease])
B08.4 발진을 동반한 엔테로바이러스 소수포성 구내염(Enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthem)
수족구병(Hand, foot and mouth disease)
B08.5 엔테로바이러스 소수포성 인두염(Enteroviral vesicular pharyngitis)
포진성 구협염(Herpangina)
B08.8 기타 명시된 피부 및 점막병소가 특징인 바이러스 감염(Other specified viral infections characterized
by skin and mucous membrane lesions)
엔테로바이러스 림프결절성 인두염(Enteroviral lymphonodular pharyngitis)
족구병(Foot and mouth disease)
타나폭스 바이러스 질환(Tanapox virus disease)
야바 폭스 바이러스 질환(Yaba pox virus disease)
B09 피부 및 점막병소가 특징인 상세불명의 바이러스 감염(Unspecified viral infection characterized by
skin and mucous membrane lesions)
바이러스성 점막진(Viral enanthema) NOS
바이러스성 발진(Viral exanthema) NOS
Z73 생활-관리 어려움에 관련된 문제(Problems related to life-management difficulty)
제외 : 사회경제 및 정신사회적인 상황에 관련된 문제(problems related to socioeconomic and
Z73.0 정력 소모(Burn-out)
생명력 소모상태(State of vital exhaustion)
Z73.1 인격적 특성의 항진(Accentuation of personality traits)
A 형태의 행동양상(억제되지 않은 야망, 높은 성취욕, 조급, 경쟁 및 시간에 쫓기는 느낌으로 특징지
어지는)(Type A behaviour pattern(characterized by unbridled ambition, a need for high
achievement, impatience, competitiveness, and a sense of urgency)
Z73.2 휴식 및 여가의 결여(Lack of relaxation and leisure)
Z73.3 달리 분류되지 않은 스트레스(Stress, NEC)
육체적 및 정신적 긴장(Physical and mental strain) NOS
제외:취업 또는 실업에 관련(related to employment or unemployment)(Z56.-)
Z73.4 달리 분류되지 않은 부적절한 사회적 숙련(Inadequate social skills. NEC)
Z73.5 달리 분류되지 않은 사회적 역할 갈등(Social role conflict, NEC)
Z73.6 무능력으로 인한 활동의 제한(Limitation of activities due to disability)
제외:간호제공자 의존성(care-provider dependency) (Z74.-)
Z73.8 기타 생활-관리 어려움에 관련된 문제(Other problems related to life-management difficulty)
Z73.9 상세불명의 생활-관리 어려움에 관련된 문제(Problem related to life-management difficulty,
Chagas disease; Acute disease generally occurs in children,
characterized by variable fever, malaise, lymphadenophady
and hepato-splenomegaly. Infectious agent; Trypanosoma cruzi.
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